| Wonder Woman 13
Wolverine1607 DC Comics 2014/4/21 18:20
6042 8
Well another Wonder Woman image. And why not practice makes perfect. Just as well cleaning up some old stuff I have hanging out there. My favorite model still I think for WW, which is Alice Goodwin. WW belongs of course to DC. Artwork is mine. And as always thanks for taking a look! |
| Supergirl Heromorph Anniversary
Wolverine1607 DC Comics 2014/2/15 12:17
14677 11
I have been reading that Heromorph was having another anniversary. Its been a while since I posted but I've been around, if I can't post I still check the site regularly. So to say congratulations I had to do an image. This is to Heromorph and all the visitors and users of the site. And may it continue to have many more anniversaries in the future. Such a great community site that has so many great and diversity in artwork. Congrats. I wanted to do something a little different. The model is Heather Rae Young. Supergirl is trademark to DC Comics. Fan artwork is of course mine. Thanks for the look and read! |
| Wonder Woman Image 12
Wolverine1607 DC Comics 2013/9/30 11:22
5946 6
Hello everyone! Its been a while since I have been able to post anything to the site or anywhere. My new position at work keeps me pretty well tied up. I usually leave at around 7:30 in the AM and return home at about 9:30 in the PM. Then eat, say goodnight to my kids. Spend a few with my wife then off to bed. So I try to make time here or there to get things done. Here is another Wonder Woman image. I would say between her and Supergirl probably my favorite to do. Her mostly becuase of the metal work I get to do. I think I like that best. The model is Alice Goodwin. I think as I have said before she is probably my favorite model for Wonder Woman. Who belongs to DC. The artwork is of course me. Thanks for taking a look and let me know what you think. |
| Wonder Woman Image 11
Wolverine1607 DC Comics 2013/1/7 12:10
10030 8
I know its been a while since my last post. Not really as long as the one before that though. But here is another version of Wonder Woman. The model used for this was Alice Goodwin again. I originally had started another Wonder Woman image and had four starts at it. But I kept coming back to this image. So what the heck went and used it. I usually don't do full body images. Couple of reasons really, one I don't like doing the boots. Shoes of images. I just am not very good at them, so I try to stay away from them. Guess I need and should practice that more. Two I try to include as much detail and textures to things as I can and the more a person you can see of the image, the more that you will see the textures and such. I should be able to get to posting more again, since my work has changed shifts, and I am in a new position. So (least my opinion) that is a good thing. But all that said here she is. Thanks for taking a look. Wonder Woman of course belongs to DC. Artwork curtious of me. :) Thanks for taking a look. |
| Supergirl 16
Wolverine1607 DC Comics 2012/10/22 22:32
6406 10
I have really no time to participate in the Halloween Team-ups, which I am sorry about that. This image took me a little over 6 months to complete and finish. But I have really been wanting to work on something. So why not go back to what characters you like the most. With work and all that goes on right now around my house its just difficult to complete anything. Someday now I'll finish up the other 18 images "in progress". Hope everyone enjoys. The model for this is Gwen Barker. Supergirl is DC Comics. And artwork is me. Thanks for all who take a look, and comments are welcomed. |
| Wonder Woman
Wolverine1607 DC Comics 2012/2/2 21:11
21685 13
With some help here from seeing Chillyplasma's great Wonder Woman works last week. It got me inspired to finish one of my own. I've had the base image for a while on this one. Just have been busy with work items and all, so I decided to finish her up. So I guess in a sense ChillyP this one's for you here since you reminded me how much I like to do a good photomanip and its a break from work things. :) And who doesn't love a good Wonder Woman anyay? Thanks here in advance to those who look, and comment. They are always greatly appreicated.
