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Photo No. 1-30 (out of 1365 photos hit)
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Marvel Butts by Dark Knight DK

Marvel Butts by Dark Knight DKPopular
SubmitterDark_Knight_DKMore Photos from Dark_Knight_DK   Last Update2008/2/17 19:26
Hits30756  Comments15    
My dear friend chowy gave me this pic, and since I did one with the butts of dc heroines, it only feels fair that I should do one with the hotties of Marvel.

so enjoy!

PD: gracias chowy tus proyectos me inspiraron. (sin contar las fotos que me mandaste hehe!)

Click here for DC press confrence

The Avengers: Mantis The Celestial Madonna

The Avengers: Mantis The Celestial MadonnaPopular
SubmitterdaswookMore Photos from daswook   Last Update2010/10/7 21:55
Hits19038  Comments1    
Joined in Giant-size Avengers #4

model: Eva Longoria

Ultimate Thor - Gender Bender

Ultimate Thor - Gender BenderPopular
SubmitterWolverine1607More Photos from Wolverine1607   Last Update2009/1/4 11:25
Hits17435  Comments17    
I haven't done a piece in a little while here so I thought I'd try and get back into the game here. So I used Thor. Just a little modifications. I was searching something on Deviant and saw a female Thor, and always knew of the ultimate Thor. So why not right. But here's my version of this. Comments and such are always so greatly appreciated and welcomed.
Side notes - The hammer took quite a while here. Not sure why it just did. The model is Jana Cova, with some clean up and enhnacements done. All characters and credit to their respective owners here. Thanks guys!

Spider-girl NO MORE by Dark Knight

Spider-girl NO MORE by Dark KnightPopular
SubmitterDark_Knight_DKMore Photos from Dark_Knight_DK   Last Update2006/3/29 15:01
Hits16042  Comments26    
What can I say this pic said spider girl all over it.

Since last year I wanted to do a sexy version of spidergirl costume, and It did came out pretty well.


SubmitterdaswookMore Photos from daswook   Last Update2011/12/11 20:45
Hits14916  Comments2    
model: Melissa Marie Gonzales

Black Widow by Scarlet

Black Widow by ScarletPopular
SubmitterScarletMore Photos from Scarlet   Last Update2003/8/17 19:17
Hits14129  Comments10    
The Russian Avenger!

Marvel Women by Dark Knight

Marvel Women by Dark KnightPopular
SubmitterDark_Knight_DKMore Photos from Dark_Knight_DK   Last Update2011/1/1 2:23
Hits13481  Comments14    
I only post one pic in this year becuase I was working on a set of 4 comissions, I didn't want to post them when they were finished becuase I wanted the person who asked me to maniped them were the only one to enjoy them for awhile.

But here it is a little preview of the 4 characters I did, they were maniped separately for a wallpaper of each character (the original size is bigger than this one) I worked this one to put them all together.

PS: maybe later I'll post the 4 originals


SubmitterBRaZZZilMore Photos from BRaZZZil   Last Update2006/11/25 10:30
Hits13192  Comments12    
to wait movie fantastic four 2

galactus - model unknown
silver surfer - toy


Call to Arms Girls Night Out

Call to Arms Girls Night OutPopular
SubmitterDark WandererMore Photos from Dark Wanderer   Last Update2006/9/14 13:57
Hits13001  Comments26    
First of all I want to say that I had a great team to work with!
After a hard day of adventuring, the girls decided to go hang out at the local pub and relax.
Dark_Wanderer did ShadowCat
Poison Ivy did Sage
Rocinate did Jean Grey
Billy did Sersi
Daruma did Mystique  

Aria Giovanni as "She-Hulk"

Aria Giovanni as "She-Hulk"Popular
Submitterse7endazeMore Photos from se7endaze   Last Update2005/9/17 8:20
Hits12699  Comments7    
Hey guys, I have been workin hard on my updates @ home..... should be back online soon....

I hope y'all miss my stuff......
See you on the Flipside!


SubmitterXAVIXMore Photos from XAVIX   Last Update2007/5/3 6:59
Hits12227  Comments17    

Captain America

Captain AmericaPopular
SubmitterSilverFangsMore Photos from SilverFangs   Last Update2008/9/14 7:30
Hits11962  Comments26    
Captain America Ultimate. Model: Stacy Keibler  

'Stripped' - Kirsten Dunst as Husk

'Stripped' - Kirsten Dunst as HuskPopular
SubmitterAngelophileMore Photos from Angelophile   Last Update2003/11/11 1:45
Hits11398  Comments7    
This is about the fifth attempt I've had at producing a Husk photomanip - unfortunately none of the others worked out at all. Evidence that not every image works out as you'd hope. I've always liked the character from Generation X to her current run in Uncanny X-men, although it was only when I came to do this photomanip I realised what a gross mutant ability she has.

Spider-Woman by Heroglyph

Spider-Woman by HeroglyphPopular
SubmitterHeroglyphMore Photos from Heroglyph   Last Update2005/7/2 0:13
Hits11256  Comments22    
Been awhile since I have posted. Comments appreciated.

Spider Woman (May Parker) ready to go! by Dark Knight

Spider Woman (May Parker) ready to go! by Dark KnightPopular
SubmitterDark_Knight_DKMore Photos from Dark_Knight_DK   Last Update2008/2/7 18:20
Hits11118  Comments20    
I've been sitting on this proyect for too long, so here it is.

I just wanted to show more of the costume I created in my previous spidergirl, and I thought this base pic was perfect for the task, now that it's finished I saw at it and I say "I could do better"


Click here for my Spidergir NO MORE

Sharon Ventura

Sharon VenturaPopular
SubmitterWasmithMore Photos from Wasmith   Last Update2008/4/27 9:39
Hits10993  Comments12    
Inspired by a recent posting by VL.


