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Obsidian Year One

Obsidian Year OnePopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2014/4/22 6:59
Hits1403  Comments4    
Before he became a spacefaring mercenary elf, Obsidian was a human adventurer and was stranded on a backwater world of medieval time period. There he learned about magic and all things enchanted. The vehicle pictured is actually a magical construct of notable power and is currently housed on a private space station owned by the Zero-Men. One might notice that Obsidian's armor is a bit different from the current design this is due to constant improvements made on a regular basis.

Obsidian vs Kylo

Obsidian vs KyloPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2016/9/28 0:48
Hits1283  Comments2    
Fan art Kylo the whiny bitch vs Obsidian Mask...Kylo fights with the skill of Luke Skywalker while Obsidian fights with the skill of a young sided fight bro?

Obsidian vs Darth Maul

Obsidian vs Darth MaulPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2016/5/11 12:39
Hits1366  Comments3    
I love pieces like this and having my OC travel the multiverse and throughout time to explore different places, genres and concepts. This time a run in with a young up and comer in the Sith ranks and young apprentice known as Darth Maul. A battle which could be the last battle either have.

Of course Maul could always choose to flee...heh heh heh.

Obsidian Unstoppable

Obsidian UnstoppablePopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2013/10/4 0:06
Hits1841  Comments2    
A scene taken from the series Obsidian has battled his way to the villain Dominion and has him in his sights.

Obsidian unstoppable

Obsidian unstoppablePopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategorySci-fi    Last Update2014/2/8 21:36
Hits1966  Comments4    
Just a really cool image of Obsidian Mask...all pissed off.  

You've just killed the wife and unborn children of a top ranked Intergalactic Mercenary, trained by the best assassins in the known universe with virtually unlimited resources. What do you do when he finds out who you are and where you live and shows up at your door?

Have the decency to die with some dignity.

Obsidian to the rescue 2

Obsidian to the rescue 2Popular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2014/7/21 0:22
Hits1572  Comments8    
Obsidian attempting to rescue his client Jedra arrives at the location where she is being kept. a 200 feet below traffic bustles in the city of Kagonas where the citizens are blissfully unaware of what is transpiring.

Obsidian to the rescue

Obsidian to the rescuePopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2014/7/17 13:21
Hits1527  Comments5    
An upcoming panel from my next installment of: Rise of the Anti-Scion...Of course obsidian will still be sporting his Gen 2 armor...Can't wait to have him in that Gen 3.

Obsidian the soldier

Obsidian the soldierPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2018/2/22 3:42
Hits1218  Comments2    
When I first arrived in the year 4097, 308 years ago, Ah memories...I wasn't exactly green and here I am on some no name planet with a tech rating of like 2...they had magic and be sure. We we're posted there by "Divine Appointment" which means some gods got involved an requested IGFW assistance.  We we're only allowed to conduct operations at night and out of sight of the general public.  Dungeon crawls were okay, but otherwise we had to stay incognito, and that meant if you got in trouble in town you were on  your own. Firearms and tech were only allowed while conducting mission. It was fun sometimes, our targets were Hadeans who were attempting to unseat local kingdoms and replace them with Synthezoid replicants.  Everyone was operating in secret, This was before my training with the Oni...even then I wasn't exactly someone you wanted mess with...I look pretty badass in this pic huh? I remember this, my buddy Neal, a Solaran (long dead now) took this pic. we had an APC and were getting ready to move on some Hadeans in some bullshit little Dale town. He wanted to take some pics before the mission...<sigh> he never made it back.  That APC saved us a dozen times but not that night...a sniper got him. We had that thing tricked out with tons of magic...Invisibility was "not permitted" for gods know what reasons but it had the best camo system...and never made a sound even when firing off that cannon.  Those were the days.  Hard to believe how my life has changed since then...Now I can go where wherever I want and I make my own rules...not always a good thing but the choices are mine. Pretty cool.

Obsidian the Fanboy

Obsidian the FanboyPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2014/10/28 14:30
Hits1677  Comments4    
Obsidian travels to the marvel universe to warn the heroes there of impending danger. In that universe his childhood heroes are very real as is the threat he has come to warn them about. Encountering Spider-Man first he explains that Dominion has arrived to secure the assistance of the mightiest Villains in Marvel history starting with Dr. Doom. Spider-man is quick to set up a meeting with the avengers and despite being positively star struck Obsidian knows they must stop this threat to their universe and his own.    

Seriously folks what would you do if you were face to face with your childhood heroes?

Obsidian The Black Rider

Obsidian The Black RiderPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2014/8/12 23:49
Hits1502  Comments1    
There are worlds where the use of certain types of technology is restricted.  Such planets are closely monitored and if one expects to keep their licenses intact one simply obeys those restrictions and makes do with what is appropriate. Such is the case with Obsidian's Zero-cycle. A fine piece of machinery it is too, built for speed and well armed and armored it one beast of a bike's great fun to drive. The cycle utilizes the latest in internal gyros and is quite capable of remote driving, when combined with it's on board AI it is capable of running independent of the rider ( it is important to note that the AI is not a fully sentient machine but simply and advanced set of programs).  

