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Photo No. 241-270 (out of 1487 photos hit)
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Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2016/10/28 12:50
Hits1439  Comments3    
Introducing another member of the amazing "Anizonz!" The super-spy of the team,"Spydra!"

The Sage

The SagePopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2016/10/23 5:41
Hits1529  Comments2    
The central database on Namae 4 directs me to a desert region on a remote colony and indicates that a lone mage is the foremost expert ie sage, on vortex phenomenon. We make a bee line to a group of pyramids where stands a temple dedicated to the gods of light. Outside hovering ominously is a small spaceship created and sustained entirely by magic. I love those but in a dead zone they're done and you're probably gonna plummet to your death.  As Aini and I approach the temple we are greeted by a man named Gygas. he opens his arms and greets us with open arms and a smile.

"Welcome my friends!"

"Um have we met?"

"No no my friend, but I am happy to see anyone in this remote location and I've been doing research here alone for months. I assume since you're armed to the teeth and haven't removed any of your weapons from their holster that you must be a friend yes?"

Can't really argue with that logic so I od and drop the subject.

"Actually um we're here to find  the foremost expert in the five galaxies on the subject of.."



"Well you're looking at him, what can I do for you."

"Ghost planet, has developed one."

"I'll pack immediately and meet you there."

"Whoa there pal we are not heading there now and I wasn't offering an open invitation to join us."

"Of course not, but you'll not get the information you need unless I'm there to see this firsthand."


"I'll need to bring my ship it has a lot of specialized magic for this type of research."

"Sir," Aini interjects, "My master will require a complete list of all items before they can be brought on board our ship, including any and all magical items and weapons."

"Your ship? I thought I would be following your vessel here."

He gestures at the Wraith  and Aini lets a giggle escape her lips.

No sir this small vessel will be parked in the main shuttlebay of a much larger ship."

"I see very well then is there room for my ship as well?"

"Yes sir, plenty."
We head back to the Sable and in no time Gygas is on board with his sullies and a thorough manifest. Our next stop...The Ghost planet.


Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2016/10/15 7:48
Hits1640  Comments3    
Makeover is a traitor to the Xel Empire, or at least that's how the Empire sees her. She's really just the only one of her kind that sees through the evil of the Empire and seeks to use her knowledge and training as one of their former operatives against them for the greater good of the universe as a rebel who works with their enemies to put a stop to the spread of their conquest so that no more planets or people must suffer under their rule.


Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2016/10/15 7:47
Hits1386  Comments3    
I was going through my archives of characters that I need to make bios for and I found that I had forgotten to include this guy when I did the rest of the characters of the Xel Empire! Well, I guess it's better later than never, and his skeletal death-bot vibe certainly fits in with the spooky month of October, so you could say that the timing has worked out in my favor after all.

Jungle Killer

Jungle KillerPopular
Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2016/9/27 5:09
Hits1565  Comments3    
"Jungle Killer" is the arch-foe of "Jungle Justice," her lust for power and greed and the need to destroy the environment to gain that power know no bounds.

Jungala the Raindancer

Jungala the RaindancerPopular
Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2016/9/26 12:25
Hits1612  Comments3 Was the first character that I posted for my Jungle Justice team when I did my series on her and her sisters. Now, I am finishing the rest of the group. This is Jungala the Raindancer, mystical protector of nature on any world that needs it.

Jungle Jagwara

Jungle JagwaraPopular
Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2016/9/26 12:24
Hits1414  Comments3 Was the first character that I posted for my Jungle Justice team when I did my series on her and her sisters. Now, I am finishing the rest of the group. This is Jungle Jagwara, the clawed protector of the environment in all its forms.

Jungle Jasmine

Jungle JasminePopular
Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2016/9/26 12:23
Hits1560  Comments3 Was the first character that I posted for my Jungle Justice team when I did my series on her and her sisters. Now, I am finishing the rest of the group. This is Jungle Jasmine, the leader of the team.

