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Unicorn March Madness-Day 57-Beam

Unicorn March Madness-Day 57-BeamPopular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2012/4/6 22:50
Hits1550  Comments0    

Unicorn March Madness-Day 62-Greco

Unicorn March Madness-Day 62-GrecoPopular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2012/4/9 7:17
Hits1549  Comments0    

Evil Rising

Evil RisingPopular
SubmitterDark WandererMore Photos from Dark Wanderer   Last Update2014/10/17 18:49
Hits1549  Comments3    
It took a while to get this up. Here is part of the evil rising. Prelude to the Heroes Call Challenge from the beginning of the year.  

Test Driving The New Server...

Test Driving The New Server...Popular
SubmitterMachobubbaMore Photos from Machobubba   Last Update2013/1/27 0:39
Hits1548  Comments2    
Another test drive for the new server...

Obsidian and the floating city.jpg

Obsidian and the floating city.jpgPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2015/9/24 1:17
Hits1545  Comments1    
At the request of his mistress Obsidian Mask travels to the outer rim of the Andromeda galaxy to a small nondescript mountainous world, the planet is unremarkable save for one notable feature...the floating city of Aldorand. The city is known for the sages that reside there as well as the magical secrets they keep. it is though to be merely a legend but the of course the Goddess of Intrigue would know better. Standing atop a high peak of a nearby mountaintop Obsidian view the city in the distance. Once there he hopes to find a way to track down and defeat Nechronos once and for all.

Coming Attractions?

Coming Attractions?Popular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2015/5/17 22:08
Hits1544  Comments3    
Something possibly in the works.

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!Popular
SubmitterDark WandererMore Photos from Dark Wanderer   Last Update2018/12/24 4:38
Hits1544  Comments5    


Submitterhiram67More Photos from hiram67   Last Update2014/12/16 13:20
Hits1543  Comments4    

dragon goddess

dragon goddessPopular
Submittervash99More Photos from vash99   Last Update2016/2/25 2:47
Hits1543  Comments3    
its said that the goddess of dragons created the first 2 as her own children and treated them as such
the red dragon is named Oscar after my grandfather
the gold is named Elise after my grandmother

please keep it down Oscar is sleeping

Unicorn Comics Coming Attractions - Rogue 6

Unicorn Comics Coming Attractions - Rogue 6Popular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2016/3/4 13:54
Hits1543  Comments2    
Rogue 6 is the adventures of a former covert Meta-Ops team for hire, who under sinister circumstances now find themselves wanted individuals for reasons unknown to them. The team disbanded after the death of their former leader, but are drawn back together when their benefactor, Justin Black disappears. Now they must put aside their differences and adjust to a new team leader in order to clear their names and find Black.
Preview pages can be found here:

The Scions of Justice.jpg

The Scions of Justice.jpgPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2014/8/22 13:13
Hits1542  Comments5    
My most ambitious project to date 9 count em 9 Genesis models in one shot (Okay for me that's a lot) and I present to you....The Scions of Justice. From left to right :
Batmaster, Thunderbolt, Silver Beetle (the 4th), Spydra, Panterra (front Center), Cerebron (Front Rear), Scarlet Bow, The Black Scarab, Obsidian Mask, and lastly Infinity Man. This shot took less than 30 minutes to render and I am very proud of it. Furthermore there is very little post work in this image...mostly at the feet where the models didn't quite touch the floor. I would love to hear what you think of my team.

You know he's dead right?

You know he's dead right?Popular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2014/8/27 19:28
Hits1542  Comments0    
A techno-ninja stalks an IGFW officer aboard a freighter, his stealth suit enabling him to avoid the internal sensors. The final fate for this Rayalan officer...death. Techno-ninjas like their ancestors are intrusion specialists and masters of theft, sabotage, and murder. However,like any good assassin they are well versed in the use of modern technology to make themselves the ultimate in stealth operations. Holographic devices, universal translators, and nano-surveillance equipment make them truly formidable and place them in high demand.  Each member of their clan is expected (as in ancient times) to maintain multiple lives and be prepared to give his or her life for the clan.  They also enjoy the support of the clan and it's resources.

