| Meggan (Excalibur) by Heroglyph
Heroglyph Marvel Comics 2011/6/19 12:25
4614 5
It's been a loooong time since I posted anything. |
| Princess Arial by Heroglyph
Heroglyph TV and Movies 2008/6/2 10:50
7714 11
From the Thundarr the Barbarian cartoon circa 1980's. |
| Platinum by Heroglyph
Heroglyph DC Comics 2008/4/10 11:12
5132 11
The Silver Age version from the Metal Men. Coments welcome. I can tell I am a bit rusty. No pun intended. |
| Tigra #2 By Heroglyph
Heroglyph Marvel Comics 2008/3/31 18:23
4368 3
Rosario Dawson as Tigra. Base pic in the cookie jar. |
| Mary Marvel Black by Heroglyph
Heroglyph DC Comics 2007/10/27 20:00
6262 9
An experiment to try to get the elusive shiny latex look. |
| Hellcat by Heroglyph
Heroglyph Marvel Comics 2007/4/21 19:31
4583 11
Had a hard time making this bright yellow costume look interesting. Playing with some textures. |
| Wonder Girl (#2) by Heroglyph
Heroglyph DC Comics 2007/2/15 1:43
8596 8
This seems to have vanished from the archives so I am re-submitting it. |
| Hawkgirl by Heroglyph
Heroglyph DC Comics 2006/9/3 13:31
4621 8
I've been wanting to do a Hawkgirl manip for awhile. I must say that her mask was a huge pain in the butt, and I'm still not entirely happy with it, but I am tired of fooling with it. Not sure who the model is. |
| Jayna by Heroglyph
Heroglyph TV and Movies 2006/4/2 22:08
8931 17
Wonder Twin powers activate! I thought the model was a dead ringer for Jayna from the old Super Friends cartoon. Not completely happy with the costume, but I am calling it done. Comments welcome. |
| Kitty Pryde by Heroglyph
Heroglyph Marvel Comics 2006/3/14 0:08
6307 9
My first post of the year and to the new Heromorph. I am glad to be back. As always comments welcome. |
| Mary Marvel #2 by Heroglyph
Heroglyph DC Comics 2005/11/27 20:25
9313 19
Here's another Mary pic using the same model as before. |
| Mary Marvel by Heroglyph
Heroglyph DC Comics 2005/10/28 22:21
7245 18
This one took about 2.5 hours. Comments welcome. |
| Spider-Woman by Heroglyph
Heroglyph Marvel Comics 2005/7/2 0:13
11228 22
Been awhile since I have posted. Comments appreciated. |
| Powergirl by Heroglyph
Heroglyph DC Comics 2004/12/12 19:03
8150 16
| Punisher by Heroglyph
Heroglyph Marvel Comics 2004/10/18 8:23
6726 11
| Wonder Girl by Heroglyph
Heroglyph DC Comics 2004/10/3 21:31
13143 12
The latest incarnation of Wonder Girl from Young Justice and the Teen Titans. Does anyone know how she went from the goggle waering, slightly geeky girl to the current blonde bombshell? I'm out of the loop on her recent history. At any rate, enjoy. |
| Viper by Heroglyph
Heroglyph Marvel Comics 2004/10/3 12:43
6052 4
Here is the former Madame Hydra. When I saw the model's hairdo, she instantly reminded me of Marvel's femme fatale. |
| Isis by Heroglyph
Heroglyph TV and Movies 2004/9/22 10:24
10706 8
Here's a modern day take on Isis. She, along with Captain Marvel, had their own live action Saturday morning TV show back in the 70's. She also appeared in an animated form on a show called Freedom Force, as well as having a short lived DC comic.
Origin: A young science teacher, Andrea Thomas, found a magical amulet while on an archaeological dig. She learned she was heir to the "Secrets of Isis." By bearing a necklace that held the amulet, and calling out the phrase "OH MIGHTY ISIS," Andrea was transformed into Isis.
As Isis, she could "soar as the falcon soars, run with the speed of gazelles, and command all the elements of sky and earth." In order to invoke her powers, she had to recite incantations. Her most famous incantation - "Oh zephyr winds which blow on high, lift me now so I can fly" - assisted her in taking flight. She also had control of animals, fire, water, etc. |
| Huntress by Heroglyph
Heroglyph DC Comics 2004/7/11 18:43
6793 9
This is the Silver Age, Earth-2 version of the Huntress, the daughter of Batman and Catwoman. |
| Red Sonja by Heroglyh
Heroglyph Marvel Comics 2004/6/8 12:10
8286 7
My first attempt at an entirely "Frankensteined" piece. All of teh body parts came from various pics of Dina Meyer (Starship troopers/Birds of Prey) except for the legs and chest which belong to Angelica Bridges. I found a pic of her in fantasy gear. Apparently she played Red Sonja on the short lived Conan TV series a few years ago.
The hardest part was getting all of the lighting to match up as well as getting the skin tones to mesh. Some of the bodyparts still seem a little off, especially the hands, but I am calling this one done for now. |
| Looker by Heroglyph
Heroglyph DC Comics 2004/6/3 0:49
6747 8
From Alan Davis' run on Batman and the Outsiders back in the 80's |
| Rawhide Kid by Heroglyph
Heroglyph Marvel Comics 2004/5/6 0:01
4919 4
This one turned out to be quite difficult due to all of the wrinkles and trying to make the shirt look like denim. I think it turned out OK in the end. |
| Zatanna by Heroglyph
Heroglyph DC Comics 2004/3/23 17:55
7213 5
Minus the coat and tails. |
| Batgirl by Heroglyph
Heroglyph DC Comics 2004/3/22 18:59
8082 4
| Supergirl 1000 by Heroglyph
Heroglyph DC Comics 2004/2/13 11:53
10828 9
Here is my submission for the Heromorph #1000 idea discussed in the forums. It features a Supergirl from three different eras: 70's, 80's and present day. Perhaps it could be some crisis in time sort of adventure. |
| Retro Girl by Heroglyph
Heroglyph Other Comics 2004/2/9 22:26
5684 7
From "Powers" by Brian Michael Bendis and Micheal Avon Oeming. |
| Dagger by Heroglyph
Heroglyph Marvel Comics 2004/2/5 9:40
8610 8
This one is pretty simple, but the model really reminded me of Dagger. I updated it based on feedback to make the costume look more like cloth and seperate from her skin. |
| Arrowette by Heroglyph
Heroglyph DC Comics 2004/1/12 17:00
8138 7
From the pages of Young Justice. I cranked this one out rather quickly, about 3 hours. It definitely needs a new background. Comments welcome. |
| White Rabbit by Heroglyph
Heroglyph Marvel Comics 2004/1/4 16:46
6882 8
This obscure villain made her debut in Marvel Team-Up #131 (July, 1983)in which Spidey teams up with Frog Man. She has only shown up two more times since her first appearance.
| Wonder Woman (2) by Heroglyph.
Heroglyph DC Comics 2004/1/1 23:42
10646 15
I started this one a few weeks ago and forgot about it. Finished it up tonight. |