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Main : ! 3D Art ! : Sci-fi :  Total:411

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Photo No. 1-30 (out of 411 photos hit)
(1) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 14 »

Poser is nice

Poser is nicePopular
SubmitterGuestMore Photos from Guest   Last Update2005/5/3 1:17
Hits5308  Comments9    
It's what it looks like it is.

Not still sure I like the blue effects on her skin.

Intruder Level 6 - By Cyanure & Webgeek

Intruder Level 6 - By Cyanure & WebgeekPopular
SubmitterWebGeekMore Photos from WebGeek   Last Update2005/5/17 9:34
Hits3495  Comments5    
Model provided by Poser master Cyanure (Thanks!) The idea here is you are looking at a security monitor....

Hunted Or Hunter

Hunted Or HunterPopular
SubmitterGuestMore Photos from Guest   Last Update2005/7/12 5:26
Hits3447  Comments5    
Two foes stealthily approach each other.

Behind You!

Behind You!Popular
SubmittersturkwurkMore Photos from sturkwurk   Last Update2005/7/15 23:07
Hits3647  Comments6    
Playing with different styles in 3d.

Krylia-HT - By Cyanure and Webgeek

Krylia-HT - By Cyanure and WebgeekPopular
SubmitterWebGeekMore Photos from WebGeek   Last Update2005/9/3 15:20
Hits3516  Comments2    
Another one of CY's Great Poser Works... I felt she needed a sci-fi kinda background.... Hope you enjoy!

Sexy Space Elf in Peril!

Sexy Space Elf in Peril!Popular
SubmitterJunFanMore Photos from JunFan   Last Update2005/12/11 13:42
Hits4577  Comments8    
Tried to upload this one last week, but it was too big.  Just playing around w/ new poser toys, hope it's not too racy for this gallery.   -Leif.

Cyber Gurl - Backed in a Corner

Cyber Gurl - Backed in a CornerPopular
SubmitterWebGeekMore Photos from WebGeek   Last Update2006/3/14 21:32
Hits3131  Comments3    
Playing with Poser....

Unlikely Accomplices.

Unlikely Accomplices.Popular
SubmitterJunFanMore Photos from JunFan   Last Update2006/3/22 14:37
Hits3195  Comments3    
One of my rare all-"poser" pics (Although I did it in Daz Studio, w/ the smoke, stair-lights, and composition done in photoshop)  -Just felt like flexing those muscles...

Enjoy!  -Leif.
P.S. Credits to follow-when I figure them all out!

Twi'lek Jedi

Twi'lek JediPopular
SubmittercomicfanMore Photos from comicfan   Last Update2006/5/1 5:49
Hits3590  Comments10    
I have been working on my renders trying to get them to come out all right. Here is another result. I don't have any good backgrounds yet so i thought standing in a dark room with a saber would be cool.

Don't Turn Around

Don't Turn AroundPopular
SubmitterWebGeekMore Photos from WebGeek   Last Update2006/5/24 19:51
Hits2791  Comments3    
Poser Pic...

Canyon Attack

Canyon AttackPopular
SubmitterWebGeekMore Photos from WebGeek   Last Update2006/6/18 14:00
Hits2667  Comments6    
Spent a little extra time on this one.... Hope it shows!!

River Tam from FIREFLY and SERENITY

River Tam from FIREFLY and SERENITYPopular
Submitterblubeetle3More Photos from blubeetle3   Last Update2006/7/24 18:24
Hits5598  Comments5    
Ahhhhhh... You all thought I was a "one trick pony". I can hear it now: "Sure BB3 can do second-string heroes, but, can he do characters from a sci-fi show with a small cult following?"

I present to you my version of River Tam, Reaver-killer extraordinaire. Or, as I like to call it, "Digital River".

Did You Hear Something?

Did You Hear Something?Popular
SubmitterWebGeekMore Photos from WebGeek   Last Update2006/10/16 20:35
Hits2855  Comments6    

Off duty, Hangin' with da boyz.

Off duty, Hangin' with da boyz.Popular
SubmitterJunFanMore Photos from JunFan   Last Update2006/10/17 14:38
Hits3222  Comments9    
Something different I've been working on for a while now...

Empire Weekly

Empire WeeklyPopular
SubmitterRaddarMore Photos from Raddar   Last Update2006/12/6 10:15
Hits3463  Comments8    
I saw several female storm toppers posted around and it gave me the idea for Women of the Empire series.  I guess one image can't really be called a series but the intention is there.

Jedi Master Shibumi A'ke

Jedi Master Shibumi A'kePopular
SubmitterJunFanMore Photos from JunFan   Last Update2006/12/10 18:00
Hits4465  Comments11    
Been thinking of doing some Jedi pics for some time now...


SubmitterubaldMore Photos from ubald   Last Update2006/12/12 3:37
Hits2912  Comments9    
Maul: Just a fast render, tweeking some maps, and I had to finish what I started
about a year ago. DarthMaul based off the comic version: Maul Poser/Props and
such 3D Max//BG & post CS2///final render Poser....about 2hrs of work I hope you like CHEERs...