In game terms, players who opt for the vocation Ninja begin play with a selection of weapons and equipment provided by their clan, they also know the location of at least 2 safe houses and 3 additional operatives who can help them with fencing, forging, and stocking normal and specialized weapons. The only drawback is that the clan is fully in charge of who the Ninja can have as friends, where the Ninja can live, and who the Ninja may marry or date. It is possible to attempt to have allies adopted into the clan but this is a  rare thing indeed. Each candidate must abide by the rules of the clan and like The Ninja are subject to the same restrictions, any betrayal by an adopted member is the responsibility of the Ninja who sponsored the betrayer. As such, That Ninja is honor bound to hunt down, and bring in, or kill the traitor. The Ninja himself will himself be bound by a death pact if he cannot resolve the situation to the Jonin's (Clan leader) satisfaction either by clearing the culprit, Killing the traitor or forfeiting his/her own life.

Unicorn Comics 30 for 30 [2014] - Day Four: Iguanina

Unicorn Comics 30 for 30 [2014] - Day Four: IguaninaPopular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2014/12/4 11:55
Hits1541  Comments2    
It's kinda hard to make a lizard-chick look appealing, but I gave it my best shot.

Daddy's Home.jpg

Daddy's Home.jpgPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2015/8/9 0:27
Hits1541  Comments3    
What happened here? Answer me !!! I'm certain the Black Mantis would actually want me to answer him.  The trouble with that is, he's choking the life out of me. I try to pry his fingers loose but it's a futile effort at best, I hear the servos audibly strain against his physical power and even my cybernetics start shorting out. Everything gets all snowy like when you're watching a video with poor reception.  I always though this sonofabitch would kill me, I just didn't think it would be today. The whole world starts going black and his booming voice becomes a mere echo in the distance and just as I make peace with the end...

"Gaaah <hack> <cough> Wha, what happened?  Am I dead?"

I'm surprised to feel air filling my lungs although m,y throat feels like it was massaged by an elephant.

"No, you're not dead Obsidian...not yet.  You have much to answer for. For example, why is may eldest child lay there bereft of life and yet you stand before aglow with her divine might? Did you deceive her, just to become a god? I know how it's done, how do you think I gained my divine status?"

His voice is cold as ice and I'm more terrified than I've ever been in my entire life. He could have ended me quickly with a twist if his wrist but I don't think he wanted to or I'd be dead where I stand.

"I was attacked, she came to help, and she was run through with my blade."

I've never seen his face and I'm quite certain that the visage I see now is some kind of illusion but his glowing eyes feel as if they're burning a hole into my soul.

"If what you say is true then why do you have her powers?"

"The assailant didn't stick around, I doubt he knew she was a goddess. She died in my arms and told me this divine power was a gift and not to throw my life away but all I want to do is kill the bastard who took her from me!"

We hadn't known each other long but it felt like an eternity,a blissful forever, that was stolen from me by some cruel twist of fate.

"Why didn't you kill him? He was holding your enchanted blade was he not?"

Here's the good part and I'd like to hear his opinion on why this guy didn't die.

"I tried, I spoke the command phrase but nothing happened. All I know is that this guy was trained by my clan. The move he used to disarm me was created by them..'

"Why did you relinquish your blade?"

I thought for sure I could easily kill him using the sword's failsafe but it didn't work and all I got for my trouble was skewered. That's when Moonshadow showed up and this guy didn't miss a beat, he turned on his heels and ran her through too."

"There is only one possibility that would explain why he didn't die when you spoke the command...He is you."


I can't believe my ears, there's no way this can be true.

"He is either form an alternate timeline, or a clone."


The words ring in my ears as I remember Razor cutting off my arm. Yeah, that would be more than enough raw DNA to do the job. It would certainly explain how he just waltzed right in here without the alarms going ape shit.

"Wait a second, even with accelerated growth how could anyone make a clone that has my fighting skills?"

The Black Mantis reverts back to his diminutive self with a flash, and seems more somber now.

"It is possible though few besides those in my pantheon are familiar with the magics involved, one could create a clone that possesses all of the knowledge and skills of the original. However, it would still die from the enchantments on your sword...this is something else.  As of now, I am formally requesting your assistance, our standard arrangement plus a bonus should suffice. I want you to find my daughter's killer and bring back his head and only his head. I also want you to find out who created him or how he came to be. If there is anyone responsible, I want to know who it is so that I might deal with them myself."

