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Photo No. 1-30 (out of 412 photos hit)
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Miss Adventure

Miss AdventurePopular
SubmitterdaswookMore Photos from daswook   Last Update2012/1/8 3:16
Hits26423  Comments1    
Miss Adventure is a character from Penthouse Comix.

Bliss III

Bliss IIIPopular
SubmitterHubCapMore Photos from HubCap   Last Update2003/9/2 7:39
Hits21131  Comments4    
Yet another costume from her.

Dr. Manhattan

Dr. ManhattanPopular
SubmitterWasmithMore Photos from Wasmith   Last Update2008/3/4 15:57
Hits14280  Comments11    
Gender bender of what Dr. Manhattan might have looked like if he had been a woman instead.  This would be during the "still wears a costume" period.

A Watchmen movie is due out about 1 year from today.  Here's hoping they don't screw up one of the greatest comic novels of all time.

The model is Iga.

Glass "castle" scanned from Watchmen graphic novel.  Mars background image courtesy of NASA.


SubmitterdaswookMore Photos from daswook   Last Update2011/10/12 18:39
Hits13365  Comments2    
model: Jessa Hinton

Vampirella/Lady Death crossover wallpaper (1280x1024)

Vampirella/Lady Death crossover wallpaper (1280x1024)Popular
SubmitterR_o_c_i_n_a_t_eMore Photos from R_o_c_i_n_a_t_e   Last Update2006/5/22 5:19
Hits12722  Comments25    
Got a little bored over the weekend so I put this one together. At first I thought I'd just do Vampirella but I wanted to add someting else to make it more interesting, so I put Lady Death in there too.

This wallpaper is 1280x1024 but can be scaled to fit most other resolutions.



SubmitterShump1More Photos from Shump1   Last Update2006/5/13 15:39
Hits12488  Comments16    
Nice "dress!"  

The M.O.A.P.

The M.O.A.P.Popular
SubmitterQuantumFXMore Photos from QuantumFX   Last Update2004/1/1 8:12
Hits12307  Comments22    
Behold... the Mother of All Photoshops!!!


SubmitterfoxsithmaulMore Photos from foxsithmaul   Last Update2007/1/26 11:21
Hits11552  Comments9    

Red Monika

Red MonikaPopular
SubmitterdaswookMore Photos from daswook   Last Update2011/10/11 14:05
Hits11210  Comments0    
Model:Sabrina Sabrok


SubmitterWasmithMore Photos from Wasmith   Last Update2007/12/10 16:14
Hits10947  Comments10    
Model (named Lia I think) as Fairchild.

The Thunder Eagles

The Thunder EaglesPopular
SubmitterdaswookMore Photos from daswook   Last Update2011/12/3 8:03
Hits10818  Comments0    
From left to right: Watchtower, Sharon McCain, Susan Steel, Suprema.
The Thunder Eagles are characters from Superheroine Central.

Jakita Wagner

Jakita WagnerPopular
SubmitterHurricane_SeasonMore Photos from Hurricane_Season   Last Update2005/8/23 18:05
Hits10681  Comments7    
Though Planetary is slowly entering the zone of "I don't care how it resolves," the series was at its peak when I did this manip.  Hell, probably only four or five issues have come out since I did this.

Abbey Chase aka Action Girl Sylvia

Abbey Chase aka Action Girl SylviaPopular
Submittermajor_pazMore Photos from major_paz   Last Update2004/8/26 9:14
Hits10655  Comments7    
actiongirldotcom is a gold mine of model if you're looking for macho women with guns (MWWG for intimate)

This is my second manip and I hope not the last. I enjoy as much doing them than seeing the work of others.

Girl of the Week

Girl of the WeekPopular
SubmitterOCPMore Photos from OCP   Last Update2007/10/15 13:29
Hits9919  Comments9    
The beautifull, hot and dangerous: Abbey Chase!!!

GI Joe - The Baroness

GI Joe - The BaronessPopular
Submittermasterofdisaster127More Photos from masterofdisaster127   Last Update2008/5/15 9:52
Hits9907  Comments7    
Here's a quickie of the Baroness...


SubmitterOCPMore Photos from OCP   Last Update2008/9/16 3:29
Hits9672  Comments12    
Dark_Knight_DK awhile ago told me that a good character for Mexico on my World Tour series would be Kaliman. And in my Velta image, he told me as a joke that Mexico Independence Day was on the 16th.
Well DK, today is the 16th, so here's Kaliman in an image for the Mexican Independence Day.

Hope all our mexican members like it.

I wish you all a great holiday with lots of cerveza and tequilla.    

