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Main : ! 2D Art ! : DC Comics :  Total:993

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Photo No. 1-30 (out of 993 photos hit)
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Composite Superman

Composite SupermanPopular
SubmitterCDAMore Photos from CDA   Last Update2024/1/4 14:33
Hits525  Comments0    
Endowed with the combined powers of the Legion of Super-Heroes and with a costume that was half Superman's, half Batman's, the Composite Superman was one of the most powerful enemies Superman and Batman ever faced.

Comic Panel Mod

Comic Panel ModPopular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2023/8/28 18:50
Hits531  Comments0    

There,Finally Finished with all Updates!

Batman - Rooftop Glide

Batman - Rooftop GlidePopular
SubmitterCDAMore Photos from CDA   Last Update2023/12/12 13:13
Hits561  Comments0    
Another photo-manip that started out as a rough sketch. The final image had a few modifications made to the pose, but the overall concept remains the same.

conner kent

conner kentPopular
SubmittervoltronreturnsMore Photos from voltronreturns   Last Update2021/11/21 19:51
Hits887  Comments0    
just another practice piece

Peacemaker Caricature - TV show version

Peacemaker Caricature - TV show versionPopular
SubmitterWLineMore Photos from WLine   Last Update2022/6/24 13:36
Hits895  Comments2    
Has been awhile since my last post here... and since during this time the Peacemaker TV show was one of the best things I saw on TV super-hero wise (that opening      ).

So, here it is my cartoonish version of the Peacemaker.

As usual, in the comments section, you will find a video with the Making Of.

And if you like my art and videos, you can subscribe to my   YouTube Channel: Tempo de Arte

Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot)

Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot)Popular
SubmitterDarqueImagesMore Photos from DarqueImages   Last Update2021/11/19 23:37
Hits1228  Comments2    
Been working on this one off and on  since May and just kept losing the motivation to create art. Quitting the job that was just killing my soul brought me back.

Batman #1 Batgirl comic cover

Batman #1 Batgirl comic coverPopular
SubmitterMFMore Photos from MF   Last Update2020/9/29 17:19
Hits1380  Comments1    
Here's my latest blank comic book cover drawing, this one is Batgirl from "Batman: The Brave And The Bold" #16 based on the classic Vargas 'Bat-Woman' pin-up.

Fanboy and Mary Jane go see Aquaman

Fanboy and Mary Jane go see AquamanPopular
SubmitterMFMore Photos from MF   Last Update2018/12/22 18:21
Hits1521  Comments1    
Fanboy as the King of the Seven Seas and Mary Jane as his queen Mera go check out DC's latest sure-to-be hit movie!

Harley Quinn meets Supergirl: Epilogue.

Harley Quinn meets Supergirl: Epilogue.Popular
SubmitterSadmanMore Photos from Sadman   Last Update2020/1/29 12:05
Hits1522  Comments1    
Conclusion of my Harley Quinn meets Supergirl triptych.
Hope your New Year's starting better than Harley's.

Golden Glider

Golden GliderPopular
SubmitterMFMore Photos from MF   Last Update2019/10/27 17:12
Hits1522  Comments1    
The original version of classic Flash villainess Golden Glider aka Lisa Snart, the sister of Captain Cold.

Catwoman... LITERALLY!

Catwoman... LITERALLY!Popular
SubmitterMFMore Photos from MF   Last Update2019/3/18 16:34
Hits1528  Comments1    
My version of Selina Kyle from the "Batman: The Animated Series" episode 'Tyger, Tyger' where a mad scientist transformed her into an actual Cat-Woman!

Batman 1989

Batman 1989Popular
SubmitterWLineMore Photos from WLine   Last Update2020/10/21 13:18
Hits1529  Comments4    
As you must have guessed already, Batman is one of my favorite characters and the 1989 movie is still one of my fav comic related movies.

So, here is my little homage to that movie.

As usual, in the comments section, you will find a video with the Making Of.

And if you like my art and weekly videos, you can subscribe to my   YouTube Channel: Tempo de Arte

Fanboy and Mary Jane go see Birds Of Prey

Fanboy and Mary Jane go see Birds Of PreyPopular
SubmitterMFMore Photos from MF   Last Update2020/2/11 17:22
Hits1532  Comments1    
Fanboy as Harley Quinn and Mary Jane as Poison Ivy hit a PC snag when they try to go see DC's latest cinematic offering.


SubmitterMFMore Photos from MF   Last Update2018/7/31 16:47
Hits1542  Comments1    
From Superman: The Animated Series, here's my version of the electrifying villainess Livewire!

Brainy Pencils

Brainy PencilsPopular
SubmitterLordKuyohashiMore Photos from LordKuyohashi   Last Update2018/12/27 1:55
Hits1577  Comments1    
I dunno, I think it looked better as a pencil sketch. I know, I know, my own worst critic and all that. But I still say that, even after all these years, I need way more practice inking and colouring before I can honestly say I did a good job.


