halcon89 2025/2/7 10:24
66 0
| Happy Halloween 2024
Dragondack 2024/10/31 0:36
169 0
| Happy Halloween All Hallows' Eve
Dragondack 2024/10/30 16:29
175 0
Happy Halloween All Hallows' Eve Mistress Demon and the Skeleton sister minions |
| Happy Halloween in the Neighbourhood
Dragondack 2024/10/29 17:17
339 0
Happy Halloween Master Demon and PumpkinHead Minion |
| Happy Halloween Careless Witch 2024
Dragondack 2024/10/28 22:10
281 0
Happy Halloween 2024 Demon Woman Called Up by Careless Witch 'Opps' |
| Down Under Happy Halloween 
Dragondack 2024/10/26 21:45
335 0
Down Under Happy Halloween 2024 |
| Happy Paranormal Halloween 
Dragondack 2024/10/25 18:12
255 0
Sirensturm Succubus Ghosts Babes Happy Paranormal Halloween Something Wicked This Way Comes
| for the Movie Macabre Happy Halloween
Dragondack 2024/10/20 18:30
297 0
New Ghost Rooles for the Movie Macabre Happy Halloween |
| Parnormal Halloween Spooktacular 2024
Dragondack 2024/10/9 22:14
257 0
Parnormal Halloween Spooktacular 2024 |
| Swapped by the Haunted Resort Hotel
Dragondack 2024/4/20 17:29
537 0
Diana & Bob Get Swapped to Each Others Body's Upon Check-in at the Haunted Resort Hotel. Now stuck this they can't Leave the Resort, Till they find a way to change back but the Haunted resort is not going to do that? |
| Hidden Mystery One Shot Special
Dragondack 2022/7/17 18:31
734 0
Dr.Sasha Chewen At 89 years old now is when she thought this would be her last Adventure but our fearless Archaeologist Explorer Has found an Ancient Spanish Map that leads to The Olmec Youth Pool Location so the Adventure is on! |
| practice
voltronreturns 2021/11/20 16:40
826 0
been nearly 10 yrs since i used poser and photoshop just playing around trying to get used to poser 11 |
| The Doctor in "OH SITH!"
Hisstoryman 2017/10/9 18:54
4010 7
The TARDIS door opened and the Doctor stepped out. His self satisfied smile told Amanda that the Doctor had no clue where they were.
"You see Amanda, when you enter a trans dimensional rift it is best to make a left."
"Why is that Doctor?" Amanda was not sure she wanted the answer.
No reply came. The Doctor's eyes were focused on the two armored figures.
"Hello!" The Dcotor said in his usual happy tone. The Time Lord rose on his tip toes in an attempt to match the height of the black armored figure. "You are a tall one! Is that Techno Union armor? Lovely construction, very minimalist!."
The Dark Lord of the Sith said nothing but produced and ignited his lightsaber. The trooper next to Vader drew his blaster.
"Now, Now, no reason for that." The Doctor said as he fingered a button on his sonic screwdriver. "We are just a bit lost. Y'know how the time stream is and all. Miss a turn and you are right out lost." Let me introduce myself I am the Doctor and this is my companion Amanda Pennington." He turned to the frightened Amanda. "Well, come now Amanda say hello, let's not be rude."
Amanda timidly put up a hand and waved slightly. "Hello."
Vader more furious than he had ever been raised his hand toward the Doctor. The Time Lord felt his trachea start to constrict.
The Doctor smiled and said,"Nice trick, but if my little screwdriver could shut down your weapons, imagine what it could do to that respirator of yours." As if, to punctuate the sentence the Doctor winked.
Vader released him.
"Alright then, fantastic! We'll be going now.", The Doctor chirped. he took Amanda by the hand and soon the TARDIS disappeared.
Vader turned to the the Stormtrooper. The Sith Lord raised his hand and said, "This never happened." Robotically the stormtrooper repeated his masters words.
| ROCKY MOUNTAIN GIRL: T.A.R.D.I.S. TREK! line art by Jinky Coronado 
JinkyCoronado 2017/9/13 20:45
3354 3
Once again, I am creating the cover for for ROCKY MOUNTAIN CON. This year's Con is September 29th through October 1st, and you can find all the details here -- http://www.rockymountaincon.com
For the RMC Program Book cover, I have my Rocky Mountain Girl flying into space, hanging out of the T.A.R.D.I.S. with Strax of Doctor Who and Lt. Saru of Star Trek: Discovery -- as the Hydra symbol from Marvel's S.H.I.E.L.D. glows beneath it!
(Actors from all three shows are guests of the Con.)
Hope you like it!
