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Photo No. 1411-1440 (out of 2201 photos hit)
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Unicorn March Madness-Day 37-Brotherhood of Shakti

Unicorn March Madness-Day 37-Brotherhood of ShaktiPopular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2012/3/31 22:29
Hits1498  Comments0    

Gods' help us

Gods' help usPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2017/6/18 21:01
Hits1498  Comments3    
I have returned to Namae where I hope to find some clue as to what happened to Ichio and I am greeted by the local authorities.  They explain that because of my diplomatic ties I must be escorted while on the planet and that my ship must remain docked.  I do manage to get clearance for my hovercycle while here so it's not a total wash. They assign me a cyborg (yeah like it could keep up) and I am told she's one of the most powerful on the planet.  Knowing the Namae...that's saying something. I begin by searching Ichio's home in the high rise district, and area so densely populated that the residential area is all high rise buildings. Ichio's apartment is on the 29th floor of one of these high rises which makes for one helluvah climb as the elevator quite naturally, is out.  Combing through his apartment I find a receipt for his charter flight and the name and logo of the agency who booked it. I also pick up residual traces of nanotech on the card itself. in the letters, and it doesn't take long for my suit's scanners to apeshit.  

"WARNING Nano-intrusion detected!  Activating countermeasures." a low powerwed EMP stops the little buggers in their tracks and the sub-nanite scrubbers collect the little bots and contain them for the time being. I say nothing to the cyborg police woman who seems oblivious to the event. As I leave she puts her hand on my shoulder and asks:

"You were planning to share that evidence yes?"

No flies on this one here.

"Of course, I'll get you a sample when we return to the station."

She is far more perceptive than she lets on. Something I'll have to be mindful of in the future. I have tried repeatedly to scan her systems but her masking tech is some of the best I have ever seen and my sensors can break it.

"Where to now Mister...Mask is it?"

"Obsidian, just call me Obsidian or Kokuyōgan in your tongue."

"Ah so you speak our languages then?"

"A couple of them yes.  I spent some time here a few decades actually."

"Were you here for the Nacron invasion?"

"No just after during the cleanup."

"That was a terrible tragedy, for the whole planet."

"It seemed so to me."

"May I ask, are you expecting this to be the same or similar?"

"I hope not but my sources say there's no system safe from these Maetriks are apparently cyborgs like yourself except that they're out to end all life that they cannot control and add to their collective or hive or whatever they call themselves."

"My understanding is that they can usurp electronic devices and basically anything with a computer."

"If you're wondering if you'd be at risk the answer is yes.  Ichio was killed by these machines and gods only know what happened to him. He wasn't a cyborg in fact he was just a man and they used him to lure me out.  Now It's my mission to make sure that's a decision they live to regret."

"It sounds like you cared deeply for your friend."

"He saved my life many times, and he was a good man. You mortals are a rare bunch and we elves don't like to get to close to too many of you.  You are bright sparks in the universe, with a light more brilliant than the stars themselves then you're gone in an instant. Once in a while a mortal comes along and changes our lives forever, the way we think, act, or feel...I think that's a mortal's true change the way the immortal races view the universe.  Ichio did such a thing for me."

"I can see why you would want justice for him then."

"Justice? No my friend this has nothing to do with justice.  Justice is for beings capable of regret.  The machines have no understanding of the concept."

"So you are seeking vengance?"

"Absolu- what the?"

Looking out of the apartment window my eyes cannot believe what they're seeing. Beings who have not made their presence known in eons are hovering high above the city. A giant pyramid shaped starship hovers ominously overhead and the cyborg and I high tail it to the street below.

"What is that thing, I'm not familiar with the type of ship."

The cyborg's words are lost on me as I frantically scan the ship to find the damned emblems that identify the GOD it belongs to.  Egyptian gods aren't like other gods, they do not exist in some distant dimension like say the Olympians, or the Asgardians, no they exist here in the mortal realm, with their full divine strength. I say a silent prayer to whatever gods may be listening and hope there is some kind of divine intervention coming.  It's one thing to challenge an avatar, but quite another to challenge a god in person. Finally my scanners locate the symbol...Osiris god of the afterlife.  At least it isn't Seth or Anubis.  

The ship is quickly surrounded by Namaean forces but according to my scans they're just asking to be destroyed. The egyptian gods tech is among the best the entire known universe has to offer.  Their most formidable antimatter cannon.  How that even works I have no clue.