Alpha Girl "Alchemica" #1

Alpha Girl "Alchemica" #1Popular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2016/9/24 18:06
Hits1742  Comments1    
Here another in the Alpha Girl comic Titles.

"Alchemica" #1

Thought I'd do another in this line titles?
I figured it was time for a New cover and
to keep my buddies Taz, Pijon & Starchild
Happy we will keep to our favorite models face.

Enjoy Boys!

Alien Worlds #18 "Never Give-Up on Your Dream"

Alien Worlds #18 "Never Give-Up on Your Dream"Popular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2016/9/16 20:43
Hits1770  Comments2    
Alien Worlds #18 is a tribute to a member who is
never giving up on his dream of being a artist.

So this one is for Him for being a guy that just
keeps plugging on!

Art Vs Artist: Me And The Nine

Art Vs Artist: Me And The NinePopular
Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2016/9/12 14:31
Hits1867  Comments4    
This is a meme that is going around DA and possibly elsewhere where you put a picture of yourself in the middle of this grid and surround yourself with pieces of your art of your choosing either random selections of past work or something completely new. I choose to make something new & I wanted to get this done in celebration of hitting 9,000 page views on that site, being that my main group of original characters seen here are "The Super-Mutant Nine." However, I got busy with other things and now I am over 10,000 page views, lol. Well, This is me surrounded by my team of super-mutant heroes. Each one has an elemental power represented by the background behind their image. Clockwise from top to bottom are: River Crosser (the leader with water powers); Rockhead (second-in-command with rock powers); Sunfire (the inventor with fire powers); Plant Ant (the medic with plant powers); High Voltage (the combat specialist with electric powers); Wind Eagle (the air commander with wind powers); White Bat (the weapons specialist with ice powers) and Black Mask & Rainbow Trout (the ninja/spy and security/sea ops officer with darkness and light powers respectively).

Alpha-Girl "Strengtha" #1

Alpha-Girl "Strengtha" #1Popular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2016/9/3 18:18
Hits1786  Comments1    

Daswook's & Scriptron's "Strengtha" in Comic Form.

I like the Characther Daswook came up with.

I like the Base Scriptron made.

My take was to turn out a New Comic cover for Her.

And my twist on the base was to give her more the
normal girl face and not a Super-Model one.
I hope all the credits are in order here!


Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2016/8/22 16:29
Hits1538  Comments6    
Viscidity, is the final member of the Claw. He is a classic crazy stretchy guy villain.


Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2016/8/22 16:28
Hits1492  Comments5    
Bullwhip was mentioned in my bio for his cousin, Rawhide, from the Evil Mutant Pirates. So, here he is with his own bio, which in itself mentions their family relationship and how they serve on their respective teams.

The Badmen

The BadmenPopular
Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2016/8/22 16:27
Hits1507  Comments4    
Since, "The Claw" takes some inspiration from "The Foot," I thought that I should have my own version of "Foot Soldiers." So, I give you, "The Badmen," the robotic army of the evil Claw organization.

Tawny vs. Buddy

Tawny vs. BuddyPopular
SubmitterMFMore Photos from MF   Last Update2016/8/18 7:56
Hits1511  Comments3    
An early birthday present to myself of my OC's Buddy and Tawny in a more mature version of a recent Archie comic cover.

Evil Woman

Evil WomanPopular
Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2016/8/15 14:39
Hits1638  Comments5    
Evil Woman is the sexy sorceress of the Claw. Their leader, Bobcat, doesn't like magic, but needs her specialized tech based mystic arts.


Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2016/8/15 14:38
Hits1568  Comments3    
Warborg is a classic evil cyborg warrior. He is the last of the trio of "Claw Elite Assassins" along with Lioness and Blackout.


Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2016/8/15 14:37
Hits1451  Comments3    
Blackout is here to knockout his foes! He is one third of the "Claw Elite Assassins" along with Lioness and Warborg.

