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 More Barnyard Philosophy

More Barnyard PhilosophyPopular
Submitterco_04More Photos from co_04   Last Update2010/9/14 17:17
Hits5535  Comments7    
Again, April shows us that bad pickup lines may have originated in the animal kingdom. In this case, the studley(!) porcupine scamming the bunny hutch.

"A HEROES CALL" - Ms. Matrix

"A HEROES CALL" - Ms. MatrixPopular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2014/2/20 23:31
Hits2747  Comments14    
Sent forth by the W.W.W. [Web Wonder Workers], Ms. Matrix answers the call to salvage the sanctity of its favorite domain and its caretaker..Lady HeroMorph. Although new to the world she has downloaded more than enough data to succeed.
You hear that Bandwidth?...The winds of change are blowing.
Bio and stats to come.

"A Heroes Call" - XtraGyn - five minutes too late

"A Heroes Call" - XtraGyn - five minutes too latePopular
SubmitterdrunkendragonMore Photos from drunkendragon   Last Update2014/2/28 21:10
Hits2413  Comments7 repairs took longer than here's my late contribution

"A Heroes Call" Last Prophet (a day late)

"A Heroes Call" Last Prophet (a day late)Popular
SubmitterpijonMore Photos from pijon   Last Update2014/3/1 21:21
Hits2683  Comments8    
Lars Potomek became known to the world in his early 20's after he was initiated into an elite mystical order at 19. Potomek took to mysticism like a duck to water. He managed to shoot through the order's ranks at unprecedented rate. Never had one so young so quickly risen through the ranks, becoming the youngest to ever wield such mastery over the mystic arts. He soon found himself challenging the very heads of the order, questioning both their motivation and skill. He found himself ejected from the order for such brash accusations but that hardly mattered as he had already mastered all they had to offer and advanced beyond that.
Potomek traveled the world studying all magics, black and white, founding several new orders of his own along the way in his insatiable quest for knowledge and power. His reputation grew both famously and infamously... in some places, he had been considered the holiest of saints and in others, the most depraved of sinners. In fact, Potomek was both... a complex man exploring all sides of himself. Finally, being consumed by his need for control, passion and bravado, he dared perform the most forbidden of rituals. It had never before been achieved, no one having the skills or being crazy enough to dare such a feat. Potomek managed to open a dimensional conduit between Heaven and Hell which passed through our world in the middle, jepordizing 3 worlds. God and Satan had managed to send armies of their fiercest angels and demons to stop all entries and departures from their respective realms but not before many angels and demons had escaped to our earthly plane. Potomek found himself in the remarkably rare position of having both God and Satan furious with him. Potomek ended up achieving what he'd hoped... although not entirely as he'd planned. Both God and Satan had granted him unprecedented powers for a mortal as he had been tasked to track down and return or remove any escaped Angels and Demons. While he now wielded great power, it was far from omnipotence. God and Satan had made a point of giving him barely enough power to defeat these angels and demons as part of his punishment for his misdeed. They also removed  all traces of his identity and existence and dubbed him the Last Prophet, for never again would a mortal be allowed to be so bold. Should he fail in his tasks, he would suffer the eternal wrath of both God and Satan. It was a tricky enough task without being under the thumb of two opposing and contradictory all powerful bosses.
Now this witchbitch, Bandwidth had shown up attempting to exploit the conduit for her own evil purposes . He knew she must be stopped at any cost.

"Enter Brickhouse" - Sisterhood #4

"Enter Brickhouse" - Sisterhood #4Popular
SubmitterStarChildMore Photos from StarChild   Last Update2014/10/6 16:28
Hits2272  Comments6    
Mock cover for a possible future story. Thought this would be a good match-up to feature.

"Getting To Know You"

"Getting To Know You"Popular
Submitterblubeetle3More Photos from blubeetle3   Last Update2011/2/6 16:17
Hits2967  Comments3    
My last pic of HIGHLAND LASS didn't seem to garner much attention (and absolutely no comments). Maybe it was because I started with an action shot of a new character. Maybe it was because, as a new character, you didn't really learn anything about her.