"We need to help evacuate these people Obsidian, if that thing wants a fight these people are right int the mid-"

"If that thing wants a fight we're all dead.  I need to speak to  I need access to my ship."

"Why YOUR ship?"

"Because my ship has the power to drive these guys out of here if they get nasty and your don't."

"I see, in that case..." She pauses for a minute her eyes roll nearly to the back of her head and I can tell she's accessing a mainframe (robot tells)."Access granted you now have clearance to be in our airspace."

In an instant we're aboard the Lillun-2 and I hail the giant pyramid, a ship which vastly dwarfs my own. The ship's insignia identify it as the Nyuserre.

"Attention, Nyuserre this is Obsidian Mask, please state your purpose and intent."

After a moment...we receive a reply. Text only.  Tne message reads: "Move over."

I step to one side and instantly there stands before me a massive green skinned man,  with a pharaoh's beard, partially mummy-wrapped at the legs, wearing a distinctive crown with two large ostrich feathers at either side. In his hands is a large book with only two visible pages.  He looks down at me and says.

"You are Obsidian mask? Answer truthfully and know that the eye of Osiris compels you."

I can feel the power of the god's eye but I was gonna answer anyway.

"I am. What do you want of me Oh god of the afterlife?"

Gods love all the formal crap, makes me sick to my stomach actually.

"I have come to gift you, who seeks the destruction of the Maetriks.  A gidt of great power so that you might find and destroy this enemy of all."

Egyptian gods value and use technology as much as anyone in this universe and as such they would probably be susceptible to the Maetriks should they choose to attack them, and they most likely would.

"Thank you lord Osiris, I humbly accept your most generous offer (don't laugh it's not easy for me to talk like this.).  What mighty gift have you seen fit to grace this humble servant with?"

"I give you the book of Thoth, that you make undertstand the animals of the universe and the other is to understand the minds of the gods."

"A truly generous gift great Osiris, and I am honored to recieve it from your in person. You do my house great honor indeed."

Having a god grant you an audience is pretty awesome, having one pay you a personal visit is unheard of...unless you know the gods I know.

"The honor Obsidian is mine, I have learned of your great deeds from the God Karr and his pantheon, the universe is many times in your debt.  I ma saddened that we must ask you once again to place yourself in danger for those who will never know the good you do. Upon your successful return my peers and I would like to show our gratitude for all you have done."

I bow, genuinely. "Thank you.  It's an honor to hear you speak those words, and I mean that. I rarely receive thanks for my deeds and I would never presume to ask for any, but it warms my heart to hear it nonetheless."

With that, the mighty god of the afterlife places the tome in my hand and returns to his vessel.  For once I'm a bit speechless.  The mighty Pyramid ship departs with haste and I am left there feeling for the first time that what I do and the sacrifices I make are noticed by someone at least and appreciated by at least a few.
I bid the cyborg farewell and set course for Kryllia 4 the home base for the Travel agency that Icio used to book his ship. Time to get some answers.

Unicorn Comics 30 for 30 [2014] - Day Twenty-Nine: GeoStone

Unicorn Comics 30 for 30 [2014] - Day Twenty-Nine: GeoStonePopular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2014/12/30 15:45
Hits1497  Comments1    
Super B grade hero. One of the first I ever created.

Hell hath no fury...

Hell hath no fury...Popular
SubmitterwhizMore Photos from whiz   Last Update2015/9/22 5:04
Hits1497  Comments3    
it's been a while since i did any real art.i moved and had some pc issues.i do have access to all my projects so here's Mistress D' Elementale to tide you over till i can get back on track...enjoy

Unicorn 30 in 30-Day Seventeen - Earth Patrol

Unicorn 30 in 30-Day Seventeen - Earth PatrolPopular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2013/2/20 13:11
Hits1495  Comments2    
gang of guardians


LITE EM UP!Popular
SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2016/8/26 6:26
Hits1495  Comments5    

Unicorn Comics Assassin Wars Rd 3 - Black Orchid vs Copperhead - Battle Pages Two

Unicorn Comics Assassin Wars Rd 3 - Black Orchid vs Copperhead - Battle Pages TwoPopular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2014/12/28 19:25
Hits1495  Comments1    

Unicorn March Madness-Day 53-Blastorr

Unicorn March Madness-Day 53-BlastorrPopular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2012/4/5 22:55
Hits1493  Comments0    

Loa Shi  The Shambala Master

Loa Shi The Shambala MasterPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2014/7/27 19:23
Hits1493  Comments4    
My comic universe requires a martial artist and this was what I came up with despite a dozen possibilities.