One name immediately comes to mind.

"Nechronos, that was the name of the guy who I most recently crossed paths with.  He sent an old enemy of mine after me and that was how I lost my arm."

He seems puzzled at that last part, I guess he's not omniscient.

"Your arm? Yes that would suffice for a small army of clones, you may be in for more trouble than I first suspected. Let me see your arm."

I show him my cybernetic limb and he as I watch it materializes into an actual arm. I knew he do things like this but when everything we know says I have to wait to fix it and that I can't do it at all without Razor's sword, and then this guy just waves his hand I have to wonder...what the hell does he ever need me for?

"I'm curious Obsidian, why didn't you just repair it with cloned material?"

"Good question. It seems my old adversary used a mythril sword that not only prevents healing but can also stand up to my Infinitium sword."

"Oh is this so? I want to see this blade, show it to me."

I don't often say not to this guy and this is a simple request. I take him to where we're keeping the sword and as he walks into the room I hear him start to laugh.

"Hahaha, do you know what you have here?"

"No." I say stupidly

"This is not a mythril blade, this is an Infinitium blade."

"Um my scanners revealed it to be mythril."

"It was design to cloak itself from detection, I should know...I forged it and I enchanted it. However, this should be in my vault.  Someone has betrayed me or this Nechronos found a way to steal from me. So be it, take this blade, it is yours now and will obey your commands as your previous sword did. They share many of the same powers save that this one is further enchanted to prevent healing of any kind.  You are lucky to have escaped with your life.  You can of course reverse the effects but you need to know the sword's name to do that."

"What is the sword's name?"

"Doombringer.  I have bound it to you, use it well, but I will have it returned once you have yours safely back in your hands.  Now onto more important business.  YOU will need to learn how to use your divine abilities, and for that we must return to my realm. Incidentally, did Moonshadow ever tell you what sphere she was goddess of?"

"No.  It never came up, and I didn't want to take advantage of her like that anyway."

"Oh didn't you? I believe you took advantage of her abilities repeatedly."

"No I didn't I only ever asked her to use your resources to help...hunt...down...Razor.  What are you trying to say?"

"She was the goddess of secrets, Goddess of shadows, and espionage. In short she was the patron of spies, and intrigue. You called on her often, and I dare say that someone with your particular talents should be able to make great use of her powers. Her divine form was truly something to behold, half spider half dark elf.  I can't wait to see what form you take.  Come lets be off we have much to do and you have much to learn."

Yeah after that speech I'm getting rid of these powers whatever may be, at the first opportunity, but only after I've dealt with Nechronos, and my cliche is that really?

Unicorn 30 in 30-Day Twelve - Lightfoot

Unicorn 30 in 30-Day Twelve - LightfootPopular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2013/1/11 20:48
Hits1540  Comments2    
and now i'm a day ahead

Obsidian to the rescue

Obsidian to the rescuePopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2014/7/17 13:21
Hits1538  Comments5    
An upcoming panel from my next installment of: Rise of the Anti-Scion...Of course obsidian will still be sporting his Gen 2 armor...Can't wait to have him in that Gen 3.

Unicorn 31 in 30-Day Twenty-Seven - Straight G

Unicorn 31 in 30-Day Twenty-Seven - Straight GPopular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2012/9/29 0:32
Hits1535  Comments1    
Here's another. the last three can be found here...

Unicorn March Madness-Day 14-DemonDark

Unicorn March Madness-Day 14-DemonDarkPopular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2012/3/22 1:13
Hits1534  Comments0    
do i hafta say?

Unicorn 30 in 30-Day Five-Paragon

Unicorn 30 in 30-Day Five-ParagonPopular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2011/9/6 1:05
Hits1534  Comments0    
still coming at ya

The thief

The thiefPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2016/11/17 7:07
Hits1534  Comments3    
I have tracked her here, but, she is crafty and she has magic to hide her presence from me.  No matter, she will not evade my newest addition, assuming he takes this job. There's a lot of bad blood between us, especially after I tried to get my daughter to seduce him...heh, it was fun to watch though. He's such a sap. Always the victim, but never crying foul. As if being that way will balance out things in his favor somehow.  The fates have been cruel to that one, constantly stealing what little happiness he can scrape together. You'd think he'd be easy pickings for me, I can offer him everything but for some reason he wants to earn it..It's nopt like he'd be my lave but then again maybe that's not how he sees it. Oh well, I better find out what he needs most so I can have some leverage...hmm.