So, I enlisted the help of POWER GIRL to re-introduce her to the Heromorph audience.

放射性 Hōshasei

放射性 HōshaseiPopular
SubmitterwhizMore Photos from whiz   Last Update2018/7/15 10:59
Hits1502  Comments4    
sing along with me
~'I'm waking up, I feel it in my bones
Enough to make my systems blow
Welcome to the new age, to the new age
Welcome to the new age, to the new age
Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh, I'm radioactive, radioactive
Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh, I'm radioactive, radioactive '~
hope ya'll like my newest character.a touch of manga with a lot of inverted ps layers to get imagine dragons on repeat in my head haaha.
anyhoo thanks for visiting...


SubmitterHisstorymanMore Photos from Hisstoryman   Last Update2009/4/6 18:02
Hits3039  Comments0    
Cindy Clarke was born in Cherokee, North Carolina of a Caucasian father and a mixed Cherokee/Chickasaw Native American mother. Cindy spent her early years learning to love animals and the natural beauty of her Appalachian home.

Faced with the growing environmental devastation of her homeland Cindy took to law and eventually became the most feared environmental attorney in the South East.

One evening, Cindy's car was forced from the road and sank into the Nantahala River. Near death Cindy was saved by a visitation from Selu, the mother goddess. Selu granted the young woman abnormal strength, endurance and speed. The goddess then spun from the elements of the earth clothes for her new charge.

Combined with her already exceptional mind, Cindy became AysTf Afy (Warrior Woman, pronounced:Ah-yaw-sss-tee gee- Ah gee yaw). She now fights her battle on two fronts: the courtroom and clandestinely as a superhero.

Note: Same model but I like the pose much better as well as the better resolution of the photo.  Adjusted and in some cases redid parts of the uniform.  


The model is the legendary Hyapatia Lee.

*UPDATED* Jade Project Crying *UPDATED*

*UPDATED* Jade Project Crying *UPDATED*Popular
SubmitterZwytMore Photos from Zwyt   Last Update2012/10/14 1:03
Hits2027  Comments2    
Okay folks I am working on my liquid effects in Photoshop so please comment on this one. This is a portrait of a Character named Jade that my wife plays in a Pathfinder Game that a friend of mine runs. I gave her a single tear flowing from her left eye, let me know if the effect looks realistic or if it is crap, oh and you can comment on the portrait too. :)


UPDATE: Okay I found out how to reduce the opacity, reducing the size however will likely require me to redraw the tear. Reducing the opacity though seems to have made it not nearly as prominent and therefore "smaller" in a sense.

... won't get fooled again...

... won't get fooled again...Popular
SubmitterwhizMore Photos from whiz   Last Update2011/8/18 12:13
Hits2426  Comments0    
Then I'll get on my knees and pray
We don't get fooled again
Don't get fooled again
No, no!


Meet the new boss
Same as the old
good evenin folks,
hope you're all having a great summer.just a little somethin tonight to go along with the theme song from csi happens to be one of my favorite songs as well.long live the who :)


SubmitterGhost Christmas PresentMore Photos from Ghost Christmas Present   Last Update2013/10/12 6:05
Hits1790  Comments4    


SubmitterGhost Christmas PresentMore Photos from Ghost Christmas Present   Last Update2013/10/17 18:02
Hits1967  Comments2    


Submittervash99More Photos from vash99   Last Update2020/1/15 23:24
Hits1258  Comments1    
happy new year

3 Chicks 8 Arms...

3 Chicks 8 Arms...Popular
SubmitterMachobubbaMore Photos from Machobubba   Last Update2014/7/9 18:57
Hits1793  Comments3    
Now what is gonna happen, to GF2 and one four armed Genesis...

*Update, bad multiplication... 8 arms not 6...