Unicorn 30 in 30-Day Twenty-Eight - Tim Jones

Unicorn 30 in 30-Day Twenty-Eight - Tim JonesPopular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2013/3/10 17:01
Hits1490  Comments2    
Like I said. Lame. This is one of my Original partner Malron Jett's characters. I hated the name, hated the costume but he was a cool character. kinda a cross between Green Arrow and Batman.

Unicorn March Madness Day 1-Klepto-Maniac

Unicorn March Madness Day 1-Klepto-ManiacPopular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2012/3/16 16:55
Hits1489  Comments0    
in honor of the NCAA tourney i'll be posting Unicorn bios for the next 66 days (i hope).


SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2016/2/15 6:15
Hits1489  Comments3    
BOSS: Keep it steady, dummy! I need to get a bead on that over endowed amazon!

MOOK: Sumthin's got me thinkin', boss

BOSS: What?

MOOK: Aint she invulnerable? Why is she wearing a helmet?

BOSS: MORON! even superheroes need to obey traffic laws!


SubmitterDark WandererMore Photos from Dark Wanderer   Last Update2016/3/14 19:51
Hits1489  Comments5    
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are Crunchy,and good with ketchup.

Unicorn March Madness-Day 39-O.M.E.G.A.

Unicorn March Madness-Day 39-O.M.E.G.A.Popular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2012/3/31 22:49
Hits1488  Comments0    

Unicorn March Madness-Day 40-Bambi

Unicorn March Madness-Day 40-BambiPopular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2012/4/1 22:25
Hits1488  Comments1    

Unicorn 30 in 30-Day Sixteen - The Snapdragons

Unicorn 30 in 30-Day Sixteen - The SnapdragonsPopular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2013/2/18 15:00
Hits1488  Comments2    
with the website move and everything i never had a chance to finish this theme. now's as good a time as any.

Evil Rising: Conclusion Page 2

Evil Rising: Conclusion Page 2Popular
SubmitterDark WandererMore Photos from Dark Wanderer   Last Update2014/10/21 7:04
Hits1488  Comments1    
Thanks Pijon for the layout.

The Maetriks

The MaetriksPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2017/5/30 22:57
Hits1488  Comments1    
After some debriefing and a few formalities, I'm escorted to the medical facility where Ichio is being held. My old friend looks to be in bad shape at first glance but when I start to scan him to ascertain the full extent of his injuries that's when everything foes straight to hell. My scanner's go off like a five alarm fire:

Warning! Cybernetic activity detected.  Source: Maetriks type android. Recommended course of action: evacuation!

What the...

Before I can complete the sentence what used to be my friend sits up and promptly vaporizes everyone in the for me. A machine roughly in the shape of a humanoid female shed's the skin of my now most assuredly dead friend and rises up hovering just a few inches off the floor.

"Query, one target remains...Interrogative: How is it you survive?  Conclusion...subject possesses armor constructed from Absorbium elements.  Solution adjust weapon signature."

"Say again little robot?"

It raises and arm and from it's hand flies a type of energy I have never that apparently my armor cannot absorb, and it tears a hole through the outer layer of my chest plate.  Thank the gods for triple redundancies or I'd be as dead as everyone else.  Still the blast sends me flying into a nearby wall.  My on board systems inform me that all of the nano-control irises are jammed shut meaning until I get this suit fixed my armor is just ordinary armor.

"Observation, target has survived second assault. Conclusion target possesses advanced technology. Directive changed, capture target and assimilate technology."

"I don't think so."

I pull out my trusty blade and activate an "Erase Technology" spell.  Which to my horror does not do anything.   The machine looks at me and tilting it's head to one side says

"Magical energies are ineffective against this unit. Your technology will be assimilated, your inferior magical devices will be discar-."

