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Main : ! 2D Art ! : DC Comics :  Total:993

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Photo No. 1-30 (out of 993 photos hit)
(1) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 34 »

Composite Superman

Composite SupermanPopular
SubmitterCDAMore Photos from CDA   Last Update2024/1/4 14:33
Hits525  Comments0    
Endowed with the combined powers of the Legion of Super-Heroes and with a costume that was half Superman's, half Batman's, the Composite Superman was one of the most powerful enemies Superman and Batman ever faced.

Batman - Rooftop Glide

Batman - Rooftop GlidePopular
SubmitterCDAMore Photos from CDA   Last Update2023/12/12 13:13
Hits561  Comments0    
Another photo-manip that started out as a rough sketch. The final image had a few modifications made to the pose, but the overall concept remains the same.

Comic Panel Mod

Comic Panel ModPopular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2023/8/28 18:50
Hits531  Comments0    

There,Finally Finished with all Updates!

Peacemaker Caricature - TV show version

Peacemaker Caricature - TV show versionPopular
SubmitterWLineMore Photos from WLine   Last Update2022/6/24 13:36
Hits895  Comments2    
Has been awhile since my last post here... and since during this time the Peacemaker TV show was one of the best things I saw on TV super-hero wise (that opening      ).

So, here it is my cartoonish version of the Peacemaker.

As usual, in the comments section, you will find a video with the Making Of.

And if you like my art and videos, you can subscribe to my   YouTube Channel: Tempo de Arte

Eve Torres As Wonder Woman

Eve Torres As Wonder WomanPopular
SubmitterMachobubbaMore Photos from Machobubba   Last Update2022/5/11 18:11
Hits4984  Comments3    
I'm not a Manip or Maniper, but I took a shot at this to post on the:

**THE MOTHER OF ALL THREADS** who do u think should play wonder woman.

I definitely understand the work that members here into this type of art

My Hats Off to Members like:

PS This is Eve Torres a WWE Diva.

conner kent

conner kentPopular
SubmittervoltronreturnsMore Photos from voltronreturns   Last Update2021/11/21 19:51
Hits887  Comments0    
just another practice piece

Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot)

Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot)Popular
SubmitterDarqueImagesMore Photos from DarqueImages   Last Update2021/11/19 23:37
Hits1228  Comments2    
Been working on this one off and on  since May and just kept losing the motivation to create art. Quitting the job that was just killing my soul brought me back.

Tigra Selfie

Tigra SelfiePopular
SubmitterJrMcDeathMore Photos from JrMcDeath   Last Update2021/9/19 20:45
Hits1696  Comments5    
She's done working out and needing to take a selfie to check out her body!!  It's an older image that I can't remember if I posted or not... but I'm trying to get back in the game!!!!

Fanboy and Mary Jane go see Wonder Woman 1984

Fanboy and Mary Jane go see Wonder Woman 1984Popular
SubmitterMFMore Photos from MF   Last Update2020/12/28 18:18
Hits1707  Comments0    
Mary Jane as Wonder Woman (in her gold armor) tries to get Fanboy (as Steve Trevor) up to speed with his 1980's slang before going to see the new Wonder Woman movie.

Roxy Rocket

Roxy RocketPopular
SubmitterMFMore Photos from MF   Last Update2020/12/17 17:47
Hits1936  Comments2    
While reading issues of the great new comic series "Batman:The Adventures Continue", I came across another overlooked sexy redhead from the 1990's cartoon that needs to be shown more love: Roxy Rocket, a villianess that makes her getaways by riding on a high powered rocket like a motorcycle! (Nope, nothing sexual there at all.)

Batman 1989

Batman 1989Popular
SubmitterWLineMore Photos from WLine   Last Update2020/10/21 13:18
Hits1529  Comments4    
As you must have guessed already, Batman is one of my favorite characters and the 1989 movie is still one of my fav comic related movies.

So, here is my little homage to that movie.

As usual, in the comments section, you will find a video with the Making Of.

And if you like my art and weekly videos, you can subscribe to my   YouTube Channel: Tempo de Arte

Batman #1 Batgirl comic cover

Batman #1 Batgirl comic coverPopular
SubmitterMFMore Photos from MF   Last Update2020/9/29 17:19
Hits1380  Comments1    
Here's my latest blank comic book cover drawing, this one is Batgirl from "Batman: The Brave And The Bold" #16 based on the classic Vargas 'Bat-Woman' pin-up.

Supergirl Hunteress Else-Worlds Finest #1

Supergirl Hunteress Else-Worlds Finest #1Popular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2020/9/18 15:03
Hits1698  Comments1    
'The Rundown NYC'

Can you guess who our Duo is trying to Rundown in the NYC?

Supergirl Powergirl Else World's Finest

Supergirl Powergirl Else World's Finest Popular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2020/8/16 19:33
Hits1696  Comments1    

Let your imagination run wild!
After all this is an Else World's tale.