Obsidian Spider.jpg

Obsidian Spider.jpgPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2015/8/12 23:07
Hits1649  Comments3    
Okay this "God" thing is kinda cool but the power itself has some unique aspects, things you think you'd normally be in charge of just go according to divine will aka the power itself influences decisions based apparently on personality and well, I look like freakin Spydra.  Same armor as I always use but with 8 creepy looking spider legs sticking out of my back, and of course as a demigod I can't create an avatar and after hearing what one of those really are I don't want to. I mean would you really want a remote controlled you? In any case I end up looking like some kind of superhero.  The up side is I'm physically very powerful fast as well with a whole host of abilities I have yet to fully explore, but my little clone is in for one helluva shock when I find him, and here on Thrassa 4, a burned out planet that ended with a devastating nuclear war, I just might find my quarry. In the distance I see his fighter, and while I'm not sure what he's looking for here, I am certain that once I find him I'm gonna beat the answers out of him before I tear out his spine...Wow that last comment was uncalled for, I have to get a handle on these divine emotional outbursts...something bad could happen or worse yet it could change me...into something dark.

I set my hovercycle on a distant rooftop far from my quarries ability to detect, and then summon a couple of spiders to use as spies. With my new powers I can see through their eyes and hear what they hear like little spy drones. and they will go completely unnoticed unless they attack him...and they won't.

"Shadowveil, are you inside the structure?"

His radio is loud to a spider, and the itty bitty teeny tiny one on his shoulder is right next to it.

"Yes master Nechronos, I am searching for the relic now."

I shadow slide to where he is with ease, an ability that allows me to travel from one shadow to another and remain unseen.  I find myself in the unique position of either getting the jump on him and taking my revenge or finding out what he's up to.  I choose the latter. The spider legs on my back are not a show piece they are functional and allow me to climb effortlessly onto the ceiling unheard and unseen.  As the imposter searches high and low I use spiders from everywhere to keep tabs on him.  He reaches a vault and that's when I know exactly what I have to do next. Using my shadow slide I enter the vault and jam the lock, which won't stop him for long but a quick Forcewall spell should stop him form cutting through the door. once inside I begin EMT-ing everything in the vault, whatever he's looking for he won't find it in here today.I step back into the shadows and out of the vault. He looses his little clone mind and slashes the hell out of the vault door it fall to pieces before the might of my blade.  I want it back and the instant I find out what he's looking for I'm taking it. as he starts to enter the vault I dispel my magic and let him through.

"Master Nechronos, the vault is empty. and it looks like it was recently...very recently"

He begins looking around and I know he's scanning for me but mortal technology is no match for divine power. After a couple minutes he stops to call his boss..again

"I have made a complete scan of the area, the time key is not within range.  I don't understand master, I detected it here and my scanners are not easily fooled."

"Someone has obviously beaten you to the punch, return to base and destroy the building."

I see him reach for an anti-matter grenade (at least it looks like one) and I web the damned thing to his hand.

"What the?"

It's an ambush of the highest degree he is lost and as I web one foot, then the other, running circles around the room unheard and unseen.  In mere moments he is bound from head to to toe minus one spot.

As I step from the shadows I use my spider legs to remove my blade from his belt and place it firmly in my hand.

"I don't know who you are you Spydra wannabe but you are seriouslly messing with the wrong guy.  Drop dead."

The last time he and I met he chuckled when I said that, the noise that comes from my mouth is a total shock, to the both of us, and it scares the hell out me.

MWaaaaahahahahahahaaaa,  ( did I just laugh maniacally?) this god thing has got to go.  "That didn't work any better on me than it did when i tried it on you."

"Obsidian Mask, I should've guessed. Whats with the spider getup?"

As I command the spiders to crawl over him, I can't help but feel a bit smug...but I'm not stupid...I know he's calling for his ship...the spider hiding inside his helmet as much as told me so.

"There's no Obsidian Mask, you saw to that when you killed Moonshadow, I am Obsidian Spider now. God of Itrigue."

He is visibly shaking, I just dropped some knowledge on him and he's scared of the god-spider or at least that's what i thought, until he says...

"Moonshadow?  I-I killed her?  N-No I couldn't have, I l-love her....YOU LIE!!!"

Remorse? Could it be he was acting on instinct and didn't know?

"I'm afraid not friend, you took my sword and ran her through...and you are immortal."

"If I had killed her I would have gained her divine pow...ers."

"So you figured since you didn't get her powers you didn't kill her, and that her wound wasn't fatal? Well you were wrong weren't you skippy?  You took off before the transfer and before she actually died. Her abilities were bestowed upon me as she lay dying.  Feel good about yourself?"

"Nooo!!!! It's not TRUE!!  I would never.."

"Never what? Do your master's bidding?  How can you come from me and call anyone master?"

"You, don't understand..."

"Enlighten me."

