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Main : Awards and Special : secret santa :  Total:187

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Photo No. 1-30 (out of 187 photos hit)
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first ideal

first idealPopular
SubmitterTazmanMore Photos from Tazman   Last Update2018/12/27 16:12
Hits1690  Comments2    
this is what I started working on for the secret Santa until i remembered that Leetah was an Elf...
But here's a look at it anyway

Dragondack's Gift for the Secret Santas

Dragondack's Gift for the Secret SantasPopular
SubmitterSecret_SantaMore Photos from Secret_Santa   Last Update2018/12/25 2:10
Hits1617  Comments9    
Dragondack's gift for all the Secret Santas! Merry Christmas!

To B from Magnusch

To B from MagnuschPopular
SubmitterSecret_SantaMore Photos from Secret_Santa   Last Update2018/12/25 2:06
Hits1460  Comments7    
It's finally done!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

To LordKuyohashi from Tazman

To LordKuyohashi from TazmanPopular
SubmitterSecret_SantaMore Photos from Secret_Santa   Last Update2018/12/25 2:03
Hits1637  Comments8    
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

To pijon from B

To pijon from BPopular
SubmitterSecret_SantaMore Photos from Secret_Santa   Last Update2018/12/25 1:59
Hits1681  Comments7    
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

To Dark Wanderer from pijon

To Dark Wanderer from pijonPopular
SubmitterSecret_SantaMore Photos from Secret_Santa   Last Update2018/12/25 1:56
Hits1587  Comments6    
I'm not much of a gamer these days so I had no idea who Bowsette was but the whole back story of some funny fan art taking on a life of it's own and leading to a whole movement in cosplay and art seemed to fit Heromorph so perfectly. Thanks for teaching me something new, DW!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

To Tazman from DarqueImages

To Tazman from DarqueImagesPopular
SubmitterSecret_SantaMore Photos from Secret_Santa   Last Update2018/12/25 1:50
Hits1484  Comments7    
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

To drunkendragon from whiz

To drunkendragon from whizPopular
SubmitterSecret_SantaMore Photos from Secret_Santa   Last Update2018/12/25 1:48
Hits1541  Comments16    
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

To Whiz from LordKuyohashi

To Whiz from LordKuyohashiPopular
SubmitterSecret_SantaMore Photos from Secret_Santa   Last Update2018/12/25 1:42
Hits1621  Comments7    
My little contribution to the effort, my gift to Whiz.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

To DarqueImages from Dark Wanderer

To DarqueImages from Dark WandererPopular
SubmitterSecret_SantaMore Photos from Secret_Santa   Last Update2018/12/25 1:37
Hits1567  Comments7    
Merry Christmas!

To Magnusch from Obsidian

To Magnusch from ObsidianPopular
SubmitterSecret_SantaMore Photos from Secret_Santa   Last Update2018/12/25 1:34
Hits1530  Comments9    
All finished Blade and Misty Knight.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

To Obsidian from drunkendragon

To Obsidian from drunkendragonPopular
SubmitterSecret_SantaMore Photos from Secret_Santa   Last Update2018/12/25 1:29
Hits1568  Comments7    
!!!!!!!!!MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!

And to all those who keep Heromorph alive and well…
Have a Very Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday Season!


Dragondack's Gift for Heromorphers

Dragondack's Gift for HeromorphersPopular
SubmitterSecret_SantaMore Photos from Secret_Santa   Last Update2018/12/25 1:19
Hits1424  Comments2    
Once again, Dragondack has generously give a gift for the whole community of Heromorph...