I cut it off mid sentence with a single swipe from my "Useless" magical weapon, slicing it cleanly in two. Immediately I draw my pistol and atomize the remainder.  I'm only left with questions now...what in the nine hells, hades, and all of Niflheim, was that thing?  More importantly how did it manage to blast a hole in absorbium? Even closing the nano-irises wouldn't allow anyone to vaporize my suit...dent it sure but not this.  This is gonna be a problem if there's more of these...what did my computer call it? Maetriks?  I'm gonna have to make some calls and go through the computer logs of my friend's ship..assuming they're intact.

It knew my armor's composition, and recognized advanced technology...I don't want to think what that thing could have done if it had actually captured me and assimilated my technology into it's own.  It said "This unit" Meaning there are others and implied that not all of them are immune to magic. If that's the case, there may be more of them coming and some of them may be vulnerable to magic.  Rule 1 in this kind of situation always assume backup is on it's way.

I put my ship on high alert and contact Commander Drenek aboard the Radager.  

"Commander, this might be far more than a simple random attack.  That was a freaking ambush and it didn't make it's move until I got there."

"How could it possibly know when to strike? Assuming it wasn't mere coincidence."

"At this point we can't assume anything is beyond its capabilities so for the sake of argument let's assume it was able to extract that information from my my friend.  It certainly might be curious to determine whether the information was legitimate."

"So it cloaked itself from our scanners and gave off false readings all in an attempt to lure you here? To what end?"

"I'm not sure commander, but I  think it's a safe bet that it didn't do so without reporting what it was doing to it superiors."

"Superiors? You don't mean to say..."

"It said ti was a unit. implying more than one exists.  If that's so we can safely speculate that there must be some sort of hierarchy behind it otherwise why use the identifier "This Unit" why not  refer to itself as "I" ? If I'm correct and my logic isn't flawed, it's buddies are sure to come investigating, and we've seen how well they can blend in."

"Yes but you were able to penetrate their disguise, with ease I might add."

"I'm not sure which system penetrated their disguise but I will be looking into it and as soon as I am able I'll try to make sure all of us can do it. In the meantime I recommend locking down the station and evacuating all non-essential personnel to the planet below until further notice NO ships in or out lock down all docking bays."

"Right away."

Maybe I'm over thinking this, but I have seen a lot of horror movies in my time.   You know the ones where you're yelling "Don't open that door !" but the guy does it anyway, or the one where someone just has to ask..."what's the worst that could happen?" You know right before everyone is murdered by the guy or the monster?  I'm not going out like that for the sake of ego.  I really wanna be wrong...I'm probably right.

Unicorn March Madness-Day 34-Liquidator 2

Unicorn March Madness-Day 34-Liquidator 2Popular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2012/3/30 22:59
Hits1487  Comments0    
more assassins via M3

Detective time.

Detective time.Popular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2014/4/22 19:15
Hits1487  Comments0    
upon discovering the residence of a missing client Obsidian Mask investigates the scene for clues.

IGFW Explorer

IGFW ExplorerPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2017/5/28 14:47
Hits1487  Comments1    
An IGFW officer explores a strange new world...seeking out new territories for colonization.

I have to say I love doing environments and alien worlds present a whole different set of challenges than say an earth-like location. I love the different plant life and figuring out where the various plants go and what role they fill. What is alien grass? What is an alien tree?  What color is the sky? Lots of fun and now...I get it just right.

Didn't Make The Cut (Yet) 3 0f 3

Didn't Make The Cut (Yet) 3 0f 3Popular
SubmitterMachobubbaMore Photos from Machobubba   Last Update2014/3/22 22:37
Hits1486  Comments1    
This is a series of collages of characters I've rendered but didn't make it to a final image. Any request to see more of these write in a comment the number of the character you would like to see more of.

Batman Panterra Crossover

Batman Panterra CrossoverPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2014/11/11 3:37
Hits1485  Comments4    
After the traditional hero battle (Which I'm pretty sure i posted some time ago) Panterra and Batman team up to track down the psychotic duo of the Joker, and Maneater.  Their first clue leads them to and abandoned warehouse. Looks like the skylights are going to be the way in for these two stealthy characters.

