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Photo No. 1-30 (out of 412 photos hit)
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Submitterhalcon89More Photos from halcon89   Last Update2025/3/2 11:01
Hits69  Comments0    


SubmittervoltronreturnsMore Photos from voltronreturns   Last Update2021/12/13 20:06
Hits1063  Comments0    
he was fun to make

Valkyrie! (Airboy Comics – "Golden Age")

Valkyrie! (Airboy Comics – "Golden Age")Popular
SubmitterShump1More Photos from Shump1   Last Update2019/8/9 13:26
Hits2296  Comments4    

World Tour in Comics: Israel v2.0

World Tour in Comics: Israel v2.0Popular
SubmitterOz2yMore Photos from Oz2y   Last Update2019/6/28 13:30
Hits2295  Comments3    
Almost in the beginning of my World Tour in Comics, I made this character for Israel:

Never really liked how it came out. Mostly due to my own fault, just a few weeks after started doing manips... But the fact remain that I really don't like many of my early images... and this one was no exception!

No matter, not that I'm good this days but I like to think that I improved a tiny bit since those early days.

Lately I've been republishing my World Tour in Comics at my new blog and thought, why not redo some of the ones I don't like?

So... Here is again, presenting for Israel: Uri-On (apparently, it writes both ways: Uri-On and Uri Oan), created by Michael Netzer.

From my old post:

He was a former soldier given superpowers by a secret agency to defend Earth against an alien race. His bracelets has the control panel to a lot of different powers and they can also fire energy bolts.
The symbol on his chest represents a Jewish temple lamp (thank you internationalhero site).


SubmitterOz2yMore Photos from Oz2y   Last Update2019/3/31 6:26
Hits1962  Comments5    
So... CDA and Shump1 have been posting some pretty awesome images lately that they inspired me to dust off my Photoshop and finally finish one of the ongoing manips I have on my HD...

Tenax is a character that was published France between 1971 and 1985 by the Editions Imperia , and when I was a kid it was a regular presence in my country comic books too.
Although it was a french publication, it was created by  the spanish José María Ortiz Tafalla with the writing by Ramon Ortega, Pedro Muñoz e Eugenio Sotillos.

Tenax adventures are a mix of sci-fi and espionage where  threats of conspiracy and alien attacks are abound.
Tenax  is a vigilante in the pure tradition of masked heroes, he never leaves his mask and from the beginning of his adventures he asks his sister Nancy not to call him Peter anymore, but Tenax (that comes from tenacity).
Nancy is in charge of Scarlett Hill's rear base where she serves as a logistical support agent for her brother.

They have two domestic robots at their service: Mike 1 and Mike 2, one of the extraordinary inventions of their late father. These robots are very similar in looks to RD-D2 or V.I.N.CENT:

Interesting fact: Tenax was my first choice for France in  my World Tour in Comics. It was a character I always wanted to make a manip.
About the manip: What can I say? I'm out of practice. There are some minor glitches that still bug me but I'm just not in mood to keep at it. Maybe some day I'll come back to it and try to improve them.

Lady Death

Lady DeathPopular
SubmitterchillyplasmaMore Photos from chillyplasma   Last Update2019/1/5 2:09
Hits2579  Comments2    

The Search For She-Ra

The Search For She-RaPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2017/7/25 3:12
Hits2924  Comments5    
She-Ra's disappearance did not go completely unnoticed...Obsidian has taken quite an interest in her and decides to follow her down into the murky depths of the Heromorph Mansions oddly massive pool.

Banzai Girl - RUN!

Banzai Girl - RUN!Popular
SubmitterJMPerkinsMore Photos from JMPerkins   Last Update2015/2/25 14:33
Hits3329  Comments7    
Heromorph's very own Jinky Coronado / Banzai Girl.

This one is a bit different than what I usually create. Some constructive critiques would be appreciated.


Commander Steel (gender bender)

Commander Steel (gender bender)Popular
SubmitterTazmanMore Photos from Tazman   Last Update2015/2/4 16:53
Hits2785  Comments5    
little something I have been working on for awhile.