DasWook's Strengtha

DasWook's Strengtha Popular
SubmitterScriptronMore Photos from Scriptron   Last Update2016/8/13 19:13
Hits1727  Comments3    


Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2016/8/10 14:17
Hits1511  Comments5    
Just like my heroine, "Metallica," I am aware that there is a rock band with a similar name, however, as it is with her name, this character was not named with any intention of copying said name, or from any kind of inspiration from said band. In fact, I don't think that I even spelled this one the same as the aforementioned band, and if I did, it's just a coincidence. When I came up with the name for this guy, I was just trying to come up with something that was a bit of a nonsense word that sounded kind of cool like all of those old Marvel monsters from back in the early days of the company. His name basically just being something of a guttural growl that he would utter.


Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2016/8/10 14:16
Hits1385  Comments3    
I know that "octagon" is spelled with an "a" and not with an "o," as I have it here, but it's a play on words since he is part "octopus." I thought it was rather clever.


Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2016/8/10 14:15
Hits1399  Comments3    

Blasta is crazy, sexy and ready to burn, baby, burn!


Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2016/8/2 7:11
Hits1601  Comments2    
While "Lioness" likes to see herself as her husband's protector, event though he can really take care of himself with no problems, "Bobcat," decided that even though they are both quite formidable villains, that a little extra protection wouldn't hurt either of them. So, he hired "Icefield" a deadly and mysterious mercenary with no name to be the personal bodyguard for both of them.

The Lioness

The LionessPopular
Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2016/8/2 7:10
Hits1523  Comments3    
Sorry for the somewhat awkward pose with this one. I was trying to go for a bit of an after-transformation image with it. As if I could capture the moment of when her mutation had ended and she was now a lion-woman and she is looking upon her transformed self in shock and awe. Anyway, it is what it is. Here is, "The Lioness," Bobcat's mutated wife, co-leader of the claw, protector, and captain of the trio of elite assassins of the evil organization.

Bobcat the Lynx of All Evil!

Bobcat the Lynx of All Evil!Popular
Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2016/8/2 7:09
Hits1467  Comments3    
Arch-Enemy of Jack Rabbit and the E2DJF, and leader of The Claw. He's also a rival to fellow super-villain, Mutanto, but prefers to use technology over mystical means, yet he does employ one magic powered minion out of necessity. More on that later though with the bios for the rest of the team.

Buddy The Pal Gal "Date Bait" Part 6

Buddy The Pal Gal "Date Bait" Part 6Popular
SubmitterMFMore Photos from MF   Last Update2016/8/1 17:04
Hits1541  Comments2    
The last installment of Buddy's Date Bait storyline where Danny the Dork gets his just desserts. The "SPLUT!" sound effect was taken from one of the great comic strips of my youth, Bloom County.

Unlimited Evil Issue 2 Page 11

Unlimited Evil Issue 2 Page 11Popular
Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2016/7/23 15:05
Hits1600  Comments4    
Issue 2 - Cover -
Issue 2 - Page 1 -
Issue 2 - Page 2 -
Issue 2 - Page 3 -
Issue 2 - Page 4 -
Issue 2 - Page 5 -
Issue 2 - Page 6 -
Issue 2 - Page 7 –
Issue 2 - Page 8 –
Issue 2 – Page 9 –
Issue 2 – Page 10 –


SubmitterdaswookMore Photos from daswook   Last Update2016/7/21 1:56
Hits1678  Comments3    

LynX #1 cover B

LynX #1 cover BPopular
SubmitterMFMore Photos from MF   Last Update2016/7/8 17:31
Hits1479  Comments5    
A mock-up of the second version of the cover to the first issue of my second comic book series LynX. I think it's just about the perfect combination of sex and violence, don't you?

Photo No. 241-270 (out of 1487 photos hit)
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