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The Starlet and the Liar Part 2: Wrecked Fantasy cover

The Starlet and the Liar Part 2: Wrecked Fantasy coverPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2018/5/6 10:10
Hits1405  Comments4    
This is to be the the cover image for the next comic. I have been experimenting with some new lighting techniques I hope everyone likes. These may very well replace my old techniques completely. Let me know what you think and remember whenever possible there is little to NO post work. This is image is NO exception. postwork here is darkened edges for dramatic effect and to draw the eye to the center.

The Razorclaw

The RazorclawPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryVideo Game    Last Update2018/9/19 18:30
Hits1405  Comments1    
Razorclaw and his Dragon Blackwind are operatives from the Golden Star Empire, formerly the domain of the Black Mantis, and they are a formidable team indeed. Most often Blacvkwind assumes the guise of a Dark elf maiden of notable beauty. It is assumed that the two are lovers though they neither confirm nor deny it...

Lady Termite

Lady TermitePopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2014/7/6 9:31
Hits1406  Comments2    
Gloria Danning, also known as Lady Termite, is a super genius inventor with the power to control and speak with insects. She invented a device that allows her to shrink in size down to one inch in height. She has a multitude of inventions including various firearms for all manner of effects. She is pictured here in her lab's main computer core where she runs simulations and various research projects.

Survivor camp.

Survivor camp.Popular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2016/11/2 2:41
Hits1406  Comments2    
Using the data we gathered from the bridge of the Kryllian ship we manage to locate a small encampment of the surviving crew the sad fact s that there are fewer than 50 of the original crew left as far as we can tell. It's now late in the evening and we wasted a lot of time going through there ship but it appears it's time well spent. A quick flyby reveals automated defenses and at least one gun drone. We land nearby and approach with extreme caution so as not to provoke their massive sentry. A small campfire glows brightly in the center of several escape pods each serving as shelter for the surviving crew. Nearby is a generator transceiver, and water purifier. This group is well equipped to survive for some time. They have rations enough for months and all the tools necessary to carve out a life here if need be. like a mini-colony of sorts. IN a more hostile environment they would probably be screwed after a few months but in this land of abundance not so much. Of course most of the life we've encountered is incredibly hostile so life would be a challenge to be sure.  A male kryllian officer steps out to greet us and as he does I note that of all the 47 crew here he is the only male and under any other circumstances I'd say he was a lucky guy but he might not think so right now. The crew looks clean, well nourished and appear to be in their right minds. I approach the male ready to draw my pistil on a moment's notice. behind me Aini, Shadawar, and Caewon spread out taking strategic positions a fact that does not go unnoticed by the Kryllian crew.

"Hello, my name is obsidian mask and I have been sent to locate Captain Drizna by High Crona Hirzhak. We are here to rescue you and your crew-mates."

"I'm commander Nabrin.  It's a pity you could not have come sooner, so many of us were taken."

"Taken? By whom, or what?"

"The primitives that inhabit this planet thought us to be some kind of evil demonic creatures and acted accordingly , we had them out gunned but we're not allowed to interfere in their natural development so we could only stun them while they were outright killing us. Their wounded would revive unharmed in a matter of hours and we would be left with dead crewmen. We couldn't fight a war of attrition.' eventually they began raiding our camps, after the first couple of years it wasn't to hard to deal with but the became emboldened with each successful raid. eventually we had to seclude the women in camps like this with our best resources due to the savage nature of these primitives. A male would be killed but with a female they would do...other things."

"I see, um...did you say two years?"

"Yessir we've been here for four years altogether and we had just assumed everyone thought us lost."

"You guys have only been gone a few weeks at best."

"That's not possible sir we've kept perfect track of the days and the hours. We've been here 4 years 18 days and seven hours."

"Time must flow differently here Captain."

Shadawar adds, and I can 't escape the logic of his statement. Immediately I contact the Sable and fill them in one the apparent time difference, and have Sabrina keep track of both times so we are on calendar when we return.

For myself, Aini,  and Caewon time differences mean very little but for these mortals this is a huge deal.

"Okay Nabrin, we'll need to know where the other camps are and where the rest of your crew have been taken.  We'll arrange for you crew to be taken aboard our ship and return home s soon as we have every survivor on board."

I call down the Wraith and have my crew begin evacuating the survivors, as Commander Nabrin is about to board he turns to me and asks:

"What will you do about the natives here if they resist?  We're rescuing your crew no matter what, I'll try not to harm any of them but I am not beholden to your non-interference policies...I'm not IGFW so I don't have to hold back, but I choose to because I'm not the bad guy. If I can spare lives I will but not at the expense of those I came here to protect."

"I don't agree with your decision but I can respect and in a way even admire it Captain. Good luck."

It'll take some time to get to each camp site and teleport each up to the wraith even so she's got limited cargo capacity so ther'll be several trips to the Sable to transfer the survivors. We'll remain in the shuttle for the time being.  I send Aini, Shadawar and Fred back to the Sable with the crew and have them help with whatever repairs and departure preparations they can. Caewon, and Dr. Omega will remain on the planet with me.  The Doctor claims he speak 7,00 languages which I have to admit is a lot by anyone's standards I use a translator myself it speaks over one million languages but it might help.   As the  Wraith departs Dr. Omega approaches me with a somewhat grim look on his face.

"What's up doc? (I always wanted to say that to a doctor.) Is there a problem?"

"As a matter of fact there is.  I heard what you told that officer and you may not understand this but you cannot kill these people."

"Doc, I have no intention of going in there guns blazin" and a firin, but I have no intention of letting them kill any survivors we find."

"I understand but you have to know in their eyes we're the invaders"
"Good point Doctor but the invaders want to leave, so we need to let them know that. Hopefully they're graceful winners. If this is gonna be too much for you to handle good sir, you can wait in the shuttle. Unless of course you have a better way to handle this in which case I'm all ears."

"Actually, I had thought..."

Ever say something you were pretty sure you were gonna regret, I think I just did that.

What does that

What does thatPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2017/6/3 2:40
Hits1407  Comments2    
Back aboard my ship I'm left with more questions than answers. Not the least of which is how does an energy blast put a hole in a material that, by it's very nature, absorbs energy?   Absorbium is no joke, if handled improperly it can absorb the electricity right out of a living organism, which as one might assume is quite lethal.  That android or robot or cyborg or whatever it was, just punched a hole through it which should be impossible. Then somehow the nano irises which govern the rate of absorption and do so very precisely were overridden and closed.  I cannot go into a conflict with beings who can do those sorts of things without having some sort of defense.
After staring at my armor for an hour or so I call Sabrina, hoping maybe my chief engineer might have an insight into exactly what does that to my armor.

Sabrina is all business which is what I like most about her, she greets me with a "Sir" and it feels right.

"You wanted to see me sir?"

"Yes actually.  I wanted to pick your brain and see if you could help me find a defense against this..."

I gesture to the large hole in my armor and Sabrina looks at it like a star struck teenager.

"I-Is that what I think it is?"

"Um if you mean my armor, yes."

"No no no no, I mean under the upper layers...that is...No it isn't."

"Isn't what?"

"Well at first glance one might mistake this underlayer for Nano-weave circuitry, but it isn't...this is even smaller...subatomic? That would explain the precision in your holomatrix and your ability to control absorption. For that purpose Nano-tech would be crude at best."


I always thought it was simple nanotechnology...and some magic. When Ray built the prototype it was awesome...but the Black Mantis had a hand in my current design...more bang for my buck as it were. I've never gave a moment's to having to do major repairs but this situation changes everything.  We're getting off track though.

"Tell me Sabrina what kind of weapon can do this type of damage to Absorbium 80?"

"Well Absorbium is vulnerable to freezing, acid and general chemical and physical changes save for kinetic energy and impacts, it has a high tolerance to oxidation, it can be cut with the right tools...but I don't know of a weapon that does this to it...certainly not an energy weapon."

"Yeah, well that's what happened."

"Perhaps it was...what about an EMT?"

"A transporter beam?"

"Well you've used them before and we know they work on the armor and all of you armor IS designed to allow them to work unless you actively absorb the energy used during the conversion process."

"So you think that the android used something like that?"

"Yes but something more localized, to not transport away but convert the suit's matter to energy...I'm not even sure what to call that?"

"It's called a Disruptor."

A voice says from the behind us.

"And it isn't supposed to exist."

Standing in the doorway of my shop is none other than the Black Scorpion...formerly the Black Mantis's duplicate.

"Karr, this is unexpected....wait...How do you know about this weapon."

"Because I invented it."


I can scarcely believe what I'm hearing.  If these guys built this weapon how do I stop it?  Moreover how the held did an android get it's hands on it?

"I'm afraid you have me to thank for these machines."

"I'm all ears friend do tell."

"I created the weapon to use against the Black Mantis, it was design with Infinitium in mind since the only way to affect the metal is to rearrange it's structure on a subatomic level.  It goes without saying that it would be equally effective on Absorbium.  The beam is essentially a an Energy Matter Transporter that has been set to displace the material it affects rather than send it somewhere.  It disrupts the material structure and mangles it.  On organic beings it is especially vicious and cruel as it mangles beings while leaving them alive in pure agony."

"Why would you create something like that?"

"As I said, it was for the Black Mantis."

"Geez, that's...twisted. But how did these machines get their hands on it?"

"I had to test the weapon at some point and these machines were perfect for that, they were malevolent and mindless assimilating whole planets and decimating any resistance."