"I don't have a choice, his magic compels me, I can question my orders but I can disobey them."

"Well isn't that just peachy? Of course that may not fly with the Black Mantis, he wants your boss dead...and you know why he's called "The Multiverse's Greatest Assassin" there's nowhere and no-when Nechronos can hide from him."

"He's actually pretty powerful himself, but there's  more to it than that, he's infiltrated the Black Mantis's realm, that was how he got that sword to Razor."

"You mean this sword?" I ask in a sinister tone as I hold it menacingly close to his face.

"I take it that means YOU killed him."

"Ever so slowly too."

The memory of that now feels enjoyable, and for just a moment I can imagine doing that same thing to my doppelganger here and a smile crawls across my face...I catch myself and turn away.

"Slowly? You sound like you enjoyed it. That doesn't sound like me. Maybe your divine appointment is having a more profound effect on you than you can handle."

Faster than I can think or even comprehend I'm all the way across the room, and with less effort than it takes to swat a fly I put this guy through three walls.  The next words I speak I am only barely aware of, I mean them but I don't want to say them.

"YOU!!!  You have no right to speak of my burden as if you can comprehend what it means to bear it!  I would rather have Moonshadow than her might any day but because of you this is what I have become."

A glowing red light fills the room we now stand in, I can tell he's seriously injured with several broken bones.  They power corrupts, and I know what they mean as I lift his broken body off the ground with my monstrous appendages to hold him before me. Every instinct tells me to end him now, but a small voice in the darkness that soothes me to my very being, whispers "Hold onto the light." and what could have been a bloodbath ends with me tossing him to the ground like a bag of wet sand.

"The voice of my beloved has saved you this day.  Tell your master we know about him and that we're coming for him. I grant you this clone."

With a wave of my hand I alter the magic that binds him to his master and I alter it just enough so that my blade is again mine alone.

"What did you do?"

"I took from you his compulsion. You will is now your own, live with what you have done and know that all that you know of your life is a lie, a shadow of mine, you are a sham and a fake. Make something of yourself or die I care not."      Inside my head I hear myself saying "Who talks like that." This is getting out of hand. I shadow step once more and leave this broken elf to his own devices. I have much to contemplate now.

Obsidian Rising Armor

Obsidian Rising ArmorPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2016/5/14 13:50
Hits1337  Comments1    
Well things with Moonshadow ended badly, it turned out that she was recruiting me for her father as I first suspected.  However, she did have a change of heart and released me from my obligations to her and promised to keep her father from interfering with me anymore...providing I don't do any more jobs for him. As a parting gift and a gesture of good will she has bestowed upon me a new set of armor. The new armor is heavily enchanted and as long as I wear it I am endowed with all of the powers I had as her scion. Otherwise I'm back to normal, cybernetic eyes and all. The computer systems on board make my old ones look positively primitive and include stealth systems that prevent detection by any means including scent (that's a new one) 4d tech conceals twin wrist blades on each arm. My weight capacity is an astonishing 10 tons and the interface allows me to run at speeds up to 120 mph in addition there is a infinitium cage that prevents me from being crushed and the energy siphons which stored excess bleed off from the armor's limited absorption payload are no longer necessary. The armor is also completely weightless. otherwise it has improved version of my previous armors. I can even survive in the vacuum of space for an unlimited amount of time and if necessary survive re-entry.

Obsidian Rare sight

Obsidian Rare sightPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2019/1/31 11:47
Hits1027  Comments1    
It is a very rare sight to see Obsidian without his armor but it happens more often then you'd think.  Aboard the Phantasm or for that matter any place where combat isn't an issue Obsidian can be found sporting a fairly classy look.

Obsidian Pair.jpg

Obsidian Pair.jpgPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2015/9/6 16:05
Hits1592  Comments2    
I wasn't comfortable with the dark skin at first, now that I have Moonshadow back in my life, I can live with it.  She has made me her Scion, and imbued me with great powers, I can still shadow slide, and I am basically invisible in shadows, once every 24 hours I can know the answer to any one question I ask. I'm also incredibly strong and fast and now I can use shadow magic. Ever been hit by a Darkning bolt? It's literally sucks the life right out of you.  Well we spent our first night together in a blurry whirlwind of passion and if there aren't a dozen offspring from the event I'd be stunned. First thing you have to know about gods is that they're very...fertile...though childbirth for deities can take nearly an form, in her case I try not to think that her divine form is a freaking half spider.  We crashed at her father's place, which is so vast I can park the Lillun inside and lose it.  Her Fathers place is a epic sized star ship 480 million miles wide by 24 million miles long and just as tall.  I'm certain if this thing were to enter a system it would throw off the orbits of several planets.  Inside of this massive ship are 3 Earth sized worlds held in place by massive gravity generators. I thought I was stunned by the Black Mantis's power until I was brought here...I never suspected. We're in a mountainous region on one of those worlds, and the view is spectacular, I begin my morning with some sword practice and after a few moments I can feel a pair of eyes staring my up and down like a choice cut of meat. and I smile because I know she's checking out my ass.