Comic Babes By Winterhawk

Comic Babes By WinterhawkPopular
SubmitterWinterhawkMore Photos from Winterhawk   Last Update2004/7/11 1:51
Hits9105  Comments13    
After I finished my part on the first Call to Arms picture. I thought I would try a Multiple Character manipulation myself. If i knew we were going to be doing a new Call to arms project I probable would have saved this picture for that but alas that is not the case. What i Found difficult on this one, each model had a swimsuit on. some one peice and others two piece suits. some of the forms and shape of the bodies were gone so i had to comprimise will some of the shapes of the costumes. The biggest example is Wonder Woman, the WW on her chest does not really form to her body because of the swim suit. I also made it a good size for wallpaper. for those looking for a new desktop. All in all I am pleased with this one.
As normal Comments & critiques are welcome.

Fairchild - Gen 13

Fairchild - Gen 13Popular
SubmitterWolverine1607More Photos from Wolverine1607   Last Update2006/6/23 21:02
Hits8757  Comments12    
I was just messin around and felt like doing a character that I haven't ever done so this one was it. Take a look let me know what ya think. I really enjoyed doing this one, I would have really enjoyed doin her too. hehee. Love the comments thanks guys!


SubmitterHubCapMore Photos from HubCap   Last Update2003/8/14 7:56
Hits8755  Comments4    
From AC Comics Fem Force.


SubmitterShump1More Photos from Shump1   Last Update2005/10/28 23:36
Hits8501  Comments19    
The fallen angel herself.
Prayer time has ended ... it's time for battle!  

Phoenix by Hurricane Season

Phoenix by Hurricane SeasonPopular
SubmitterHurricane_SeasonMore Photos from Hurricane_Season   Last Update2004/10/18 0:26
Hits8242  Comments6    
Phoenix by Hurricane Season

Femme Fatales

Femme FatalesPopular
SubmitterQuantumFXMore Photos from QuantumFX   Last Update2004/10/18 10:45
Hits8238  Comments20    
Well I finally got off my butt and finished this one.  From Left to right we have a bunch of Playboy bunnies as Fatality, The Enchantress, Poison Ivy, Spiral, Star Sapphire and for you Canadians, the Dream Queen.

Fairchild by Sleepenemy

Fairchild by SleepenemyPopular
SubmitterSleepEnemyMore Photos from SleepEnemy   Last Update2003/8/17 10:22
Hits8121  Comments7    
One of the gals from Gen13


SubmitterOCPMore Photos from OCP   Last Update2008/3/11 16:03
Hits8043  Comments17    
Zakarella is kind of the Vampirella in my Country.
Had a few comics published in the 70's and was a huge hit... Even today, there's a lot of fans...
Thanx to everyboby who gave some advice on this manip.

UPDATE: Following Bio's advices, I retouched this image a little on the boobs plates and also retouched the cape a bit and added a little texture filter.
Hope it's better.

Ah, the hell with it!

Ah, the hell with it!Popular
SubmittermatrixblurMore Photos from matrixblur   Last Update2005/11/10 19:14
Hits7844  Comments48    
Yeah, that's what I'm callin this
If I didn't post it, I was never gonna. (Yogi Beraism)
Well, here is "The Magdelena"
Don't know who the model is, sorry. In fact, her body was made up of 6 different bases, I think. Some of the armour was made in 3d, and the costume in Photoshop.

I'm gonna go take a nap now......

Caitlin Fairchild

Caitlin FairchildPopular
SubmitterHubCapMore Photos from HubCap   Last Update2005/9/3 20:50
Hits7763  Comments2    
Gen13's babe everyone has probably done one of her by now :)

Batlektra by Dark Knight

Batlektra by Dark KnightPopular
SubmitterDark_Knight_DKMore Photos from Dark_Knight_DK   Last Update2004/10/18 8:14
Hits7679  Comments8    
This is the firts time I erase a bra, it took me a time but I like the results.

Atom Eve

Atom EvePopular
SubmitterWasmithMore Photos from Wasmith   Last Update2008/11/5 5:15
Hits7464  Comments12    
Inspired to do this by a recent post by DAGhoul.

Honest to gosh can't find the model's name anywhere, but I thought she had the right look... I didn't have to mess with recoloring her hair.


Submitterco_04More Photos from co_04   Last Update2008/1/3 19:59
Hits7261  Comments19    
I have dusted off my (by now) infamous 'pixel doll'  once again, this time dressed up as Vampirella, in time for Halloween.

Brief Update: Jr's request is honored.  So, can Firestar be next?

Brief Update 2:  Okay, then.  I was actually not going to continue with this series, but since you insist, VL...
(And yes, as it happens I would care for kiss!)

Hope it's satisfactory.

Sublime (it

Sublime (itPopular
SubmitterGrimeyMore Photos from Grimey   Last Update2004/6/14 17:45
Hits7247  Comments18    
Haven't seen any DV8 manips so I thought I do one of sublime. I have no idea what this background is suppose to be. But it needed something. enjoy!

Photo No. 1-30 (out of 412 photos hit)
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