lordcoyote 2025/3/19 11:41
40 0
Her designer REALLY needs a girlfriend... |
lordcoyote 2024/9/20 14:10
313 0
And the visitee better avoid her.
Like a billionaire to a tax collector. |
lordcoyote 2024/4/16 15:14
370 0
Ah, she'll probably survive.
She's not wearing red... |
| U-V-S
lordcoyote 2024/5/10 19:11
462 0
They don't cotton to monster-busting competition.
So She'd better get her building-crushing @$$ outta town! |
lordcoyote 2023/5/4 9:11
507 0
lordcoyote 2023/11/21 16:53
576 0
| M-V-2
lordcoyote 2022/1/21 8:12
736 0
| a girl and her robot
voltronreturns 2021/12/4 16:22
855 0
| Alpha Team
hiram67 2021/8/10 12:23
909 0
| Assault troop
hiram67 2021/8/10 12:26
977 0
lordcoyote 2021/6/2 16:52
998 0
| Motoko Kusanagi (The Major)
Obsidian 2021/6/25 23:56
1006 1
I was absolutely stoked to get these assets. Ghost in the shell is one IP I am absolutely in love with. Motoko Kusanagi aka The Major is one of the baddest women in scifi and anime.
lordcoyote 2021/3/2 9:12
1031 0
| Gone Too Soon
Drawolf25 2021/11/13 7:14
1045 1
For Heromorpher Android. For the Dark Wanderer. For all those we have lost. See you on the other side of the clouds.
I know this is a little late when it comes to posting this, but the site wasn't lettling me login till now. This was created back in January shortly after I found out about Android. Better late then never. |
| Galaxy Five System Guide
Obsidian 2020/5/13 9:17
1153 1
What creatures live where? What are they like how do they live? All the answers are right here in this massive collection of creatures, aliens, and monsters. Dragons Magical and mundane beasts alike feature inside these pages all from far off planets and not so far off. Obsidian Mask will continue to walk GM's and players alike through the pages with data files on each of the creatures within these pages. |
| Galaxy Five Game master's Handbook 
Obsidian 2020/5/13 9:10
1168 1
Coming soon to Amazon in hardcover format. The Game, the universe of Obsidian Mask...Galaxy Five. Obsidian Mask will be the guide in this epic RPC that covers every genre ever thought of anywhere. How? You'll have to but the books. The GMHB is one of 3 core rule books needed to play this PNP RPG. Come let your imagination run free. The GMHB contains all the tools you need to create and run and adventure even if you didn't have an adventure prepared, or if you've never run one before. This game is suitable for all levels of play from beginner to veteran players. |
lordcoyote 2020/7/18 17:00
1176 2
| Galaxy Five Player's Guide
Obsidian 2020/5/13 9:14
1235 1
The Player's Guide contains all the basics for character creation includes player species, Equipment, Stats, and Skills as well as an arsenal of Magic, Spells, and Psionics. In no time you'll have a completely custom character ready to adventure in the farthest reaches of space or maybe just on a small continent on some distant world. Once again Obsidian Mask is your guide in this character design manual. |
| Orville and Company
Obsidian 2020/3/26 18:39
1253 1
Well Obsidian's done it again, went and hopped to yet another and even managed to drag the Federation's flag ship with him. The Orville is in charge on this run though... To be honest, it's little behind the others technologically but the crew is a good one and their hearts are always in the right place. |
lordcoyote 2020/7/23 8:53
1255 2
Yep. Escape from this hellish, mutant infested abandoned lab is just down those stairs. |
lordcoyote 2020/6/17 18:26
1348 2
Cake that is. |
| Testing the waters
Obsidian 2018/7/9 20:37
1357 2
This was another test image because I had multiple things I needed to check...I think it came out alright. |
halcon89 2019/1/23 4:08
1385 3
lordcoyote 2018/5/9 6:20
1407 2
AT LAST! The meaning of the "BB" in his name! |
| devas
halcon89 2019/4/19 6:09
1429 1
| Phantasm standard officer quarters
Obsidian 2018/12/3 17:16
1442 2
This is something of a first for me but since I expect the Phantasm to remain for some time I figured I'd go all out with the interiors. The standard officer's crew quarters are designed for one person with ample space to relax. There's also ample room and leeway for personalized items. Next up will be Standard crew quarters. These are of course, not the quarters for bridge officers which are far more opulent and spacious. |
| Nobody's Home
Obsidian 2018/11/26 19:59
1469 1
I have met the Doctor on a couple of occasions and thus far all I can determine about his species is that they have two hearts, some weird ability to alter their physical body entirely (which somehow includes personality), and travel through time, as well as between dimensions. This sounds a bit like what the Golden Star Empire (ie The Black Mantis and friends) do. Not sure if they're "Time Lords" or something entirely different but they seem awfully familiar with the Doctor whose help I am in dire need of. I find his vessel abandoned on some distant uncharted world roughly 3500 years in the future but in an entirely unknown reality. My sensors have tagged it's temporal signature as 13144.7. The Black Scorpion has forwarded a dossier of the Doctor that I haven't had time to read but a cursory examination says this guy is a scientist on a level that would make some so-called "Cosmic beings" jealous. I am able to access his vessel using a sonic emitter set to an ultra-high frequency. Stepping through I expected a confrontation for trespassing instead there's...Nothing. It's clear his vessel uses 4th-dimensional technology of an unknown variety, but once inside my sensors can easily scan for life signs within it's innards. Nothing...Nobody's home. This is gonna be one of those days. |
| Sneak peek
Obsidian 2018/7/9 20:38
1481 2
I know I keep saying I'm working on issue 2...because I really am but I thought I'd give you guys a little teaser. Sound like a plan yes? here we go then. |
lordcoyote 2019/2/21 6:48
1492 3
halcon89 2019/4/19 9:43
1494 1