"So you killed a few. Still doesn't explain how they got your weapon."

"They must have somehow relayed the beam's specification to their core intelligence even as they we being eradicated by it.  it wouldn't take much to duplicate if one had EMT technology...which they did.  I didn't leave any stragglers or survivors so it's the only explanation I can think of."

"What about the machines themselves?  What can you tell me about them that might help me against them?"

"They are like you, energy is nearly useless against them. They're highly intelligent in groups but not when alone.  As single units they possess an impressive AI but it's not until they get together that truly become formidable. In groups they're able to link their collective intelligence and computational power and they each benefit from it individually. So instead of fighting a group of advanced AI's you end up fighting a group of Highly advanced AI's."

"So we whittle their numbers down and they become less effective."

"Exactly.  There is one thing  more."

"What's that?"

"They are advanced AI's, they don't need those bodies, those are only mobile platforms.  If they get into a computer system it's a wrap, they'll take over every subsystem in seconds...they can control entire ships or something as large as a space station."  Worse yet, on a planetary level they can use internet and externet to take over far more than that.  Our people are on this, but we're gonna need you to do some leg  work...again."

"Crap...well, in for a penny. etc etc.  Looks like I'm working for you guys...again.  You know this was supposed to be a simple job."


Rescue Popular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2014/9/28 1:18
Hits1408  Comments2    
We all know we could be walking into a trap, I mean  just because we’re getting a signal doesn’t mean he’s anywhere near it.  In no time we're in, we step out of the vent just in time for a guard to spot us, but before I can even reach my gun Cheetah's on top of him sometimes I forget just how fast she is. The guard is only disabled even though she has lethal weapons available and I'm reminded of the fact that she's a hero and I'm not, because I would have shot him dead.  I go into stealth mode and all weapons and gear get silenced.  Thanks to the Absorbium 80 no sound emits from me or my gear. A handy side effect of the metal's properties to be sure. A push of a button and all the light gets absorbed too. There really isn't much this metal doesn't absorb. If it weren’t for the wiring running in and out of this suit I wouldn’t be able to hear or see a thing

Wrrong ship, wrong day

Wrrong ship, wrong dayPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2017/1/23 20:56
Hits1409  Comments1    
With both ships docked we get to work on running full diagnostics and pouring over the Runt's logs. They were attacked with precision and the enemy knew where they were most vulnerable. Going over the schematics reveals some serious design flaws. No Infinitium plating, and no cloaking system. This ship is NOT my Runt. Moreover the Zero-Men running this show are still wearing our Generation one armors which crumble to dust with the slightest pressure. The chemical composition has been fundamentally altered. Judging by their backup armors their suits were composed of only Absorbium 80 which is great but inferior to my current armor's 120. No servos, barley and scanners to speak of, and positively none of their gear was flashed. Magical scans reveal a type of vampirism that literally pulled the life essence right out of them.

"Somebody was feeding?"

I say out loud without noticing.

"Not feeding." a voice from behind says "They were taking the life energy and collecting it."

I spin around to face the voice from behind me, weapons drawn and ready to go.  Before me stands a woman roughly my height and wearing armor similar to the one I wore during my stint as God of Intrigue.  Hers however, is covered in purple webbing and there's no sense of divine anything about her. Next to her at least another me again wearing my old armor. In fact it's the armor I wore during The Infinity-Man crisis. It's also composed of Absorbium 80, no servos but it has a few perks.  God slayer is extended and the golden blade has their attention, and they appear to know exactly what it is capable of because neither of them make a move. The female speaks softly, calmly as if trying to talk down a crazed gunman. I'm not crazed...freaked out, but not crazed.

"Relax Obsidian, we only came here to talk."

"So talk."

I point the blade at the guy in my old armor.

"You be silent."

He doesn't seem happy but he complies.

"Okay sweetheart, you don't have long, security is on it's way and they are standard issue Mantis style troops so this better be good or it will be a very short conversation.

"Right.  Okay here's the jist of it: An alien force of unknown origin and number is targeting the multiverse looking for the myriad versions of Obsidian Mask, aka you. Some of the survivors have banded together to combat them. Thus far with little success.  They are Immune to magic, save for the most powerful type such as your sword, and are capable of negating Absorbium 80. They also seem to be searching for one Obsidian in particular, a Prime Obsidian if you will. We don't know what they want with the Prime but we're trying to get to him or her first."

"How do you know the prime isn't one of your group?"

"Because they're still searching."

"Okay, I have recently been through some serious clone crap and some life altering alternate reality crap.  How about I call in a favor and see if the Black Scorpion can help?"

"That's a good thought," says the one I told to remain silent, "But the entire empire declined. In nearly every reality and time.  They don't want to be involved."

"After all I have done for them?  We'll see about that."

I call up Karr and he gives me a speech about temporal imperatives and protecting the multiversal time lines and a bunch of other crap that basically means they're no gonna help. But I don't let him off that easy.

"Fine, I get it Karr, but now it's time for me to collect on your debt. You said NOTHING was off the table and what I want is a simple request."

"We won't get involved directly."

"I don't need you to, I need you to send me something you already have. Something the Black Mantis designed just for me."

"Heh Heh Heh, I'm a step ahead of you my friend."


"You've had it this whole time."

"Seriously?  That bastard lied to me?"

"He used to do that pretty much regularly."

"Fine, then I rescind my demand for another time if it's all the same to you."

Purple can't believe her ears or eyes. Apparently she's never interacted with Mantis or his people and is somewhat stunned by the fact that I have a direct line.

"You know them? Personally?"

"I would assume we all do."

"No, we don't." interjects the one who was supposed to remain silent.

"Then how did you contact them?"

"Obsidian God of Intrigue"

At that moment the ships alarms nut out.


The three of us make a Beeline to main engineering.  If it's who we think it is, he's in the wrong place, and this is NOT the right day to be screwing with me or my ship.

The doors open and the first thing I see is Sabrina laid out against a nearby station her limp body slumped over. the engineering crew is in similar shape meaning their attacker is no joke. The two Obsidian's and I move cautiously into the room.  Seemingly out of the shadows the lone alien figure grasps the male version of me by his helmet and I watch in horror as the life saving ore disintegrates in it's grasp, my alternate self lets out a scream for an instant and falls to the floor with a sickening thud. It turns it's attention to me and I smile beneath my domed helm.  
I move to avoid it's grasp but it's faster than it looks and it grabs a firm hold of my...Infinitium Helmet. The Black Mantis deceived me when I told him not to modify my armor and to only upgrade it. This guy DID NOT get the memo and until today neither did I. He seems confused and attempts to dissolve my faceplate once again but I'm done with this. My weapons unlike my brethren's ARE flashed and I show this bastard exactly what that means as put three very large holes in him blowing his head clean off his torso. As it hits the ground it begins dissolving into an unidentifiable puddle of goo.

The spider lady is stunned. Quickly I run over to Sabrina who is luckily still alive, although a bit broken. The remaining Engineers are in similar shape. Medics arrive in no time along with a forensics squad.

Spider Lady walks up and like a winded fangirl exclaims  

"That was freaking AWESOME!!! You totally  Owned that alien asshole!"

Staring down at her partner her tone becomes more somber.

"That's usually the result of our conflicts, if they touch you, you die. No ifs ands or buts about it."

Through my own communications I hear my voice

"42 what is your situation, we detected an anomaly report."

"We're all good here sir, our guy took out one of the invaders, and sir...They touched his face."

"I think you may have located our Prime."

"Why's that?"

"The invaders abandoned all other Ops almost simultaneously. All groups are reporting back...You better bring your guy in. How is 22?"

"He...he didn't make it."

"Understood, he was a good man. Report back ASAP."    

She turns to me but before she can speak I stop her.

"Let me clean up this mess and get the ball rolling from here.  You stay till I'm ready, a day, two at the most and then I'll come meet your friends."

I don't like any of this but her friends may have answers I need. For now I need to get some things squared away here.

Somehow I feel March Madness

Somehow I feel March MadnessPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryMonthly and other challenges    Last Update2018/3/16 1:55
Hits1409  Comments4    
How Obsidian views Xenomorphs and Huggers:
The air is dank and several plant-like pods litter the floor, my scanners reveal there are living organisms in them and as I peer into one (stupid right? Why would anyone in their right mind do that?) a flailing thingy grabs hold of my helmet and begins.....humping. There's a lengthy phallic appendage repeatedly banging against the Infinitium  plate that covers my face which it is NEVER gonna get through and after a couple seconds of this I begin to feel...somehow...violated.  I mean to imagine what it was gonna do had I not had my helmet on...It was gonna force it's THINGY down my throat? I don't roll like that and my 300 plus years of life the thought has NEVER crossed my mind....this little guy  is just Rapey as all get out...of course you know this will probably call for some anti-matter...none of these little rapey guys are leaving here alive...I wonder where the chicken is that laid these eggs...gotta be one big ass chicken


SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2016/7/1 2:55
Hits1410  Comments3    
With arctic powers and supreme control over cold and ice Northwind is considered to be among the most powerful Gen-Abs to ever originate from Earth. I need an Ice-man type character. Good Name right?