"Mmm good morning, my champion."

She throws her arms around men and hugs me from behind, the sweat from my workout is glistening down my chest and my breathing is already heavy, and I'm pretty sure it's turning her on.

"Darling, I'm all sweaty."

She inhales in deeply, and bites down on my shoulder and we're off again.

So after my second workout I call the Lillun, while Moonshadow cooks breakfast.  There are really some things about this situation that are just off. Gods cooking breakfast and living in much the same way mortals do? It truly doesn't make sense.  In any case Harley answers and I decide there's no time like the present to get the Justiciar thing out of the way.

Harley, I need you to contact Sathari prime and set up a meeting with you, me and Analaeus...

"Okay..." he says puzzled, "As soon as you tell me who the fuck you are."

Harley was never brought up to speed on my recent color adjustment.  

"He He, sorry Harley it's me Mic' Aehl, I had a little mishap with the whole God of intrigue thing and this happened.  of course Moonshadow is now back among the living and a second after i reverted back she redid this. Looks like I'm a dark elf from now on. That's part of what I wanted to meet with Analaeus, I can't continue as High Justiciar and I'm going to recommend that he appoint you, if you want the job?"

He looks bewildered at the onslaught of information and then asks

"Why are you stepping down?"

Here comes the part that I dread, because there's gonna be jokes.  Looooooooots of jokes.

"Moonshadow has made me her Scion."

"Is that another word for..."

"Don't say it dude. You can think it bro but doooon't say it."

"So does this mean that you work for Him now too?"

"No but I live in his house hahaha."

"Okay bro, I'll set it up, in the meantime our comms are getting blown up by the clan asking about the wedding."

"Bah, I forgot all about that. Alright I'll com aboard and we'll set this up."

"How about a double wedding dear?" Moonshaow chimes in.

I'm only vaguely aware of the stupid look on my face as Harley bursts out laughing.

"Darling was that a bit too soon?  Would you like more time to think about it?"

"No uh-I-um I've never been on the receiving end of a proposal before I'm just a little surprised is all.  Can you marry your Scion?"

"As my Scion you have do as you're Mistress bids."

"Hmm as you wish my mistress, a double wedding it shall be."

I'm not sure about this but I do love her, and I know she loves I guess we're in for a penny, in for a pound. Still I'm who do we get to perform the ceremony?

Obsidian No EMTs.jpg

Obsidian No EMTs.jpgPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2015/3/31 10:52
Hits1309  Comments1    
Obsidian  is visiting Rigela 4 where the use of  Energy-Matter Transport is strictly prohibited and EMT disruptors are constantly in use.

Obsidian Midnight Stroll

Obsidian Midnight StrollPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2021/5/18 11:14
Hits797  Comments0    
A new look for the master assassin/mercenary look for retextures for all of my characters coming soon.

Obsidian Mask.jpg

Obsidian Mask.jpgPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2015/5/9 14:49
Hits1514  Comments1    
A nice wallpaper of my favorite OC looking badass with his new blade (I had to replace that Count Dooku one for something more original) and of course his ship The SS Lillun in the background. I'm very pleased with the lighting on this one and the overall look is very Mass Effect (It should be I did enough practice images) and a bit less Star trek which is better for attracting Gamers.

Obsidian Mask V1

Obsidian Mask V1Popular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2013/10/8 13:14
Hits1600  Comments0    
In the early parts of my story Obsidian wears this armor which is replaced by a more powerful and lighter version.

Obsidian Mask meets the Doctor.jpg

Obsidian Mask meets the Doctor.jpgPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategorySci-fi    Last Update2018/11/27 1:04
Hits1439  Comments3    
At long last I have finally found the Time Lord known as The Doctor, apparently this is his fourth iteration. Regardless this guy is either a genius or freaking lunatic. But eccentricities I can live with. he doesn't like my guns, and I'm guessing he'll like my blade even less. I use the word magic just once and he gives me a speech about how there's no such thing... Heh, says the guy whose species performs numerology on an epic level turning equations into reality altering power.  The guy is hundreds of years older than me and I'm almost 400. Well we have that in common at least only I don't have to what's he call it? Regenerate? Yeah where I'm from that's not what regeneration is but whatever. Before he'll help me he wants me to help him stop a life long foe of his called the Dalek, I don't even know what the hell a Dalek is but you can bet for what I need him for I'm gonna put some serious holes in these metal freaks. I'm told they're cyborgs of a sort organic inside a techno tank...I have some tehcnomancy at my disposal and they're in for a big surprise.  I can't wait to see the look on whatever passes for their face when they get hit with an "Erase technology" spell and their metal tank simply vanishes. Barring that I can always use "Override" and send one on a killing spree to slaughter it's own kind. Oh you best believe the good Doctor definitely found the right guy for this job. Those metal bastards won't know what hit em'.  Then we fix my problem.