I can't believe I was so stupid, how could I have ignored the signs,  the spells went off just as they should and every warning  was there, one lone woman comes in and steals my greatest trophy.  Not just any trophy but the head of my greatest foe...Should she somehow figure out how to remove it from it's infinitium casing I and mine will have our hands full.  Parata was no laughing matter when he was alive and his return will be no laughing matter should he return.  Obsidian and the others defeated him before through deception, despite how much more powerful he was than them. They are the unknown element...still.  I'm hoping maybe Obsidian can recover Parata's head and save everyone from a clash of cosmic proportions.

It never fails to amaze me how every great once in a while there comes a mortal who can dupe even the most powerful and wise if divine beings, and while Obsidian may be immortal,  Maybe his lack of divine status, and lack of arrogance will give him the edge he needs to find this girl and save everyone I find it funny and just a bit ironic that it is what he lacks that will aid him most. I'll have to reward him well if he pulls this off.


SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2016/5/18 19:10
Hits1534  Comments1    

Something Different

Something DifferentPopular
SubmitterDark WandererMore Photos from Dark Wanderer   Last Update2016/6/29 23:15
Hits1534  Comments4    
I wanted to try something a little different that what I normally do.

Unicorn 30 in 30-Day Six-Lotus Sting

Unicorn 30 in 30-Day Six-Lotus StingPopular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2014/1/7 16:01
Hits1533  Comments3    
The designated team field leader of the Snapdragons. Although she and her sisters work together it doesn't mean they always get along. As the oldest Lucy often has a hard time getting the respect she feels she deserves from not only her younger siblings but her father as well.

Look What I Did!...

Look What I Did!...Popular
SubmitterMachobubbaMore Photos from Machobubba   Last Update2016/11/6 17:03
Hits1533  Comments0    
Some Old Art...


SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2017/6/29 13:12
Hits1533  Comments2    
An despite her efforts to avoid it her wardrobe malfunctions always end up on heroineassesdotcom....

Birdwoman drawing 2

Birdwoman drawing 2Popular
SubmitterTazmanMore Photos from Tazman   Last Update2013/3/21 16:25
Hits1531  Comments2    
artwork done back in the 80's. When color pencils ruled. enjoy!


SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2015/8/10 4:30
Hits1531  Comments2    
In the realm of the Black Mantis I find that time passes differently, for every month I spend here only a minute passes in my own world, and because of this I am able to take the time to learn how to use my newly acquired divine powers.  I gain all of the aspects of a spider, and have insane uses for webs, as well as the knowledge of secrets. No mortal can hide form me what I wish to know. I have the ability to make a mortal willing tell me anything, I can absorb the information contained in any medium simply by touching it. Books, computers anything, I know passwords to all mortal devices with absolute certainty and I find there's roughly a 60% chance I know the password of any magical device about 80% if it's mortal made.  And I don't need my sword to use magic, no I know just about every spell there is and if i don't know it , it doesn't exist.   This is how Moonshadow was able to find my quarry so quickly and so accurately, the black mantis was right I was using her without even knowing it. We buried Moonshadow on a beautiful hill here and they erected a shrine in her honor, and I was informed that without the rest of the "Pantheon" I would be vulnerable to her enemies and so I reluctantly joined their ranks...provisionally.  When all this is over I will select a successor who will take over in the meantime I learn that gods take these power transfers seriously and that there's a lot of pomp and circumstance involved.  The rest of them may think this is a time for celebration but I do not.  During the festivities I find myself thinking of her, and how wrong all of this is. I didn't want this and life is playing one hell of a practical joke on me, a clone of me kills my new love, Razor cuts my bloody arm off and nearly kills my best friend, and some psychopath I have never heard of is responsible for it all.

I stare out of the large bay window in secluded room, my head reeling from the ungodly amounts of information flooding into my brain that I don't want, trying to make sense of it all when I become keenly aware that I'm not alone.  A servant has entered the room, and rather quietly too, shiny and metallic it appears to be some sort of android, and apparently female.

