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Photo No. 271-300 (out of 2233 photos hit)
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Submitterhalcon89More Photos from halcon89   Last Update2018/7/14 8:57
Hits1114  Comments2    


Submitterhalcon89More Photos from halcon89   Last Update2019/6/12 12:54
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Submitterhalcon89More Photos from halcon89   Last Update2017/10/2 9:28
Hits1115  Comments2    

Page 10

Page 10Popular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2018/3/18 13:48
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Obsidian's Defeat

Obsidian's DefeatPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2019/3/12 6:59
Hits1115  Comments3    
Ever wondered how Obsidian got those nifty cybernetic eyes? Or why, in an age of bio-science where one can regrow a new limbs and other organs, he would need such a thing? You'll have to read my book to find out.  

This novel is the first of my stories collected and pieced together as my other stories soon will be.  For the first time ever they will be available in hard copy... I cannot wait to turn the first page of my own work in print. For the Novel front to back it will be all new artwork.

alter pinup

alter pinupPopular
Submittervash99More Photos from vash99   Last Update2020/5/28 0:41
Hits1115  Comments1    
i so love doing pinups


Submitterhalcon89More Photos from halcon89   Last Update2018/3/26 5:09
Hits1116  Comments1    

Dossier Arethan Ne'rdo.jpg

Dossier Arethan Ne'rdo.jpgPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2018/12/12 15:18
Hits1117  Comments1    
Name: Arethan Daniel Ne'rdo
Species: Half-Elf (Luminesti Solaran Hybrid)
Age: 115
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 225
Eye Color: Bllue/Violet (two tone)
Hair Color: Blond

Birth Rank: 2nd of 2
# Siblings: 1
Relatives: Jenara (sister), Danielle (Mother), Rusco (Obsidian Mask Father), Ai (Stepmother), Lote' (Stepmother), Beliana (neice), Deanna (Great niece) James (Grreat nephew)
Marital Status: Single
Known Associates: None known

Intelligence: 17
Agility: 22
Strength: 19
Endurance: 17
Psyche: 16
Presence: 18

Vocation: Warrior/Thief

Effective Combat Value:12/12

Night Vision, enhanced hearing, Extended Longevity,

Notable Skills:
Stealth, Pickpocket, Pick locks, Skulking, Scaling, Weapon specialist pistol/rifle/sword

Composite armor: .50 cal autopistol, Mythril blade of bloodlust, various grenades.


Arethan like his father is an adventurer although the two have no enterprises as father and son. The youngest of two children Arethan chose to live his mortal life on his own terms and thus far has made quite the reputation for himself as a privateer (Prirate working for the IGFW).  His ship known as "The Lady Fair" and is known by authorities throughout the five galaxies. it is fair to say that Arethan is nearly as famous as a lovable Rogue by the ladies and a ruthless Blackguard by his enemies as his father is for saving the universe. Arethan doesn't keep in touch with his family as much as he'd like mostly for their safety. He worries his exploits will "come back to bite them in the ass". He loves his niece and hid great niece/nephew and is forever sending them gifts acquired from his adventures. his sister believes this is what has lead to their curiosity about adventuring.  Arethan is very outgoing and happy, he is a womanizer and something of a legendary drunkard, but in a fight he dangerous and precise. He is an action junkie to the point of near fool-heartiness, and cannot really take anything as seriously as his father whose shadow he often reminded he stands in.  He resents his father a bit for simply walking away from him and his sister despite the fact that they were adults capable of living on their own, and believes wholeheartedly that Obsidian should've remained to help imself and his sister through their grieving of the loss of their mother instead of being "A Big Baby".  Arethan is not a villainous person but neither is he likeley to help anyone out of the goodness of his heart...he is after all... a pirate.


SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2020/9/26 18:32
Hits1117  Comments1    
"Halt evildoers! For I, the wonderus heroine who totally not a cosplayer is here to vanquish you!

Now, which of you is into bondage?"

A commissioned pic.

Coming soon

Coming soonPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2018/6/21 13:41
Hits1118  Comments3    
I promise.

First Marriage

First MarriagePopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2019/3/16 10:27
Hits1118  Comments1    
Danielle was a Solaran woman Obsidian met when he rescued her cruise ship from pirates.  As the captain she was exceedingly grateful and for them it was love at first sight.  They had two children together.  Danielle died only 120 short years later of natural causes.  Her death weighed on Obsidian making him feel cheated and angry. He took his anger out on any poor slob unfortunate enough to cross him.