4 Light Setting...

4 Light Setting...Popular
SubmitterMachobubbaMore Photos from Machobubba   Last Update2013/8/30 6:46
Hits2078  Comments0    
Practicing a 4 light setting, complete with Reflections and Shadows...

Thanx Todd Grosser for the tut on this...

7 Wonders  Vaina Sparks

7 Wonders Vaina SparksPopular
SubmitterwhizMore Photos from whiz   Last Update2019/1/31 9:18
Hits1303  Comments2    
hey HMers,
hope you all started the new year off right.
well i finally started to learn how to use iray in daz.much easier  said than done. getting good lighting is a real pain.even after
few tuts on setting up good lights i still got some graininess on mylast few attempts.BUT i loved the mysteriousness i got on this one..
sometime soon when i post some of my other images from this series i'll explain what 7 wonders is about .anyhoo enjoy...
i really appreciate you all...

7 Wonders : Winter

7 Wonders : WinterPopular
SubmitterwhizMore Photos from whiz   Last Update2018/12/26 1:57
Hits1312  Comments3    
hey HMers,
happy holidays one and all.
this year i'm feelin pretty festive and pumped for the coming new year.2018 was great artistcally real life had few ups and downs though.all in all i have a great new job and a wonderful family and friends in all 4 corners of the i have a looot to be thankful for.
in other news holy toledo !!! joinin in on the secret santa was a rush and a half!! you guys put together some amazitastic was an honor for me to put an image together for drunkendragon,who i consider a legend in the 3d world.go find his bat models and you'll know what i mean.
anyhoo thanks bunches for all the support over the last 8 years.
see ya's soon,

7 wonders :Ash Brimstone

7 wonders :Ash BrimstonePopular
SubmitterwhizMore Photos from whiz   Last Update2019/9/25 10:52
Hits1458  Comments3    
~So long ago
Certain place
Certain time
You touched my hand
All the way
All the way down to Emmeline
But if our paths never cross
Well, you know I'm sorry but
If I live to see the seven wonders
I'll make a path to the rainbow's end
I'll never live to match the beauty again
The rainbow's end
So it's hard to find
Someone with that kind of intensity
You touched my hand I played it cool
And you reached out your hand for me
But if our paths never cross
Well you know I'm sorry but
If I live to see the seven wonders
I'll make a path to the rainbow's end
I'll never live to match the beauty again
The rainbow's end
So long ago
It's a certain time
It's a certain place
You touched my hand and you smiled
All the way back you held out your hand
If I hope and I pray
Ooh it might work out someday
If I live to see the seven wonders
I'll make a path to the rainbow's end
I'll never live to match the beauty again
If I live to see the seven wonders
I'll make a path to the rainbow's end
I'll never live to match the beauty again
If I live to see the seven wonders
I'll make a path to the rainbow's end
I'll never live to match the beauty again
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Sandy Stewart / Stephanie Nicks
Seven Wonders lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group, Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd.~
hey hey HMers,
so i think i've kept ya'll waiting long enough. a while back i was watching the witches season of american horror story that featured stevie nicks of fleetwood mac fame.needless to say i am a huge fan of the series annnnd of course stevie.especially since they featured the song '7 wonders toward the the storyline went each witch had a magical gift or an ability that enabled them to attend a school that taught them to develop their the end of that training they could be chosen to take a test called '7 wonders' if they passed they were named 'witch'.
since i watched that season i've created a series of  'witch' images called appropriately named 7 wonders. cause ahs and stevie rock lol.
enjoy peeps...feel free to sing along ;)


SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2018/4/21 14:20
Hits1562  Comments4    

A Call Answered.

A Call Answered.Popular
SubmitterDark WandererMore Photos from Dark Wanderer   Last Update2014/8/27 6:29
Hits2279  Comments12    
Denizens and Gods of Heromorph join forces to rescue their Beloved Lady Heromporph.


SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2017/8/14 11:41
Hits1593  Comments2    
A punch to the face: Ineffective.

A big rig to the face: VERY effective!

