In the Heromorph mansion there are secret passageways...which only remain secret if one is not an elf. Merely passing within ten feet of such an entrance gives an elf a 33% probability of discover it, so perceptive are they. This even more so if said elf is a ninja, and actively looking for something of that nature. Not all of Obsidian's detective work is done by his technology. Spider-Man however, is on vacation and hunting down clues is not fun it's...the usual.
<Obsidian> "Found it!"
<Spiderman sarcastically> "Ugh, found what?"
<Obsidian> "A secret doorway." (slides concealed door open) ...and stairs.
<Spiderman> "No! no no no no no no! I did not come here to be a detective or play hero. This is my vacation away from all of that crazy stuff!"
<Obsidian> "Really? Then why did you come here in costume numbnuts?"
<Spiderman> I---I---Dammit! Lead on, but you owe me. After this we get smashed...I mean it."
<Obsidian> "Webhead I have no intention of getting anywhere near inebriated until this mystery is solved."
<Spiderman> "Whatever you say Fred, is Daphne and Velma coming too? Rikes where is everyrodoy. Scooby Dooby Doooooo."
<Obsidian> "You're an ass. Now come on."
Making their way down the dark stairwell the pair of heroes discover a dank computer room, in neat rows are nearly a dozen robotic velociraptors, thankfully not active. A nearby computer and access panel display the current status of not only the Raptors but the sharks as well.
<Obsidian> "Spider, Look here."
<Spiderman> "Whaaaaat? Let me guess, you found a clue?"
<Obsidian> "More than that, I found the controls for all of these robots. Check it out, someone set the safeties to off. According to my scanners -some of which do still work- there's a fresh set of prints."
<Spiderman> "Really sherlock? Too bad there's no database to compare them with. Lets go already. Need i remind you that there are two seriously HOT babes on our team and unless they swing the other way they could be swinging with us. And brother I can swing. C'mon."
<Obsidian doing his best Batman impersonation> "SOMEONE TRIED TO KILL ME AND NOW I HAVE PROOF. I have no intention of taking that lightly. Moreover the same someone apparently tried to take out the other team as well."
Spiderman hangs his head in defeat, he knows his friend is not going to give this up until someone pays for this affront. Woe to the one who tried to kill Obsidian mask...He is looking to return the favor.
Note: I'm just killing time waiting for the rest of the guys to post their entries...and I'm so Boooooored so this is how I intend to fill my dull days until the end of the month....LOL I have no idea what's going to happen next but I know Spidey from comics and previous Smackdowns. That said I have lots of go nowhere images I can create. Just wait till I get going.