| Thundercats - Cheetara
Wolverine1607 2009/3/15 20:04
14158 10
First off, sorry for the previous two posts. Here. One my daughter was nice enough to press some buttons during upload. And second one I have an image that is 800K and 3900 x 2900 pixles. Just wouldn't go. I am sure I am doing something here. But anyway where I left off here.
Hopefully there will be tons more. I love the details you can see with higher-res images. Still had to size it down but not quite nearly as much as usual. This too quite some time to do. Hours just for the fur. Hope every one likes it. I am satisified with the way this come out. Let me know what you all think. The model is Louise Glover, the rest is from me here. All characters are of course copy right to their perspective owners. Art is mine. Thanks everyone! |
| Special Extra-Long Sept - August Challenge: FF2 Enter the She-hulk
Winterhawk 2005/8/28 14:36
13669 17
here is my entry for the Special Extra-Long challenge. I have no Idea who the model is. Enjoy |
| Yet More Funsters Fun
co_04 2006/10/20 8:10
13150 8
This was a quickie I did last Halloween for my aforementioned goth friend. Hardly more than a cut-and-paste, although I removed her name to uh, protect the not-so-innocent shall we say, before posting it here at HM.
Could make a nice Halloween greeting.
--C. |
| Assorted Sordid Funsters Files
co_04 2006/10/26 18:52
11549 11
I decided to double up on some of these older files since they're rather small, and I still seem to have many of them. So for those that have asked for more I hope this will double your pleasure, double your fun. :)
But if not, we can still take a look at the two I selected. Notice how both use the same headshot for entirely different results. (At least, if I remember correctly they are in fact the same.) Next post I'll do just the opposite, I'll use the same model but with different headshots.
That bat top took most of the work as I recall.
--C. |
| SuperB - Violet
SuperB 2005/9/3 16:29
10939 11
It's another first poster. Here goes. There's a bunch that could be done better, but that comes with skill and practice. :)
For those of you with advice, I'm a GIMPer and will happily take some feedback. |
| Isis by Heroglyph
Heroglyph 2004/9/22 10:24
10748 8
Here's a modern day take on Isis. She, along with Captain Marvel, had their own live action Saturday morning TV show back in the 70's. She also appeared in an animated form on a show called Freedom Force, as well as having a short lived DC comic.
Origin: A young science teacher, Andrea Thomas, found a magical amulet while on an archaeological dig. She learned she was heir to the "Secrets of Isis." By bearing a necklace that held the amulet, and calling out the phrase "OH MIGHTY ISIS," Andrea was transformed into Isis.
As Isis, she could "soar as the falcon soars, run with the speed of gazelles, and command all the elements of sky and earth." In order to invoke her powers, she had to recite incantations. Her most famous incantation - "Oh zephyr winds which blow on high, lift me now so I can fly" - assisted her in taking flight. She also had control of animals, fire, water, etc. |
| More Funsters Fun
co_04 2006/10/16 9:39
10480 12
I did this last year for a goth friend of mine, who loves to party in her jacuzzi. Not much here, except that the reflections in the pool were a little tricky as well as the spiderweb brassiere. The head shot was grainy and blurry and had to be cleaned up a lot, and she had to grow new hair. |
| Tink ... Now with 50% More Anime!
Shump1 2010/2/11 6:49
9942 10
...if you prefer. |
| Auska (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
MaxMahem 2007/2/14 17:00
9934 8
Inspired by some of the beautiful art here and aided by some of the tutorials I thought I would take a swing at this.
Hopefully you can tell that that is supposed to be Asuka from Neon Genesis Evangelion. Its my first try at photo-manipulation and I'm pretty happy with it. I think it has that slightly realistic effect, where you have to take a secound glance to see if it is fake or not, which is what I was going for (feel free to differ on this point). It was orginaly a picture of a lustly redheaded female model on a washing machine (which explains the weird pose her right arm is in). The plug suit itsn't 100% accurate either, but it's fairly close. I'm especialy happy with the way the 'plugs' turned out.
Any advice and critisims are very welcome as I would like to improve, but I feel like I have hit a wall in terms of what I can do to improve this image.
Thanks for taking a look. |
| The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy
BRaZZZil 2010/7/3 17:35
9931 7
| It's That Season Again
co_04 2006/10/10 5:57
9860 14
--For ghosts, goths, ghoulfriends...
Okay...I've only posted a few files here so far, but anyone familiar with them has probably already noticed I tend to go for realism rather than a fantasy style. But for this image, did I want to make the character into a "real" ghoul, or make it look like a model who was simply made up to look like one?
The original image is of a fitness model natch, but I didn't like the squatting, legs apart position. I wanted the legs together, making the entire form more biomorphic, and therefore more feminine. So I "rebuilt" everthing from the waist down using as much as possible from the original ( I can post the original in the cookie jar if anyone cares) and whatever else I could put together, mostly on the left leg. Same with the feet (what a pain...) Then bosoms...wasn't sure whether to add the sleeve/shroud negligee thang or not. Even the face had to be composed from different pictures (I didn't realize that Lily had two different makeup styles).