A Clear Midnight

A Clear MidnightPopular
SubmitterHalfbakedoneMore Photos from Halfbakedone   Last Update2009/7/5 11:58
Hits2524  Comments1    
By night he walks, foe of injustice and plague to those who seek to prey upon the weak. He is an agent of Anarchy incarnate, for even those in the halls of power whisper of the coming of Midnight.

A Comercial Break? Really? Again?...

A Comercial Break? Really? Again?...Popular
SubmitterMachobubbaMore Photos from Machobubba   Last Update2013/7/16 5:14
Hits1895  Comments2    
This is a quickie I threw together, while I work on a couple of manips...

The Suit is actually, Red and Black, the other colors where the result of some lights I threw together in Poser...

A Cry for Freedom

A Cry for FreedomPopular
SubmitterionisysMore Photos from ionisys   Last Update2011/4/10 1:51
Hits2552  Comments0    
this one is for all those soldiers, who protect us every day of their lifes.

Except Daz M4 and the gun everything else was modeled inside autodesk maya.
Morphs/blendshapes in mudbox
textures in mudbox and photoshop
Rigged in autodesk maya and Poser
Rendered in Poser
Postwork in photoshop

used :
Daz M4
Target View's Shapeshifter
Target View's Celestial Battlesuit Alpha


SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2018/7/30 10:27
Hits1294  Comments2    
No way there can be something sinister down here.

A day at the beach

A day at the beachPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2017/4/22 17:48
Hits1679  Comments1    
The Ferusian continent of Galeria has some beautiful coastlines and I had long ago taken it upon myself to build a vacation home far from the palace that I lived in during my tenure as High Justiciar. The place isn't as grandiose as the palace but then again that's not my style. Built into a cliff about 100 feet above the beach in a little cove it is the perfect place to get away from it all.  My wives and I along along with Aini,  take the next few weeks to get some sun and frolic in the waves like children.  I enjoy snorkeling so we also spend a great deal of time checking out the nearby reefs. The sea creatures of Ferusi are something to behold, both exotic and beautiful to behold most of the eas life is quite colorful. I have given my crew paid furlow and basically run of the place and so they've scattered to the four winds. Normally someone like Shadawar would be a rare sight but since the Sathari occupation of the planet there have a been a few positive changes the presence of aliens being one of those.  it's a gorgeous day for swimming and and I am just getting ready to take the boat out to the reef when I hear a someone yelling from above on the cliff. I can easily magnify my vision with my cybernetics and what I see is a buzz killer.  A Sathari officer, what could he possibly want? If Analaeus wanted me he has a direct line. That being said this seems like personal business invading my personal life. The gentleman makes his way down to the beach where the girls and I are and marches towards me.  The entire time I can't help noting how out of place he looks on a hot summer day in full dress uniform on this sandy beach. As he approaches, he says something that gets my full attention...he says my name.

He salutes like a pro and says:

"Indor Rusquion Tura, I have been sent by his majesty the Emperor Analaeus Sathari to secure your cooperation in a very delicate matter."

Indor is a title given to high ranking former officials by the Sathari government.  It's a title I appreciate but few people use my actual name.  It's so rare sometimes I forget I have a name other than Obsidian. Handing me an official "sealed" document which opens only upon confirmation of my DNA (LIke my clone couldn't have opened it) I am stunned to discover that it contains only a set of coordinates with no instructions. I'm guessing the vacation is over.

Analaeus is a friend and I don't let my friends down when they need me. I'm sure there is a good reason for all the secrecy.

"Okay, um what's your name?"

"High Cano, Vel Revv sir. I am commander of the Fekthir.  According to my orders my ship and my crew are at your disposal. We will take you wherever you need to go."

"I have my own ship, thanks."

"I know sir, it is currently in my ship's docking bay ready to go when you are."

"Damn your ship must be huge."

My ship is easily the size of a small cruiser the Sathari really go overboard with their designs.

"My ship is the largest in fleet.  We have been ordered to remain at your call at all times. These orders come from the Emperor himself. This mission is of the highest secrecy.  Even High Justiciar Harley has not been informed."