Submitterhalcon89More Photos from halcon89   Last Update2019/5/22 14:31
Hits1118  Comments1    


Submitterhalcon89More Photos from halcon89   Last Update2020/2/11 10:28
Hits1119  Comments1    


Submitterhalcon89More Photos from halcon89   Last Update2018/3/18 11:19
Hits1120  Comments2    

Dossier Danielle Ne'rdo.jpg

Dossier Danielle Ne'rdo.jpgPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2018/12/12 15:14
Hits1120  Comments1    
Name: Danielle Marie Ne'rdo (Simmons Maiden) [Deceased]
Species: Solaran
Age: 348 (at time of death)
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 115
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde

Birth Rank: Only child
# Siblings: 0
Relatives: Jenara (Daughter), Arethan (Son), Rusco (Husband)
Marital Status: Married (at time of Death)
Known Associates: Quantice Cruise lines (Captain), Obsidian Mask (Husband),

Intelligence: 17
Agility: 13
Strength: 10
Endurance: 10
Psyche: 12
Presence: 18

Vocation: Warrior (Pilot)
Effective Combat Value: 5

Extended longevity (All Solarans live roughly 350 years)

Notable Skills:
Pilot Starship/Shuttlecraft, Automobile/Motorcycle/Hovercycle
Starship Engineering, Astro-Navigation, Navigation S.A.L. Archaeology,



"I loved my wife Danielle with all my heart till the day she died. She was a Solaran I always fall for mortal women my friends say it has something to with the brightest flame burning the shortest length.  Indeed Solarans burn brightly in that they are so very passionate and often adventurous. Danielle was no exception.  We met when she was already 127 years old (still young by Solaran standards).  My ship, the S.S. Runt encountered a cruise ship that was under attack by space pirates, and she was it's Captain. The Runt came to the rescue and once the ensuing chaos settled, I went to speak with the Captain... it was love at first sight. A couple of months later we were walking down the aisle in marital bliss.  I had found a contentment and true peace I didn't even know I was missing. I was so happy being with my family that I even hung up my armor for a while to be a husband and father.  However, as each decade passed I could see time taking its inevitable toll on her physically. It is a hard thing to watch the ones you love wither away while you are powerless to do anything about it. I begged her to undergo the same spell that made me immortal, but she wouldn’t have it, and it became the source of a lot of conflict between us for a very long time. In the end, I conceded the point and pretended to be content to let it be putting her wishes above my own selfishness no matter how much it hurt. On her deathbed, she said that she had no regrets and that her life had been full and complete. With a forced, tear-filled, smile I kissed her gently one last time, and then she was gone."  Quote: Obsidian Mask

Danielle Simmons was a normal Solaran with no particular adventuring skills, born the only child (due to medical reasons) to Mary and Kevin Simmons, the family moved a lot when Danielle was young until finally they settled in the beautiful beach town Palm Springs.  Her father was a Colonel in the IGFW Marines and the constant reassignments and promotions made it difficult for her to form lasting relationships and make many close friends.  After he retired, the family settled in and Danielle could finally live a normal life with normal problems.  Every day Danielle would see giant cruise ships roll in and out from the beach and would daydream about what life aboard one of those luxurious ships would be like.  She vowed one day to Captain one of those luxurious ships among the stars. When Danielle was but a child she was given a necklace by her grandmother who told her it could bring her great fortune so long as she kept it close.  She kept it with her at all times thereafter and though there was once an adventurer who asked about it nothing ever came of it. Her son now owns the necklace after his mother willed it to him.   A short time later Danielle discovered quite by accident that her grandmother was, in fact, a very powerful Mage, a fact Grandma hid quite well from Danielle's mother.   Her grandmother would often brew potions and Danielle would help. Before her Grandmother passed away she imbued upon Danielle a bit of magic that would stay with her for the rest of her life making her quite lucky though she never abused her blessing.  (Danielle always received the best result from randomly determined events) When she was a young teen she found an item of powerful magic, one which had been sought by the IFGW who would eventually contact her to retrieve it and incidentally help her come one step closer to becoming a Captain. Only a short time later both of Danielle's parents were killed but the entire incident was covered up to avoid an intergalactic incident making her very untrusting of the government and its officials from that point on.  Eventually, she would strike out on her own attending college to further her goal of captaining her own ship, and despite being an excellent student she went practically unnoticed by her peers never really making any real friends.

