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 Matrix vs. Alchemy Challenge

Matrix vs. Alchemy ChallengePopular
SubmitterDark WandererMore Photos from Dark Wanderer   Last Update2005/1/1 11:30
Hits3561  Comments3    
I figured why not have a little fun with the picture they are using for the Duel and desided to toss my name in the pot with this Lady Death Strike. I chose this because I do not remember seeing her on the site so....hope it meets all the reqs of the challamge, if hot it was still fun to do :)


SubmitterHisstorymanMore Photos from Hisstoryman   Last Update2008/6/30 5:17
Hits3757  Comments5    
UPDATE: Did a complete redo of the cape, added a texture to it, not sure why I didn't before.

A longtime member of The Defenders, Valk has had two hosts for her divine form.  The first was ocialite, Samantha Parrington the second and most famous was Barbara Norriss.

The word Valkyrie comes from, Old Norse Valkyrja "Choosers of the Slain".  The king of the gods Wooden (Odin) would send his warrior women to Migard (Earth) in order to collect the souls of the bravest warriors.  They would them bring them to Great Hall of Asgard where they would take part in never ending feasts and battles.

The Valkyries according to the myths actually rode on wolves, not horses as they are commonly depicted.  I elected to go the horse route for this piece.

Note: This manip started out as Wonder Woman International: Scandinavia, until I remembered that there was one, of a sort.  Marvel Comics' Valkyrie.  
I went through several models until a chance search at brought up Hannah Hilton.  After seeing her the choice became a no-brainer. The horse is a Lipizzaner stallion and
"Asgard" in the background is Edinburgh Castle.  The infamous rainbow bridge come from a clip art drawing that I "Warp Tool-ed"  the heck out of and then used the Overlay blend on.

Hope you enjoy it, and please do not be afraid to comment and rate it. I have a thick skin.

Model: Hannah Hilton

"*Zzzzap!*" Tori Spelling as Electro

"*Zzzzap!*" Tori Spelling as ElectroPopular
SubmitterBikerBotMore Photos from BikerBot   Last Update2004/6/8 16:45
Hits6088  Comments17    
Tori started out standing on a kitchen counter in the base pic, and the reason her head's chopped off is that's the way it was in the base, and I felt like leaving it that way.  Spider-Girl is off the cover of #65.  Lightning was done using a tutorial, plus setting one of the lightning layers to Screen.  The second-to-last 10% on this one was her mask, I threw away the first version.  This is another one to answer Optical's challenge.  On this one I _did_ make the background.  Don't be surprised if it shows up again...

Oops!  Spelled the word "Zzzzap" wrong.

"Alone" - Milla Jovovich as Penance

"Alone" - Milla Jovovich as PenancePopular
SubmitterAngelophileMore Photos from Angelophile   Last Update2004/6/26 4:11
Hits4271  Comments6    
It's been a while but at last I managed to finish a new manip. This time of Penance from the Generation X Series.

I won't deny this one's been a challenge - I started out with a pic of a nude Angie Everhart and built up the costume from various other pics. I think there's about 50 or so layers in the costume alone. Her spines are a blend of sea urchin's, porcupines and any other spikey images I could find.

The model is Milla Jovovich, about the only one with that otherworldly quality that Penance needs.

Comments appreciated!

"Alternate Cannonball" by The iMiJ Factory

"Alternate Cannonball" by The iMiJ FactoryPopular
SubmitterThe_iMiJ_FactoryMore Photos from The_iMiJ_Factory   Last Update2005/5/7 1:34
Hits3734  Comments4    
An original costume based on John Cassaday's designs for Astonishing X-Men; this is the outfit I think Sam should wear in Uncanny X-Men!

"Alternate Firebird" by The iMiJ Factory

"Alternate Firebird" by The iMiJ FactoryPopular
SubmitterThe_iMiJ_FactoryMore Photos from The_iMiJ_Factory   Last Update2005/5/8 4:33
Hits6146  Comments8    
I think THIS is the costume she should be wearing in the comics! We need a well dressed Latina Superhero!

