| Heromorph's Best Of 2018: Best Commenter
Lady Heromorph 2019/1/28 13:15
2071 4
This year the Admin Team wanted to show that YOU DON'T have to be an artist to participate and have fun here at Heromorph... so they decided to create a Best Commenter Award to distinguish the one that make the most funny and creative comments with helpful tips or inspiration for the artist.
Note:This award was not put into the public poll as we wish because there wasn't that many members leaving comments and the Admin Team just voted among them the winner... Maybe next year that will change with YOUR help.
And the winner is:
Congratulations. |
| Heromorph's Best Of 2018: #1
Lady Heromorph 2019/1/28 13:13
1699 3
| Heromorph's Best Of 2018: #2
Lady Heromorph 2019/1/28 13:11
1758 2
| Heromorph's Best Of 2018: #3
Lady Heromorph 2019/1/28 13:10
1714 3
| Heromorph's Best Of 2018: #4
Lady Heromorph 2019/1/28 13:08
1569 2
| Heromorph's Best Of 2018: #5
Lady Heromorph 2019/1/28 13:08
1496 2
| Heromorph's Best Of 2018: #6
Lady Heromorph 2019/1/28 13:07
1471 2
| Heromorph's Best Of 2018: #7
Lady Heromorph 2019/1/28 13:06
1378 2
| Heromorph's Best Of 2018: #8
Lady Heromorph 2019/1/28 13:04
1409 2
| Heromorph's Best Of 2018: #9
Lady Heromorph 2019/1/28 13:04
1468 2
| Heromorph's Best Of 2018: #10
Lady Heromorph 2019/1/28 12:35
1377 2
| My Best of 2017
Dark Wanderer 2018/1/31 11:59
2037 4
In no order, some my Best of for 2017: Gaming Style
Paul Sutton Whiz Jinky WLine DarhriAlGhul Me DrunkenDragon StarChild Tiangtam |
| MagnusCH Best of 2017
magnusch 2018/1/28 16:48
2034 5
| Best of 2017 - 1
Tazman 2018/1/9 1:48
2113 3
great artist one and all...my picks for the year. B Dahrialghul Darkwanderer Darqueimages Daswook DragonDack Halcon Jebny Jinky Lordcoyote Lordkuyohashi Magnusch Obsidian Paul Sutton PiJon Robert SANTA Starchild Tazman Tiangtam Whiz WLine
| Best of 2017 -2
Tazman 2018/1/9 1:47
2111 3
great artist one and all...my picks for the year. B Dahrialghul Darkwanderer Darqueimages Daswook DragonDack Halcon Jebny Jinky Lordcoyote Lordkuyohashi Magnusch Obsidian Paul Sutton PiJon Robert SANTA Starchild Tazman Tiangtam Whiz WLine |
| DrunkenDragon's Best of 2017
drunkendragon 2018/1/8 14:35
2014 2
Taking a page out of OzZy's Book, I included smaller parts of the main images, and the links herein will lead you to the full images...which I thought was brilliant.. (Thanks for the great idea, OzZy!) These are't all of the greatness from 2017, just some of the best I remembered...
Left to right, top to bottom: brianp21361 Dark Wanderer Dragondack Halcon89 Jinky Coronado Magnusch Obsidian Dark Wanderer again Magnusch again OzZy Pijon WLine Starchild Skurge
These are in no specific order, and each jumped off the pages at me for one reason or another...composition, creativity, humor, detail, FX, lighting, or just plain fun...
Thanks to all these folks for some great works! |
| OzZy's Best of 2017
Oz2y 2018/1/1 10:02
2221 3
| DW' s Best of 2016
Dark Wanderer 2017/1/9 22:00
2281 6
There were so many great images, the only way I could come up with a best was to review the year and come up with awards based on what I saw. Hope you enjoy.
| Best of 2016
Tazman 2017/1/7 14:13
2328 3
some great work was done this year. here are some of the artist I think were at the top of the list. Tiangtam Jinky Tazman TemporalDave Lordcoyote Pijon Halcon89 Saur |
| For use in Best of 2016 Challenge
Dark Wanderer 2017/1/4 12:38
2073 2
Here you will find an updated award in various styles.
With a Base in .png and jpg format |
| For use in Best of 2016 Challenge
Dark Wanderer 2017/1/4 9:38
1997 4
Here you will find an updated award in various styles.
With a Base in .png and jpg formate Without a Base in .png and jpg format |
| Best Group Image Image 2009 
The_Heromorph_Awards 2010/3/26 15:03
4127 7
| Best HFC Image 2009
The_Heromorph_Awards 2010/3/26 15:02
3131 8
| Best Heromorph Personality 2009
The_Heromorph_Awards 2010/3/26 15:00
3383 8
| Best New Artist 2009 
The_Heromorph_Awards 2010/3/26 14:58
3382 9
| Best Adult Image 2009
The_Heromorph_Awards 2010/3/26 14:56
4796 9
| Best Fan-Fiction 2009 
The_Heromorph_Awards 2010/3/26 14:55
2938 6
| Sexiest Image 2009 
The_Heromorph_Awards 2010/3/26 14:52
4372 8
| Most Improved Artist 2009 
The_Heromorph_Awards 2010/3/26 14:50
3523 10
| Best Artist 2009 
The_Heromorph_Awards 2010/3/26 14:48
3063 9