Special Note: This is the first appearance of Danielle in an visual medium, she was originally just going to be backstory filler...but became an integral part of Obsidian's story and needed her own place in my universe.

Her Background was created using the Character Background generator from my WIP RPG. Yeah it's pretty colorful.


Submitterhalcon89More Photos from halcon89   Last Update2019/4/11 13:33
Hits1120  Comments2    

The Devil's deal

The Devil's dealPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2018/5/3 5:38
Hits1121  Comments0    
For those of you who have NOT been paying attention, Obsidian Mask recently killed the God Apophis and thus acquired his responsibilities and powers.  The scene you are looking at is a meeting between Obsidian (as the god of Evil) and an elder God. The forgotten ones, the old ones, they have many names are often thought to be powerful demons but they are Elders of the Universe and possesses far more power than some mere god. Fortunately Obsidian is no MERE anything.  In this meeting he is being tasked to gather what allies he can and defend his universe in a battle of the multiverse...the winner of this contest...gets to LIVE.  Surely we will be seeing the most formidable of beings when this occurs but will Obsidian be able to save his own universe and will he do it at the cost of countless others? This story coming soon.  BTW those are little humans at his feet...being supersized is sort of a god thing.

Dossier: Sarah Dashel-Ne'rdo

Dossier: Sarah Dashel-Ne'rdoPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2018/12/11 11:13
Hits1121  Comments2    
Name: Sarah Dashel-Ne'rdo (Cheetah I)
Species: Genetically Engineered Super Soldier
Age: 517 (at time of death)
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 150
Eye Color: Orange
Hair Color: Black (Gray at time of death)

Birth Rank: 3rd of 6
# Siblings: 5
Relatives: Alleycat, Tigress, Jawire, Panterra, Maneater
Marital Status: Married (at time of death)
Known Associates:

Intelligence: 10
Agility: 11
Strength: 16
Endurance: 33
Psyche: 9
Presence: 17

Vocation: Assassin
Effective Combat Value: 19

Super speed (Mach 2 for short distances and straight lines only),  Enhanced Vision/Hearing/Olfactory/ Night-vision/Regeneration/Longevity (Soul Stones)/

Notable Skills:
Possesses Many combat related skills and virtually no others save for cooking.

Adamantine claws, Power Armor as all of her team mates Sarah (Cheetah) possessed a full suit of power armor composed of a Mythril Absorbium compound making it nearly indestructible

The armor incorporates many devices and paraphernalia and well as servos and internal circuitry providing the following abilities:

Ultravision (Panterra can see even in magically created darkness)
Climbing sheer surfaces (via retractile adamantine claws)
Super Strength (80 ton capacity)
Super Speed (Mach 4 maximum)
Enhanced hearing: (Sensitive enough to hear a pin drop at 100 yards)
Track by scent: Olfactory scanners can identify up to 100,000 different scents in a 25 foot radius.
Oxygen filtration: Panterra's armor is not hermetically sealed but has an advance air filtering system.
Enhanced combat protocols: Reflexive neural simulators designed to work with his martial skill set.

Drone shuriken

P.R.I.D.E. member have access to a variety of modern vehicles custom designed by Jagwire.

Golden Star Empire Armor: Constructed of an Infinitium mesh and is thus nearly indestructible by normal means.  The built in features grant her full spectrum analysis, and act as a full suite, portable, crime lab as well as enhancing her already formidable abilities. The 6 retractable 18 inch knuckle blades are likewise made from pure infinitium and are indestructible by mortal means, and have been further enchanted to mono-molecular width making them capable of slicing through steel as easily as one would wave a stick through air. Armor's not enchanted or composed of "Ultra-Rare" materials (Admamantine, Mythril etc) even those constructed of non-conventional material (Starship hulls and Tank Armor) are all equally useless against them. Infinitium Shuriken: Enchanted throwing blades that behave in the same fashion as her knuckle blades these shuriken teleport to their belt pouch after causing damage to any object and thus DO NOT pass through people or objects and therefore cannot affect more than one object/target at a time. The solid infinitium plates throughout the armor can be used as bludgeoning weapons with lethal efficiency. Opponents striking one of these plates suffer all damage from such impacts as if slamming their fist into a proverbial wall while a layer of Absorbium 80 prevents Cheetah from being harmed in the slightest. If damaged the armor is further enchanted to clean and repair itself daily.  Unlike her team mates Cheetah's armor is a hermetically sealed environmental suit complete with magically renewable food supplements and waste disposal.  As one would imagine this exactly the type of "Overkill" armor one would expect from the Golden Star Empire.