Rise To Power

Rise To PowerPopular
SubmitterubaldMore Photos from ubald   Last Update2006/12/14 23:35
Hits3029  Comments10    
Rise To Power: To be a Master there can only be one. I had this image in my head for some time, so Im pleased with it enough to Share. Maul & Sith Poser//Props and BG in 3D Studio/// Post & Filter CS2.////Credits Jan Jacob Set made in Max7. Rest By Me. I hope you like. CHEERs..


SubmitterubaldMore Photos from ubald   Last Update2006/12/15 9:51
Hits2761  Comments6    
SITH:Model and Props 3D Studio/Mapping PS//Imported to Poser////Final Render Poser//Post PS//This is the sith that Maul had taken down still havent finished him and hes already dead,?hope you like. CHEERs.


SubmitterubaldMore Photos from ubald   Last Update2006/12/15 10:00
Hits2618  Comments5    
Vader: Mapping PS//Imported to Poser//Models and Props 3D Studio//Final render Poser//Post PS.I wanted to create a Posable Vader,One that the mask fits with the mesh head inside. I used a model by, Author Eric Marodon and Mask by Nick Pappas, though this model by these very gifted artist didnt need any changes of any kind, I remodeled it keeping it as close to the Original as possable.This is a little series I have been working on, thus the name Rise to power.General Grievous is next.CHEERs.
PS. this is an Older image about 1 to 2 years

EC Sci FI Tribute

EC Sci FI TributePopular
SubmitterpijonMore Photos from pijon   Last Update2006/12/16 14:56
Hits2910  Comments14    
I'd like to get back to this at some point and do more with this after my computer gets up to par but due to technical dificulties, this is about as far as I can get on this one before everything goes CRASH! Poser and Daz imported into Bryce. Very little postwork. Thanks Biohaz for the helpful suggestions.

Young Vader

Young VaderPopular
SubmitterubaldMore Photos from ubald   Last Update2006/12/22 3:20
Hits2901  Comments6    
Young Vader: Since I had been working on some starwars stuff thought Id do a vader./Vader Poser//Props and BG 3d studio//Post CS2/// This is another Rise to power based Image Hope you like CHEERs..


SubmitterubaldMore Photos from ubald   Last Update2006/12/22 3:21
Hits2667  Comments5    
DarthRage: I had been working on this design for a bit, and yes hes fighting Vader./ Rage Poser// Props and BG 3D studio///Post CS2... again another Rise to power based Image Hope you like CHEERs....

Lord Vader

Lord VaderPopular
SubmitterubaldMore Photos from ubald   Last Update2006/12/22 3:23
Hits2593  Comments8    
Lord Vader: The final Image to the Rise to power based Images (Or is it?). Vader Poser//Props and BG 3D Studio/// Post CS2.... Still working on a few others, Hope you like,.CHEERs..


SubmitterubaldMore Photos from ubald   Last Update2006/12/25 17:51
Hits2770  Comments11    
Grievous: Army or not, you must realize, you are doomed. Ok so there was alot work put into this Image, this was by far the hardest character to import into poser,/Grievous Poser// Model and props 3D studio/// Post and color ajustments CS2//// Credits Grievous(some parts) by Artur Owśnicki (ArTooRo). Mapping and Upper model by myself, I hope you like. CHEERs....

Empire Weekly 2

Empire Weekly 2Popular
SubmitterRaddarMore Photos from Raddar   Last Update2007/1/5 7:16
Hits3420  Comments11    
Second in the EW magazine cover series.  Thanks for checking it out.

Cosmic Cupid!

Cosmic Cupid!Popular
SubmitterJunFanMore Photos from JunFan   Last Update2007/1/21 8:57
Hits3175  Comments6    
Been playing with "The Girl", and just having fun!


SubmitterubaldMore Photos from ubald   Last Update2007/1/22 18:01
Hits2916  Comments10    
Re-Young Vader: Since I had a few comments on Anakin having hair or not once in the final stage of becoming DarthVader I thought I would hold true to this great character xantor .vader./Vader Poser //Props and BG 3d studio//Post CS2/// Hope you like, and thanks for all your great feed back,. CHEERs.

Empire Weekly #3

Empire Weekly #3Popular
SubmitterRaddarMore Photos from Raddar   Last Update2007/1/23 13:56
Hits3200  Comments7    
Third in the series.  Thanks for stopping in.

First Challange

First ChallangePopular
SubmitterubaldMore Photos from ubald   Last Update2007/1/23 21:51
Hits2678  Comments7    
First Challange: Ok so being that the movies made it look like vader was defeated though his path to the dark side, I mean come on!. I wanted to create an image, that not only Vader wins but that he gets a few more scares along the way. The Sith is based off (Knights of the old republic) Not sure of his name, but I thought he looked good
Sith Poser/ Props 3d studio// Post and color ajustments CS2/// anyways I had fun and I hope you all like,.CHEERs.

Photo No. 1-30 (out of 411 photos hit)
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