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Photo No. 271-300 (out of 2233 photos hit)
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UNICORN BABES - TantrumPopular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2009/9/11 16:25
Hits2575  Comments4    
My favorite Unicorn character creation. Tantrum is actually a tribute to my eldest daughter Tiffani Bell [even carrying her actual name]. Possessing super strength, invulnerability and a never surrender attitude, Tantrum is perhaps the strongest female in UC Comics. Much like the Hulk her strengths grow as her anger does..and she gets angry quite often. My partner Henry Samson is responsible for the battlesuit costume design and I am glad to have recreated it in this media. Tantrum is the first in a series of images I'm posting as a tribute to some of my first and favorite female characters of the Unicorn Universe. Credits: V4.2/V4 Bodysuit/V4 Omega Hunter/Tessa Bikini/Daz Morning Hair/V3 Swat Headset/Pd-X14 Arm bands etc.


UNICORN BABES - StarblazePopular
SubmitterChristian22179More Photos from Christian22179   Last Update2009/12/22 14:31
Hits2068  Comments0    
Finally got around to doing a texture for V4's Ultrabodysuit and expansion. When I had this, I thought that she would make a most excellent Starblaze. This character was created by none other than Starchild who works for Unicorn Comics. The texture isn't perfect and I may have gotten a few things wrong, but this is basically his character. This one's for you, Star. Merry Christmas. :)

UNICORN BABES - Sheba Summers

UNICORN BABES - Sheba SummersPopular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2009/9/11 16:28
Hits2455  Comments3    
Sheba Summers will always hold a special place in my heart. Not only was she originally patterned after the actress, Pam Grier [whom i had many a sexual fantasy about] but she was the very first female hero I created. Sheba lives a dual life as both a hard nosed private investigator [coincidentally she uses the last name Shane] but her most important role being that of America's premiere secret agent as well as the love interest of Sam Savage. Sheba's a flamboyant person who has an eye for both fashion and covert operations. Sometimes she makes me wanna be the bad guy just so she can chase me around. Credits: V4/V4 Bodysuit/LM Shadow Dancer/Felicity Hair/Fobergini/Poserworld Street Corner/V4 Skin texture by


SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2009/9/23 10:35
Hits2302  Comments3    
I know Ive already posted an image of my first beauty but you also know I was never truly pleased with my effort and felt I really didnt do her the justice she deserves. Well problem solved. Since youve already seen her work clothes I decided to dress her for the occassion [invading an enemy island with her STARS teammates that is]. Now this is what I truly call a day at the beach. Creds: Not much has changed; V4, V3 & M2 Scuba gear-Daz,Slick Hair-Daz, Scuba Dudes are M2 wearing texturized Ninja Suits-Daz, Patrol Boat-Daz, Lynns Point Scene, etc.

UNICORN BABES - Princess Gamma

UNICORN BABES - Princess GammaPopular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2009/9/28 10:06
Hits2329  Comments1    
Recreating Princess Gamma in 3D took a lot more out me than usual mostly because I wanted to keep her design as close to the original 2D version as possible without doing a lot of texture and trans mapping so I looked around for the parts and peices to make it work. PG is basically your typical amazon warrior woman from another planet who kicks major ass...but she holds a special place in the Unicorn universe because shes also the first and perhaps only bi-sexual hero we have.


UNICORN BABES - MaylenPopular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2009/9/28 10:07
Hits2725  Comments1    
Now did you actually think I wasn't going to get around to doing Taz's favorite girl did ya. Maylen is probally the most popular of all the Unicorn characters if not the most seen. I won't go into her backstory too much as I'm sure most of you have already heard it before, the intersting thing is that I designed this figure months ago but was never truly satisfied with the outcome. I changed her looks slightly because I think a person with godly powers should look a little more regal...apologies to Taz.


UNICORN BABES - Luela laPopular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2009/9/23 10:39
Hits2332  Comments0    
One for the Bad Girls! Don't be fooled by Luela's pets, she's twice as ferocious as both of them put together. I guess wearing an enchanted amulet that allows you to assume the form of any animal will do that. Luela's a member of a group of time-displaced space pirates called The Outcasts and although she plays a supporting role in the group she is by far the most cunning. Not only does Luela entice men with her feminine whiles before literally ripping thier hearts out, but she also played a major role in history by assuming the form of the Egyptian Asp that gave Cleopatra her fatal bite. Creds: V3, Daz Panthers, Converted M3 Hooded Cloak-Daz, Boots fron V3 Tunic Set-Daz, V3 Fantasy Top-Auery Sol, Kozuboro Morphing Hair, Assorted jewels and bangles, Chapel-DM Productions, and maybe an item or two I forgot.