The model used for this one was Alice Goodwin, I think she just has the perfect "look" for her. Wonder Woman character of course belongs to DC Comics, and artwork is me. |
| Wonder Girl 2 - Cassie in Armour
Wolverine1607 DC Comics 2011/12/12 0:11
6372 9
Ok so here is another one. I know the stitching on the side is messed up. But for some reason that?s where my mind kept putting and drawing it in, so at one point it was left there. Other than that I don?t think this came out too bad here. Originally this had a background more colored to the model, but I felt it took too much away from the character itself so I made it more dull shades that were in her coloring. This time I did go with a different method for skin clean up, and tried JR?s method, takes me a bit longer, but I do see where it can be worth it though. I had this sitting here for quite a few months and figured its time to get it out of my folders waiting to work on. Thanks for all those who look or comment, its always a geat help and so appreciated.
The model for this one is Bret Rossi, WonderGirl belongs to DC Comics, and the artwork is mine. |
| Supergirl 52
Wolverine1607 DC Comics 2011/11/18 20:08
8029 8
I have been browsing around and still getting to visit the site here or there. But because of getting so slammed with work I haven?t really had time to do anything, between software, and upgrades to web development. So I know I haven?t posted in a while. But since things are kind of slowing down now, figured I?d get started back into things here, and brushing up. So I started with something familiar, Supergirl. I don?t think it turned out too bad, I used the new 52 version. With the exception of the yellow on the cape, I don?t really like the yellow there, so I left it off. For now having done anything for a while I don?t think that it really came out too bad here. Did make some mistakes while working on things, but sure it will get better. And I will try to continue to post more often. Thanks for those who look or comment, greatly appreciated. The model is Photodromm?s Orsi. Of course Supergirl belongs to DC Comics. Artwork is from me. |
| Power Girl 4
Wolverine1607 DC Comics 2011/2/7 20:07
14119 12
I was browsing around the internet here and I ran into this model. She most definatley looked like a Power Girl to me. So here she is in all her glory. Tried to change up the uniform a little bit, as well as add some of the textures I like to do here of course. So not much to say here really about this one. Plus I found a DC background that I really liked so well, so the background is based upon that. Just painted and made my own. Comments and crits always are welcomed here, so thanks for taking a look! The model for this one is Marie Claude Bourbonnais. I think she fits very well. Power Girl belongs of course to DC, and artwork here is mine.
P.S. White is a real pain in the A$$ to work with still, didn't change since the last time I worked with it. Hope everyone likes! |
| Batgirl
Wolverine1607 DC Comics 2011/1/9 1:01
7190 15
Been wanting to do a Batgirl image for a while now. Tried some new things here. So I guess this falls somewhere in between for me. I painted all the hair into this one. Not totally satisfied with it exactly but it does the trick. I did try a new technique with the cape in the background though. Same way you would render and create a curtain from scratch in photoshop, just with quite a few pieces. What do you think? As well I chose the newer uniform style to go with as well. I do like the newer look quite a bit here than most. Took some liberties of course with the outfit, but tried to stay close. Been working on trying to re-create items better as I need them. So not sure on this one, but I am still satisfied with it. Thanks for all the comments and or critiques if you leave them, they are very much apprecaited. May be a few before I get to work on another image here, have a busy next six to eight months or so with work coming up, but wanted to get one more in. The model for this one was a 3D model from Pozer and Daz combo, found for a general search on the internet, under google for such. As well Batgirl belongs to DC of course. Artwork is my attempt here. |
| Ms. Marvel - Different Uniform
Wolverine1607 Marvel Comics 2010/12/13 14:19
7180 9
Well here is another one. I was browsing on the internet the other day and found an image from a Comic Con Challenge 2010, which was by a user Sam Yang. And it inspired me to do this image. I liked her older uniform but wanted to change it up a bit. So here is my design for her uniform. Hope everyone approves and likes. Not really too sure here about the neck scarf, but I gave this the best I could. Took quite a while to finish this image, I used quite a bit of different textures, including a new one here on the gauntlets. Thanks very much for looking! The model used in this one is Anette Dawn. I loved her pose in here and it seemed to work. Ms. Marvel of course belongs to Marvel Comics. The artwork here is mine. |
| Songbird version 2
Wolverine1607 Marvel Comics 2010/11/26 22:08
6498 7