"His majesty has the great and powerful Mantis has sent me to see if you need anything. I am called PDX-17 and I am at your service."

She stands about 5'7" and if she were a real woman she'd be very attractive...not that I'm interested mind you.

"No thank you Sindhe,." I say off the top of my head "Why did I call you that? I'm sorry, PDX-17 is it?"

"H-How did you know my true name? I have not been called that in centuries sire."

Never seen an android act like that before, she's overwhelmed by hearing that name I wonder could she be...?

"PDX-17, were you you are now?  An android I mean."

She seems stunned that I'd ask, and is visibly taken aback.

"N-No sire, I was once mortal of flesh and blood. I am now bound to this form."

That's what I thought, and in an instant i know just about everything there is to know about her. Her childhood, where she grew up, her first love, how she came to be in her predicament, and even how to return her to her true form. She wants to return to her true form but all those she knew and loved are long gone and she's very insecure and...  I start to become lost in her world, and and have to pull myself out of the swirling mist of information.  This is one of the drawbacks to being the god of intrigue and secrets, I am also the god of knowledge and it is all too easy to become lost in someone's life as I see it from their perspective, I only need touch them or be in the presence of someone who does not wish to keep their life story a secret in order to gain every detail of knowledge about them, unfortunately I also gain an empathy and can get caught up in the whirlwind of emotions. Sheesh how do these guys deal with this...Practice I guess.

"Are you alright sire, you seem lost in thought.  Should I return later?"

She's intrigued by me, attracted to me, her feelings for me are quite clear to me, but I am simply not in the mood to entertain them right now.  It's freeing to know how someone feels about you it kinda makes things easy when dealing with relationships I guess.  They don't have to demonstrate how they feel or constantly show what you, that is I, mean to them because I instantly know.  


Oh crap I drifted off again, this is very distracting.

"No um I don't need anything right now, thank were missed."

"I-I'm sorry sire but..."

"Your friends and family, they missed you a lot, and they loved you...they were okay. I know you always wondered."

"Thank you sire."

She places her fingers over her lips, quickly bows and runs out of the room, presumably to go cry, but they are tears of joy.  It feel nice to give someone something they need on an emotional level.  That's when the realization hits me, that's what Moonshadow did for me.  I miss her...but part of her is here, and if I want I can get lost in her life with ease. I won't, I can't, there are more important matters to attend to and as I stare out of the window over the vast city before me I know what must be done and I'm good with it.  My clone must die, and I must be the one to kill him, and I know where to begin my search.   I summon the Lillun and meet her at the space dock, but as she approaches I'm completely floored.  I barely recognize her, the Black Mantis' people have made some major upgrades and there's just no reason for the level of overkill he had put in her, she was already one of the most powerful ships in the galaxy, she IS the most powerful ship in the galaxy. I have been doing everything in my power to avoid serving the Black Mantis but I am starting to think I may have been hasty in that decision, I mean I know he's crazy, and insanely powerful but he travels through the vast realities of the multiverse, only now am I gaining a true appreciation of the possibilities for adventure that could bring. I can't be the High Justiciar forever, and serving Analaeus isn't really my thing, I've never been comfortable in that role.  I have some serious thinking to do gotta be careful though, it's just too easy to get lost in it.


SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2016/12/16 15:32
Hits1531  Comments4    
My first reasonably successful attempt at rendering in Iray.

It took two days.


I really need a better system.

Anihilus the Traitor in command

Anihilus the Traitor in commandPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2016/4/11 12:45
Hits1531  Comments1    
Anihilus stands poised to defeat his father in a last ditch effort to bring peace to his galaxy. his fleet is a vast rag tag band of ships converted for battle save only for his command ship which is a fully armed and staffed Sathari Battlecruiser. The soldier on board pledged their loyalty to Anihilus long ago when he was known as Analaeus Sathari...prince of the Empire a name he intends to regain.