UNICORN BABES - Black Orchid

UNICORN BABES - Black OrchidPopular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2009/12/21 17:38
Hits2394  Comments1    
Sexy. Seductive. Deadly. Just a few words that describe Susami Yuroku, the women known as Black Orchid. She walks a line that no other women in the Unicorn universe travels..Assassin! Not just your run-of-the-mill type either. Although skilled in several forms of martial arts, mastery of many hand held weapons [Sais a specialty] mosy often she prefers to use ancient poisons to do her targets in. She takes real pleasure in her work and has yet fail to deliver but still she lives by a code of honor that sets her apart from the average killer. CREDS: V4/V4 Bodysuit/Strawberry Hair/Daz Quiet Reflections


SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2009/11/16 10:47
Hits2390  Comments0    
The one villainess that makes my heart [as well as other parts] thump! Beta aka Sheri Wilkes belongs to the band of space pirates known as The Supremians and has the ability to not only steal your heart away, but your powers as well. Thrown into a life of crime due to circumstances beyond her control, Beta reluctantly follows the lead of group leader Alpha for the greater good of thier master...UKLON. CREDS: Daz Studio3/V4/V4 Catsuit/X-Boots/Felicity Hair/Can't remember the name of the background scene or where I got it


UNICORN BABES - Barbi QPopular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2009/9/28 10:05
Hits2244  Comments1    
My latest addition to both the Unicorn Universe and the growing list of Babes. Barbara Quincy was born a mutant with the ability to generate heated plasma usually in the form of flames. There's nothing really special about her powers..we've seen them in dozens of heroes. But I really liked her design typically because of the lack of the standard hero costume and the fact that she's so doggone cute. lol. Barbi Q has yet to make an appearance in any Unicorn story but I doubt it'll be too long before she does.


UNICORN BABES - AquaraPopular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2009/12/21 15:16
Hits2185  Comments1    
Aquara aka tara Soldarr is a member of the Universoes. A band of teenaged superheroes in the future. More or less my version of the Legion. With the obvious ability to breathe underwater she makes heads turn just as often as she makes waves. tara's one of those types who knows she's hot but doesn't stress the issue. CREDS: V4/V4 Bodysuit/Koz's Shorthair Evolution/Daz's Dreamhome yard


UNICORN BABES - Alley CatPopular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2009/11/16 10:45
Hits2803  Comments1    
Alley Cat is one of my most controversial characters. She falls in that range of Not-Quite-A-Hero-But-Not-Quite-A-Villain type figures. A notorious burglar, Allyson Smith shares a unique bond with another well known Unicorn character...Felinea. She's actually a genetic clone of Felinea but doesn't know it. Another product of the mysterious Per De Lance Project that has ties to many Unicorn characters. Ally has yet to meet her gene-sister but when she does expect some serious action. I suppose to read her character make-up you would liken her to Catwoman since they share a common thread, but Alley Cat was created long before Selina Kyle made that ever so slight nudge from notorious villain to semi-hero. Anyway copyright infringments or not Alley Cat's here to stay! CREDS: Daz Studio 3/V3/Liduid Knight-Utilize/V3 Stormguard Boots/Strawberry Hair/Rooftop Scene-Poserworld/Maxi-Baton by Me

Unicorn 31 in 30-Day Two - Cracone

Unicorn 31 in 30-Day Two - CraconePopular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2012/9/2 20:58
Hits1857  Comments2    

Unicorn 31 in 30-Day Twenty-Two - Princess Gamma

Unicorn 31 in 30-Day Twenty-Two - Princess GammaPopular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2012/9/22 19:30
Hits1767  Comments2    
My favorite 'really butch' alien warrior from outer space.

