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Photo No. 1-28 (out of 28 photos hit)

Airbrushed Wonder Woman

Airbrushed Wonder WomanPopular
SubmitterjoshmcMore Photos from joshmc   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2008/6/23 21:25
Hits4296  Comments10    
This started as a black and white tonal exercise that later got coloured.  The design is based of one of my earlier WW photo manipulations but with some further tweaks.  Not really a big fan of airbrushing as I like to see artistic strokes but I thought I'd try something different.  Used a stock image as reference from Marcus Ranum over at Deviant Art (, about 12 hours work I'd say for the black and white portion and about 90 mins or so for the colouring.


SubmitterjoshmcMore Photos from joshmc   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2007/2/10 4:52
Hits6651  Comments14    
Upon browsing through the various photomanips here I noticed a distinct lack of Batgirl images, so I thought I'd make her my next project. This was a real pain to do but I'm happy with the end product.  Anne Hathaway was the young lady I chose after I found a nice pose of her and combined it with a different headshot.  Then came the real fun bit, finding as many hi-res images from Batman Begins, which after several hours, lead me to only 4 decent images, half of which were ridiculously dark.  I then had to substitute various parts of the outfit with everything from leather to wetsuits to latex, basically whatever I could find to match.  Ohh the pain!!  Pretty much based the entire suit off the latest Batman flick, no real changes except some subtle details to fit with the female form.  Started this on Dec 2, finished on Feb 10.  This is the first and last time I do a Batgirl, you couldn't pay me to do another one.  Never, ever, ever again.....

Batman and Catwoman

Batman and CatwomanPopular
SubmitterjoshmcMore Photos from joshmc   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2009/3/16 23:45
Hits5174  Comments7    
Took a promo image from The Dark Knight and combined it with a perfectly position body stock image (courtesy of Marcus J. Runum stock images), Batman is of coarse Christian Bale (who has hopefully calmed down :) ), Catwoman is Marion Cotillard. Ah the Bat and the Cat, will we ever see them on screen again? Who knows.


SubmitterjoshmcMore Photos from joshmc   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2009/11/5 11:44
Hits3322  Comments2    
New Nolan-ised Catwoman design featuring Marion Cotillard as the femme fatale.  


SubmitterjoshmcMore Photos from joshmc   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2007/12/14 20:11
Hits4726  Comments16    
I've been wanting to do Catwoman for ages but could never come up with a good idea, finally after watching a film about a bank heist lthe ideas came!  The goal was to get away from the traditional skin tight leather / dominatrix look to the character.  Basically again tried to find a design to fit into the Nolan film series and used Keri Russell as my model.  I based this design off her most recent comic book outfit but gave it my own twist, in fact I don't expect many to agree with this interpretation.  Most of the materials are neoprene, the only leather is in the mask and gloves, I figure leather's harder to move in and being a burglar, you'd want to be fast.  Equipped her with a variety of tools, was a bit unsure of whether to include the whip or not, but it's not really Catwoman without a whip so I added it anyway.  Used some subtle colours, slight purple and grey as a bit of a tribute to outfits of years past, normally I would have made it straight black  but I figure lets be adventurous!  I'm quite happy with the end result of this. (Slight update, didn't emphasize that there are two parts to the mask enough.)

Catwoman - No Allegiance

Catwoman - No AllegiancePopular
SubmitterjoshmcMore Photos from joshmc   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2008/5/11 21:21
Hits3779  Comments11    
Second in the new series. Same as before, Painter IX with Wet Gouche and a touch of Photoshop. I've based this off my other Catwoman designs but have tried to slim it down further, I keep getting complaints that my Catwoman artworks are too bulky, so hopefully this will please more people. Subtle purples and blues, I didn't want just straight black, although that won't happen if they do add the character to the current movie series. At least 12 hours (maybe more) using an image or Marion Cotillard as reference.

Catwoman 2.0

Catwoman 2.0Popular
SubmitterjoshmcMore Photos from joshmc   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2010/3/25 6:09
Hits3387  Comments6    
A way better redesign of my previous Catwoman, I have no idea what the hell I was thinking with the last one.  Marion Cotillard is the model.