"Alternate Polaris" by The iMiJ Factory

"Alternate Polaris" by The iMiJ FactoryPopular
SubmitterThe_iMiJ_FactoryMore Photos from The_iMiJ_Factory   Last Update2005/5/9 13:20
Hits5721  Comments15    
Lorna Dane, in an original design inspired by John Cassaday's Astonishing X-Men uniforms. I also brought back her head-piece she wore during her first tenure with the X-Men, but updated it, adding the "look" of her Sh'iar costume. Accents on her gloves and boots reveal her Magnetic heritage! ;)

"Alternate Spider-Man" by The iMiJ Factory

"Alternate Spider-Man" by The iMiJ FactoryPopular
SubmitterThe_iMiJ_FactoryMore Photos from The_iMiJ_Factory   Last Update2005/2/23 1:13
Hits3290  Comments9    
Spider-Man in a costume designed by The iMiJ Factory.


Submitterse7endazeMore Photos from se7endaze   Last Update2007/12/23 19:47
Hits4084  Comments8    

"Atrophy" - Generation X's Penance

"Atrophy" - Generation X's PenancePopular
SubmitterAngelophileMore Photos from Angelophile   Last Update2005/6/18 12:59
Hits4764  Comments13    
The final figure for my Generation X manip, Penance has actually come together pretty quickly - it took about three or four hours to complete this image. The costume was maniped from various straitjacket pics, with an unnamed model providing the basic catsuit.

Penance's "actress" is Mila Jovovich. The hair started ut as dreadlocks and I created the spins using Photoshop's liquidize tool.

I'm pretty pleased with the end result - I think the hair's an improvement over the previous Penance figure I did.

"Bad to the Bone" - Fairuza Balk as Marrow

"Bad to the Bone" - Fairuza Balk as MarrowPopular
SubmitterAngelophileMore Photos from Angelophile   Last Update2004/1/27 3:27
Hits7118  Comments9    
Another old pic but one I'm most pleased with. This photomanip takes one of the most underrated X-men characters and uses Fairuza Balk (The Craft, American History X) as her 'fantasy casting'.
The body model is Angelina Jolie, taken from a Tomb Raider publicity still. Bones came from various sources.

"Bamf!.. goes the Nightcrawler"....

"Bamf!.. goes the Nightcrawler"....Popular
Submitterse7endazeMore Photos from se7endaze   Last Update2007/7/30 21:38
Hits4194  Comments8    
Not too happy with the way this one turned out... oh well, back to the drawing board...


"Behold!" Excalibur HeroMorph-C2F Crossover by BikerBot and Kev InCal

"Behold!" Excalibur HeroMorph-C2F Crossover by BikerBot and Kev InCalPopular
SubmitterBikerBotMore Photos from BikerBot   Last Update2006/10/29 23:24
Hits5656  Comments21    
There's just something about floating Superheroes...
What are MicroMax and Betsy up to?  Can Captain Britduck save the day?  You'll have to buy the issue to find out...

My "art notes" will be the first post.

----  12 hours later edit:
This image has been updated, the circles and the couple were adjusted slightly.


"Black & White" Marvel Team-Up (Sage & Emma Frost)

"Black & White" Marvel Team-Up (Sage & Emma Frost)Popular
SubmitterAngelophileMore Photos from Angelophile   Last Update2004/2/14 12:57
Hits9596  Comments10    
Didn't come through in time for February's contest, but I decided to go ahead and finish the manip as a personal challenge. My take on the Marvel Team-Up cover using Emma Frost and Sage from the X-men comics.

More frankensteining used on their costumes, which I'm pretty pleased with as (for once) I've stuck true to canon. Lot of work went into Sage's costume. By comparison Emma's was easy. (Probably since there's so little of it ;) Comments appreciated as always..

"Calendar Girlz" November

"Calendar Girlz" NovemberPopular
Submitterco_04More Photos from co_04   Last Update2009/11/2 12:46
Hits4263  Comments9    
From the Calendar Girlz Album cover WIP which features Shulks (Shulkiehontus?) for the month of November. I figured this would be a good month to post it.

This is the finished version, and I believe my fave of the six or seven I've done so far.

"Can I swing, from a thread..."

"Can I swing, from a thread..."Popular
SubmitterJunFanMore Photos from JunFan   Last Update2004/8/22 6:19
Hits4362  Comments10    
Hey guys!  Been way to busy to even lurk here lately, but I wanted to post my latest.  This is a pic I just finished for a kid w/ muscular dystrophy, and a huge spidey fan.  That's actually me in a halloween costume made by my wife.  I obviously enhanced the lighting (trying to correct it for the background) The rest is all me baby!  (How do superheroes stand the heat of the summer months?  I was sweating my @$$ off!)  Anyway, It was for a good cause!    Peace!  -Leif.