Obsidian Mask Dossier & Mk XIII Armor

Obsidian Mask Dossier & Mk XIII ArmorPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2018/12/6 5:19
Hits1425  Comments2    
Name: Obsidian Mask (Rusco Yondo Ne'rdo) Pron (Rrrooscoo, You N' doo, Nairr doo,)
Species:  Elf, Luminesti
Age: 354
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 165 lbs
Eye Color: Blue (Currently Cybernetic)
Hair Color: Blonde
Birth Rank: 2nd of 7
# Siblings: 6 (all deceased)
Relatives:Jenara (Daughter), Arethan (son)
Marital Status: Married X 2 Spouse's Names: Ai Thoron (Sylvan Elf...Dragon?), Lote' (Sylvan Elf)
Known Associates: Crimson Mask, Cobalt Mask, The Scions of Justice, PRIDE, The Sathari Empire. IGFW STAR Command, Shadawar (Sathari officer), Rendaza "The red" (Bodyguard Sathari Empire), Sabrina Wildman (Chief Engineer), Analaeus Sathari (Reigning Emperor Sathari Empire)

Intelligence: 14 (140 IQ)
Agility: !9
Strength: 14 (60 in armor)
Endurance: 15 (100 In Armor)
Psyche: 18 (Minor Psionic Defenses)
Presence: 19 (Elven DNA)

Vocation: Ninja/Soldier
Effective Combat Vlaue: 25

Powers/Abilities: Nightvision, Supernatural Beauty, Indefinite Lifespan, Immunity to Natural (non-magical) disease, Does not scar.

Notable Skills:
Electronics Engineering P.H.D.
Astro-Cartography M.D.
Anthropology and Archaeology MLA
Trained in Medicine (Equivalent Trauma care nurse),
Holisitic Medicine B.A.
Certified in Starship, Automotive and Aircraft Repair.
Blacksmith certification
Weapon Engineering/Design Certification (Archaic and Modern)


Current Armor Capabilities:

4-D Contained Jump Jets: (for limited flight capability) Top Speed 400 KPH

Zero Pistol Mk 4: Infinitium Components, Variable round select,  "Barrel View" gun sight, 20 mm Grenade/Micro Missile launcher

Zero Rifle Mk 7: Infinitium Components, Internal Vari-Barrel allowing it to function as a shotgun/Assault Rifle/Sniper Rifle/Minigun Has all of the features of the Zero Pistol incl 20 MM grenade launcher.

Both weapons feature a 4-D warehouse with crates of various types of ammunition effectively making Obsidian a one-man army in a battle of attrition. In addition, the Infinitium construction means the barrels will never overheat and enchantments placed on the weapons mean they never have to be cleaned.

Zero-Blade ("Godslayer"): A relic class Katana created by the Golden Star Empire as a reward for "Services rendered", This highly enchanted blade can be summoned to the owner, Cast and spell the wielder has studied
       Spell potency is 5 times normal Duration, Affected area, Affected Targets, Range, Damage, etc. Casting level is equal to that of the wielder times 5. Obsidian can command anyone holding the weapon to simply
       "die" killing said person instantly.  Additionally, as an immortal being (of the lowest category) the blade can be used to irrevocably slay divine beings although Obsidian is forced to take over said being's divine portfolio
. The blade also boasts Infinitium construction, and 4-d compartment to hide the Mono-molecular Infinitum blade, additionally, the blade possesses a high capacity 2-way forcefield which contains a
       Matter-Anti-matter intermix chamber with an output of 13.5 billion GW of power capable of disintegrating any matter it comes into contact with. The Forcefield is designed to allow objects to pass through
       without letting the energy within it escape. (The technology used to create this weapon is unknown in this universe and is exclusive to the Golden Star Empire).

Left Gauntlet/Bracelet Grappling line 16 ton capacity, Obsidian's Left Gauntlet/Bracelet contains an Infinitium Grappling line with Matching anchor. The line is thin but otherwise indestructible. Total Length 50 feet.

Right Gauntlet/Bracelet Scanner/Communications array: Obsidian's Right gauntlet contains a full sensor suite similar in design to many standard handheld models though 3 times Range and sensitivity, In addition
        it also is equipped with a holographic communications array/display the keyboard allows full access to modern databases. There's also a surveilance package 4-D wrist blade, and concealed cutting devices

Helmet:  Loaded with Visual scanners Obsidian's helmet is also contains a communications package (Works in conjunction with gauntlet), Full visual spectrum scanner, internal life support/nutrition/fluid dispenser
            and acts as a barrier against any level of Psionic/Mental intrusion. Unfortunately this is a double edged sword cutting intuitive perception drastically. An Infinitum Face-plate has recently been attacked
            front of the helmet insuring that no means of attack will penetrate the helmet head on, the remainder of the helmet is and frame covered by a layer of Absorbium 80 which absorbs all known forms of                         energy.