You did what why

You did what whyPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2017/2/16 10:28
Hits1531  Comments2    
The alien spilled his guts thought not literally.  In no time it's just myself, Shadawar, Thunderbolt, and Panterra. When we arrive at the aliens citadel, we discover that the place is seriously well guarded.  I make a call to the other Obsidians and the battle begins.  I fly in through the chaos with the Wraith, and slip in completely unnoticed. Thunderbolt who once said he wouldn't follow me into a shopping mall sticks to my plan and the aliens who found it so very easy to take down my alternate selves are finding this hero a bit more difficult to manage. The ones that don't get electrocuted, are pummeled into sweet unconsciousness.  My sensors can barely perceive the action but what I catch is pretty cool. Thunderbolt's speed is unrivaled in all the known galaxies and it truly is a sight to behold. As the guards drop by the dozen as we continue to fight our way inside to the inner sanctum until finally we reach the center. The room is spherical with a throne in the center and 4 control panels surrounding the massive pedestal on which that throne sits. Upon that throne sits an alien unlike the others, larger more intimidating and garbed differently than the others. He rises to his feet and simply lifts his hand and a massive forcefield  springs to life.

"I applaud your tenacity, but you will not go any farther here."

Thunderbolt's lightning bounces harmlessly off the field completely ineffective, as does Panterra's shield, and my own bullets. Even Shadawar's Psi-Blade fails to so much as scratch the thing.

"Your weapons and powers will avail you nothing against this barrier."

"That may be true..." I add "But you're stuck inside. And the second you step foot outside of that thing I'm going to put you down. With the help of my friends of course."

He sighs and shakes his head.

"You are indeed the Prime, none of the others took so much as a second to contemplate gathering their allies.  They each were confident they could protect their friends and loved ones.  Never once did they think that perhaps their friends and allies could have saved them.  The loss of those was a tragedy, had we known the effect that our scans had on them we would have stopped sooner and avoided all this senseless conflict."

His words have me at a loss, I thought they wanted this conflict.

"You have me at a loss.  You were the ones who attacked us.  You've killed us by the thousands and now you say it was all an accident?"

"Our troops were sent simultaneously throughout the myriad realities.  Their mission was to seek out the prime Obsidian, and gain his...your...assistance.  Time has not passed for us as it has for all of you. For my people it has been mere weeks since I order the search and my soldiers have only just returned. Their reports of your deaths were most alarming, and quite unexpected. The energy pulse we used was supposed to be harmless, but on those who were not the prime it simply destroyed their life force. When their allies attacked my men, they defended themselves. So much death, and now it has to end."

"Is this some sort of trick? Do you expect us to believe you meant no harm to us after your people slaughtered us by the thousands?  You have got to be insane."

All of my scans from Voice Stress Analysis, to Heartbeat Monitoring, say he's telling the truth or at least he believes he is.  Still there's a lot of dead folks to answer for. There is only one way however, to tell if he means what he says.

"Fine.  Let's say I believe you. Drop this forcefield and turn yourself over to my custody, and we'll talk."

he takes a deep breath and I wait for him to refuse...but he doesn't.

"So be it.  If that is the only way to end this I will surrender and my soldiers will stand down. We are at your mercy."

He gives the order to his men and the fight is over. We escort him to an interrogation room to be questioned as soon as we figure out exactly what it is we want to ask. I for one cannot believe how this has twisted around. They went from die hard enemy to just giving up.  It just doesn't kae sense.

"So egghead, what do we do now?"

Thunderbolt's question is the one on everyone's mind right now and I honestly don't have an answer.

'Captain, I believe our first step must be to ask the question: Why were they doing this in the first place."

"Captain?" Thunderbolt asks Shadawar wryly.  "Wait a second, you actually call this guy Captain?"

"Obsidian has proven himself to be a more than competent commander and leader.  As captain he always has his crew's best interest and we are each willing to lay down our lives for him and he for us."

"Well I'll be damned."  Thnderbolt says in disbelief.

"What?" I ask in return certain there'll be some smartass remark for my trouble.

"Well it just that I never thought you'd grow up. I guess it takes elves a bit longer but it happens, consider me impressed."



"Kiss my ass."

"There's the Obsidian I know."

"If you two are quite done we have more important things to do."

Panterra, ever the voice of reason is nonetheless right. We'll have time for useless chatter later.

So the question to ask is: Why did they need the Prime in the first place? Hopefully this whole nightmare will be over soon.

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