After all that, I didn't want to just blanche the body. I used blending options to keep the low-lights showing through as red, suggesting that it is indeed intended to be just a model wearing theatrical makeup and photographed "in camera". To further emphasize the point, I even put screw eyes into the floor, fastening down the spider web. Ha!
I still go back and forth as to whether that rear leg convincingly exists in space, but I'm so sick of looking at this thing that maybe it's time to cal it a day.
--co, "chiefohara" |
| Scarlett by Sleepenemy
SleepEnemy 2003/8/17 10:23
9593 9
| Robotech: Dana in Ep. "Half-Moon"
NoClue 2010/1/5 5:37
9230 1
In the episode "Half-Moon" Dana is on patrol with a subordinate and spot some odd lights in the distance and go to investigate by climbing up a ridge.
Model is Lexi Belle
done in Photodraw 2000 |
| Thunder, Thunder, Thunder, Thundercats! Ho - 1 - Lioness-o
BRaZZZil 2007/6/22 17:30
9121 15
Lioness-o - Marketa Belonoha
Snarf - a bigcat in google
Update - following instructions of Android. thanks
| Himitsu Sentai Goranger (1975) - Momo Ranger
BRaZZZil 2011/5/21 9:51
9061 2
Momo Ranger
| Jayna by Heroglyph
Heroglyph 2006/4/2 22:08
8971 17
Wonder Twin powers activate! I thought the model was a dead ringer for Jayna from the old Super Friends cartoon. Not completely happy with the costume, but I am calling it done. Comments welcome. |
| Scarlett by Stifler
Stifler 2003/8/18 20:00
8415 3
Gotta do more Joe pics. Lady Jaye, Cover Girl, Baroness, Zaranna, who am I leav'in out? |
| Emma Frost X3 Casting
MarvTMartian 2005/8/10 11:17
8077 27
Tricia Helfer (6 From the new Battlestar Gallactica) would make the perfect Emma Frost (Even If I can't)! This is my First Heromorph posting, but you don't have to be kind. I can take it! |
| Supegirl - Laura Vandervoort
BRaZZZil 2007/8/9 19:39
8051 14
Laura Vandervoort, now also known as Kara Zor-El... Supergirl.
Laura Vandervoort (born September 22, 1984 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada) is a Canadian actress. She currently plays the role of Sadie Harrison on Instant Star. She has also acted in Instant Star on CTV for the past three years, where she plays Sadie Harrison, and has appeared in CSI, The Dresden Files, Falcon Beach and Twice in a Lifetime, among many other things. She graduated from York Mills Collegiate Institute in North York, Ontario. It's been revealed that she has been cast as Kara Zor-El AKA Supergirl in Season 7 of Smallville. (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
| Robotech: Dana Sterling's new hair style
NoClue 2010/1/5 5:37
7988 1
Given Robotech's production history the character could also be Jeanne Francaix from the Japanese Anime Super Dimension Calvary: Southern Cross.
Model is Lexi Belle
done in Photodraw 2000 |
| Thunder, Thunder, Thunder, Thundercats! Ho - 10 - Mumm-Rana
BRaZZZil 2008/4/5 10:12
7897 9
?Ancient spirits of evil, transform this decayed form to Mumm-Rana, the Ever-Living!?
model: many parts, of many bodies(Babel Fish)
Paz/Peace |
| Princess Arial by Heroglyph
Heroglyph 2008/6/2 10:50
7778 11
From the Thundarr the Barbarian cartoon circa 1980's. |
| Robotech Shadow Chronicles pilot 2
NoClue 2010/1/22 13:41
7765 1
Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles change of the REF uniform.
Model: Sienna Sun |
| Cheetara by Optical Intruder
Optical_Intruder 2003/8/19 6:21
7506 11
Recreation of my first ever photomanipulation. |
| Hanna Barbera Superheroes
daswook 2011/11/23 22:10
7416 1
JustinBLong2003 2004/10/18 9:13
7414 7
This is the Martian Queen from the Duck Dodger cartoon on Cartoon Network. |
| Jean Grey
Vincent 2005/9/3 15:19
7171 16
Jean Grey, first faked on Famke's head, and then manipulated the rest. The hair is Gillian anderson's :D |
| Scarlett
HubCap 2003/9/2 8:25
7005 4
| Baroness
HubCap 2003/9/2 8:20
6847 3
GI Joe manip done by request. |
| Cheetara
Android 2004/8/29 9:32
6824 17
1. Source: The model is Marie Pierre Ripert, another bodybuilder.
2. Commenting the image: Wonderful pose. Elegant shading. The image, however, was very dirty.
3. Making of: Basically the same steps used for “Panthro”. I liked the boots. Originally, this woman was bare-footed.
Note: Of course I don't think this model is the prettiest woman in the world... But the pose compensated everything. Cheetara would deserve more. |