Bodysuit: The Bodysuit is a hermetically sealed, self contained environment suit and like the helmet, is composed primarily of Absorbium 80 and enhances Obsidian strength/agility/endurance considerably allowing
             him to bench press an astonishing 25 tons. Reflexes are enhanced via internal AI and Neural-Muscular inputs lattice-worked throughout the suit and helmet. In the event that Obsidian should become                          paralyzed (even from the neck down) the suit can still be operated with full functionality so long as Obsidian remains conscious and the suit 75% intact.  Holographic camouflage with Tactile support this is                  like a built in disguise allowing the wearer to even appear to be unarmored if he so wishes. it is ineffective against magical sensory spells which do not reveal the true form but do reveal that it is a hologram.

Utility Belt: The Buckle can be removed and used to enhance the already impressive sensor suit of the Gauntlets and helmet, but it's most impressive feature is the Variable Contra-Gravity Generator which allows                             Obsidian to orient his center of Gravity to any point or direction he desires.

Kinetic Gloves: The Knuckle plates of the gloves are capable of channeling absorbed energy into a concentrated kinetic burst equal to the energy absorbed. Such attacks are further enhanced by the armor's 25 ton                             strength capacity. The Palms of the gauntlets are layered with Absorbium 120 and can be used (as in the case of the god Apophis) to weaken or outright kill an opponent in hand to hand combat after                         only a few seconds of exposure.
Absorbium 80 Overview: In addition to absorbing what one thinks of when considering energy, Absobium 80 also absorbs sound-waves, photons, impacts (kinetic energy), Magic, Psionics, and even life energy. In it's most pure form Absorbium cannot be physically touched by living beings as it is lethal. The highest level of refinement (Via Chemical processes) absorbium is rated at 120 (a thin layer of this version is applied to palms of Obsidian's gloves) it is capable of absorbing ambient life energy. When used with Nano-Irises the effects can be restricted or even stopped altogether.  Due to the fact that Obsidian's armor is a creation of incredibly powerful and advanced beings the Absorbium in his suit is controlled via Sub-atomic Irises which are the single most refined method of controlling the effects of the absorbium. This method combined with an undisclosed adhesion method, allow the Absorbium to be applied in similar fashion to spray-on paint creating a thin layer that is more effective than larger plates. The technology behind this is a closely guarded secret.  The absorbed energy is most often re-channeled throughout the armor to supplement  the internal magical power supply potentially powering the armor indefinitely.

Born on earth in the 20th century Obsidian was once a human. He was accidentally summoned across space and time by a Mage. After some adventures, deciding he was too old and out of shape but wanting to continue adventuring, he sought out magical means to extend his lifespan. To that end he procured the services of a mage to have himself transformed into a Luminesti elf, forsaking his humanity and Solaran roots for all time. Obsidian became embroiled in the "Millennium Wars" fighting on the side of the IGFW and its allies (Namely Earth) achieving the rank of Commander. Using the skills he acquired as an adventurer Obsidian quickly rose in rank and was recruited into a black ops branch where he was trained by the alien species known as the Oni who trained him for nearly 25 years before granting him the honorary rank of "Jonin". After his military service ended Obsidian was recruited by the mysterious Black Mantis who sought his services as an operative. Obsidian refused permanent employment with the Black mantis but did undertake assignments over a period of 100 years. Payment for those assignments has taken many forms including his ship, his weapons and various technologies, as well as his crew.  Obsidian Mask is 354 years old, and for over 300 of that has been a mercenary, assassin, and something of a private investigator. Obsidian possesses several degrees,  Obsidian believes in being self-sufficient and a survivalist. His Zoological knowledge has  proved useful for determining types of animals that are poisonous or edible. He is a master tactician and is always suspicious. He has been a widower 2 times before his current Harem and is known to be attracted to powerful women.  Obsidian still maintains ties with the Sathari Empire holding the position of "Indor" a title given to high ranking former officials by the Sathari government. As such he is under the protection of the Sathari Government until death (His species possesses an indefinite life span). To that end Obsidian has had many bodyguards, often a Psi-Mage of incredible power and experience.

At this time IGFW Intelligence recommendations are to maintain surveillance not underestimate his capabilities. Should the Golden Star Empire become involved agents should NOT interact and maintain surveillance from a discreet distance. Several agents have gone missing investigating this "Empire" and are presumed dead. At least one agent was returned and later discovered to be a clone of some variety as yet unknown.

Obsidian Mask Armor MK-XIII

Obsidian Mask Armor MK-XIIIPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2020/4/7 12:03
Hits988  Comments1    
Obsidian has been through many armor variants and to date this is the 13th iteration of his Absorbium 80 armor. The newest version dubbed the Mark 13 boasts a host of new features and accessories.

