Capt. Skullheart's Crew 6 of 7: Lynxa. Lynxa is a very unique character in that she is not only a mutant alien animal girl, but also that she is one of a completely made up species that I created! Also, her bio here introduces some other concepts and characters in the CSCU that I have not yet released anywhere else. It's all part of the greater universe and you get to read it here first!
Oddly, she reminds me a little of a character from something I'm working on right now! Very cool looking character and once again, an interesting and well developed back story. Good stuff!
Glad you like her as with all the rest. Mutanto is indeed a bit of a goofy character, I'm not even sure that you're going to like his look once I reveal it sometime in the future, it's really over the top. You're right though he really does have an interesting gimmick, and I have to admit that he's one of my favorite creations. I just don't have time to reveal him just yet.
...and another cool character. As ever, you're really good with original character concepts. I like Mutanto as a villain (despite the goofy name ) -- he has an interesting gimmick. Looking forward to more.