SubmitterPowermasterJazzMore Photos from PowermasterJazz   Last Update2020/2/5 10:24
Hits1598  Comments4    
I just realized I haven't posted here in 5 years. A new purple Catwoman for everyone in 2020.


SubmitterMFMore Photos from MF   Last Update2017/5/13 17:24
Hits1599  Comments1    
My attempt at depicting Arisia Rrab, the little sister of the Green Lantern Corps., traveling through space and flying right at the viewer. Isn't she cute?

Shazam! #1 cover with Mary Marvel

Shazam! #1 cover with Mary MarvelPopular
SubmitterMFMore Photos from MF   Last Update2019/9/5 17:26
Hits1607  Comments2    
My first attempt at drawing one of these draw-your-own-cover comics.

Wonder Girl, original version

Wonder Girl, original versionPopular
SubmitterMFMore Photos from MF   Last Update2017/2/17 17:12
Hits1651  Comments1    
My attempt at the original Donna Troy version of Wonder Girl from the old 1960's version of the Teen Titans. (I was originally going to draw Raven but changed my mind. I still might do her down the road a bit.)

Maid of Steel meets Maid of Mayhem

Maid of Steel meets Maid of MayhemPopular
SubmitterSadmanMore Photos from Sadman   Last Update2019/10/2 14:09
Hits1662  Comments3    

Joker on Ice

Joker on IcePopular
SubmitterShump1More Photos from Shump1   Last Update2019/3/10 13:42
Hits1664  Comments6    
I dealt with those pesky pixeled edges.  

2014 - Joker: Collared

2014 - Joker: CollaredPopular
SubmitterTemporalDaveMore Photos from TemporalDave   Last Update2016/1/11 18:27
Hits1666  Comments3    
I love to draw the Joker! I may have a problem...

2015 - Joker: Madness

2015 - Joker: MadnessPopular
SubmitterTemporalDaveMore Photos from TemporalDave   Last Update2016/1/11 18:28
Hits1674  Comments3    
I love to draw the Joker! I may have a problem...

When Billionaires Meet

When Billionaires MeetPopular
SubmitterWLineMore Photos from WLine   Last Update2018/7/29 7:31
Hits1675  Comments4    
My cartoonish view from the encounter of two great comic book billionaires...

I hope you like.

You can also see in the comment section, the making of.

And if you like my art and weekly videos, you can subscribe to my   YouTube Channel: Tempo de Arte

2013 - Arrow

2013 - ArrowPopular
SubmitterTemporalDaveMore Photos from TemporalDave   Last Update2016/1/21 0:05
Hits1682  Comments3    
In honour of the TV show.

Fanboy and Mary Jane go see SHAZAM!

Fanboy and Mary Jane go see SHAZAM!Popular
SubmitterMFMore Photos from MF   Last Update2019/4/3 17:09
Hits1683  Comments4    
Fanboy as Marvel's original Captain Mar-Vell and Mary Jane as Mary (Jane?) Marvel get their cosplaying wires crossed again when they go see DC's latest hit movie

2015 - Joker: Inmate

2015 - Joker: InmatePopular
SubmitterTemporalDaveMore Photos from TemporalDave   Last Update2016/1/12 21:43
Hits1685  Comments3    
I've been using some awesome Letraset water-colour pens for some colouring and they're a joy to play with. The middle image is the original colours, the other two are alternates on either side of the colour spectrum.

Merry Xmas Puddins

Merry Xmas PuddinsPopular
SubmitterSadmanMore Photos from Sadman   Last Update2016/12/25 14:04
Hits1686  Comments4    
I wanted to do more work on this but there are only two hours of Christmas left in this time zone!

Mistresses of Disaster

Mistresses of DisasterPopular
SubmitterMFMore Photos from MF   Last Update2016/7/22 17:50
Hits1691  Comments2    
The 3 female members of the DC supervillain team the Masters of Disaster. Up front is the leader New Wave, who can transform her body into living water. To her right is her younger sister Windfall, who can control winds. To her left, Heatstroke  who can generate extremely high temperatures and controlled bursts of flame.

 Joaquin Phoenix's Joker

Joaquin Phoenix's Joker Popular
SubmitterWLineMore Photos from WLine   Last Update2019/10/8 12:20
Hits1692  Comments3    
Thank you for my Heromorph's Artist Spotlight. I really appreciate all the love I find at Heromorph.  

Here is my latest piece, a watercolor on paper of Joaquin Phoenix's Joker.

As usual, in the comments section, you will find a video with the Making Of.

And if you like my art and weekly videos, you can subscribe to my   YouTube Channel: Tempo de Arte

Photo No. 1-30 (out of 993 photos hit)
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