Well here is another one in the books. Did a new character I haven't done here before. As well this one took me some time. I went through 8 different model choices before deciding on one of them. And then revised the metals 3 times each on this one. Not totally satisfied with this one here, but it is what it is. The metals are what bother me about this one. I have and completed two "versions" of this one. Same model but totally created two backgrounds to this. This one here posted is the one with her "powers" and the second one is without her powers. I will post the second in the Hellfire Club here in case anyone would want to look. Just that I did a background without "powers" first that I thought really made her "pop" and set her off good, when I added the "powers" in it didn't look right so I had to start over. Take a look let me know. And as always thanks to all the HM members. Also the model for this one was Katie Rivers. Character belongs of course to Marvel, this artwork is me. :) Thanks |
| Wonder Woman 9
Wolverine1607 DC Comics 2010/7/17 14:00
20889 15
Been a little while since I have posted. Actually been a while since I have been able to take the time to work on anything really. So trying to get back into the swing of things here. What better way than to start with a Wonder Woman I guess. Feels good to finally spend about 9 hours again doing this. The model for this was Alice Goodwin. Looking on the net one day and seen her and felt she fit perfect so why not. Plus with all the changes that were going on recently with Wonder Woman and her costume. THink they should just have left well enough alone. Keep the basics of the outfit and you can change the metal items around a little bit. So hopefully more posts to come here soon. THanks for taking a look always greatly appreciate the site and views. Character belongs to DC Comics, and artwork of course is my choice here. Thanks! |
| Another Wonder Woman Image for the galleries
Wolverine1607 DC Comics 2010/4/2 20:40
5845 8
I had this picture that I finished quite some time ago here. Found time today to add in a background for her. I think this came out pretty well here. And who doesn't love a Wonder Woman picture? The model for this one is Catalina Cruz. I like the tiara I think the best on this, and the pose she had just seemed to fit for me. Moving forward here with sketching and such for a children's book, so I don't have much time. As well working on stuff as always for work. But always have to make time to do something you like to do. Thanks for all those who take a look here, or comment. Its always greatly appreciated. I as well tried to keep giving her unique and different looks from what I have dnoe in the past. Wonder Woman is copyright to DC Comics. Artwork is something I put together here. :) Thanks |
| Psylocke 5
Wolverine1607 Marvel Comics 2010/2/28 23:45
8826 6
Here or there I re-visit characters I have done before. As I move along I like to see how I have improved as well as how I can improve the character from before. So here is another Psylocke that I have done. I tried to play with the suite a little more here, give it a little more of a different look here. As well tried to add in the kinetic energy on the hand. Wasn't totally thrilled with this here but it, is what it is here. I tried this three different times. Went with the third here. The model for this one is Sunny Leone. Characters of course belong to Marvel, artwork is mine here. Thanks in advance here to all who take a look or comment. They are so greatly appreciated. :) |
| Female Lantern
Wolverine1607 DC Comics 2010/1/27 1:58
6245 8
Well Chowy here you go. I have done a Green Lantern Character here. I used a couple of combinations on the suit. There was one posted not too long ago by JoshMC, which I loved the look and feel to the costume that was done, with Ryan. Which was my main inspiration to pull from. Plus other references around the net. So hopefully I did it all justice with my image. As well last Supergirl post MissVee commented about the layers in Photoshop, well 206 Layers, counting shapes and cutouts, and here we are at the final image. The model is Jessic Joy. Artwork is of course mine, and Green Lantern character to DC. So take a look let me know what you guys think. Hope everyone likes, and as always love the comments and crits on images. :) |
| Supergirl 14
Wolverine1607 DC Comics 2010/1/9 20:15
12964 17
Just something fun here. And who doesn't love a good supergirl. I know I do. Thats of course becuase she is one of my most favorites of all time. And man how time flies, I was looking today and this is the 14th supergirl image I have done. And the 98th image since I every have started making these. Much love for the site. Wanted to share. The model for this one was Tommie Jo. I think it was a good choice. I tried to change the uniform up a bit, darker blues and reds, as well some different smaller details. Artwok is mine, Supergril and characters belongs of course to DC. Take a look let me know here. Thanks!! |
| Arkham Harley from wolverine1607 to 'Lefty'McDeath
Wolverine1607 secret santa 2009/12/28 21:11
7474 5
Well I have to say this is one of the most time consuming and difficult ones I have had the pleasure of doing so far. Thank JR! She was rather a little difficult to manip here, but I figured you give us all so much beautiful art when you do post that why not give you the one probably that was the best one to go with for you. I took references from the Internet for the model. Hope I got it right for you here. Merry Christmas here buddy. Hope you likes what I came up with here Mr. McDeath. Wasn?t what I started with, and of course I took just a little liberty in design here. Just to make it more personalized for you. J
Image Notes: All characters of course are DC property. The model is Vanessa Cooper.