During his encounter with the Maetrix Obsidian discovered that a transporter beam was weaponized in much the same fashion as a disruptor beam.  This weapon was more than capable of bypassing the safeguards which were designed to allow transport beams to affect the armor normally to allow Obsidian to transport to and fro.  As a result the beam tore a significantly sized hole into the chest plate of the previous MK-XII.  Because of that encounter Obsidian decided major upgrades would be needed.  The MK-III does not allow a transport beam to lock onto or transport obsidian without manual deactivation of said safeguards. So while it is possible to use a standard EMT device the armor will absorb the beam as any other energy.  With this addition came a modification to Obsidian's ship which replaced the technological transporter with a magical transport that utilizes a spacefold to transport off of the ship.
Another new addition to the armor is Hard Light emitters which for the first time allow flight capabilities and the use of primitive hand tools and weapons.  A limited use micro replimation unit has also been installed to provide Obsidian with additional options in the field.  However, the replimator can currently save a maximum of 8 items in it's database though Obsidian can swap the loadout as often necessary with the only limitation being that the files for each item need to be pre-programmed as the equipment necessary to record items for replication are far too complex to store in the armor.
The main drawback to Hard-Light and replicated items is that they have no special resistance to damage though they are not necessarily fragile.  Hard light constricts usually require a significant amount of energy to operate but because of the unique construction of Obsidian's armor an abundant supply of energy is readily available at all times.
The most significant features added to the armor are the combat upgrades which enhance Obsidian's reflexes and strength. The servos in the MK-XII were previously capable of granting an astounding 100 ton capacity at maximum output, while the new servos (Manufactured using Infinitium components) are capable of nearly unlimited maximum weight capacity.  The only restriction being that sufficient power needs to be absorbed by the armor in order to sustain output.  As a result the armor's endoskeleton has been reinforced to in order to withstand the stresses of increasingly heavier loads.  The floating skeleton can harden in sections as needed to act as a support with the servo program dictating which sections are to be reinforced.  An FTL processor is required to respond as quickly as necessary. As a side effect for the first time since the armor's creation the skeleton can prevent Obsidian from being crushed to death. The second part of the combat upgrades is a direct neural input which requires several months of training to utilize properly without injury. It allows the computer to predict incoming threats and react  independently of Obsidian's normal reflexes. The result is a near instantaneous reflexive response time that allows him to deflect projectiles and other incoming attacks without having to focus on them. The program can also utilize any weapons Obsidian currently equipped in his hands. The program is currently in defensive mode but can be set to offensive mode whereupon it will not only attempt to defend against the incoming attack but to also to destroy the source of the attack. The purpose of this system is to combat beings with superhuman speed such as Thunderbolt, Cheetah, Bloodstreak, and others.
The armor's vulnerabilities still include corrosives, Extreme cold, slashing/cutting attacks (not utilizing energy) and Abrasion attacks. Encasing the armor can immobilize it but if a sufficient energy supply is available the new servos will allow Obsidian to break free of all but the most durable substances.
The armor retains all of features previously installed in the MK-XII.  

Obsidian Mask Amazon Cover

Obsidian Mask Amazon CoverPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2019/3/20 17:42
Hits1020  Comments1    
I am proud to announce that my new book Obsidian Mask: Rise of Dominion is available now on for the low price of $9.99 USD, please buy a copy and enjoy a trip through my universe through the eyes of Obsidian Mask as he tries to stop a madman from conquering the universe itself. Thanos be damned!!!

Obsidian Mask

Obsidian MaskPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2013/10/4 0:03
Hits1927  Comments5    
This is an original character and part of an ongoing Series...

Obsidian finally boards the ISS Phantasm

Obsidian finally boards the ISS PhantasmPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2020/7/1 7:18
Hits1022  Comments1    
The third installment of "The Starlet and the liar" is in the works folks. Here's a quick preview (because I love previews) after this last issue there will be an indefinite hiatus as I turn my attention to Obsidian's online webisodes.  So here is the new digs and a few tweaks for Obsidian himself. let me know what you think Positive or negative your comments are always appreciated.

Obsidian Dossier

Obsidian DossierPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2016/9/27 16:34
Hits1337  Comments2    
Name: Obsidian Mask
Real Name: Rusquion T’ura
Age: 327 (Solaran cycles)
Height: 5ft 5in
Weight: 147 lbs (172 in armor)
Eye color:Aquamarine (Cybernetic eyes glow blue)
Hair Color: Blond
Species: Luminesti Elf (Solaran formerly)
Vocation: Ninja/Mercenary
Siblings: 6 3 brothers 3 sisters (all deceased)
Birth Rank 3rd of 7
Known Relatives: Miridia (1st wife deceased), Sarah Dashel (2nd wife deceased), Jenara (Daughter), Arethan (son)
Other known Relatives: None
Known Associates:Crimson Mask, Cobalt Mask, The Scions of Justice, PRIDE, The Sathari Empire. IGFW sTAR Command.
Int: 14 (140 IQ)
Agl: !9
Str: 14 (50 in armor)
End: 15 (75 In Armor)
Psy: 18 (Minor Psionic Defenses)
Pre: 19 (Elven DNA)

History: Born on earth in the 20th century Obsidian was once a human. He was accidentally summoned across space and time by a Mage. After some adventures he realized he was too old and out of shape to continue adventuring and so sought out magics to extend his life span. To that end he had himself transformed into a Luminesti elf forsaking his humanity and Solaran roots for all time. Obsidian became embroiled in the "Millennium Wars" fighting on the side of the IGFW and it's allies (Namely Earth). Using the skills he acquired as an adventurer Obsidian quickly rose in rank and was recruited into a black ops branch where he was trained by the alien Oni who worked with him for nearly 50 years before giving their approval and naming him "Ninja". Obsidian later was recruited by the mysterious Black Mantis who sought his services as an operative. While Obsidian refused permanent employment with the Black mantis he did take assignments over a period opf 100 years. Payment for those assignments has taken the form of his ship, his sword and his technology, as well as his crew.