"Class Reunion" - The New Mutants

"Class Reunion" - The New MutantsPopular
SubmitterAngelophileMore Photos from Angelophile   Last Update2004/1/24 14:29
Hits9118  Comments10    
Finally finished this piece which has taken me just over a month in all to complete. Would have been done sooner but kept adding more characters.  

In the end from left to right, with their actors and actresses, the characters are Sunspot Aka Roberto DeCosta (Wilmer Valderrama), Mirage Aka Danielle Moonstar (Karina Lombard), Meltdown Aka Tabitha Smith (Christina Applegate), Magma Aka Amara Aquilla (Unknown), Wolfsbane Aka Rahne Sinclair (Kiera Knightley), Karma Aka Xi'an Coy Manh (Jaymee Ong) and Cannonball Aka Samuel Guthrie (Christopher Masterson).

All work was done in Photoshop 7 using a mix of visual effects created with Photoshop's own filters in conjunction with Eye Candy 4000 and Alien Skin Xenofex.

Hope everyone agrees the end result was worth all the work.

"Doctor Doom" by The iMiJ Factory

"Doctor Doom" by The iMiJ FactoryPopular
SubmitterThe_iMiJ_FactoryMore Photos from The_iMiJ_Factory   Last Update2005/2/9 14:33
Hits3486  Comments5    
Possibly, the Greatest Comic Villain EVER!

"Ecstacy" - Angelina Jolie as Stacy X

"Ecstacy" - Angelina Jolie as Stacy XPopular
SubmitterAngelophileMore Photos from Angelophile   Last Update2004/1/14 5:02
Hits6894  Comments2    
Continuing my posting of my older manips while I play catch up with my New Mutants pic.

Stacy isn't everyone's cup of tea, but I was just beginning to really like the character when she was binned from Uncanny X-men. So this is my tribute to a character with a lot of potential. Got to love the self proclaimed 'first X-man to make a living on her back'.

The snake skin effects were produced with photos of various snakes from the web,combined with other reptile pics, and then imported with use of the opacity and hue and saturation control panels in Photoshop 7.

The background image came from a performance troupe called the Fluffgirl Society. Don't ask me what they perform, I didn't dare guess from the pic.

"EX"-FACTOR. c2f-hm Crossover by Kevincal & matrixblur

"EX"-FACTOR. c2f-hm Crossover by Kevincal & matrixblurPopular
SubmittermatrixblurMore Photos from matrixblur   Last Update2004/10/18 1:46
Hits5157  Comments13    
Much recognition must go to my co-creator as he did most of the work. It was Kevincal's idea to use a duel similarity with the characters' and the models' relationships, to represent our take on the competition's theme. I jumped at the chance to do Polaris, she was a lot of fun. Then I saw his Havok and was blown away.
I learned a lot from this exercise; it was quite advantagous to be able to bounce ideas back and forth. Kevs a great artist and a lot of fun to work with. Sign us up for the next one!

Kevincal wrote:
Working with matrixblur was awesome cause he had lots of great ideas and
he is freakin' amazing on armor - can you imagine a matrixblur Ironman
(or Ironmaiden?) Anyways, we bounced around a bunch of ideas and finally
settled on Tom and Nicole as Havok and Polaris. We did some homework and
came back with our favorite costumes for both characters. Since they
were from different eras, we decided to explain away the difference by
pointing out the ghosts of past relationships still haunt Havok to this
day. That, or the fact that Polaris is nuttier than a squirrel orgy in
April and forgot which costume to put on :D

Re: Havok, I picked this version of the costume because I liked the way
the energy effects looked and thought it'd be fun to try and duplicate.
Building the visor, chest disc, and armor probably took the longest but
then what proved to be equally challenging was making the hands look
interesting since they were just dark shapes upon a dark shape. I
settled on two-tone gloves that I ended up really liking in the end.

"Excalibur - The Sword Reforged"

"Excalibur - The Sword Reforged"Popular
SubmitterAngelophileMore Photos from Angelophile   Last Update2004/12/9 4:59
Hits5846  Comments15    
I started off just intending to do a manip of Callisto, but as usual decided to give myself a little more of a challenge. Callisto herself was pretty challenging, lots of tentacles for her new look. Her 'actress' is Carrie Anne Moss, Wicked is Jennifer Love Hewitt, while Magneto and Xavier are based on the movie versions played by Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart.

The completed image was around 90 layers in photoshop. Maybe next time I should keep things simpler. ;) .