-- Jinky www.jinkycoronado.com Art © 2017 Jinky Coronado Characters/logo TM & © their respective owners |
| Wolfman
LordKuyohashi 2017/7/18 10:06
1810 3
| Weird Romance #1 Swapped by a Kiss
Dragondack 2017/7/9 22:23
1968 2
Bob makes the mistake of giving a friendly kiss good-bye one night to the local Friendly Goth girl,as she hung with him and Jill after making friends with them both. The next morning Bob wakes up as Emily herself? Now Bob must just watch as Emily in his body now hooks up with Jill and Pleases her. Knowing he can do nothing about it?
| Alien Worlds #20 "For Sale or Rent"
Dragondack 2017/5/19 0:47
2166 3
I figured it was time for #20 of my Alien Worlds covers and to a Mecha World. Enjoy Boys! |
| We'll miss you Princess 
Alex 2017/1/9 18:27
2017 4
Finally found this old picture, unfortunately a digital copy and not the original hard copy so sorry for the bad scan. Saw a Princess Leia cosplayer do this pose and missed the photo op so drew it instead. Probably one one of my favourite images |
| Alien Worlds *17 "Waterworld" Redux
Dragondack 2016/6/19 2:28
2376 2
I figured it was time for #17 of my Alien Worlds covers and to keep my buddies Taz,Pijon & Starchild Happy we will keep to our favorite models face, Enjoy Boys!
(Sorry for the first version Slip?) |
| Alien Worlds #15 "Walking the Dog"
Dragondack 2016/5/22 2:29
2399 2
I figured it was time for #15 of my Alien Worlds covers and to keep my buddies Taz,Pijon & Starchild Happy we will keep to our favorite models face, Enjoy Boys! |
| Alien Worlds #13 "Cold Worlds"
Dragondack 2016/4/10 2:34
2353 1
I figured it was time for #13 of my Alien Worlds covers and to a Cold World. Enjoy Boys! |
| Interstellar super highway
Obsidian 2016/3/11 8:28
2163 3
No time for lengthy descriptions I'm uploading from my phone. |
| Alien Worlds #11 "What Lies Beneath"
Dragondack 2016/2/4 3:18
2231 3
I figured it was time for #11 of my Alien Worlds covers and to keep my buddies Taz,Pijon & Starchild Happy we will keep to our favorite models face, Enjoy Boys! |
| "Alien Worlds"#4 - "Through the Gate"
Dragondack 2015/10/14 19:49
2108 1
In for a penny in for a pound! Midweek posting for October is a put together Cover for the Comic "Alien Worlds"#4 I liked this and had fun doing it, I hope you like it too? Enjoy! |
| Abominous
Obsidian 2013/12/16 16:03
2722 3
This is a new villain I'm working on, something along the lines of Darkseid or Thanos...The name right now is Abominous but I'm hoping to find something better. |
| Dominic Yonir aka Dominion
Obsidian 2013/12/16 15:43
2287 1
The Villain of my novel, the benevolent ruler Dominic Yonir ruler of Ferusi, is kind and gentle and is truly concerned for the well being of his Utopian paradise world. If the people knew the cost of that utopia the would be sickened, for their benevolent monarch is secretly none other than the Mega-villain DOMINION! Yes Dominic leads a double life though always in the service of his people, there is no sacrifice he would not make no price that he would not pay in blood for the well being of his beloved citizens. Dominion has destroyed countless worlds and killed billions all to make the quality of life for his people, unequaled in the five galaxies. The Zero-Men have encountered him on many occasions and thwarted his schemes time and again...but this time may be the last. |
| Jub-Jub
JrMcDeath 2013/7/30 13:30
3004 5
When you have a friend that's nickname is Jub-Jub and you want to pull a bit of a prank on him, you design a sticker to secretly put on his rear window. Here is the Jub-Jub- sticker. LOL
I know, it isn't a manip or anything... but hey, at least I have done some sort of art that pertains to HM.  |
| Ensign Vader
TemporalDave 2013/3/12 8:38
2464 4
I sketched out this idea in about 2006. Didn't get around to gettin it all layed out until I revisited it late last year in 2012. "DON'T MAKE ME DESTROY YOU... Captain." |
| Chewy McChin
TemporalDave 2013/1/15 10:14
2770 7
In the tradition of my ol' satirical Superman characiture 'Squinty McChin' - and due to a special request... Chewbacca is now the newest resident of the McChiniverse. Lemme know what ya think |
| Audrey Bitoni Jedi
HubCap 2012/3/14 22:51
17488 7
The most beautiful woman in the world...(besides my wife;) and yes she's seen me do manips (including this one) and even seen Audrey movies.
UPDATE: The hair on the left side was bugging the SH#T outta me so fixed |