Merry Christmas,
Wolverine1607 |
| Don't forget the Milk and Cookies
Wolverine1607 Marvel Comics 2009/12/13 13:53
3992 4
Wanted to say Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays to everyone here at Heromorph, by far one of my most favorite sites. Hope everyone enjoys their Christmas season here. Haven't seen a whole lot of images so far for Christmas. So here is one that is a little naughty and nice both. Don't forget Santa likes cookies and milk. The model was Cassia Riley for this manip. Images for SpiderWoman belong to Marvel of course, and artwork is mine. |
| Halloween Entry - Mary Marvel
Wolverine1607 Monthly and other challenges 2009/10/5 12:41
6851 10
You've seen the original that was posted earlier. So I took the same image and totally revised it. Few hours spent here. Now she is a zombie... Hope everyone enjoys. And of course Happy Halloween Heromorph! |
| Mary Marvel
Wolverine1607 Marvel Comics 2009/9/19 12:37
5686 10
Just another picture I have been working on here recently. This was based mostly off a picture I found of Mary Marvel by Benes. I really liked the look and overall design, I did add a few twists of my own. Overall I think this came out pretty well. Cape was a lot of work, not totally satisfied with that, but it is what it is. Comments and crits always welcomed. Thanks everyone!
Characters belong to their respective owners. Artwork is mine. |
| Angel Gender Bender
Wolverine1607 Marvel Comics 2009/8/16 19:22
6388 7
Not much to say about this one. Trying to keep up with posting a little more often than I have in the past here. Hope its worth it. But another one makred in the books. The model here is Alexis Texas, wings were courtesy from Devian Art. From alegion stock. I think this turned out pretty well here. Did an Angel a while ago when I first started, the difference is amazing. Character belongs to Marvel here. The rest is artwork from me. Thanks for taking a look, comments are always welcomed. Thanks |
| Stargirl
Wolverine1607 DC Comics 2009/7/31 14:31
11139 12
Well another 23 hour used up here, and here is the final result. Not happy with a couple of things here, but it is what it is. Someone said I should post more, but with the kids and work its sometimes hard. Plus I have some commission stuff I am working on. But I will try my best to keep up more often here adding to the works on the site. The model is Jana Foxy here, one of my favorites. Texture on top is CS3 made, Texture on Bottoms CS3 made. Texture on Stars and pants also as well made in Photoshop here. As well as the rest of the uniform to boot. Unfortunately they are harder to see when it gets smaller or image size. But its the smaller details that count, so they are in there. So hope everyone likes it here. Take a look and let me know. And in advance here thanks for the comments and looking. Greatly do appreciate it. Stargirl is property of DC comics and belongs to them. Rest is artwork by me. Thanks everyone! |
| Zatanna
Wolverine1607 DC Comics 2009/7/10 23:08
6604 8
Well 13 models and started Photoshop Documents and 20 hours later here I finally got something I am pleased with. I think this came out rather well, and who doesn't love a babe here in fishnets? Fishets and all items are custom brushes made, sparkes ect... I think this is one of my better ones. Tried to render the name as smoke in the background here, not sure how that came out or if I like it all the way, but it is what it is here. As always thanks for looking here, and comments and crits always a welcomed thing. Only helps to improve one here. Zatanna of course belongs to DC Comics. Artwork is mine here. :) Thanks! |
| Megan Fox - Wonder Woman
Wolverine1607 DC Comics 2009/4/14 17:48
17876 10