"Explosive!"  Kylie Bax as Binary

"Explosive!" Kylie Bax as BinaryPopular
SubmitterBikerBotMore Photos from BikerBot   Last Update2004/6/4 6:12
Hits5180  Comments9    
1st repost of this.  Here's hoping there won't be a second...

This was created as a response to Optical's call for me to use a background.   Exponentially more work when using a background, but I learned a lot.  This one was almost done, then it sat for weeks.  Why is the last 10% of a Manip always the most difficult?

"Fame" - U-Go Girl, Orphan and Doop (Nov Challenge)

"Fame" - U-Go Girl, Orphan and Doop (Nov Challenge)Popular
SubmitterAngelophileMore Photos from Angelophile   Last Update2004/11/8 3:15
Hits3692  Comments8    
Okay, this is one of the manips I've been working on some time, but the November challenge theme prodded me to finish it off and submit it. Here we have the world's favourite mutants, U-Go Girl (depicted by Jennifer Jason Leigh) and The Orphan (Jude Law) along with Doop (a King Edwards potato) on the cover of Hello! celebrity magazine. Time just seemed too highbrow for them.

Even managed to sneak in Phat, (depicted by Eminem, who else?)

All work was done in Photoshop CS, the costumes Frankensteined as usual from dozens of different sources. Another manip that weighed in at around 120 layers.

I appreciate any comments.

"Firelord" by The iMiJ Factory

"Firelord" by The iMiJ FactoryPopular
SubmitterThe_iMiJ_FactoryMore Photos from The_iMiJ_Factory   Last Update2005/6/10 11:00
Hits3326  Comments5    
A former Herald of Galactus, I chose bodybuilder Lee Priest as the model for this pic.

"Free" - Heath Ledger as Angel

"Free" - Heath Ledger as AngelPopular
SubmitterAngelophileMore Photos from Angelophile   Last Update2004/1/21 1:49
Hits4455  Comments4    
Continuing my posting of my older manips.

A photomanip that sprung to mind for no particular reason other than it will get a few friends of mine swooning. :)
The actor Heath Ledger (of A Knight's Tale fame) seemed to have the right features and 'look' for Warren as I imagined him. His face was a basis for the manip. The body came from a random tailoring site, while the feet came from another image. The background was also found randomly on the web. The wings are an amalgamation of those worn by Alan Rickman in Dogma and some worn by Jennifer Lopez for a FHM photoshoot.
The image was compiled in Photoshop 7 and finished off using the Little Fluffy Clouds filter.

"Get over here..."

"Get over here..."Popular
SubmitterBrickMore Photos from Brick   Last Update2005/11/27 16:10
Hits3848  Comments13    
Alyson Hannigan as Wolfsbane.

"Gladiator" by The iMiJ Factory

"Gladiator" by The iMiJ FactoryPopular
SubmitterThe_iMiJ_FactoryMore Photos from The_iMiJ_Factory   Last Update2005/11/11 11:08
Hits3569  Comments7    
Marvel Comics' own Superman and the very arrogant leader of the Shi'ar Imperial Guard! Model: Matt Horner

"Hardwired Goddess"

"Hardwired Goddess"Popular
SubmitterAngelophileMore Photos from Angelophile   Last Update2004/2/9 5:21
Hits4891  Comments7    
A portrait I have produced inspired by a character from X-men End Times mux (Telnet 2104) played by a friend of mine. This is Kelly Hiraga, otherwise known as Hardwire, technopath, daughter of the mythos Old One Nyarlathotep and currently, for the second time dead.
The image uses Zhang Ziyi (from Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon) as a model for the face, model Kona Carmack for the body, while the metalic effects are both inspired by and blended with elements of Giger's work.

"Hayseed" - Generation X's Husk

"Hayseed" - Generation X's HuskPopular
SubmitterAngelophileMore Photos from Angelophile   Last Update2005/1/6 0:14
Hits4755  Comments9    
Another of the manips I was working on for my Generation X team shot, again I figured this one stood up as an individual image - or did after some tweaking. No major special effects, just a recreation of Paige's current X-men costume - I think it looks pretty good after a few initial problems.

Paige's actress is Kirsten Dunst, as with the earlier manip I did of her.                                                                          

"Headmasters of the Xavier Institute" by The iMiJ Factory

"Headmasters of the Xavier Institute" by The iMiJ FactoryPopular
SubmitterThe_iMiJ_FactoryMore Photos from The_iMiJ_Factory   Last Update2005/4/14 2:44
Hits4325  Comments14    
WInter at the school for the Gifted!

Photo No. 1-30 (out of 1365 photos hit)
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