Sights set.
Obsidian 2017/7/18 15:22
2327 2
Well, at least now I know I'm not being paranoid about someone trying to kill us but since there's nothing I can do I think I'll take a relaxing dip by the pool. The girls would love this place, as aesthetics go it's not bad a bit 21st century for me though. Spiderman said once the "Smackdown" began we couldn't call anyone in from the outside. Against the rules or some such. I keep the ship on a short leash though I wanna be able to bug out fast if I need to. As I head to the pool I spot She-Ra sunbathing and while she's still wearing her hero outfit, she's shed a few unwanted pieces so that she's down to basically a one piece bating suit. Her wet blond hair glistens in the sun and I can't help but pause to take in the sight.
With her eyes closed she knows I'm there and I almost blush from embarrassment.
"You, know it's not polite to stare."
She says with a smile.
"Yeah, well um."
I'm at a loss for words. Her baby blues pop open and I check the corners of my mouth to make sure I'm not drooling.
"Obsidian isn't it?"
"Yes. apologize for not having introduced myself properly before but I was-er-ah."
"Enraged that someone made an attempt on your life?"
"Yeah heh. Not one of my better moments."
"I'll say. They're still cleaning up the shark bits Ha ha!"
"I don't know what came over me, usually I don't panic like that. Then again I usually have the upper hand. Something around here interferes with my tech."
"So did you have something you wanted to discuss or were you just...taking in the sights?"
The last part of her sentence made my pointy little ears twitch...better those something else.
"I was wondering...Spiderman has been acting like a horny teenager lately and..."
"I know he wears a full mask but I can still feel him undressing me with his eyes."
"Well I know you can handle yourself -Magic powers and sword and what not- but if you need an alibi or..."
"A fake boyfriend?"
"Well, he and I have been friends for a while so if you need him to back off or if he just gets out of line I'm offering an alternative to the Hulk method of handling him."
"Who or what, is a Hulk?"
"Oh princess you need to come with me."
I take her by the hand and we go to the theater and I load up the avengers movie...when the part comes where Loki gets the Hulk beatdown she positively screams out loud with laughter. Afterwards I make something for the two of us to eat...and we talk. Her dilemma with Hordak, how Skeletor ties in etc etc. Finally I make my move.
"So tell me princess is there someone special waiting at home?"
"That's a bit forward."
"It's been on my mind all day so I thought I'd ask."
"Hoping maybe YOU could fill that role if there wasn't?"
"I never said that. I'll admit the thought had crossed my mind though."
"I don't have time for relationships, it's always one battle after another and there's never a moment of just peace. I just have too many obligations. This event, right now, this is as close as I get to a vacation. I haven't visited my parents in years. So while I appreciate the attention I just can't. I hope you understand?"
"I do, and I think I know a way to change your mind princess. I'm gonna turn in but I'll see you tomorrow, sleep well."
With that i see her to her quarters and set about putting my plan into action. I know how to take care of obligations and endless battles.
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pijon |
Posted: 2017/7/27 22:26 Updated: 2017/7/27 22:26 |
Moderator   Joined: 2006/7/18 From: United States Posts: 6363 |
 Re: Sights set. Obsidian, you old dawg! 
Dragondack |
Posted: 2017/7/19 18:04 Updated: 2017/7/19 18:04 |
The Great Eternal Dragon   Joined: 2004/2/9 From: Edmonton,Alberta,Canada Posts: 11284 |
 Re: Sights set.