Okay now I'm worried, it's not normal to bypass the chain of command.  The girls and I pack up and I send the all hands on deck signal and end several vacations at once.

"It'll take a a full day to reassemble me crew, I'll sinal when we are ready."

"Very good sir, we'll await your call."

he heads to his shuttle atop the cliff and I suit up. I ask the ladies to remain planetside for this one...I've held enough memorials for a while I haven't the stomach to lose more family.  Whatever this is about it won't be fun and games.

A day in Asgard

A day in AsgardPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2018/2/6 16:27
Hits1460  Comments2    
I have touched on gods in my universe many times, most recently with Athena and several times with Obsidian Mask (currently the god of Evil). Asgardians and many other exist in this universe worshiped on many planets across the cosmos (how else would they remain so powerful?) and they are known by many names which can cause some confusion among different and has actually been responsible for some bloody conflicts about which form of worship is "True" (sound familiar?) In my universe most of mythology is canon.  For instance Loki is NOT Thor's adopted brother, but his step uncle (In mythology this is accurate), and Thor is a bit of a drunken,  lecherous, Idiot, easily duped...he is also the Strongest of the Asgardians and possesses the most fearsome weapon known to Norse mythology...In other words he's a tempermental badass with a very dangerous weapon...but he's great fun at a party.  Odin is possessed of great power most of which he made great sacrifices for including impaling himself on the world Tree Yggdrasil, and Sacrificing his eye for magical vision, magical powers, and knowledge of Runes and Rune magic. Loki is not only the god of mischief but also the god of Fire, underestimating this son of Jotuns is a massive mistake because while physically weak as gods go he has tremendous intellect and magical powers. In short take what marvel taught you and toss it out the nearest airlock because it does not apply some mythology and you'll know the gods of my universe well. Now I did add a splash of technology to them because mortals have come far over the millennia and it has the god's does indeed.  

a day in the life

a day in the lifePopular
Submittervash99More Photos from vash99   Last Update2018/8/8 22:48
Hits1468  Comments4    
no clue what inspired it but shes perfect

A day off.

A day off.Popular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2016/11/9 9:22
Hits1757  Comments1    
I have just been told we may not be able to return home, that the vortex that led us here is no longer detectable to our sensors and I have no idea what to do next. I have competent crew working on a solution. I'm standing in my office staring out the window at the planet below...I often find myself doing that.  This situation went from exasperating, to desperate. As I contemplate the situation my doorbell chimes:  


Shadawar comes walking in, a look of concern on his face, dear heavens don't let it be more bad news.

"Captain, I'd like to speak to you about a personal matter."

"Oh thank the gods."


"Honestly, I thought you were coming in here to tell me the power core was overloading or something."

"No heh heh, nothing even close. I just have this crewman who is working himself to death and refuses to take any breaks. I wanted your input on how I should handle it."

"Is he becoming a danger?"

"no but I'm afraid it may be interfering with his performance."

"Well have the The chief medical officer issue a medical for 24 hours R and R. I don't want anyone endangering this mission."

"I already spoke to the doctor and I have the order here."

"'s for me isn't it?"

"Yup 24 hours R and R. As per YOUR orders sir."

"You know this isn't a military ship right, and that I don't have to follow those orders?"

"Yeah but I think you're overworking yourself. You've handled every critical aspect of this mission personally and it's been a bit much. You should seriously take a day to sort it all out.  I can handle things for a day sir, get some's orders."

"Okay fine, maybe you're right. Just, keep the ship in one piece will ya?"