DC Trinity

DC TrinityPopular
SubmitterjoshmcMore Photos from joshmc   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2009/3/16 23:47
Hits4798  Comments10    
Is this not the DC fanboy dream?  To be honest I don?t care much for the idea of having a JL film, especially one involving Nolan?s Batman (but that?s an argument for another day!). One of the things I get requested the most is something Justice League related and whilst this isn?t quite JL, it?s DC Comcs? Big Three,

Green Lantern

Green LanternPopular
SubmitterjoshmcMore Photos from joshmc   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2009/11/5 11:37
Hits3665  Comments8    
A taste of things to come perhaps?  Ryan Reynolds as how he may look in the upcoming Green Lantern.

Harley Quinn

Harley QuinnPopular
SubmitterjoshmcMore Photos from joshmc   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2007/6/23 2:54
Hits4830  Comments13    
I needed a break from doing the Heroines, so I thought I'd try my hand at of DC's Bad Girls.  This was real challenging trying to find a balance between the Harley Quinn everyone knows and one that may appear in the latest Batman film series.  I broke my own rule of not using the same actress more than once, but Kristen Bell seems to be a fan favourite to play the part, so this ones for them!  I used the recent pic of the Joker as inspiration, I theorize she's more like an obsessed fan, hence the smeared makeup and dark eyes.  Kept the colour scheme in the suit reasonably similar in style and pattern, but added some subtle touches like the diamond patterns and the jacket.  The jester hat was the hardest thing to get right, I tried various hair styles to mimic her usual headware but nothing looked really convincing.  This hat is combination of several different jester hats.  Ultimately, the goal of this was to make this girl look more dangerous and threatening than her comic book counterpart.

Harley Quinn

Harley QuinnPopular
SubmitterjoshmcMore Photos from joshmc   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2009/11/6 12:25
Hits3287  Comments2    
Love holds no boundaries, even in the criminally insane.  Kristen Bell as Harley Quinn.

Harley Quinn - No Innocence

Harley Quinn - No InnocencePopular
SubmitterjoshmcMore Photos from joshmc   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2008/6/5 0:06
Hits3555  Comments11    
Third in my illustrative series. Pure Painter IX this time, Wet Gouache and Sponge, no Photoshop this time round. This is based off another Harley Quinn design of mine, I went with a more looser style of clothing, almost pajama like, I think I'm now finally content with this Nolan-ised Harley design, I've tried several different versions, but this design is the best. This were going along well until I realised I accidentally reversed the colours, but I kept it as is coz it was gonna be too much trouble changing them around. Used an image of Kristen Bell as reference, at least 10 hours work.

Harley Quinn Dark Knight Still

Harley Quinn Dark Knight StillPopular
SubmitterjoshmcMore Photos from joshmc   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2008/4/9 16:28
Hits7256  Comments17    
I was gonna spread this as an April Fools gag but chickened out, had an elaborate plan to collaborate with several comic and film websites in orchestrating the hoax stating it was a leaked still from The Dark Knight, but the fear of an internet backlash persuaded me otherwise (would have been hilarious though).  


SubmitterjoshmcMore Photos from joshmc   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2007/10/13 0:06
Hits6074  Comments22    
This one has been the thorn in my side for almost 18 months but finally it is done!  This was actually the second manip I ever started but no matter how many times I tried, I just couldn't get it working, something was always just not right.  As I'm no expert in the intricate details of Hawkgirl's history, I've based this character on the Justice League animated Hawkgirl, however the clothing design is a sort of combination of the various versions of her.  Rose McGowan is our model (although you'd hardly recognise her).  I wanted to make her really combat ready, however I kept the overall armour light, I theorise that heavy armour would hamper her flying ability and also gave her tight leather clothing to help with wind resistance.  I've acid etched the helm and stained the clothing, bracers and boots with Thanagarian symbols and patterns, well my own version of them anyway, and gave the helm some scarring to make it look as if it's seen battle.  The helm was the hardest part, it took forever to get it right, but it was worth it!