Special Heromorph Christmas Bonus - pijon

Special Heromorph Christmas Bonus - pijonPopular
SubmitterSecret_SantaMore Photos from Secret_Santa   Last Update2018/12/24 21:58
Hits1661  Comments2    
Our not so secret Santa, Dragondack has made gifts for Lady Heromorph and all of the Secret Santa participants.
Here's another while you wait for Secret Santa gifts!  
Thank you Dragondack for all your many contributions around here  and your generosity in making these great gift images for the community!
Dragondack's gift to pijon

Special Heromorph Christmas Bonus - Dark Wanderer

Special Heromorph Christmas Bonus - Dark WandererPopular
SubmitterSecret_SantaMore Photos from Secret_Santa   Last Update2018/12/24 21:57
Hits1522  Comments1    
Our not so secret Santa, Dragondack has made gifts for Lady Heromorph and all of the Secret Santa participants.
Here's another while you wait for Secret Santa gifts!  
Thank you Dragondack for all your many contributions around here  and your generosity in making these great gift images for the community!
Dragondack's gift to Dark Wanderer

Special Heromorph Christmas Bonus - B

Special Heromorph Christmas Bonus - BPopular
SubmitterSecret_SantaMore Photos from Secret_Santa   Last Update2018/12/24 21:55
Hits1626  Comments1    
Our not so secret Santa, Dragondack has made gifts for Lady Heromorph and all of the Secret Santa participants.
Here's another while you wait for Secret Santa gifts!
Thank you Dragondack for all your many contributions around here  and your generosity in making these great gift images for the community!
Dragondack's gift to B

Special Heromorph Christmas Bonus - Magnusch

Special Heromorph Christmas Bonus - MagnuschPopular
SubmitterSecret_SantaMore Photos from Secret_Santa   Last Update2018/12/23 16:23
Hits1537  Comments2    
Our not so secret Santa, Dragondack has made gifts for Lady Heromorph and all of the Secret Santa participants that we're still sharing til Christmas to help keep all our Secret Santas extra-motivated.
Thank you Dragondack for all your many contributions around here  and your generosity in making these great gift images for the community!
Today: Dragondack's gift to Magnusch

Special Heromorph Christmas Bonus - Whiz

Special Heromorph Christmas Bonus - WhizPopular
SubmitterSecret_SantaMore Photos from Secret_Santa   Last Update2018/12/22 9:00
Hits1554  Comments2    
I hope all of our Secret Santas are busy working on their X-Mas gifts but in the meanwhile, our not so secret Santa, Dragondack has made gifts for Lady Heromorph and all of the Secret Santa participants that we'll be sharing from now til Christmas to help keep all our Secret Santas extra-motivated.
Thank you Dragondack for all your many contributions around here  and your generosity in making these great gift images for the community!
Today: Dragondack's gift to Whiz

Special Heromorph Christmas Bonus - DarqueImages

Special Heromorph Christmas Bonus - DarqueImagesPopular
SubmitterSecret_SantaMore Photos from Secret_Santa   Last Update2018/12/21 7:37
Hits1391  Comments2    
I hope all of our Secret Santas are busy working on their X-Mas gifts but in the meanwhile, our not so secret Santa, Dragondack has made gifts for Lady Heromorph and all of the Secret Santa participants that we'll be sharing from now til Christmas to help keep all our Secret Santas extra-motivated.
Thank you Dragondack for all your many contributions around here  and your generosity in making these great gift images for the community!
Today: Dragondack's gift to DarqueImages

Special Heromorph Christmas Bonus - drunkendragon

Special Heromorph Christmas Bonus - drunkendragonPopular
SubmitterSecret_SantaMore Photos from Secret_Santa   Last Update2018/12/20 6:35
Hits1609  Comments2    
I hope all of our Secret Santas are busy working on their X-Mas gifts but in the meanwhile, our not so secret Santa, Dragondack has made gifts for Lady Heromorph and all of the Secret Santa participants that we'll be sharing from now til Christmas to help keep all our Secret Santas extra-motivated.
Thank you Dragondack for all your many contributions around here  and your generosity in making these great gift images for the community!
Today: Dragondack's gift to drunkendragon

Special Heromorph Christmas Bonus - LordKuyohashi

Special Heromorph Christmas Bonus - LordKuyohashiPopular
SubmitterSecret_SantaMore Photos from Secret_Santa   Last Update2018/12/19 12:08
Hits1596  Comments2    
I hope all of our Secret Santas are busy working on their X-Mas gifts but in the meanwhile, our not so secret Santa, Dragondack has made gifts for Lady Heromorph and all of the Secret Santa participants that we'll be sharing from now til Christmas to help keep all our Secret Santas extra-motivated.
Thank you Dragondack for all your many contributions around here  and your generosity in making these great gift images for the community!
Today: Dragondack's gift to LordKuyohashi