I know there has been some thoughts about who should be and play Wonder Woman if there is ever a movie here. I was browsing through the net the other day and came across a poster made for Megan Fox as Wonder Woman. I really liked the look of it so I began my own version of her here. The base photo used here was a photo manipulation of Megan Fox and I assume model pieces. I did do some minor touch ups of course here. The original was posted at a Fakes site. The original artits for Megan was a user named Steve Fly. So no credit really to faking this one. Otherwise a cutout and replacement of the hair back in. Touchups on the skin, eyes, and face here. Uniform is mine of course, the concept was from a uniform idea that was posted for a cover of Rolling Stone. I liked most of it but not quite all of it. So I did change it a little bit here. Rope was manufactured in PS CS3 as well the rest of it. The background was just something I came up with and threw in. Originally it was all a blue one but I really wanted to break it up here and throught it looked better broken up. After three days of different images here in the background, and around 16 hours on the Model as a whole this is where it will sit here. Wonder Woman character belongs to DC Comics. Fan art here is on me. And what does one more Wonder Woman image hurt anyway. Another one of my favorite characters to do here. Thanks for those who look here. Comments and crits always welcomed. As well any thing I can answer or help any one with, with anything I manip or do, just let me know here. Thanks guys! |
| Lady Heromorph
Wolverine1607 Other Comics 2009/3/29 15:48
5043 6
I have been wanting to do Lady HM for a while here and I finally got around to doing one here. If it weren't for this site I would have never even started to manip stuff. So thanks Heromorph! As well to everyone on the site here. The model here is Shay Laruen, HM Logo is just a base threw together. Carpet is PS CS3, as well as the floor a texture brought in pieced together here. Hope everyone likes. Thanks |
| Thundercats - Cheetara
Wolverine1607 TV and Movies 2009/3/15 20:04
14112 10
First off, sorry for the previous two posts. Here. One my daughter was nice enough to press some buttons during upload. And second one I have an image that is 800K and 3900 x 2900 pixles. Just wouldn't go. I am sure I am doing something here. But anyway where I left off here.
Hopefully there will be tons more. I love the details you can see with higher-res images. Still had to size it down but not quite nearly as much as usual. This too quite some time to do. Hours just for the fur. Hope every one likes it. I am satisified with the way this come out. Let me know what you all think. The model is Louise Glover, the rest is from me here. All characters are of course copy right to their perspective owners. Art is mine. Thanks everyone! |
| Another Supergirl
Wolverine1607 DC Comics 2009/2/28 23:37
11870 14
Was sitting here and thought I would like to get in and do something here. This is one I started a while ago, and looking through my stuff to complete here this was in there. And supergril being one of my favorite of all times to do. And I know how much folks around here love a Supergirl. Here's one more to the many great ones on the site already. Comments, approvals, or especially area's to improve are always welcomed. Thanks guys!! |
| Ultimate Thor - Gender Bender
Wolverine1607 Marvel Comics 2009/1/4 11:25
17407 17
I haven't done a piece in a little while here so I thought I'd try and get back into the game here. So I used Thor. Just a little modifications. I was searching something on Deviant and saw a female Thor, and always knew of the ultimate Thor. So why not right. But here's my version of this. Comments and such are always so greatly appreciated and welcomed. Side notes - The hammer took quite a while here. Not sure why it just did. The model is Jana Cova, with some clean up and enhnacements done. All characters and credit to their respective owners here. Thanks guys! |
| Trick or Treat by Alex and Wolverine1607
Wolverine1607 Monthly and other challenges 2008/10/31 8:13
4853 6
Super girl and Power Girl dress up.
Image drawn and Inked by Alex, coloring and background for image done by Wolverine1607.