Sarah was genetically engineered in the latter part of the 21st century.  Solaran (Human) DNA Spliced along with various attributes from large felines species (primarily cheetah).  The Preemptive Reconnaissance Infiltration Detection and Elimination squad Acronym: P.R.I.D.E. was to infiltrate behind enemy borders and eliminate targets deemed a threat to the United State's security.   Sarah was not the first genetically engineered being but rather third in a line of 6 such beings. (Individual Dossiers to be submitted later)

The first to be created was code named: "Alleycat" a massive 9 ft behemoth of immense strength and endurance.
The second was code named: "Tigress" a female assassin trained in various forms of martial arts and intrusions techniques.
The Third code named:  "Cheetah" Was an incredibly fast Speedster of unlimited endurance and capable of reaching speeds of up to mach 6 on land.  However, she was reportedly  incapable of pinpoint navigation.
The fourth code named: Jagwire is technological genius and a weapons expert in all small/heavy arms and s killed inventor. Like the others he is a capable soldier and an effective killer.
The fifth was originally code named: Panterra   However, during a routine live training exercise he attacked and subsequently murdered his handlers going rogue and escaping from the facility that created the team.

After arriving in the 43rd century and determining (inaccurately) that Maneater was no longer a threat Cheetah took the name "Sarah Dashel" and began to make a life for herself outside of the team. Through their affiliation with the scions of Justice Sarah met Obsidian Mask and the two at first, could not stand to be in the same room together. They would later discover that they actually were very attracted to one another physically and  eventually became very close. However, Obsidian Mask broke off their relationship having just overcome the loss of his previous wife only a few years prior. This would create a rift between the two as Sarah had become pregnant with twins unbeknownst to Obsidian Mask. During the "Rise of Domion" crisis, while on a mission to rescue Panterra,  Sarah became injured and the truth was revealed to Obsidian who immediately regretted breaking things off with her. They subsequently rekindled their relationship and eventually married. During an attack by Dominions' forces Sarah was crushed under a support beam severing her spinal cord, and while the damage could be prepared Sarah suffered a miscarriage and was emotionally devastated and in a fit of rage contacted the being known as The Black Mantis to get revenge not knowing what price he would ask in return.  The Black mantis would later allow Obsidian to get her out of the contract under the terms that Obsidian would serve him so long as the couple remained together . Later at their wedding the Black mantis would gift the couple with a pair of non-magical rings which possessed a matching set of soul stones.  The stones would bind the life forces of whoever wore them in wedlock, Obsidian being immortal did not discover their true nature after the apparent death of Sarah in a kamikaze style attack. The Black Mantis assigned Obsidian to find out what had happened to Sarah and thus began a 5 year mission to find her.  In the end Sarah found him and he was surprised to discover that she had been hurled 500 years into the past, had fallen in love with another man, bared children only to watch them pass on while she lived.  Having finally understood why Obsidian tried to end their relationship before Sarah decided it was more of a curse than a blessing and asked Obsidian to end their marriage allowing her to finally pass on, and subsequently releasing him from his contract with the Black mantis.  

Aini Lotus II Armor.jpg

Aini Lotus II Armor.jpgPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2018/12/16 12:26
Hits1121  Comments0    
"Who do think I am little man? Do you think because I tend to my master's every need that I am some helpless damsel? Do you think because my form is female that I am some delicate flower? Well, even the prettiest Lotus can kill.  For the sake of my master, I would not only kill you...I would do to you horrible things, the like of which are not spoken of even in darkest pits of hell.  I am a demon, do not EVER forget that, and though it is true that I may be a lesser demon remember this MORTAL: The least of us is easily more than a match for a dozen of you... Now Stand aside or I'll part you from your pretty little head... So my master bids."

Aini is an Empath Demon, a lesser demonic being to be sure but Aini's master is one of the most skilled assassins in the five galaxies and her skills are a mirror of his. Borrowed through their bond she is more than a match for anyone dumb enough to believe her some delicate flower of a woman. Where Obsidian Mask is concerned there is no level of depravity she will not sink to, no foul deed she will not commit, and she will Never tell him of it.  


SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2018/12/23 5:35
Hits1121  Comments1    
Mean 'ol Mr Gringy won't be stealing anyone' merry Christmas this year!


SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2019/9/6 15:44
Hits1121  Comments2    

gata negra

gata negraPopular
Submitterhalcon89More Photos from halcon89   Last Update2019/12/16 10:40
Hits1121  Comments1    

G5SG Animal Series, Elephant

G5SG Animal Series, ElephantPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2020/6/21 8:25
Hits1123  Comments1    
IGFW Database 47265 Elephant  (Pachyderm): Elephants are mammals of the family Elephantidae and the largest existing land animals. Three species are currently recognized: the African bush elephant, the African forest elephant, and the Asian elephant. Elephantidae is the only surviving family of the order Proboscidea; extinct members include the mastodons. The family Elephantidae also contains several now-extinct groups, including the mammoths and straight-tusked elephants. African elephants have larger ears and concave backs, whereas Asian elephants have smaller ears, and convex or level backs. Distinctive features of all elephants include a long trunk, tusks, large ear flaps, massive legs, and tough but sensitive skin. The trunk, also called a proboscis, is used for breathing, bringing food and water to the mouth, and grasping objects. Tusks, which are derived from the incisor teeth, serve both as weapons and as tools for moving objects and digging. The large ear flaps assist in maintaining a constant body temperature as well as in communication. The pillar-like legs carry their great weight.

Elephants are scattered throughout sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and Southeast Asia and are found in different habitats, including savannahs, forests, deserts, and marshes. They are herbivorous, and they stay near water when it is accessible. They are considered to be keystone species, due to their impact on their environments. Other animals tend to keep their distance from elephants; the exception is their predators such as lions, tigers, hyenas, and wild dogs, which usually target only young elephants (calves). Elephants have a fission-fusion society, in which multiple family groups come together to socialize. Females (cows) tend to live in family groups, which can consist of one female with her calves or several related females with offspring. The groups, which do not include bulls, are led by the (usually) oldest cow, known as the matriarch. (Wiki entry)

Obsidian finally boards the ISS Phantasm

Obsidian finally boards the ISS PhantasmPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2020/7/1 7:18
Hits1125  Comments1    
The third installment of "The Starlet and the liar" is in the works folks. Here's a quick preview (because I love previews) after this last issue there will be an indefinite hiatus as I turn my attention to Obsidian's online webisodes.  So here is the new digs and a few tweaks for Obsidian himself. let me know what you think Positive or negative your comments are always appreciated.

Wedding Photos, second marriage

Wedding Photos, second marriagePopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2019/3/16 10:21
Hits1127  Comments2    
Obsidian has been married before, this is his second wife Sarah Dashel aka Cheetah. The wedding was a traditional Solaran (Earth Human) affair and conducted by a very special official.  Obsidian was very happy being with her until her death. Anyone following his latest adventures knows that he once again married but in a bigamist marriage. The circumstances surrounding this particular woman are covered in full in my upcoming novel Obsidian Mask: Rise of Dominion".  


Submitterhalcon89More Photos from halcon89   Last Update2019/3/27 6:02
Hits1127  Comments3    

Spider and the Mite.jpg

Spider and the Mite.jpgPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2018/5/3 5:27
Hits1128  Comments0    
Working on a new Character: The Mighty Mite...He's to be addressed as Mite...not Mighty Mite...just Mite. or The Mite...Let me know what you think of him.


Enhanced Agility: (20x normal human)
Enhanced Intelligence: (I.Q. 265)
Enhanced Endurance: (10x normal human)
Enhanced Reflexes: (5x Normal human)

Super strength (can lift 100 times his weight)
Adhesion: Can cling to most any surface.
Life Drain: Can be used to subdue (or kill), and can be used to heal himself.
Equipment: 2 Micro Spider Drones (on wrists), sophisticated robots capable of autonomous function that lock to his wrists and spin webs. Also capable of advanced computer hacking, surveillance, and attack.
Helmet: Wide variety of optical functions and 8 receivers that allow mite to see virtually 360 degrees.
Corrosive mandibles: Removable devices that contain a highly corrosive compound which has no secondary corrosion effects.