Obsidian Mask Dossier & Mk XIII Armor

Obsidian Mask Dossier & Mk XIII ArmorPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2018/12/6 5:19
Hits1412  Comments2    
Name: Obsidian Mask (Rusco Yondo Ne'rdo) Pron (Rrrooscoo, You N' doo, Nairr doo,)
Species:  Elf, Luminesti
Age: 354
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 165 lbs
Eye Color: Blue (Currently Cybernetic)
Hair Color: Blonde
Birth Rank: 2nd of 7
# Siblings: 6 (all deceased)
Relatives:Jenara (Daughter), Arethan (son)
Marital Status: Married X 2 Spouse's Names: Ai Thoron (Sylvan Elf...Dragon?), Lote' (Sylvan Elf)
Known Associates: Crimson Mask, Cobalt Mask, The Scions of Justice, PRIDE, The Sathari Empire. IGFW STAR Command, Shadawar (Sathari officer), Rendaza "The red" (Bodyguard Sathari Empire), Sabrina Wildman (Chief Engineer), Analaeus Sathari (Reigning Emperor Sathari Empire)

Intelligence: 14 (140 IQ)
Agility: !9
Strength: 14 (60 in armor)
Endurance: 15 (100 In Armor)
Psyche: 18 (Minor Psionic Defenses)
Presence: 19 (Elven DNA)

Vocation: Ninja/Soldier
Effective Combat Vlaue: 25

Powers/Abilities: Nightvision, Supernatural Beauty, Indefinite Lifespan, Immunity to Natural (non-magical) disease, Does not scar.

Notable Skills:
Electronics Engineering P.H.D.
Astro-Cartography M.D.
Anthropology and Archaeology MLA
Trained in Medicine (Equivalent Trauma care nurse),
Holisitic Medicine B.A.
Certified in Starship, Automotive and Aircraft Repair.
Blacksmith certification
Weapon Engineering/Design Certification (Archaic and Modern)


Current Armor Capabilities:

4-D Contained Jump Jets: (for limited flight capability) Top Speed 400 KPH

Zero Pistol Mk 4: Infinitium Components, Variable round select,  "Barrel View" gun sight, 20 mm Grenade/Micro Missile launcher

Zero Rifle Mk 7: Infinitium Components, Internal Vari-Barrel allowing it to function as a shotgun/Assault Rifle/Sniper Rifle/Minigun Has all of the features of the Zero Pistol incl 20 MM grenade launcher.

Both weapons feature a 4-D warehouse with crates of various types of ammunition effectively making Obsidian a one-man army in a battle of attrition. In addition, the Infinitium construction means the barrels will never overheat and enchantments placed on the weapons mean they never have to be cleaned.

Zero-Blade ("Godslayer"): A relic class Katana created by the Golden Star Empire as a reward for "Services rendered", This highly enchanted blade can be summoned to the owner, Cast and spell the wielder has studied
       Spell potency is 5 times normal Duration, Affected area, Affected Targets, Range, Damage, etc. Casting level is equal to that of the wielder times 5. Obsidian can command anyone holding the weapon to simply
       "die" killing said person instantly.  Additionally, as an immortal being (of the lowest category) the blade can be used to irrevocably slay divine beings although Obsidian is forced to take over said being's divine portfolio
. The blade also boasts Infinitium construction, and 4-d compartment to hide the Mono-molecular Infinitum blade, additionally, the blade possesses a high capacity 2-way forcefield which contains a
       Matter-Anti-matter intermix chamber with an output of 13.5 billion GW of power capable of disintegrating any matter it comes into contact with. The Forcefield is designed to allow objects to pass through
       without letting the energy within it escape. (The technology used to create this weapon is unknown in this universe and is exclusive to the Golden Star Empire).

Left Gauntlet/Bracelet Grappling line 16 ton capacity, Obsidian's Left Gauntlet/Bracelet contains an Infinitium Grappling line with Matching anchor. The line is thin but otherwise indestructible. Total Length 50 feet.

Right Gauntlet/Bracelet Scanner/Communications array: Obsidian's Right gauntlet contains a full sensor suite similar in design to many standard handheld models though 3 times Range and sensitivity, In addition
        it also is equipped with a holographic communications array/display the keyboard allows full access to modern databases. There's also a surveilance package 4-D wrist blade, and concealed cutting devices

Helmet:  Loaded with Visual scanners Obsidian's helmet is also contains a communications package (Works in conjunction with gauntlet), Full visual spectrum scanner, internal life support/nutrition/fluid dispenser
            and acts as a barrier against any level of Psionic/Mental intrusion. Unfortunately this is a double edged sword cutting intuitive perception drastically. An Infinitum Face-plate has recently been attacked
            front of the helmet insuring that no means of attack will penetrate the helmet head on, the remainder of the helmet is and frame covered by a layer of Absorbium 80 which absorbs all known forms of                         energy.

Bodysuit: The Bodysuit is a hermetically sealed, self contained environment suit and like the helmet, is composed primarily of Absorbium 80 and enhances Obsidian strength/agility/endurance considerably allowing
             him to bench press an astonishing 25 tons. Reflexes are enhanced via internal AI and Neural-Muscular inputs lattice-worked throughout the suit and helmet. In the event that Obsidian should become                          paralyzed (even from the neck down) the suit can still be operated with full functionality so long as Obsidian remains conscious and the suit 75% intact.  Holographic camouflage with Tactile support this is                  like a built in disguise allowing the wearer to even appear to be unarmored if he so wishes. it is ineffective against magical sensory spells which do not reveal the true form but do reveal that it is a hologram.

Utility Belt: The Buckle can be removed and used to enhance the already impressive sensor suit of the Gauntlets and helmet, but it's most impressive feature is the Variable Contra-Gravity Generator which allows                             Obsidian to orient his center of Gravity to any point or direction he desires.

Kinetic Gloves: The Knuckle plates of the gloves are capable of channeling absorbed energy into a concentrated kinetic burst equal to the energy absorbed. Such attacks are further enhanced by the armor's 25 ton                             strength capacity. The Palms of the gauntlets are layered with Absorbium 120 and can be used (as in the case of the god Apophis) to weaken or outright kill an opponent in hand to hand combat after                         only a few seconds of exposure.
Absorbium 80 Overview: In addition to absorbing what one thinks of when considering energy, Absobium 80 also absorbs sound-waves, photons, impacts (kinetic energy), Magic, Psionics, and even life energy. In it's most pure form Absorbium cannot be physically touched by living beings as it is lethal. The highest level of refinement (Via Chemical processes) absorbium is rated at 120 (a thin layer of this version is applied to palms of Obsidian's gloves) it is capable of absorbing ambient life energy. When used with Nano-Irises the effects can be restricted or even stopped altogether.  Due to the fact that Obsidian's armor is a creation of incredibly powerful and advanced beings the Absorbium in his suit is controlled via Sub-atomic Irises which are the single most refined method of controlling the effects of the absorbium. This method combined with an undisclosed adhesion method, allow the Absorbium to be applied in similar fashion to spray-on paint creating a thin layer that is more effective than larger plates. The technology behind this is a closely guarded secret.  The absorbed energy is most often re-channeled throughout the armor to supplement  the internal magical power supply potentially powering the armor indefinitely.

Born on earth in the 20th century Obsidian was once a human. He was accidentally summoned across space and time by a Mage. After some adventures, deciding he was too old and out of shape but wanting to continue adventuring, he sought out magical means to extend his lifespan. To that end he procured the services of a mage to have himself transformed into a Luminesti elf, forsaking his humanity and Solaran roots for all time. Obsidian became embroiled in the "Millennium Wars" fighting on the side of the IGFW and its allies (Namely Earth) achieving the rank of Commander. Using the skills he acquired as an adventurer Obsidian quickly rose in rank and was recruited into a black ops branch where he was trained by the alien species known as the Oni who trained him for nearly 25 years before granting him the honorary rank of "Jonin". After his military service ended Obsidian was recruited by the mysterious Black Mantis who sought his services as an operative. Obsidian refused permanent employment with the Black mantis but did undertake assignments over a period of 100 years. Payment for those assignments has taken many forms including his ship, his weapons and various technologies, as well as his crew.  Obsidian Mask is 354 years old, and for over 300 of that has been a mercenary, assassin, and something of a private investigator. Obsidian possesses several degrees,  Obsidian believes in being self-sufficient and a survivalist. His Zoological knowledge has  proved useful for determining types of animals that are poisonous or edible. He is a master tactician and is always suspicious. He has been a widower 2 times before his current Harem and is known to be attracted to powerful women.  Obsidian still maintains ties with the Sathari Empire holding the position of "Indor" a title given to high ranking former officials by the Sathari government. As such he is under the protection of the Sathari Government until death (His species possesses an indefinite life span). To that end Obsidian has had many bodyguards, often a Psi-Mage of incredible power and experience.

At this time IGFW Intelligence recommendations are to maintain surveillance not underestimate his capabilities. Should the Golden Star Empire become involved agents should NOT interact and maintain surveillance from a discreet distance. Several agents have gone missing investigating this "Empire" and are presumed dead. At least one agent was returned and later discovered to be a clone of some variety as yet unknown.

A Hero Reborn

A Hero RebornPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2017/5/15 2:50
Hits1412  Comments3    
With the end of the Millennium Wars, the United Earth Council began the process of decommissioning many of its black projects.  Most notably the project known as Operation Flag Waver.  Unbeknownst to most of the five galaxies Operation Flag Waver was a long running program with a long history of great success. The project consisted of a single man, and although that man has been replaced time and again it is important to know that it has always been just a man...a man known only as Captain Freedom.  The current captain held in cryogenic suspension until very recently, is the 15th in a long series of clones. The Captain is superb specimen of the Solaran race..and is considered by many to be a perfect specimen as well.