Armor and weapons:

Absorbium 80 power armor: Obsidian's armor was once a heavy suit that provided no enhancements other than Camouflage and Energy Absorption. After an encounter with the villain Dominion, his suit was upgraded and while less absorptive boasts agility, speed, and strength enhancements. Both suits have Contra-Grav systems allowing him to change his point of gravity to any angle he chooses. The most recent upgrade to Obsidian's armor incorporates Absorbium 120 which can be used like Absorbium 80 with similar effectiveness with only one quarter the quantity. When used without restrictors Absorbium 120 can actually absorb life energy which is what makes it so very difficult to manufacture.

Admantine Vibro-claws: Obsidian has 2 retractable claws that while not indestructible can cut through virtually any material.

Gauntlets:  Obsidian's bracers boast a wide array of surveillance, intrusion., and computer systems as well as kinetic relays which allow him to unleash stored energy into a kinetic pulse by punching a target.

Obsidian's Helmet has a wide variety of optics allowing him to see in every spectrum including x-ray. (Currently his cybernetic eyes allow him to do this without the helmet). His cybernetic eyes have similar capabilities though to a lesser degree. The helmet also have interfaces that work with all of the weapon systems of his various vehicles.

Self Contained Atmosphere: Obsidian's armor incorporates a complete self contained environment complete with food dispensaries as well as oxygen and waste direcycling. It has an energy supply that can be charged simply by kinetic impact.

Zero-Weapons: All of Obsidian's firearms are outfitted with smart systems allowing him to see through the barrel like a scope. They all support Variable round systems with nearly every type of ammunition imaginable. His guns have been enchanted so that ammunition is never depleted. They are each constructed with pure Infinitium shells making them indestructible by normal means.

Infinitium Blade: A gift from the Black Mantis Obsidian's sword can cast any spell he knows of at 5 times his power rank (Obsidian is currently rank 27) but only while the blade is retracted. The sword can cut through steel as easily as waving a stick through air and is highly enchanted so as to be able to affect even Deitic beings. The blade is semi sentient and can follow basic commands such as teleporting. The blade is absolutely lethal to anyone but Obsidian who can command anyone holding it to die. Obsidian has named the sword Godslayer and thus far it lives up to its name. The sword also boasts energy blade capabilities using a form of Anti-Matter Containment which allows objects to pass through a field containing Anti-Matter yet does not allow the Anti-Matter to escape. The damage from this version of the sword is nearly incalculable.

Flashing: All of the aforementioned gear is flashed, a process involving implants which allows said items to appear on the user at will so long as the item and the user are in the same dimension otherwise distance is not a factor.

Section-7 command Recommendations: Approach with extreme caution DO NOT confront directly.

Obsidian is known to take assignments from the figure known as he Black mantis, who may possibly be inclined to render aid do NOT confront the Black mantis under any circumstance. Should the Black Mantis become involved in any of Obsidian Mask's operations observe and report back immediately and DO NOT engage.

Obsidian Blue

Obsidian BluePopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2017/2/4 10:41
Hits1473  Comments1    
Just a piece of splash are to get a good look at OBsidian in his current incarnation...I really love his new helmet.

Obsidian and the floating city.jpg

Obsidian and the floating city.jpgPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2015/9/24 1:17
Hits1523  Comments1    
At the request of his mistress Obsidian Mask travels to the outer rim of the Andromeda galaxy to a small nondescript mountainous world, the planet is unremarkable save for one notable feature...the floating city of Aldorand. The city is known for the sages that reside there as well as the magical secrets they keep. it is though to be merely a legend but the of course the Goddess of Intrigue would know better. Standing atop a high peak of a nearby mountaintop Obsidian view the city in the distance. Once there he hopes to find a way to track down and defeat Nechronos once and for all.

Obsidian 3 way

Obsidian 3 wayPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2016/3/12 10:17
Hits1407  Comments1    
Not the kind of 3 way anyone really wants... Can you say standoff?

O bsidian Mask Armor Mark III

O bsidian Mask Armor Mark IIIPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2014/8/4 4:20
Hits1400  Comments2    
Testing out some new textures for Obsidian's Mark III armor.

NX-01 Refit.jpg

NX-01 Refit.jpgPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategorySci-fi    Last Update2014/12/27 23:07
Hits1491  Comments1    
Star trek fans everywhere tried very hard to get Star Trek Enterprise restarted on Netflix and this beauty of a ship was to be the star.

Photo No. 331-360 (out of 680 photos hit)
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