La Bionda - the Jewel Thief

La Bionda - the Jewel ThiefPopular
SubmitterMsVMore Photos from MsV   Last Update2014/6/24 16:36
Hits4521  Comments3    
Franco Saudelli's La Bionda (The Blonde) was a fetish adult comic from the 1980's.  She was a jewel thief / heroine who ended up in ropes a lot.  This was simple - as a manipper sometimes you just find two pics that fit together.  Legs & buns from a leggings ad; top from a bra ad; jewels from Tiffany.

Lady Rocketeer

Lady RocketeerPopular
SubmitterMsVMore Photos from MsV   Last Update2014/6/17 23:43
Hits3528  Comments5    
Yet another retro pic based on Dave Stevens (RIP) Rocketeer & Bettie and on cosplayers who have brought this character to life as a heroine in her own right.  Classic Airplane from an air show; jacket & helmet from cosplay; Stockings from an ad; gun from the NRA; head from Jennifer Connoly, who played the part in the movie

Domino Lady - Mad Hatter

Domino Lady - Mad HatterPopular
SubmitterMsVMore Photos from MsV   Last Update2014/6/10 18:34
Hits3318  Comments5    
More Cult / Pulp / Retro: Domino Lady from numerous previous body parts. Made the hat.

Domino Lady Captures Nazi!

Domino Lady Captures Nazi!Popular
SubmitterMsVMore Photos from MsV   Last Update2014/5/31 22:10
Hits3294  Comments3    
Domino Lady gives Himmel her slip.  Nazi from A.R.Tiste; Dress / Slip from Macy's; Stockings from an ad; Head from Scarlett Johansen; Gun from Smith & Wesson; Portrait from the Third Reich; Lipstick from Clinique.

Domino Lady ShootOut!

Domino Lady ShootOut!Popular
SubmitterMsVMore Photos from MsV   Last Update2014/3/24 20:07
Hits2913  Comments3    
Domino Lady cover from Moonstone Comics (kept the dress...).  Right and left legs from two lingerie pics; breasts from a bra add; head from a cosplay model; made hair; made blood & gun flare.Bang! Bang! I was on a roll...

Lady Domino's Wheels

Lady Domino's WheelsPopular
SubmitterMsVMore Photos from MsV   Last Update2014/3/23 21:50
Hits2795  Comments0    
Since these cult / retro / pulp pics seem to be popular, I thought I'd try another Domino Lady. Background swiped from Artiste1955 who swiped it from a 1958 Chevrolet promo ad; Miss Domino's slit-skirt gown from a comic cover; leg from a lingerie pic; head from Cameron Diaz; Gun from colt; syringe from a medical ad.

Domino Lady Dominated!?

Domino Lady Dominated!?Popular
SubmitterMsVMore Photos from MsV   Last Update2014/3/17 13:13
Hits4135  Comments7    
Pulp-Retro-Comic Heroine Domino Lady back again. (NOTE: I hope this is ok for the public gallery: it is story oriented; it is a re-creation of publicly available 1940's comics and pulps).

Domino Lady first appeared in 1936 Saucy Romantic Adventures (pulp) from Fiction House (pulps & comics).  She was California socialite/crimefightress (what else do debutants do?) after her DA father was murdered. Her weapons were a .45 and a knockout syringe (see props).

She was reissued by Eros Comics and more recently by Moonstone Comics and may still be available.

Background from Artiste 1955; Gun from cosplay pic; Head from cosplay superheroine; Legs from cosplay crime pic; Torso from cosplay lingerie pic; Dynamite from old Weatherman BG cosplay pic; detonator clock is 1961 "Doomsday Clock" from a Russian Bomber; Syringe from a medical site; made the chair. I'm exhausted.  

Inspired by Mikeall and Artiste1955.

Detective Cult Retro Magzine Cover

Detective Cult Retro Magzine CoverPopular
SubmitterMsVMore Photos from MsV   Last Update2014/3/9 20:28
Hits5030  Comments3    
Swiped & manipped body (same body different pose) from a detective mag; swiped head from a bondage pic and added hair; scanned in an old mag. Dedicated to Mikeall & Artiste1955.