The captain possesses remarkable attributes which are the peak of human perfection. His combat training is among the best available. He possesses superior regenerative abilities and is for all intents and purposes Immortal though still subject to injuries that can, and have ended in his death.

The Captain is an altruist and believes in doing what he feels is right even if that means disobeying orders. Attempts to adjust his DNA to make him more complacent have failed miserably with no ill side effects. The captain's moral character has been as still remains unimpeachable. He is a born leader and inspires others around him.  He carries only a shield and believes himself to be the last line of defense in the battle against tyranny and evil.

The captains dossier is as follows:

Strength: 19
Endurance: 19
Agility: 19
Intelligence: 24
Psyche: 24
Presence: 24

Powers and abilites:

Enhanced senses all
Minor regeneration (class 1)

The Captain's eyesight is so sensitive that he can microdot images without the need for magnifying devices.

The captain's hearing is sensitive enough to detect a heartbeat at 15 meters and can be used as an improvised lie detector.

His sense of touch allows his to feel textures as subtle as a fingerprint.

His sense of taste is delicate enough to detect poisons in doses too minute to affect him.

His sense of smell can be used in much the same way as a dog does.

The captain possesses minor psionic abilities which guard his mind from external infiltration. He also posses the following psionic abilities:

Equilibrium: Grants unparallelled agility and balance
ESP: The captain can by concentrating read the surface thoughts of one being at a time although those trained against such abilities are unaffected.
Telekinesis: The Captain possesses the ability to move objects with thought. He uses this ability in conjunction with his shield (of which he has had many) to ricochet it from point to point.

The captain is though to use nearly 99 percent of his mind's capacity and if he were to dedicate his time would be quite adept at learning Magic.

As it stands the Captain considers himself to be the consummate soldier and is dedicated to ideal of peace and justice on Earth and across the cosmos. To that end he defends the oppressed and the downtrodden never letting tyranny stand while he has the power to strike it down.  The current incarnation  has only recently been thawed for return to duty though no one is quite sure why as there are no APPARENT threats to Earth at this time...only time will tell.

The Captain is a legend but holds no ties to any hero organization, although he is strongly affiliated with the I.G.F.W. and has been granted above the law "Sentinel" status.

Escaping Ferusi post.jpg

Escaping Ferusi post.jpgPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2016/8/20 11:06
Hits1413  Comments4    
At one point early in my novel the SS Runt makes a run for it after rescuing Panterra from the planet of Ferusi. With Ferusian battle cruisers in hot pursuit the Runt makes a desperate play opening a fold gate near the sun of Ferusian system. A gamble that nearly destroys the Runt along with several Ferusian ships.

Side note: The planet of Ferusi has it's own global shield system via a network of satellite emitters powered by solar energy. Half of the grid is always facing the sun granting a limitless supply of energy at all times. Ships colliding with the shield meet the same fate as if crashing into the planet itself. SWhip that manage to breach the shield are greeted by the full might of the Ferusian space fleet garrisoned there.  

Time and again

Time and againPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2017/5/28 14:39
Hits1416  Comments1    
Analaeus sent one of his high ranking officers to summon me to a very discreet meeting, but it really wasn't what I thought it was going to be. It turns out that an old friend, Ichio Tanaka, a namean who found himself in Sathari space.  After barely surviving a tragic encounter with pirates that left the ship he booked passage on a floating wreck and his fellow passengers and crew dead he was brought to a medical facility. Once there he said his ship was attacked by "Anihilus the Traitor" but that is impossible since Analaeus IS Anihilus.  I've been asked to go over the wreckage and interview the witness myself since this is all so close to home. I have to say my interest is piqued.  The facility where Ichio's ship is stored is a massive starbase used for trade and housing far above a verdant world rich in natural splendor. A vibrant blue planet with no pollution and teaming with wildlife. There are sparse colonies located near the desert regions and those are the only areas allowed to be colonized. The starbase itself is massive as most are and is bustling with activity. Trade ships coming and going at all hours and round the clock shifts for the base's personnel. A couple of military ships remain stationed permanently to serve as guardians for the base and the planet below.  The ship Ichio  was found in is stored within in one of the larger hangars and have it under heavy guard. As we arrive we are greeted by the Captain of the S.I.S. Radager a heavy Sathari cruiser nearly a kilometer in length and armed as one might assume, to the teeth. The captain an older Sathari male with gray hair and a prominent beard is pleasent enough and my ship is expected.    

"This is Commander Drenek of the I.S.S. Radager to Obsidian mask, welcome to starbase 374."  

'Well met Commander, I am reporting as per the Emperor's request. My crew and I would like to get settled n and begin our investigation as soon as is permissible."

"UNderstood.  Before you do however, the emporer has additional instructions that I have been ordered to deliver by hand only.  I have prepared a shuttle to transport you to my ship."

"Um, A shuttle will not be necessary.  We have spatial transport technology. I can be over within the hour. I can meet you in your main shuttlebay."

"Very good I will meet you there personally at 21:00 hours."

With that the transmission ends and my crew and I start making preparations for docking.  I suit up and head to the transport room. As I step up on the pad I can't help but think that there's something odd about meeting the Commander in person. I am puzzled by the way Analaeus is handling this. I mean for a guy too busy to come to me personally he sure is giving this investigation a lot of personal attention. What with all the specific instructions.   I give the signal and vortex chamber hums, a split second later I'm in the shuttlebay of the Radager. I have apparently alarmed the security detail who instantly point their weapons at me.  It's almost funny but they don't look to be laughing.  Ah good times.  

Critical Conditions

Critical ConditionsPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2016/12/6 15:29
Hits1416  Comments1    
Raven and Norjaguar make a mad dash to the medical facilities where they see their resident healer frantically working on their ally who is for all practical purposes, the most powerful of their pantheon.  Viewing the monitors they can see the extent of his injuries.  Injuries that should have healed in the span of a heartbeat.  The healer has used every magic in known including the fabled eternity crystals and even their power is no match for whatever is happening.  Raven, now a bit more emotional due to her recent transformation, is visibly upset, a fact that does not escape the attention of The sky god Thunderbird.

"Raven, are you alright  man?"

"I'm fine, it's just who could've done this?  I mean who could have done this to him??!!  I mean it's the Black Mantis for crying out loud!"

Norjaguar notices the frantic Healer and opens the intercom

"Doctor, what seems to be the problem? Is everything okay?"

"No, no it isn't no amount of magic is working and he's not regenerating. At this rate he won't last much longer. It's like something is topping him from healing."

Suddenly Raven understands, pushing Norjaguar to the side she yells into the intercom.

"Doc, it's a spell.  I know of at least three that can stop a creature from healing, but they only work against supernatural healing...Use nanites!"

"Of course, they're technology not magic and wouldn't fall under the parameters of such a spell."

The doctor reaches into a nearby cabinet and removes a single spray canister.  Spraying the wound generously with surgical nanobots and a formula of stem cells and protein she is relieved to see the damage being rapidly repaired.

"It's working!  His vitals are stabilizing and the wound is closing."

The friends gathered breath a sigh of relief but that is quickly replaced with the dread of pondering who could've accomplished a monumental feat such as this.  Raven is visibly shaking, and tears begin to stream down her face, and now both of her companions have taken notice.

"Ray, what's wrong with you?  You're crying?"

"I don't know Jag it's just ...I don't know.  I was thinking about what this all means.  How if someone could hurt him like this, what could they do to the rest of us?"

"She has a point Jag." Thunderbird's words are met with only silence until.   There's a blinding flash of light from the surgical table and the glass that separated the three friends from that room shatters and explodes as if made by mortals.  A  single voice booms in a deafening roar with the words...


The Black Mantis is revived and is angered and he wants answers.

"Calm down Mantis, you're safe with friends." Ravens voice is soothing and gentle and there is not a man in the room who doesn't stop everything they're doing when they hear it.  The words and the tone completely foreign coming from their source.  The Goddess of war blushes at the sudden attention.

"Did I say something wrong?"

The men assembled stand stunned at her very appearance, her posture her mannerisms all have changed, and while it would seem that such a thing is unimportant, the reaction of the Black Mantis would say otherwise.  Leaping across the room with his infinitium claws at full extension the immortal assassin pounces on his one time friend with savagery.  As the claws sink into her shoulder Raven cannot help but scream in pain.  Instantly her own metal talons are unsheathed and find their mark in similar fashion.  As the Black Mantis takes note of the injury, unable to feel pain as the others do he hurls Raven bodily through the nearest wall. IN an instant he is straddled atop her with his claws once again extended one on either side of her face he reminds her.

"You know there's three, now start talking. Who are  you?"

"It's me you psychopath!  Did your injuries rattle your senses?"

"Raven you unfortunate pretender is a man transformed into a woman, without a single spark of femininity in his body...Next time you impersonate one of my allies do your homework. Now once again...WHO ARE YOU!!! Keep in mind I can wring the answers from your corpse as well as your living body."

"First of all, since when was I EVER a man? Secondly, you need to get the hell off of me before we have a real problem."

"Wow you really have no clue do you? Fine your corpse it is then!"

As his hand draws back the Black Mantis catches a glint of something in Ravens eyes...conviction, her eyes are different..they're the eyes of...A  dragon.   Retracting the deadly blades in his hand The black Mantis, takes  a deep breath and helping Raven to her feet he says

"My apologies oh Mistress of Battle, my injuries left me somewhat shaken.  I was not myself, please forgive my outburst."