Red Eagle and Nightbird

Red Eagle and NightbirdPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2016/5/11 12:20
Hits1485  Comments1    
The duo of Red Eagle and the Dazzling Nightbird has become something of legend within the five galaxies.  Together they have solved legendary crimes and are quickly become one of the most renowned teams in history. While Nightbird cannot fly and has no powers per se she is endowed with an intellect that borders on an advanced AI. Her IQ ranks at an astounding 1250 and her athletic and martial arts abilities are on par with some of the greatest athletes in sports today. She has the uncanny ability to mimic and fighting style she has seen and can memorize codes she sees input by hand. As a team the duo use various methods of transportation and have dozens of specialized "Gimmick" weapons and gadgets.  They make their home in the mobile base known as the Roost which is essentially a small, well armed,  starbase with space fold capability.


Submitterhalcon89More Photos from halcon89   Last Update2020/12/17 10:10
Hits1484  Comments2    

Lord Beast

Lord BeastPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2015/4/1 9:59
Hits1483  Comments3    
Lord Beast was a creation of a dear an lifelong friend of mine and while I drew this character for him some years ago he recently said that he would like to see it in 3d.So here it is complete with the character's wife (inspired by a video game).

For anyone interested I do take commissions and I accept nearly any challenge...if you can think it up I can render it...soon I'll be able to animate it too.

IGFW Officer Final

IGFW Officer FinalPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2015/2/18 7:06
Hits1482  Comments2    
Pictured here is a lieutenant of the IGFW. While many officers can and do serve on starships not all positions are as glamorous or adventurous. IGFW uniforms are custom fit and come in all shapes and sizes to accommodate all species including non-humanoids. The uniforms are thermally controlled and allow the wearer to remain comfortable in temperatures ranging from -45 to 110 degrees on average and come with modular self-contained environments. The uniform can protect the wearer in the vacuum of space for 24 hours after which the environment will be unable to recycle oxygen and other vital components necessary for survival. The IGFW (Inter-Galactic Federation of Worlds) is the the governing body for 3 galaxies.  it serves to resolve disputes and quell conflicts.  Members in good standing have guaranteed rights and protection.  The IGFW is composed of hundreds of alien species most notably the Kryllians, Solarans, Luminesti, Celesti, Anaran, Ailoo, Andromidia, and Chauette. To name but a few. The IGFW is not without it's enemies however, and highest on this list is the Hadean Empire. The darkest hour for the IGFW was during the Millennium Wars which stretched the IGFW tot heir limits and nearly caused the collapse of the Federation altogether.  Recently one of the former enemies of the IGFW, The Sathari Empire, became a strong ally and may apply for membership in the future due to a long and bloody rebellion. Currently the IGFW boasts some of the most advanced technology gathered under one Flag.


SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2016/3/9 17:15
Hits1482  Comments1    
The door opened and Cassie was shoved roughly into the basement. Trembling in terror she backed away as the vile man who’d grabbed her while going home from school strode in. chuckling wickedly he looked the teenager over and licked his lips. “You’re gonna be number thirteen,” he declared. “You’re skinnier’n I usually like, but you’ll do just fine.” He then grinned showing ghastly rotting teeth that made Cassie flinch.
“S-stay away from me!” a Cassie stammered. “P-please… Just-just l-let me go!”
The fiend merely chuckled. “Why do you always say that? Do you really expect me to actually let you go? You’re about to die, little girl!” he then laughed.
“HELP!!!” Cassie screamed. “SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!!”
The monster laughed even louder. “Scream all you like! Nobody can hear you! I soundproofed this basement.”
Fearfully, Cassie looked about for something to defend herself with. Spotting a hammer on a workbench she grabbed it and, brandishing it charged forward swing only for the fiend to effortlessly wrench it from her grasp and toss it away. He then shoved the frightened girl toward a dingy mattress.
“I like em feisty! I love it when they fight back!” then grinning as if hit with inspiration the serial killer bent low and turned his head, presenting his jaw. “Tell ya what,” he declared. “I’ll give ya a fightin’ chance. Go ahead, do it, hit me with yer best shot! Whattaya got to lose?” he then laughed.
“N-nothing at all.” Mustering up all her courage Cassie drew back her fist, took careful aim at the fiend’s jaw and threw the hardest punch she could.
Neither had any way of knowing that would be the very moment Cassies latent superhuman strength would emerge….

Unicorn 30 in 30-Day Twenty-Six - GYRO

Unicorn 30 in 30-Day Twenty-Six - GYROPopular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2013/3/10 16:45
Hits1480  Comments3    
The bot that led to the formation of the Challangers. Yeah Yeah. I know. Challangers who?  