SubmitterjoshmcMore Photos from joshmc   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2007/3/23 22:03
Hits5945  Comments16    
This was suppose to be my fifth entry but after I got stuck on the fourth, this got elevated, but I've noticed Huntress has quite a following so I figured it's a more logical choice anyway.  This was cool to work on, I took the based design of the current comic look and combined it with what I'd imagine seeing in the Chris Nolan Batman universe.  Eva Mendez is the lucky lady cast. Although she doesn't really fit the description of the character, the pose I found of her worked great so I figured eh close enough!  Got rid of the cape, instead gave her a sleeveless leather coat and left the colours somewhat similar to the comic but toned them down.  The hardest part was the mask.  I noticed as I was creating it just how silly Huntress looks when you try and create a realistic version of her comic mask, took me a while to work out a good balance between comic and reality.  Gave her some kick arse gloves I found, added the finer details and presto!  Started early January finished late back to that one I've yet to finish!

If Women Ruled The Earth - Haley Two-Face

If Women Ruled The Earth - Haley Two-FacePopular
SubmitterjoshmcMore Photos from joshmc   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2009/6/15 14:13
Hits3421  Comments8    
And every great story as a tragic character.  Hilary Swank as Haley Two-Face.

If Women Ruled The Earth - The Dark Dame

If Women Ruled The Earth - The Dark DamePopular
SubmitterjoshmcMore Photos from joshmc   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2009/6/15 14:08
Hits4587  Comments8    
Ever wondered what The Dark Knight would look like if it were an all female cast?  Let's find out!  First off Anne Hathaway as The Dark Dame.

If Women Ruled The Earth - The Jokeress

If Women Ruled The Earth - The JokeressPopular
SubmitterjoshmcMore Photos from joshmc   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2009/6/15 14:11
Hits3194  Comments2    
Every hero needs their villain.  Abbie Cornish as the Jokeress.  


SubmitterjoshmcMore Photos from joshmc   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2009/11/20 11:44
Hits7821  Comments10    
New Supergirl manip, featuring Amber Heard as the girl of steel.


SubmitterjoshmcMore Photos from joshmc   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2007/4/27 23:47
Hits9708  Comments23    
After completion of my first manip Wonder Woman, I decided to challenge myself with my favourite DC lady Supergirl.  Upon browsing various blonde actresses, I came across several photos of actress Kristen Bell (of Veronica Mars fame) and combined them.  I then found as many Hi-res promo and magazine images from the latest Superman flick and began work.  Everything on the outfit where made from the 5 or 6 Superman Returns images I found.  Unlike my previous Wonder Woman manip, I left the outfit pretty much unchanged from the most recent comic book style but did take some liberties in the colour scheme, most notably the skirt which I change from blue to red due to the blue being too dominant in the outfit.  Also added a touch of gold to the skirt as well.  Started this in early August and finished it Dec 1.  

UPDATE - Apr 2007: The amount of mistakes in the original was bugging the hell out of me since day one so I redesigned pretty much the whole thing.  New skirt, boots, shirt, cape and background also added some subtle textures and details to the outfit.  Now I'm much happier.

The Amazon Princess

The Amazon PrincessPopular
SubmitterjoshmcMore Photos from joshmc   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2008/2/9 23:56
Hits10617  Comments19    
Following The Dark Knight and The Man of Steel film sequel titles, it seems only appropriate that my second Wonder Woman design be titled The Amazon Princess.  Cobie Smulders is the model again, really couldn't be bothered finding new images for someone else so I just used what I had of her.  Figured it would be easier to just start from scratch instead of trying to alter the previous one.  Whilst I'm fine with how the first turned out, I tried to be a little more faithful to the comic design, whilst still giving it my own twist, giving her some cool patterns and texture and a mix of leather and armour.  Went through several variations on the skirt and the footwear, the only thing that didn't change from start to finish was the tiara.  The belt I gave some cool Greek patterns and some icons representing the Gods and the breastplate I gave more of a bronze look.  Really glad with how this turned out.  