Both Norjaguar and Thunderbird stand mouths agape with disbelief at what has just transpired before them.  Their silence further enforced by the change in the Black Mantis's tone towards their female companion.  He's being almost...charming...NO he wouldn't...he couldn't With a single glance towards one another the two gods realize ...he would and he most certainly all that is he probably will.  It is at that moment that Thunderbird interjects even as raven turn and walks away.

"Mantis, you wouldn't"

"What? Oh her? I most certainly would."  

Tilting his head to the side the eyes of the Black Mantis are transfixed upon the posterior of the Goddess of war taking in every curve and every move. Again Thunderbird interjects.

"Have you taken leave of your every sense?  That is a Man."

"No my friend, that USED TO BE a man, and when he was such I left him alone, but do you see that?" Mantis asks gesturing to Raven's very exquisite posterior.  "That is not a man's ass.  However, there  are more important things to deal with right now.  We need to know who attacked me and how the managed to stop the power of the Eternity crystals from healing me. Assemble the others it appears that Obsidian has failed to prevent Parata from being released from his prison.  Things will only get worse from here."


SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2017/6/25 17:46
Hits1417  Comments3    
I arrive in the city of Abu Mazar, a bustling metropolis with a population of about 1 million Solarans, and 2 million Egyptians. There are animal headed people everywhere and to blend in I use the holographic emitters in my suit to make me look some random person. with the auto-translation circuits it's no problem to appear to be one of the locals.

I ask around and find the LIbrary of Ptolemy is a massive stone building. Scans reveal advanced complex crystalline circuitry within the stones themselves a technology I have never seen before.  It goes from home to home and is apparently used for everything from mundane household purposes to advanced security and weaponry. The Egyptians have even used it to create animated stone guardians. I'm impressed to say the least.  I mean here is a society which looks rather primitive but in actually may be far more advanced than any I have ever visited.  The stealth factor here is enough to make a ninja like me positively jealous.  As I enter the library I am scanned repeatedly and were it not for the advanced spoofers in my suit I would've been busted the second I walked into this place.

Looking around there is a tone of art and statues decorate every inch of the place. There's a massive golden archway in the center of place which connects to the various alcoves of knowledge. On my right is an alcove which utilizes modern computers to store massive quantities of information and is connected to the Intergalactic web. Nice to know some things aren't made better with stone tech. I decide that will be my access point. The hard copies stored throughout  will make it much harder to find what I need. Hopefully they've stored digital copies on these mainframes.

As I turn to make my way to the alcove a beam of energy streams past my head vaporizing some poor bastard who probably never did anything to anyone.

"Consider that a warning...Obsidian Mask!"

I've been made, how I don't know but the jig is up so I drop the facade and turn to face...him!

"I didn't know any of Abominous's lackeys were mentally challenged."

The large gray skinned man has a pair of Nagas with him and they look like tough customers. I don't buy into looks and rely more on what I know or can scan.

The Khopesh swords they carry have that crystalline circuitry throughout and as best as I can tell fire energy beam like the one that killed that bystander.  They're not holding them like that though they want to cut me because they know from their master Apophis that I'm vulnerable to slashing weapons.  Nice.  I wonder if they also know I'm an expert swordsman with a nasty blade of my own.  With my left hand I pull out "God slayer" and select the energy setting.  The hum of the matter/Antimatter reaction within the blade is unsettling even to me.  I mean it's hard to believe that that there's 35 billion gigawatts, the equivalent destructive force of a 275 kiloton warhead just vibrating away in the palm of my hand. it will destroy nearly any matter it comes into contact with.  Unsettling is putting it mildly.

with my right hand I draw one of my heavy pistols and set it fire piercing ammo that's sure to drop the Egyptian god before me. Apophis is in for one helluvah surprise.  The two nagas square off with me while Apophis watches. Khopeshes in hand, one male one female and both ugly as hell...I can't stand Nagas, something about being half snake gives me the willies.  The female lunges first and I shoot her dead. She falls to the ground writhing as snakes tend to do. The males becomes enraged, apparently they were a couple, and reacts with emotion...a big mistake, one that costs him his life as I plunge my sword straight into his heart and out of his spine. Before he can fall I take a shot at Apophis who reels from the impact.  AS the nagas eyes roll into his head and his limp body slumps to the ground I turn my full attention to the Egyptian God before me.  He is the god of Darkness, which is similar to most shadow gods but he is no minor deity he's one of the heavy hitters.  Unlike other gods though the Egyptian gods have no avatars so this fight is for keeps.

The room fills with darkness and he hits me with enough force to send me through the library to the streets below.

"Abominous sends his regards assassin!"

I land on my feet like a cat and he does not seem ammused.

"I thought Abominous was dead? No just took a brisk lava bath did he? I'll have to rectify that when I'm done with you."

"You think to destroy a god mortal?"

Mistake number one.

"I am the god of darkness and you do NOT possess the means to so much as scratch me!"

Mistake number two, and the more fatal one at that.

"You think so do you then come down here and face me coward, or is the god of Darkaness afraid of a lowly mortal and his blade?

Gods have a lot of pride, and they don't like being made light of.  They have a need to make you respect their power and it drives them crazy when you don't

"Impudent worm!!! Feel my power and kneel befor emy might!"

A beam of dark energy hits me square in the chest and after my run in with the Maetriks I'm a tad worried, but my armor does it's job and harmlessly absorbs the hit. Apophis lands before me and we go at it. He's a bit weaker than me physically but he makes up for it in sheer speed. Then finally it happens....he jams his magical Khopesh right in my ribs. My left lung is punctured and I cough a bit of blood into my helmet. I grab his sword arm and edge my own sword closer. His Immortal skin begins to blister from the heat of blade and he looks confused.  At the first touch of my sword he screams and the look of confusion is instantly replaced with terror.  He teleports repeatedly but as long as I'm holding him he can't escape me. His strength is the only thing keeping him alive...but it isn't enough. I activate the nano irises in my gauntlets, the gauntlets which have been coated in Absorbium 120... The precious ore which can drain the very life from a living being and as begins to drain his immortal life his strength fails him and my blade plunges through.
As he feels his life end he looks at me bewildered.

"How? You are but a mortal can fell a god."

I remove my helmet and as my ears pop he looks even more puzzled.

"Elf, an elf? No! Abominous what have you done to meeeee."

I feel his divine energy course through my veins as I become the new god of Darkness.  It is REAL power far greater then even thet which I gained from Moonshadow. I begin to take on Apophis's physical characteristics and stature. That is when the others arrive. osiris, Nephthys, Thoth, Set, Anubis, Isis and several more whose names escape me.

Isis steps forward and speaks for the group as I regain my own appearance and heal my wounds. She's absolutely gorgeous and her voice is like a chorus of angels.

"Come with us Obsidian lord of Darkness."

A portal opens and we step through, the people of the city stare in awe. To see one of their gods is a rarity, to see all of them could very well mean the end of all things. Mortals...sometimes their so gullible.

I step a hall with a massive table and a chair for every one of the gods assembled including one for Apophis.

"What is this?"

I say not sure if they're accepting me or if they're about to chastise me.  Osiris points his finger at me and says

"You have taken the power of Apophis and with it you must assume his duties."

I already knew that when I confronted him.

"And those would be?"

Thoth the god of knowledge speaks next and he sounds a bit worried.

"Well, that is the problem. Apophis had no duties, nor worshipers, nor did he have any responsibilities.  He only wanted to destroy.  We are concerned that should you keep his power, which is considerable even for one of us that it may corrupt you."

I don't like the sound of that...I have seen how that works in the past. A team I was with found an artifact and one by one it consumed them with it's was...ugly.  I was the only survivor..because I resisted the temptation...and killed the last of them.

"Fine then, I don't want this power remove it from me, find me one who is willing to take it and I will bestow it upon them."

"it is not that simple."

Isis adds,

"You can relinquish this power only upon your death."

"Um saywhatnow?  I have no intention of dying any time soon."

Osiris speaks next

"ENOUGH!!! Our choice is clear.  We must not let Apophis's evil continue. Obsidian you must die so them millions may live."

"Look Osiris, I'm not here to make problems and I appreciated the help on Namae, but I'm not dying for anyone, and if it comes down to it...I'm the only one holding a relic. I don't want to fight but I will."

"HUsband,"  Isis interjects placing her hand upon Osiris's chest. "What if we could seal his power so that he has time to grow with it, rather than wield it all at once?"

"I can live with that Osiris, can you?"

"SO BE IT!!"

The next few days are spent with Thoth devising a spell that will shackle Apophis's power within me until such time as I master each one...or until I die. My first power will be the ability to summon seven demons (Like I don't have enough problems with demons) who will serve me faithfully. I can return them at any time, and the demons may be of any class, even demon lords. afterwards I will have control over serpents and serpent beings...ugh I hate gods for just this kind of crap...I don't see a need to use any of these powers in the foreseeable future so for now it's status quo. While I'm here though and I have Thoth's attention I ask him about the Maetriks, and get far more than I bargained for...they are ancient enemies of the Egyptians which is why Osiris came to me in the first place...they have a weakness and it is one I can exploit, and they also have a home...well more of an origin. But that's for later...right now I need to go home and family and friends are probably worried considering how long I've been gone.