I turn the reigns over to my very astute first officer and head to my quarters where...five women are apparently waiting for me. I really hadn't been looking forward to dealing with this.  The second I walk through the door I am assailed by women catering to my every need. Aini removes my helmet, and she's apparently been telling the others how to remove my armor as they disassemble it like pro's. I'm tired so I don't protest as they lead me to a hot steaming bath.  I receive pampering the likes of which I have never known before. My mind becomes awash as these five ladies treat me like a king. They can cook their butts off and make a meal I won't forget any time soon.  I discover the sister's names are Iote, Ninniach, and Vanim. There are many customs among her people that are strictly between husband and wife and they each take turns observing them. Aini of course is eager to help and any trepidation I felt before is washed away in a haze of delight.  What's the old saying? "In for a penny, in for a pound?" I'm never gonna be good with this but maybe I can make it work.  The next morning the Ai is waiting for me at the foot of my bed on her knees and I nearly lose it.

"Aini!!!!" I shout.

Aini rushes into the room, and immediately identifies the problem.

"N'uma amin arwen, lle uma il- kawa n'ala lle verno'. ro irma ten' lle a' be ho companion il- ho mool. ikotane duna, ro naa sai- lovien. lle coia yassen lye ar' sina lye men, saesa Soora lye customs."

(No my lady, you do not bow before your husband. he desires for you to be his companion not his servant. So rise, he is very loving. You live with us and this our way, please follow our customs)  

Ai nods and I help her to her feet. She looks away, and all I can do is sigh. I lift her chin so that I'm staring in her ice blue eyes. I kiss her gently on the lips and she smiles. I feel warm and fuzzy and Aini is positively beaming. I can't look at this as a mistake anymore, I have to own this. I wanted peace with their people and this was part of the price for that peace. These women didn't ask for this but they accepted it. As for as Ai knows I am a demon just like Aini, or possibly worse. I have to do right by them and honor this arrangement in good faith. The ladies are a a team and a seamless one at that, they work effortlessly in the kitchen together. I call Aini over to me, she's gonna be my go to girl for managing this household, and as she approaches Ai speaks up.

"Aini, amin naa yeste' verne', whatever amin verno' quena, naa ten' amin ears. stay manke lle naa. verno', lle melar Lotesse sinta sut things moota sinome, nan' quel verno', ta naa amin yamen' san- acre en' lye eska. saesa quena a' amin."

(Aini, I am first wife, whatever my husband speaks, is for my ears.  Stay where you are. Husband, your lover may know how things work here, but good husband, it is my place to take acre of our home. Please speak to me.)

I raise my hand towards Aini, and nod. With a look of concern she backs down.

"ai, lle quena sanya, Amin hiraetha. saesa nyara aini cael- ilye maa (exclamation)' lle report a' i' medical room ten' y' universal translator mauya. ta will halani lle rangw- i' dirthen lye ilye quena n'uma matter sut n'ataya ron naa."

(Ai you speak the truth. I apologize.  please tell Aini to have each of you report to the medical room for a universal translator implant. it will help you to understand the languages we each speak no matter how different they are.)

Ai looks at her sisters and Aini and they leave for the Medbay. They each kiss me goodbye in turn and head out. I smile and think how I couldn't find one love and now apparently I have 5 and to my disbelief it's not a competition and nobody is accusing me of cheating. As I look around my quarters I realize that they are too small to accommodate six people and make a call to Sabrina.

"Engineering, this is the captain."

"Aye sir?" Sabrina chimes back immediately

"As soon as its convenient I am going to need to see you in my quarters."

"Only so long as you're not planning to add me to your harem sir."


"Ha...ha...ha." I say wryly  "You're close but not quite. I need to expand my quarters to accommodate my wives. As soon as you have time I need you up here to extend my living quarters if possible."

"okay captain, as soon as I'm able."

Maybe this won't be so bad after all.

The next thing I do is turn on my video equipment and watch and old tv show...I think I'm going to enjoy my day off...maybe even...make a sandwich and have a beer. Yeah.

A Different Perspective For StarChild!

A Different Perspective For StarChild!Popular
SubmitterMachobubbaMore Photos from Machobubba   Last Update2012/11/6 22:06
Hits1978  Comments1    
This is a re-post of Miranda Vs Natalya from different perspective for StarChild...
A Little More of the Character in Red...

Thanx 4 Watching...
Hope You Enjoy...

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