Cult / Retro / Pulp Fiction

Cult / Retro / Pulp FictionPopular
SubmitterMsVMore Photos from MsV   Last Update2014/2/22 20:07
Hits3557  Comments8    
Another attempt to recreate the Cult Retro Pulp magazine covers done by Mikeall and Artiste1955 (at dA).  Swiped the old cover from Mikeall; swiped the head from a retro pic; swiped the body from a lingerie pic; cockpit from a 1947 Tuvelo Bomber; clock she is staring at is a pic of the notorious  Russian "Doomsday Clock" fitted to bombers, submarines and underground bunkers in the event of WW III.  

PhotoManip of "Domino Lady"

PhotoManip of "Domino Lady"Popular
SubmitterMsVMore Photos from MsV   Last Update2014/2/5 21:47
Hits3995  Comments3    
Tribute to Mikeall's excellent cover for Domino Lady. (if this is offensive I'll take it down. This is the second time I've swiped and manipped his covers). Lady from a lingerie site; head from a blond; bad guy from a wine steward pic; wine from Bordeau (with ruffies added...). Hope you like it????  

Spicy Detective Honey West

Spicy Detective Honey WestPopular
SubmitterMsVMore Photos from MsV   Last Update2013/12/31 13:47
Hits3427  Comments4    
This is a tribute / rip-off of Mikeall's great pulp covers (which I swiped for the background). Pic is a manip of 3 different Cosplay pics manipped together to try to emulate old pulp covers and loosely based on the TV detective Honey West.

The Boys - Fake Movie Poster

The Boys - Fake Movie PosterPopular
SubmitterOz2yMore Photos from Oz2y   Last Update2013/11/4 15:43
Hits3022  Comments2    
So...I've been reading this comic and was wondering how a movie with the Boys would be...

And made an attempt at making a movie poster with my choices of actors that could play the parts. I know Lucy Liu might not be the first choice for everyone, but I still think she had that badass style to play the Female... and it's my movie poster so...  

La Bionda Covered!

La Bionda Covered!Popular
SubmitterMsVMore Photos from MsV   Last Update2013/1/13 0:59
Hits3770  Comments3    
La Bionda (The Blonde) by Italian Franco Saudelli. An adult comic featuring a blonde thief in black tights, bra, and heels. Torso and bra from Tia Carrera; head from a nude on the net; legs from Shiny Superheroines. I'm not happy with it but tired of working on it.

Ghost 2

Ghost 2Popular
SubmittersaurMore Photos from saur   Last Update2012/10/15 15:41
Hits3271  Comments2    


SubmittersaurMore Photos from saur   Last Update2012/10/13 17:10
Hits3427  Comments3    


SubmitterdaswookMore Photos from daswook   Last Update2012/10/8 2:49
Hits4623  Comments8    
Is it any wonder why Halloween is my favorite holiday?

I screened on the smoke (thanks B!) and I tried working on the hair(aaarrrgh)!

Comics Baddest Babes: Lady Death

Comics Baddest Babes: Lady DeathPopular
SubmitterdaswookMore Photos from daswook   Last Update2012/10/7 1:40
Hits3854  Comments1    

Jade Warriors Movie Poster

Jade Warriors Movie PosterPopular
SubmitterJMPerkinsMore Photos from JMPerkins   Last Update2012/10/6 19:14
Hits6179  Comments4    
From the comic, Jade Warriors, by Mike Deodato Jr. and David Campiti. Model is Lisa Marie Scott.


SubmitterdaswookMore Photos from daswook   Last Update2012/10/5 3:42
Hits3221  Comments2    
A little something to get into the Halloween mood.

Aphrodite IX

Aphrodite IXPopular
SubmitterdaswookMore Photos from daswook   Last Update2012/9/19 14:32
Hits4781  Comments3    
model: Jenny Poussin

Anna Mercury

Anna MercuryPopular
SubmitterdaswookMore Photos from daswook   Last Update2012/8/16 0:43
Hits3118  Comments2    
Anna Mercury was created by Warren Ellis.

Model: Aria Giovanni

Photo No. 1-30 (out of 412 photos hit)
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