E Plurbis Unum

E Plurbis Unum Popular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2017/1/21 15:17
Hits1419  Comments2    
The alarms go off and Bill, Tony and I rush to the bridge, as the lift doors open I see a vortex across the bridge and a single figure stands before us we split and make activate our silent mode on our helmets.

"Tony, aim low, Bill aim high...I got the middle."

Right!" They shout in unison as we rush this unknown threat. We have our armor and our our blades, this guy has no idea what he's gotten himself into.  or maybe we don't don't know what we've gotten ourselves into. In a flash Tony's head flies from his shoulders and his lifeless body flops to the ground.  Bill is run completely through and and I hear the gurgling sound of blood in my headset.  From out of nowhere I'm hurled across the room and I don't know how but I feel all of it. My scanners pick up a faint trace of some unidentified vapor in the room.  I start to give this guy a final piece of my mind but I realize to my horror that I can't move.  MY spine snapped from the impact and I am at his complete mercy...I wish now I had chosen to flash my weapons because I could sure use the power of my blade right now.  As the faceless figure stands over me poised for the kill my only thought is for my beloved Sarah and how much I'm going to miss her and the kids.

I wake in a cold sweat from what has to be the most surreal, vivid, nightmare I ever remember having.  A wave of panic washes over me and I am left in a cold sweat panting heavily in the darkness of my room.  Ai Lies silently beside me and I can hear the familiar sound of Aini cooking in the kitchen.  I don't take nightmares lightly unless they're about the war, and this one was strange to say the least.  I was wearing our Gen 1 armor aboard the Runt, which was destroyed almost a decade ago, and everyone aboard was slaughtered. Ray has been dead for some time now and I was calling him Tony, and Harley was Bill for some reason.  After my experiences with Dominion and more recently with the Black mantis I have no intention of ignoring this "Dream".  Let's just say if you have a terrifying nightmare and you can clearly remember all of it...there's probably more to it. I summon my sword to my hand and scan for magic but there's nothing out of place.Hopping out of bed I flash the rest of my gear on and scan a bit deeper but still nothing out of the ordinary. Then I get a call from the bridge.

"Shadawar to Obsidian, sir you're needed on the bridge."  

"It's not a good time. Is it important?"

"You need to see for yourself captain."

"On my way."

I forgo breakfast and head straight to the bridge As the doors open I try to read the room, but everyone looks at me like they have bad news.  The kind of news where someone is dead.  My heart jumps as I remember the nighmare still fresh in my mind and for a second I think someone is going to tell me Harley's been killed.  Instead I get much worse news.

"Obsidian, we picked up a derelict ship on our scanners."

"Okay so why tell me?"

"It's the ship's transponder signature."

"Somehting wrong with it, is it Sathari or Heigaran? What?"

"No, it registers as the SS Runt."

"Saywhatnow?  Put it on screen."

Sure enough I'm staring at my old ship now floating seemingly lifeless through space.  MY nightmare is looking worse by the second.

"Is there life support? Did you try signalling the ship?"

"Minimal life support, the ship is in standby  mode and there's no life signs. It's not answering our signal."

"That's NOT the Runt...I  saw it destroyed with my own two eyes. Lock a tractor beam and bring it close I'll check it out for myself."

"Aye sir."

I transport over and as I walk systems begin activating. I am standing on the bridge and the sight before me is horrific to say the least. My nightmare was no dream. Whatever happened here I saw it, but not as it happened.  The corpse's are old and withered, only skeletal remains inside the husks of armor. I collapse into the captain's chair at the sight of my own lifeless body slumped against the veiwscreen wall and instantly the ship springs back to life.

"Error, dual presence detected...scanning...secondary presence identified...Secondary presence from Temporal Coordinates 75634 Identity...Obsidian Mask...Establishing command protocols...Welcome aboard Captain."

This ship like my old one is capable of determining temporal variances and signatures...Helpful, and by the sounds of it, I believe it just turned command over to me.

"Computer, what in the blue hell happened here?"

As the logs play on the main monitor I'm absolutely mortified.  The whole scene is identical to my dream.  The part that worries me is that my systems have identified the armor these men are wearing as Absorbium 30.  Not 80 like I wore at the time I used the suits like these. More disturbing is how the attacker simply bypassed the armor's defenses and completely snapped this guy's spine. His sword lays strewn across the floor.  Why didn't they take it?  For that matter why didn't they take anything?  I pick up the blade and sure enough it 's mine, and it responds like it belongs to me. Had the faceless alien picked it up, he would've been killed instantly but this blade is missing some seriously important modifications. It's not flashed, and it has no symbiosis, I doubt it can dance either.  I order a skeleton crew aboard and have them do a body count. Back aboard the Nomad, I attempt to use my blade to resurrect my fallen doppelgangers.  Only it doesn't work. There's only a couple of reasons it wouldn't and after I cast a "speak with the dead" spell I' absolutely certain of which reason it is.  Their very life essence has been stripped away and destroyed. This doesn't bode well. My next move is to secure the other ship and bring us in to port.  I'm going to call in some pals, namely Panterra and Harley. Whoever these aliens are they may return again and since they have a means of getting past Absorbium, or at least nullifying it, I want to be well prepared.  I'll be damned if they'll catch me with my pants down.

The Setup

The SetupPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2014/8/5 20:15
Hits1419  Comments2    
"Okay Ray, look like it’s you and me this time.”

“Finally, some action.”

We EMT to the coordinates and in an instant we’re's an ambush. Four guys in power armor with really nasty looking blades. They’re techno-ninjas Sporting Tiger badges from the very well know Osaka clan. Their blue skin and solid black eyes give them away as Oni. These guys are gonna kick our ass if we’re not careful.

"We have been ordered to deliver a message.  Stop your investigation at once."

“Let’s say we do that, then what?”

“You will be allowed to live.”

This cocky bastard is certain he can beat us, and he’s probably right.

“Can we get back to you?”

“No. Your presence in this matter is….”

His words trail off as I start scanning; I put my helmet in silent mode so only Ray can hear me. We've both come to the same conclusion. These dudes can do some damage to us if they go hand to hand....and they're gonna. We both take out our Blades and fire em up.  They stop talking, and give us their undivided attention. They're hesitant, they think we might be Psi-Mages or worse yet Psi-Hunters. Now they're not so sure they want this fight, but that's the way we want it. They're off their square and we pounce! Ray deflects the first guy’s sword and runs him through with his own blade. I catch the blade poking out of his back in my peripherals. Ooh that's gotta hurt. One of them kicks me square if the chin, my fault for not paying attention, I'm lucky it didn’t get me killed. The armor does its job and I don't really feel it. I grab his leg and repay the asshole with a kinetically charged gauntlet to the nuts. He goes down like ton of bricks. Ray starts dancing with the third guy, and number four is smart enough to wait and size me up instead of rushing in. When this began they thought we were just dumb thugs with armor, now they know better.


SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2016/3/14 9:32
Hits1419  Comments2    
A redux for the zero men and a flashback for Obsidian, 4 assassins attempt to dissuade the Zero-Men from their investigation. 2 will never be the same, and 2 will pay this for affront with their lives.

Obsidian's Mark III with new textures

Obsidian's Mark III with new texturesPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2014/8/4 4:26
Hits1419  Comments6    
Finally got the look I wanted with the textures I like.
Obsidian is called to investigate an abandoned outpost in a desolate region of the Sathari Empire. As lord High Justiciar this would normally be something he would hand off to an investigative team but the circumstances he feels warrant his personal attention.

Meeting Anihilus

Meeting AnihilusPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2016/4/12 15:09
Hits1420  Comments2    
We land as instructed and I tell the helmsman to keep the engines running. Harley, Ray, and I, along with Panterra, make our way to the gang plank.  I am not happy about having been shot at and I intend to find out just what the hell is going on.  I make the decision to go armed to the teeth it may be a “shoot first ask questions later” kind of day.  Waiting for us on the platform is none other than Anihilus himself with a full complement of royal guards to meet us.  I step off first, rifle in hand.

“What the hell is your problem dude?  Is this how you treat your friends, asshole?”

An excerpt from the novel "The Zero-Men Rise of the Anti-Scion"

Severed ties

Severed tiesPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2015/10/15 21:27
Hits1421  Comments2    
Analaeus Sathari, my former Emperor has given me leave of my duties as High Justiciar, and appointed Harley in my stead. Harley has left the Lillun to settle into his new role with his fiance.  I am returning to the lillun where i will receive my next assignment from my mistress...I hope I don't have to keep up this flunkie routine up for very much longer but Nechronos must be defeated and until that is done i will have to play the role of servant. Without Harley the search is going to be harder but he'll be holding things down here for Analaeus.  I renew my resolve to find this bastard Nechronos and run him through. As I head to the EMT out coordinates, I get a call on my suit's comm-link.  

"Obsidian, this is Mister Tanaka."


"I beg your pardon?"

"Sorry that just slipped out. What can I do for you?"

"The Black Mantis has a favor he would like to ask of you."

"Did you just say 'Favor'?  Um last time I checked he doesn't ask for favors"

"You are correct he normally does not, but since you are to be his son-in-law he is extending this courtesy to you."

"Alright, I guess...I hope it's not something life threatening."

"The Black Mantis requests your presence at his imperial palace for a family meeting."

"Get the fudge outta here. I'm there transmit the where and when to my ship and I'll see everyone there."

This is gonna be fun, the whole family in one room, I don't even care what it's about...although maybe I should. Dammit there goes my instincts kicking in and right now it's like a danger sense before a nuclear bomb. Once I'm aboard the Lillun we head out at our fastest speed to go to the family meeting...yay.