The Autopsy

The AutopsyPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2017/1/10 21:22
Hits1479  Comments3    
Returning to the colony where we first began our little mystery I make my way to the local coroner. They've kept the murder victims on ice since their wounds were like nothing they'd ever seem before and technically the case is still open. I meet with the local authorities and I'm surprised at how connect Black Mantis really is when they  hand be a passcard to investigate as I see fit. Next thing you know Mantis will have me hooked up with Sentinel status...that'd be nice heh, "Above the law" status. But I digress, the coroners office is a massive white building with few windows and heavy security.  As I approach the guards wave us in and I assume they were told to expect us. I am greeted by a local woman, her name is Zerie, chief Medical Examiner and she is quite the professional. Her mannerisms are controlled and precise suggesting she takes her work and her life way to seriously. She's pleasant enough and seems genuinely curious as to my investigation.

"This is most unusual mister..."

"Obsidian, just call me Obsidian."

"As you wish.  As I was saying, it is very unusual to have anyone who is not with law enforcement examining any corpse in our facility. I only ask that you follow our procedures and use proper protocols when examining the bodies you came here to see."

"I am well acquainted with standard forensic procedures, but it's your show. I just need to see the corpses, and take some measurements, nothing too invasive."

"Very well then, right this way."

Spydra has never seen a postmortem to my knowledge and yet she doesn't seem nervous in the slightest. I guess I shouldn't be too surprised considering how many corpses she's put on slabs during her career. Still, these ones are going to be something unusual from the standard disemboweling, and severed heads, she's familiar with.  Having one of my very own, I have seen first hand what a mono-molecular blade can do to living tissue. the cuts are so clean and the blade doesn't stop just because some bone got in the way. It's ugly and bloody.

We enter the exam room and the 4 bodies are laid out on 4 different tables...or should I say, what remains of 4 bodies. I know several martial arts forms but there's one that teaches a very special technique they call "Lightning Fist" and it allows the Martial artist to unleash a massive flurry of attacks on his opponent and when combined with a weapon...let's just say it isn't pretty. These guys are victims of this type of attack with a mono-molecular weapon. For the most part meat cubes are all that's left of what was formerly a torso.  Their heads are severed but intact, the waist and everything below it are as well. Even the arms are relatively untouched except for some defensive wounds. Whoever did this was brutal but effective, no wasted effort.

"Computer, scan each of the bodies and their remains and reconstruct. Leave a diagram of the cuts themselves. As a the holographic projector on my wrist displays the four men, I am stunned to see just how thoroughly they were cut up.

"Computer, based on the number of incisions, how many strikes were made on average?"

The computer's answer is appalling.

""Approximately 60 strikes per victim."

The coroner looks ill, and honestly even Spydra seems a bit uneasy.

"Computer, what kind of weapon was used? Assuming the the attacker was using a single edged weapon such as a sword?"

Then the computer confirms a suspicion

'Wounds are inconsistent with a single weapon."

"Computer can you determine what kind of weapons were used?"

"A single edged weapon approximately 36 inches in length is responsible for 33% of all wounds. A second weapon approximately 12 inches in length with two blades is responsible for the remaining injuries."

The ME looks horrified. I think she was hoping it was some kind of machine.The thought of one living being doing something like to another by hand...not something that sits well with her.  What has my interest is the computer stating that there were only two 12 inch blades.

"Computer, based on the angle of the wounds how tall would the attacker have to be to make them?"

Again I'm left with more questions from my computer's response.

'The attacker would be approximately 5'3" and 5'6" to have made these injuries.

"The Black Mantis is barely 4 feet tall, he would not have been able to inflict these wounds." Spydra says puzzled.

"I know and he has 3 claws not 2, everything else is consistent with his skills, and M.O. the angle of the cuts, the sheer ferocity, and the absolute precision.  Notice how none of the cuts are even slightly wavy? The speed and sheer power to cut this well...I was sure it was him. I mean everything fits...I need to get back.  I ahve a horrible feeling."

"We can be back in an hour...why? What's do your think happened?"

"I'm wrong, as often as I'm right and honestly I pray I'm wrong as hell right now. Doctor, thank you for your time we appreciate it."

We have to get back to the council before it's too late.

Photo No. 1411-1440 (out of 2201 photos hit)
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