The Dark Knightess

The Dark KnightessPopular
SubmitterjoshmcMore Photos from joshmc   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2007/9/8 21:28
Hits7139  Comments21    
Enough of my own viral marketing, here it is!  I said I'd never do another Batgirl, but that damn Chris Nolan had to go a head and change the suit design for the sequel so I figured I might as well follow suit.  Basically, the only reference I used, indeed the only reference I had for a long time was the profile shot of the new outfit release a few months back.  It was all pretty much guess work and when those leaked pics got out on the net a few weeks ago, I was finally able to tweak the design even further.  This is the most complex thing I've ever created, something like 300 layers were used, lots of custom pieces, countless hours in my spare time.  Anne Hathaway suited the role before, so there's was no point changing that, just used a slightly different image. The result is 1000 times better than the original Batgirl I did before, infact it pains me to look at that one.  The Dark Knightess has arrived!

The Joker and Harley Quinn

The Joker and Harley QuinnPopular
SubmitterjoshmcMore Photos from joshmc   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2009/3/16 23:43
Hits3542  Comments6    
Been a while since I posted stuff here.  I actually had the idea brewing for sometime. I found an image of my default Harley Kristen Bell that matched beautifully with a promo image of The Joker. Sadly we?ll never get to see an actual image like this on film.:(

Two Face - No Justice

Two Face - No JusticePopular
SubmitterjoshmcMore Photos from joshmc   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2008/5/3 21:11
Hits3410  Comments9    
First of a new series I'm doing, done in Painter IX with Wet Gouche, and a touch of photo manipulation in Photoshop. This is how I imagine Two Face looking, mainly going off comments by Aaron Eckhart and that toy image that got leaked. A little gruesome, in fact it's probably on the extreme side, but I like how it's come off. Spent several hours on this using a movie image of Eckhart as reference.

Wonder Woman

Wonder WomanPopular
SubmitterjoshmcMore Photos from joshmc   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2009/11/5 11:44
Hits5494  Comments16    
A battered and bruised Wonder Woman stands victorious after the final battle.  Cobie Smulders as Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman

Wonder WomanPopular
SubmitterjoshmcMore Photos from joshmc   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2007/6/11 17:41
Hits7386  Comments25    
After coming across this site a while ago, I decided to challenge myself to a photo manipulation challenge of Wonder Woman.  I went for a more realistic approach to the outfit, a suit she would wear in battle and one that shows off her Greek heritage, I was thinking more of what they could make if and when they make the movie.  

UPDATE - JUNE 2007: After my last 2 pieces had come up so well I had to revisit this and change it dramatically.  Almost a complete reworking top to bottom.  I remember Joss Whendon jokingly wanting Cobie Smulders in the role when he was doing the film, so I figured I change the model to her    I did quite a bit of research in Greek armor to get this looking right.  I tried to strike a balance between the traditional Wonder Woman costume and ancient Greek armor.  The result is a lot better then the original to which I am much happier.

Wonder Woman Movie Still

Wonder Woman Movie StillPopular
SubmitterjoshmcMore Photos from joshmc   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2008/4/15 13:32
Hits4386  Comments11    
I liked how my last 'movie still' came out so I thought I'd knock up another one. I've always envisioned that a Wonder Woman film would end in a climatic battle between her and Ares on the cliffs of her home island whilst Amazons and Men unite against the armies of Ares invading the island, so I decided to make this shot look like the aftermath of that final battle sequence with a victorious yet battered and bruised Diana reflecting the event.  Image is of Cobie Smulders.  

Wonder Woman Promo

Wonder Woman PromoPopular
SubmitterjoshmcMore Photos from joshmc   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2010/11/5 0:21
Hits4040  Comments12    
New Wonder Woman promo featuring Jaimie Alexander as the Amazon princess.

Photo No. 1-28 (out of 28 photos hit)