Wonder Woman GG

Wonder Woman GGPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2021/10/28 8:20
Hits1422  Comments1    

Things to come

Things to comePopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2017/4/28 17:03
Hits1424  Comments3    
Just a small glimpse into the future.  A new part of the ship that has gone unexplored until now..actually it wasn't needed until now ...Androids don't work out.

Nechronos The Time Master

Nechronos The Time MasterPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2015/2/27 3:35
Hits1424  Comments3    
While he claims to be a master of time there is no evidence to support such claims. There is however, ample evidence to support his claim as a powerful Mage and a formidable warrior. As seen here Nechronos has the ability to control even the most powerful of creatures and bend their will to his own, whether this is done through some powerful relic or through his own incantations is unknown. What is known is that he ranks among the top 20 on The Magi-Council's most wanted list and the top 10 on the department of archaic affairs  most wanted list. He is a cruel and heartless creature out for his won ends and is remorseless when in pursuit of his goals. Those unfortunate enough to cross his path or get in his way have often met with an untimely end. In short Nechronos is not to be toyed with or taken lightly.


SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2016/11/14 6:55
Hits1426  Comments1    
We make it back yo Kryllia Prime without incident, and I arrange to meet High Crona Hirzhak to collect our payment.  I get to tell him his son is alive and well and the families of the fallen get some much needed closure. Hirzhak  invites me to meet privately and considering he and I just made his goverment look bad for not even attempting what I just pulled off,  I'd say it's a good idea to conclude this transaction out of eyesight.  

"Obsidian," Hirzhak says with tears welling up in his eyes. "You have returned my son to me and I do not know how to repay you for that.  20 million credits doesn't seem like hardly enough to me.  You and your courageous crew risked your lives bring back my only son. If you are ever need anything just ask and if I can make it happen I will."

"I was happy to do it, nobody ever wants to be given up on.  I am glad I could reunite you with your son"

"Many others were not as fortunate, and we will have to make sure that those families are compensated and their loved ones recognized properly."

"Good luck to you sir. I hope never have to meet again under these circumstances. If you should ever require my services again you know how to reach me."

With that I transport up  to the Sable and we head out for some much needed repairs. It looks like it's gonna be a quick trip to Space Station Nimbus and this time I hope I can get my hands on more Absorbium. I love being able to help others and getting paid for it is a real plus. However, I know that somewhere out there the self proclaimed "Multiverse's greatest assassin" has his eyes set on me, and it hangs over me like the sword of Damocles.

Emergency Council.

Emergency Council.Popular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2016/12/9 2:47
Hits1427  Comments3    
The Black Mantis has assembled his Empire's high council and all are in attendance.  The mood is grim because it is believed their old adversary Parata has been freed from the prison in which they placed him.  The Black Mantis touched a button on a nearby panel and in the center of the table around which they have gathered, a small hologram of their enemy appears.

"If you're wondering why we are assembled just focus your gaze to the center of the table.  As we all know I was attacked by someone who could only be  Parata, My indestructible ship is sitting in our docking bay in a mangled mess.  I've never seen anything that can do that to Infinitium, and there are no known weapons that should be able to.  I have summoned you all here to our remote island base because it is the safest place I can think of. We have taken the extra precaution of landing this mobile base on the surface of a sun.  Hopefully this will conceal our presence until such time as we can formulate a plan to stop Parata once and for all."

Beast, a massive lion faced man of nearly 9 feet in height looks a round the room at the assembled pantheon. He lets out a deep sigh and says.

"We beat him once before and honestly, I don't see the problem.  Surely he knows we have to power to destroy him."

Reaver peers  up through  hid golden mask and adds

"He MANGLED Mantis's ship, and very nearly killed him." to which Raven adds

"He somehow stopped us from using our Eternity Crystals...There's no power in the universe that should be able to do that, we've destroyed whole galaxies with them, uninhabited but galaxies nonetheless."

Norjaguar Slamming his fist in the table yells

"How do we stand up to that?  He mangles Infinitium, and can stop Eternity crystals!  He knows our every tactic. I mean he knew where Mantis would be and was waiting for him.  So how do we combat that."

They each look to one another, but to no avail then the Black Mantis speaks, slowly and calmly.  

"I have taken steps to see to his defeat.  I have an unknown element that we can use.  Someone who has the element of surprise, but he's gonna want to get paid, and paid dearly.  I am confident he can do the job, so the only question is...where do we draw the line? What are we willing to offer?"

As they stare at one another, their lives on the line for the first time since they donned the mantle of divinity they quickly reach a consensus.  Without so much as a word they all agree that no request will be off the table up to and including their fabled crystals...Obsidian Mask need ask his want of them and he shall have it.  As they adjourn their meeting Raven stops Black Mantis.

"Is there something I can do for you Raven?"

Removing his cowl he smiles softly and there's s light twinkle in his eye.  Raven has seen him do this before and smiles knowingly under her own cowl. She can'e help but think to herself "He doesn't think that smooth grin is going to work does he?   However, Raven is no swooning mortal and while the Black Mantis is pretty to look at he will certainly have to try harder.

"How do you know Obsidian can do this?  Spydra informs me that he has a hard enough time keeping his house in order."

"He defeated Dominion, a  man who was a hair away from possessing the power of Infinity Man, He's intelligent , resourceful, and highly skilled. More importantly, he has one of our blades, and his stealth gear is unparalleled.   If he put his mind to it no one could detect him."

"I hope you're right because we're placing a lot on one elf."

"Hey, I'm an elf."

"So you are."

With that Raven saunters out of the room her backside deliberately swaying seductively. The Black Mantis takes note and very quietly says to himself " on then."

Suddenly the entire island is shaken violently.  An attack?  The Black Mantis thinks to himself in disbelief.  There's no way anyone found us. Activating a nearby viewscreen his worst fears are realized.  A massive ship measuring miles in breadth and width, one identified as belonging to Parata's empire.  In seconds the whole pantheon is asembled in the Command Center.  The face of their long time enemy is displayed on the master veiwer:

"Greeting, Long time no see."

"Parata, something I can do for you?" The Black Mantis asks smugly.

"Yes Mantis, you can die!"

"The last time you tried that your head ended up in a box.  Care to repeat the performance?"

"You were very fortunate last time we battled, that good fortune is at an end."

With that the island shakes yet again and it is clear that the island is in great peril

"I leave you all with this:  Today I take your island, soon it will be all you hold dear, until you are begging me for death."

With that the massive warship turns and jumps to warp. The island however is in complete meltdown.

"Eject the core !"  Mantis shouts in a panic.

Reaver shouts back "The hull's been warped, We can't eject!"


"He  only damaged the power core hatch! That son of had to be on purpose.  We have to abandon the island!"

"Damn it! Send the signal, all hands abandon ship!"

In mere moments the island that gave them refuge explodes with enough fury to cause the sun it was on to go super nova.  Using the power of their Eternity Crystals they bind the life pods together and await for rescue, a rescue that will take the form a a vast armada of ships whose number cannot easily be counted.


SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2017/1/14 0:02
Hits1428  Comments2    
At this point I have as much clearance in the Mantis' empire as any council member and nobody bats an eyelash when my fighter comes screaming through the main starport on a bee line trajectory for the palace. As I look down I see the place is surrounded but that the troops are holding their advancement. I leap from the cockpit and land just at the command station outside. Troops move aside as I make my way tot the palace entrance.  The sounds of battle ring from inside and and the earth beneath my feet rumbles.  As I reach for the massive palace doors I take note of dozens of dead bodies strewn about like debris in a storm. They never stood a chance against whatever is inside and I may not either but I have to try.  I make a mad dash to the wards  the explosions and gunfire and the closer I get the sicker I get bodies are strewn everywhere.  Every defense in the place is torn to shreds.  At the very moment my fingers touch the throne room door there's an explosion and my suit registers massive overloads in energy. My armor takes it bur it's not good enough. I feel the impact of the explosions  even through this updated armor and I'm sent hurtling backwards.  I'm stunned even if only for a few seconds but it's enough. I hear the muffled monologue of the Black Mantis.

"Yeah you got the skills , but I have done this dance before. Being who you are you know you're not the first to try this stunt. Though I will say you're definitely the most devious."

As I focus my visions I see the shape of another man dressed in the Imperial Black and Gold and when he speaks I cannot believe my ears.  His voice is that of the Black Mantis himself.

"You know all too well what I am capable of and I have over a millennia to prepare for you, and believe me I have prepared well. Today you die and I WILL take back my throne!"

What? As I rise unsteadily, and my vision clears the scene is ghastly. The council members, each nearly as powerful as the Black Mantis himself have been tossed around like rag dolls.  They all lay unconscious, but alive. Had this man killed them they would've simply moved their essences to a new body and been right back to battle completely refreshed. This way however, he has taken them out of the fight.  In the center of the room on a pedestal is a large glowing blue gem roughly the size of a man's head which appears to be the source of whatever is keeping them down.  It doesn't take much to figure out this is the guy who attack the Black Mantis the first time.  However, now he's has everyone down. As the two combatants circle each other I can little else but watch. I look around for Spydra and find her not far from where I landed after the explosion.

"Kid, wake up.  WE have to move back."