Unicorn 31 in 30-Day Twenty-Three - Ace

Unicorn 31 in 30-Day Twenty-Three - AcePopular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2012/9/23 16:31
Hits1855  Comments3    
although not listed as an official team team transport pilot..he has as much a bearing on thier work as anybody.

btw..last team member knockout can be viewed here ...

Unicorn 31 in 30-Day Twenty-Six - NightCat

Unicorn 31 in 30-Day Twenty-Six - NightCatPopular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2012/9/27 6:27
Hits1797  Comments2    
Amazingly this card is appearing just now. i guess i was so concerned with introducing new never-before-seen characters that i had neglected posting the cards of the more well known UC characters.

Unicorn 31 in 30-Day Twenty-Seven - Straight G

Unicorn 31 in 30-Day Twenty-Seven - Straight GPopular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2012/9/29 0:32
Hits1578  Comments1    
Here's another. the last three can be found here...

Unicorn 31 in 30-Day Twenty-One - D-Day

Unicorn 31 in 30-Day Twenty-One - D-DayPopular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2012/9/21 1:54
Hits1764  Comments3    
D-Day's powers and persona were created long before his actual character design and i was getting no ideas . then i thought   . what if i make him look like a cross between Wolverine and Puck just for fun.

Unicorn 31 in 30-Day Twenty-Nine - H-Clone

Unicorn 31 in 30-Day Twenty-Nine - H-ClonePopular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2012/9/30 0:49
Hits1742  Comments2    
the H stands for 'Hurricane'

Unicorn 31 in 30-Day Twenty-Four - Mace

Unicorn 31 in 30-Day Twenty-Four - MacePopular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2012/9/27 6:09
Hits1617  Comments1    
Sorry. I hadn't realized how behind I had gotten.

Unicorn 31 in 30-Day Twenty-Five - Jonnie Cool

Unicorn 31 in 30-Day Twenty-Five - Jonnie CoolPopular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2012/9/27 6:12
Hits1671  Comments2    
Inspired by Luke Cage.

Unicorn 31 in 30-Day Twenty-Eight - Metron

Unicorn 31 in 30-Day Twenty-Eight - MetronPopular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2012/9/29 0:36
Hits1603  Comments2    
Costume upgrade form this..

Unicorn 31 in 30-Day Twenty Six - Tantrum

Unicorn 31 in 30-Day Twenty Six - TantrumPopular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2012/9/29 0:27
Hits1810  Comments3    
One of the 5 characters that I designed using my children's names.

Unicorn 31 in 30-Day Twenty - Shinju

Unicorn 31 in 30-Day Twenty - ShinjuPopular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2012/9/21 1:49
Hits1870  Comments4    
when i originally created this guy..i named him luck would have it an arcade game with the same name came out a year or so later. i thought "how cool is this?" obviously that was before i acquired an understanding of copyrights and lawsuits  . needless to say, i changed his name.

Unicorn 31 in 30-Day Twelve - Maylen

Unicorn 31 in 30-Day Twelve - MaylenPopular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2012/9/12 2:43
Hits1927  Comments3    
I can't beleive i hadn't posted this one until now  

Unicorn 31 in 30-Day Three - Becky

Unicorn 31 in 30-Day Three - BeckyPopular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2012/9/5 2:28
Hits1947  Comments3    
didn't realize i had fell behind. sorry

Unicorn 31 in 30-Day Thirty-One - Fusion

Unicorn 31 in 30-Day Thirty-One - FusionPopular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2012/9/30 0:59
Hits1704  Comments2    
And that's all folks. it's been a blast as usual and i'll be back soon with more from the wild world of Unicorn Comics. Thanx to all who have veiwed and commented!

Unicorn 31 in 30-Day Thirty - Blackwing

Unicorn 31 in 30-Day Thirty - BlackwingPopular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2012/9/30 0:54
Hits1640  Comments1    
don't ask.

Unicorn 31 in 30-Day Thirteen - Vortex

Unicorn 31 in 30-Day Thirteen - VortexPopular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2012/9/13 0:13
Hits1630  Comments1    
i really love this look in 3D

Unicorn 31 in 30-Day Ten - Kantor IV

Unicorn 31 in 30-Day Ten - Kantor IVPopular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2012/9/11 1:33
Hits1761  Comments2    
My favorite killer robot!

Photo No. 271-300 (out of 2233 photos hit)
« 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (10) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ... 75 »