The mite is 12 years old with Master's degrees in electronic engineering, and chemistry. Yet Elliot Riley, remains an otherwise ordinary 12 year old...his dreams are a bit farther along than most children and his gifted intellect is often a curse more than a blessing. Elliot's intellect is not normal for a human at all and until recently it was the only manifestation of his Gen-Ab (Genetically Abnormal) abilitilites. Elliot was raised by his loving parents but the tragic death of his father changed his life forever. Elliot's father was killed during a battle between the superhero known as The Guardian, and the Villain Necronimous. While Necronimous was captured and sentenced it did not bring back his father. The Guardian came to visit him to see how he was holding up, and was questioned at great length about why she had not killed Necronimous instead of arresting him. She explained to Elliot that her powers gave her a higher responsibility, and that she could not simply kill just because she had the power to do so."Heroes are burdened with the responsibility to do right BECAUSE we are stronger, not despite it." she told him "So even if I can kill someone who does wrong it isn't right for me to do so. I have to protect those weaker than myself...we all should." . With that she said goodbye and Elliot made the decision to not hide his powers but to use them to help others. Since he was little his dad has nicknamed him "Mighty Mite" because of his advanced intellect, and Elliot would use that name to act heroically to help others. Elliot uses his intellect for the improvement of life for his fellow man and his other powers to defend the helpless. Unfortunately for Elliot he is not old enough to be a registered vigilant, and for some time he was considered an enemy of the law. However, because he left no genetic signature via power use he was never tracked down, and due to his age and acts of heroism few police were willing to try to apprehend him. Elliot has crossed paths with many heroes, his favorite being Spydra (pictured here), because they share similar powers. Since meeting him she has decided to mentor him and he is legally operating as a "Vigilant" under "Sidekick" status.


SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2018/6/28 14:27
Hits1128  Comments1    
Ever get the feeling you're being watched? Did you know that scientists believe that the ability is a type of energy? It radiates through solid objects like car windows...I mean, have you ever pulled up to a light and looked over to see someone looking at you? Yeah...what if you wore a suit of armor that absorbs psychic/psionic might very well lose a powerful instinctive Obsidian has. There's a reason he's always scanning...he knows this ability is impaired in his armor.Although he's also quite paranoid so he always assumes he's being watched.


Submitterhalcon89More Photos from halcon89   Last Update2018/7/9 14:17
Hits1128  Comments1    


SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2019/2/27 14:38
Hits1129  Comments2    
Jessica Hillard was raised in an abusive home, and though she was eventually save she spent her juvenile years in one foster home after another. She vowed to make a better life and her soaring IQ would be her ticket.  Once she was free from the government care she used a college incentive that granted her a free ride scholarship. She decided to make the most of it and began attending school.  However, the streets are no place to live when one is trying to better oneself and Jessica fell in with some fellow street rats known as The Fugitives... a gang that specialized in petty crimes to get by  Eventually Jessica managed to get out from that life and go legit even taking a few gang members with her. She graduated with top honors in record time earning her PhD in Physics at the young age of 22.  Life had certainly turned around for Jessica especially after going to work for her the very college she graduated from in order to teach a subject she excelled at.  Yes life was going well until the day her powers manifested.  Jessica had been working on some very complex equations and frustrated she flew into a rage angry at the "inadequate assistants" the college had She flew into a rage and that's when it happened...Jessica found herself staring face to face with...Herself.  Over the next few weeks Jessica and her duplicate managed to get done more than she had in a year.  But when reached out to shake the hand of the duplicate who had helped her so much...the girl simply disappeared.  In truth Jessica knew instantly what had happened...her duplicate had been absorbed along with all of its knowledge.  Jessica was amazed and began exploring her her newfound powers further.  She found she could transform her very limbs and digits into weapons and see in even the most pitch darkness.  She could see into the ultraviolet spectrum but her most impressive feat was when she discovered she could manipulate kinetic energy.  Today Jessica can  create as many as 4 duplicates and legally works as a Vigilant in the city of Chicago under the name Skratch...the point where she started from.   Jessica isn't exactly friendly and has been known to let petty criminals who are "Only trying to get by" escape.  This has made scratch something of an underground legend and her ties to her former gang still exist.  Jessica lives in the same neighborhood she protects and hustled in with her gang.  Skratch is supported by her community in an almost Robin Hood-esque fashion..

Photo No. 271-300 (out of 2233 photos hit)
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