Special Heromorph Christmas Bonus - Obsidian

Special Heromorph Christmas Bonus - ObsidianPopular
SubmitterSecret_SantaMore Photos from Secret_Santa   Last Update2018/12/18 11:19
Hits1513  Comments4    
I hope all of our Secret Santas are busy working on their X-Mas gifts but in the meanwhile, our not so secret Santa, Dragondack has made gifts for Lady Heromorph and all of the Secret Santa participants that we'll be sharing from now til Christmas to help keep all our Secret Santas extra-motivated.
Thank you Dragondack for all your many contributions around here  and your generosity in making these great gift images for the community!
Today: Dragondack's gift to Obsidian

Special Heromorph Christmas Bonus - Tazman

Special Heromorph Christmas Bonus - TazmanPopular
SubmitterSecret_SantaMore Photos from Secret_Santa   Last Update2018/12/17 9:59
Hits1558  Comments2    
I hope all of our Secret Santas are busy working on their X-Mas gifts but in the meanwhile, our not so secret Santa, Dragondack has made gifts for Lady Heromorph and all of the Secret Santa participants that we'll be sharing from now til Christmas to help keep all our Secret Santas extra-motivated.
Thank you Dragondack for all your many contributions around here  and your generosity in making these great gift images for the community!
Today: Dragondack's gift to Tazman

Special Heromorph Christmas Bonus - Lady Heromorph

Special Heromorph Christmas Bonus - Lady HeromorphPopular
SubmitterSecret_SantaMore Photos from Secret_Santa   Last Update2018/12/16 16:03
Hits1562  Comments2    
I hope all of our Secret Santas are busy working on their X-Mas gifts but in the meanwhile, our not so secret Santa, Dragondack has made gifts for Lady Heromorph and all of the Secret Santa participants that we'll be sharing from now til Christmas to help keep all our Secret Santas extra-motivated.
Thank you Dragondack for all your many contributions around here  and your generosity in making these great gift images for the community!
Of course, we'll start things off with something for Lady Heromorph.

From OzZy to B

From OzZy to BPopular
SubmitterSecret_SantaMore Photos from Secret_Santa   Last Update2017/12/25 2:14
Hits1782  Comments8    
I tried to fulfil your requests... somehow...
I hope you like.
Merry Christmas and a Hapy New Year for you and your family as well to all Heromorphers out there.  

From  DrunkenDragon To  DarqueImages

From DrunkenDragon To DarqueImagesPopular
SubmitterSecret_SantaMore Photos from Secret_Santa   Last Update2017/12/25 1:52
Hits1947  Comments9    
I’m not great at CW styling…but I tried anyway…

Merry Christmas !

And thanks once again for hosting this awesome event!

From B To OzZy

From B To OzZyPopular
SubmitterSecret_SantaMore Photos from Secret_Santa   Last Update2017/12/25 1:50
Hits1831  Comments8    
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

From Dark Wanderer To Tazman

From Dark Wanderer To TazmanPopular
SubmitterSecret_SantaMore Photos from Secret_Santa   Last Update2017/12/25 1:48
Hits1817  Comments6    
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

From Drawolf25 To Dark Wanderer

From Drawolf25 To Dark WandererPopular
SubmitterSecret_SantaMore Photos from Secret_Santa   Last Update2017/12/25 1:46
Hits1868  Comments8    
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

From DarqueImages To LordKuyohashi

From DarqueImages To LordKuyohashi Popular
SubmitterSecret_SantaMore Photos from Secret_Santa   Last Update2017/12/25 1:45
Hits1824  Comments11    
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

*...and a huge Thank You to Dark Wanderer for his help.

Photo No. 1-30 (out of 187 photos hit)
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