I'm back! This second posting should introduce you all to the world(s) of my character -- BANZAI GIRL. Y'see, in "real life," my character is a college schoolgirl, whose life has made a left turn into weird. Not only do I have these bizarre dreams that I'm either a Futuristic Freedom Fighter or a Princess Jinky...
...but I also find myself battling classic Filipino monsters of myth!
In this illustration, this is all three versions of my character -- Princess Jinky; Banzai Girl; and Freedom Fighter Jinky.
Here's how we created this: I did the drawing of the scene. I then posed for all three figures, in the costumes, which Don Feenerty photographed. And Eugene Perez did the final composite onto the background.
YES, I am the writer and artist of BANZAI GIRLS. :) I've been working on it on and off for about 7 years, first with Sirius and currently with Arcana Studio.
I'm also the artist of the AVALON HIGH series of books from TokyoPop, with Meg Cabot writing that.
I'm also drawing some educational comic stuff for a publisher in Canada. :)