| Thread
Dragondack |
Posted: 2007/9/6 22:32 Updated: 2007/9/6 22:32 |
The Great Eternal Dragon   Joined: 2004/2/9 From: Edmonton,Alberta,Canada Posts: 11283 |
 Re: The Cricketeer! Quote: he can come over and hang with my characters Fireant, Killer Bee, and Black Ant... they would make a good team.  The Bug Corps, Bugs of Justice any more?
Darkwinter999 |
Posted: 2007/8/31 6:43 Updated: 2007/8/31 6:43 |
superhero   Joined: 2007/3/10 From: the Shadow World Posts: 492 |
 Re: The Cricketeer! You know there's already a cockroach villian right? Roach Coach! (Powder Puff Girls!  )
Lady Heromorph |
Posted: 2007/8/27 10:49 Updated: 2007/8/27 10:49 |
Official Award   Joined: 2005/10/21 From: Mammoth Mountain Posts: 5502 |
 Re: The Cricketeer! This image made Lady Heromorph's Top Ten Images of the Week ending August 25th 2007
KER1 |
Posted: 2007/8/23 7:08 Updated: 2007/8/23 7:08 |
Supreme being   Joined: 2006/5/26 From: NYC Posts: 581 |
 Re: The Cricketeer! I gotta say I'm really diggin' this! Every thing about it is very kool!
Posted: 2007/8/21 13:09 Updated: 2007/8/21 13:09 |
superhero   Joined: 2007/3/17 From: Toronto, ON Posts: 360 |
 Re: The Cricketeer! Great artwork. Nice idea. Here's another power you can add to your list. He can go into stealth mode when approached - just like crickets go silent when they sense you nearby.
JrMcDeath |
Posted: 2007/8/20 15:11 Updated: 2007/8/20 15:11 |
Kling on HM (WebMaster!)   Joined: 2004/7/19 From: My Box Posts: 6994 |
 Re: The Cricketeer!  he can come over and hang with my characters Fireant, Killer Bee, and Black Ant... they would make a good team.  I like this dude... 
jediadept |
Posted: 2007/8/19 17:50 Updated: 2007/8/19 17:50 |
Gold Member   Joined: 2004/5/15 From: Living in the Land of Confusion Posts: 715 |
 Re: The Cricketeer! I really like the look of this. btw, crickets and roaches are VERY close cousins
DarqueImages |
Posted: 2007/8/19 13:20 Updated: 2007/8/19 13:20 |
Herald   Joined: 2003/8/26 From: halfway between limbo and purgatory Posts: 1177 |
 Re: The Cricketeer! interesting concept.... now do one of a cockroach 
bhm1954 |
Posted: 2007/8/19 9:19 Updated: 2007/8/19 9:19 |
Hero to the stars   Joined: 2005/7/18 From: Moses Lake, Washington Posts: 2852 |
 Re: The Cricketeer! I like this, he has an interesting set of powers. Nice job on the art also.