A quick scan of her injuries reveals a severed spinal cord and a several broken bones. Her wounds are serious but not life threatening, she'll be fine in a couple of days if we survive this. I start to lift her up and that's when I realize that the servos in my armor are about shot. She's not exactly heavy though so I manage. Returning to the room I am witness to one of the most epic fights any man has ever had the privilege of seeing. The form an grace of the Black Mantis and his foe move are something I will never forget. A thousand times I have wanted to knock that smug attitude from his face and only do I realize how insanely ridiculous that thought has been. As the two gods do battle the whole building shudders as does everything for miles. The palace itself must be very specially made otherwise the foundations would've gave under the first attack and we'd all be standing in a crater.  My armor begins repairing itself and I start to feel a tad safer but I'm still hiding behind what remains of the massive pillars of the palace hall. Fire, Lightning, and magics more ancient than the Elven races themselves flies furiously, along with sword blows and martial arts skills I can't begin to describe. The two men are so evenly matched it's no wonder I thought The Black Mantis was behind everything. Then the monologue starts and I realize..he kinda was.

"You are a shabby imitation of the real thing pretender."

Yells Mantis smugly

"...and you're not the first to try this, I have put down clones, and shapeshifters, Magical mirrors and even versions of me from other realities you'll be no different?"

"Because I am none of those things. What separates us is not a dimension, or an inferior genetic code, or even an entire reality...what separates us is that YOU made it out of that worm hole and I didn't.  Not for a thousand years, both Reaper and I both were trapped there and left to rot. But now MY Reaver, stands before you, master of death."

I'm not sure of the significance of Reaper, or Reaver or whatever name he's going by but what the new guy said has Mantis taken aback a little.  Then the Black Mantis himself make the significance all too clear.

"What? Impossible. No one can defeat Death, I know I've tried. It's how I got where I ma today."

"You mean your Deal, where you know when the time of your death is coming? That's little arrangement was the first thing I took care of.  It's why Reaver stands there silent and waiting.  He's waiting for one of us to die!  I took away your, MY greatest advantage and it was well worth it."

My greatest advantage? Clones alternate versions...By the gods...Is he?  The Black Mantis? Some twisted version of himself?  It all makes sense sure but how?

"Black Mantis you will die here today.  There will be no more Black Mantis only the Black Scorpion will remain and I will be rid of you once and for all.  I watched you for centuries, running this empire like a spoiled child...I couldn't believe that was me I was staring at the very least I want to thank you for opening my eyes.  I never realized how precarious my sanity was until I watched you lose yours."

"YOu think me insane pretender? I have made this empire strong, quadrillions upon quintillions of ships hundreds of whole realities are under my command.  The powers I can bring to bear on any single reality..."

"Are ridiculous!  Who needs that much power?  Why? You're a power hungry madman and you play with lives lives as a child playing with toys.  How many have killed for the sake of your power?  How many lives were simply thrown aside so you could be the greatest?" billions, trillions?  You stand on a blood stain that stretches across infinity. I ma here to end that."

Beneath my helmet my jaw is agape. I had never truly contemplated the level of Mantis's brutality.  I never knew his lust for power.  Sure I knew he had ungodly amount of resources and raw power but I never contemplated the lengths which he must have gone through to get it all.  Surely he had to have killed people even billions which I was vaguely aware of, but trillions?"

"Hah!  I have wiped out entire realities! You are hardly a match for me."

Magic flies from their fingers and erupts from every direction as they battle, my sensors are very nearly overwhelmed by it all and I realize I'm in a very bad place to be. It takes almost no time for my systems to reboot and I start making my way to the council members while these two try intently to kill one another.  As I begin dragging the others to safety it occurs to me that they haven't unleashed any of their legendary cosmic powers.  Power I know fort a fact they possess.
The battle continues to rage above and around me and while I'm sure it's not the case they seem oblivious to my presence.  Either they don't care, or they don't think me significant enough to bother with...probably the latter.

I get the last of the council out and start to go back in then I feel a hand on my shoulder.  Raven has come to.

"Obsidian, the Black Mantis.  He's the one who attacked us."


I am of course totally stunned by her words.

"He's completely lost his mind.  Karr knew this and confided in us."


"The Black Mantis has been dangerously unstable for countless eons.  But recently, he's just lost it.  It all started with you."


"You were like a prize...he wanted to see if he could get  you to be like me and Karr."

"Who the hell is Karr?  That guy in there going toe to toe with the self-proclaimed "Multiverse's Greatest Assassin? Is that who you mean?  Why the hell does the Black Mantis even care about me? I have never understood that."  

Raven removes her mask revealing a beauty I forgot she possessed, at once I forget where I am and can only see her eyes. She reaches up and removes my helmet. Her gentle hands are warm as she touches my cheek, and the pain from ten thousand years memories that comes next is so intense. I feel my head will shatter.  Raven shows me the entire history of the Black Mantis and herself and the entire empire. I barely feel the tears roll down my face and I watch the atrocities he's committed in the name of POWER. I see time and again, the black Mantis fighting versions of himself that were often much weaker than he. He even somehow unlinked himself from time and killed his parents to assure no one could ever go back in time and destroy him, he has killed every alternate reality version of himself that he has ever two.  The woman who now holds my face in her  As violently as this vision began so too does it end as I  recoil in horror at the revelation that he and I are the same person.   With tear filled eyes I stare back at yet another version  Raven, Black Mantis, Karr, and myself...all the same person?  NO wonder, all these years, he was just using me as a game? That bastard, that complete wretched bastard!  Save the universe? Of course he thought I could do it...over and over, and over....because with a little help I could be just like him.  Or worse yet, was he just trying to see if I could become a threat to him?  Was he weighing my very life in his hand?

" no no no no  NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!"

I grab my hemet and put it back on...I may not be the one to kill him but I can watch ...him...die!.

As I walk back into the palace with renewed purpose the two men look exhausted...and are breathing heavily. It's a stalemate. Black Manits looks back at me and laughs.

"Well, Black Scorpion it seems there's one last card for me to play.  Obsidian, do me the honor of finishing off this upstart."


How the hell does he think it's even remotely possible?

"You have always been able to hide from anyone, and I have given you the power to destroy gods.  use it and destroy this fake, pretender."

Mantis is I walk towards the two nearly exhausted me. In a blink I'm invisible, no one can detect me, by any means, I am the master of shadows with this armor, you can't see me, or hear me, no one can sense me, no danger sense works against me, no psionics, not even magic will give me away. Even mighty cosmic beings cannot detect my presence...Absorbium is wonderful.  And as I plunge my sword through the Black Mantis's demonic, unforgiving, manipulative, wretched, evil, psychotic heart. I am pleased to say I'm the man who killed the Multiverse's greatest assassin.  

"It's not murder when you kill yourself I suicide."

Blood spews from beneath his mask, and he and I both know what comes next but I ca't let him die without knowing why. As I feel his divine power flow into me I lean close and through clenched teeth born of decades of him manipulations, and the loss I have suffered as a result of his whims I simply say

"Whatever made you think I would not turn my blade on you?  I heard your exchange with this man...I know what you've done to get where you were..Raven was kind enough to show me everything you sonofabitch..Rot in hell.  Just as the last of his divinity enters my body he lets out a chuckle.

"I always get the last laugh." He says as his body begins to fade away.

""NO!" Karr screams as he tosses me aside,
"I won't let you do it!"

But as he grabs hold of the Black Mantis's  costume it's too late and he simply kneels there holding the empty suit in his hands.

"He's gone."

"Good riddance."

"NO mortal, he's not dead, he's done the one thing I was certain he wouldn't."

"What is that exactly."

"He ascended his consciousness and became one with the universe."

"That's a bad thing?"

"It means some day he may return, though no one ever has."

Well at least it's over...for now.


Obsidian Mask meets the Doctor.jpg

Obsidian Mask meets the Doctor.jpgPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategorySci-fi    Last Update2018/11/27 1:04
Hits1429  Comments3    
At long last I have finally found the Time Lord known as The Doctor, apparently this is his fourth iteration. Regardless this guy is either a genius or freaking lunatic. But eccentricities I can live with. he doesn't like my guns, and I'm guessing he'll like my blade even less. I use the word magic just once and he gives me a speech about how there's no such thing... Heh, says the guy whose species performs numerology on an epic level turning equations into reality altering power.  The guy is hundreds of years older than me and I'm almost 400. Well we have that in common at least only I don't have to what's he call it? Regenerate? Yeah where I'm from that's not what regeneration is but whatever. Before he'll help me he wants me to help him stop a life long foe of his called the Dalek, I don't even know what the hell a Dalek is but you can bet for what I need him for I'm gonna put some serious holes in these metal freaks. I'm told they're cyborgs of a sort organic inside a techno tank...I have some tehcnomancy at my disposal and they're in for a big surprise.  I can't wait to see the look on whatever passes for their face when they get hit with an "Erase technology" spell and their metal tank simply vanishes. Barring that I can always use "Override" and send one on a killing spree to slaughter it's own kind. Oh you best believe the good Doctor definitely found the right guy for this job. Those metal bastards won't know what hit em'.  Then we fix my problem.

Commission advertisement.

Commission advertisement.Popular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2014/5/9 14:34
Hits1430  Comments2    
I found that not everyone here knows that I take commissions, well I do and this image demonstrates what you can expect and at what general price, yes the better the image the more it costs but I'll undercut just about anyone. I mean lets face I'm not gonna undercut  a doodle but I'll undercut someone like say, Isikol.


SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2016/3/12 10:15
Hits1431  Comments2    
A holographic simulator used for training aboard the Lillun-A.

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