Veronica Vreeland

Veronica VreelandPopular
SubmitterMFMore Photos from MF   Last Update2020/6/25 18:09
Hits1954  Comments2    
I haven't read comics regularly for a long time but I did pick up the first issue of "Batman: The Adventures Continue" since it's based on the awesome 1990's animated Batman TV series. In it, I was reintroduced to this character, Veronica Vreeland, wealthy Gotham City socialite and friend of Bruce Wayne whose had run-ins with Harley Quinn, the Penguin and the Ninja. I want to get back to drawing on a regular basis and what better way to get started than with a sexy animated redhead?

Fanboy and Mary Jane go see Birds Of Prey

Fanboy and Mary Jane go see Birds Of PreyPopular
SubmitterMFMore Photos from MF   Last Update2020/2/11 17:22
Hits1532  Comments1    
Fanboy as Harley Quinn and Mary Jane as Poison Ivy hit a PC snag when they try to go see DC's latest cinematic offering.


SubmitterPowermasterJazzMore Photos from PowermasterJazz   Last Update2020/2/5 10:24
Hits1598  Comments4    
I just realized I haven't posted here in 5 years. A new purple Catwoman for everyone in 2020.

Harley Quinn meets Supergirl: Epilogue.

Harley Quinn meets Supergirl: Epilogue.Popular
SubmitterSadmanMore Photos from Sadman   Last Update2020/1/29 12:05
Hits1522  Comments1    
Conclusion of my Harley Quinn meets Supergirl triptych.
Hope your New Year's starting better than Harley's.

Supergirl goes commando on Harley Quinn.

Supergirl goes commando on Harley Quinn.Popular
SubmitterSadmanMore Photos from Sadman   Last Update2019/11/15 15:45
Hits1825  Comments1    
Part 2 of the Follies of Harley Quinn.

(Part 3 won't arrive until next year because I'm trying to get last year's incomplete Christmas-themed picture done by December 25.)

Golden Glider

Golden GliderPopular
SubmitterMFMore Photos from MF   Last Update2019/10/27 17:12
Hits1522  Comments1    
The original version of classic Flash villainess Golden Glider aka Lisa Snart, the sister of Captain Cold.

 Joaquin Phoenix's Joker

Joaquin Phoenix's Joker Popular
SubmitterWLineMore Photos from WLine   Last Update2019/10/8 12:20
Hits1692  Comments3    
Thank you for my Heromorph's Artist Spotlight. I really appreciate all the love I find at Heromorph.  

Here is my latest piece, a watercolor on paper of Joaquin Phoenix's Joker.

As usual, in the comments section, you will find a video with the Making Of.

And if you like my art and weekly videos, you can subscribe to my   YouTube Channel: Tempo de Arte

Maid of Steel meets Maid of Mayhem

Maid of Steel meets Maid of MayhemPopular
SubmitterSadmanMore Photos from Sadman   Last Update2019/10/2 14:09
Hits1662  Comments3    

Shazam! #1 cover with Mary Marvel

Shazam! #1 cover with Mary MarvelPopular
SubmitterMFMore Photos from MF   Last Update2019/9/5 17:26
Hits1607  Comments2    
My first attempt at drawing one of these draw-your-own-cover comics.

Return of the Spectre

Return of the SpectrePopular
SubmitterpijonMore Photos from pijon   Last Update2019/5/10 10:55
Hits2211  Comments9    
So maybe I can't change the past. I can still try to re-do it though. Inspired by the sort of stuff of I'd seen Ozzy and CDA doing, decided to dust off an old one of my own and rework it.

Revised: basic cleanup, removed a bunch of random lines and blotches that weren't supposed to be there.

Phantom Lady Golden Age

Phantom Lady Golden AgePopular
SubmitterShump1More Photos from Shump1   Last Update2019/4/11 11:09
Hits1974  Comments4    

Fanboy and Mary Jane go see SHAZAM!

Fanboy and Mary Jane go see SHAZAM!Popular
SubmitterMFMore Photos from MF   Last Update2019/4/3 17:09
Hits1683  Comments4    
Fanboy as Marvel's original Captain Mar-Vell and Mary Jane as Mary (Jane?) Marvel get their cosplaying wires crossed again when they go see DC's latest hit movie

Golden Age Green Lantern

Golden Age Green LanternPopular
SubmitterShump1More Photos from Shump1   Last Update2019/4/1 16:33
Hits1741  Comments8    
What a costume! LOL! Thought I'd try a manip of the Alan Scott Green Lantern of the "Golden Age"

Catwoman... LITERALLY!

Catwoman... LITERALLY!Popular
SubmitterMFMore Photos from MF   Last Update2019/3/18 16:34
Hits1528  Comments1    
My version of Selina Kyle from the "Batman: The Animated Series" episode 'Tyger, Tyger' where a mad scientist transformed her into an actual Cat-Woman!

Joker on Ice

Joker on IcePopular
SubmitterShump1More Photos from Shump1   Last Update2019/3/10 13:42
Hits1664  Comments6    
I dealt with those pesky pixeled edges.  

Angry Batman

Angry BatmanPopular
SubmitterCDAMore Photos from CDA   Last Update2019/3/8 8:29
Hits1850  Comments4    
Looks like Joker has been at it again, leaving a trail of total destruction, and this time he has a very angry Batman to deal with.

Photo No. 1-30 (out of 993 photos hit)
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