SubmitterWolverine1607More Photos from Wolverine1607   Last Update2006/3/13 8:14
Hits10902  Comments11    
And finally last but not least one more that I worked on while HM was down. I guess I kinda am a machine, just use the basics when I start one, but I like this one as well, it would have to be one of my more favorites. Take a look let me know, love the comments!!

Firestar Unzipped

Firestar UnzippedPopular
SubmitterWasmithMore Photos from Wasmith   Last Update2008/8/1 12:44
Hits10698  Comments17    
I did this one for Vampire Lover's Firestar Group, thought I would post it here.  I think it is OK for the public gallery.

I have lost the model's name.

Ms. Marvel

Ms. MarvelPopular
SubmitterWolverine1607More Photos from Wolverine1607   Last Update2008/2/22 22:42
Hits10665  Comments11    
Wanted to do a quick and more simple picture. I have commission on work I have started back into here and I was having some troubles. Better to mess up my own workings than others I guess.  I just needed to get back into the swing of it all since I hadn't done anything in a little while here. So I did this one. The model here is Kayden Kross, and the background just a random google search. I do like the look of the pose on this one though. Comments always helpful and welcome. Take a look. Thanks

Unicorn by Stifler

Unicorn by StiflerPopular
SubmitterStiflerMore Photos from Stifler   Last Update2003/8/17 18:22
Hits10530  Comments4    
A little painty but I love the Iron Man rogue's gallery.  

Spidergirl by Dark Knight

Spidergirl by Dark KnightPopular
SubmitterDark_Knight_DKMore Photos from Dark_Knight_DK   Last Update2003/9/9 11:25
Hits10409  Comments21    
This is my vision of how the spidergirl costume should be, (the way they draw her looks like a thin guy)

The invisible woman

The invisible womanPopular
SubmitterVincentMore Photos from Vincent   Last Update2005/4/16 2:08
Hits10350  Comments13    
Jessica Alba as the invisible woman.

She-Venom V.2

She-Venom V.2Popular
SubmitterviridislamentMore Photos from viridislament   Last Update2004/10/25 21:06
Hits10344  Comments13    
The unmasked version of my earlier manip. Gave some of the suggestions a try. Managed to eliminate some of the jaggies around the edges, and i tried a different version of the venom sign.

Black cat By Winterhawk

Black cat By WinterhawkPopular
SubmitterWinterhawkMore Photos from Winterhawk   Last Update2003/10/20 18:29
Hits10279  Comments17    
This manip was difficult for me. The hair color change, the zipper, the fur trim on her collar were all very difficult for me. making the zipper pull and medallion were also not very easy. i think it turned out ok
Any comments, critiques,ratings, or tips for improvement are encouraged and welcome.
go ahead be honest.

Ultimate invisible girl by Dark Knight DK

Ultimate invisible girl by Dark Knight DKPopular
SubmitterDark_Knight_DKMore Photos from Dark_Knight_DK   Last Update2007/8/25 18:21
Hits10235  Comments16    
This is one character I had to do to replecate the ultimate power 6 cover.

As I said before this pic was made from 3 pics, a base body, a head (mmm... pretty face) and a right arm.

BTW: next week the last 2



Thundra  by Heroglyph

Thundra by HeroglyphPopular
SubmitterHeroglyphMore Photos from Heroglyph   Last Update2003/8/19 17:47
Hits10020  Comments10    
Going old school for this one. Thundra popped up in the Fantastic Four quit a bit back in the 70's. First as a villain, then an ally. Wanted to do a pic no one had done before.

Sue Storm

Sue StormPopular
SubmitterthestarkillerMore Photos from thestarkiller   Last Update2008/6/25 11:34
Hits9995  Comments10    
The model is Katie Cannon.

I personally think I took a step back with this one, but I've done all I can do.  The only way I could possibly do better with this one would be to start all over and there's no guarantee that it would turn out better.  It looks like the definition of simplicity, but it actually turned out to be one of the more complex pieces I've done so far; definitely the most time consuming, anyway.

Any criticism and/or observations will greatly help me improve.

p.s. It is going to be a VERY long while before I work with white again.  Guess I'll have to put that Power Girl project on the backburner for a while.


SubmittermovmadMore Photos from movmad   Last Update2008/12/14 18:11
Hits9903  Comments1    
The stream of B-list Avengers continues....  Randy Orton as Starfox - can't believe I'm the first one to do this one....

"Black & White" Marvel Team-Up (Sage & Emma Frost)

"Black & White" Marvel Team-Up (Sage & Emma Frost)Popular
SubmitterAngelophileMore Photos from Angelophile   Last Update2004/2/14 12:57
Hits9702  Comments10    
Didn't come through in time for February's contest, but I decided to go ahead and finish the manip as a personal challenge. My take on the Marvel Team-Up cover using Emma Frost and Sage from the X-men comics.

More frankensteining used on their costumes, which I'm pretty pleased with as (for once) I've stuck true to canon. Lot of work went into Sage's costume. By comparison Emma's was easy. (Probably since there's so little of it ;) Comments appreciated as always..

Rogue:Longing for Touch

Rogue:Longing for TouchPopular
SubmitterGougeMore Photos from Gouge   Last Update2003/11/14 10:44
Hits9685  Comments10    
Well still rereading old comics and back in the day Rogue was defined by her inability to touch or be touched by other people.  Then I found this base pic.  And since my last pic was a kinda run of the mill Rogue I thought the character deserved a better effort from me.  Hope you enjoy.


Photo No. 1-30 (out of 1365 photos hit)
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