| Bubbacita Fett-Version 2
JrMcDeath 2005/11/28 12:03
10482 25
Only one more image to go for my update...
----Original Description------
I know that you have all seen my original Bobbacita Fett image. BUT, I was going thru old Cds and found the original image. It was still in it's "Super Size"? and I thought I would re-visit it and do a few changes and then repost it. In my original image I did not want to put goggles on Natasha... but I just couldn't get here eyes the way I wanted them...so I "hid" them behind goggles. Also, I did not like her hair so I redid the hair as well. It is much cleaner and you can see more of the detail. Other than that and the backgoround nothing has changed. So here it is.
| Zoo
6.3 2007/5/3 21:31
7676 12
| I see Angels!
JrMcDeath 2005/11/22 7:43
7281 20
My apologies. I have 5 images that were over the new size limit for HM2. The Auto Re-Size was pixilating my pieces to death and I need to update my gallery with images that are the correct size. I apologize again for these images showing back up on the main page.
2 more to go after this one... and yes, I am working on some new stuff... so quit your crying! 
-------Original Description________
I can honestly tell you I have no idea why this image came into being. Was it the pose that Victoria Silvstedt was in? Or is it just because she is hot? or what, but this manip was taxing and took forever. But I like it. The shoes didn't come out like I would have like them... but hey... it is all good. I hope you enjoy. |
| Trek: Half Caitian chick
demongrrly 2008/1/16 5:30
6226 4
| TRON 2.0
JustinBLong2003 2004/10/18 1:53
5936 4
| Sci-Fi Homage
Android 2006/11/13 14:52
5861 13
From left to right: Jedi Master Khalel as Starchild from "2001: A Space Odyssey". Dathbakpao as a member of the United Federation of Planets (actually he's an amalgam of all Star Trek series). Biohaz Daddy as Hari Seldon's hologram from "Foundation" novels. Jedi Pas Jo Dacle as Dr. Kelvin from "Solaris" book. Trekkie as Paul Moadib from "Dune" novels. (Heh! No Star Trek to you because I'm bad!) Weapon-X as Flash Gordon from the homonym series. Bill Turner as Perry Rhodan from the homonym novels. Almost forgot: that guy in the background is me. Heh!
Description: A sci-fi fellowship coordinates three vessels which makes a journey to understand the cause of the (heh!) premature explosion of our sun as a nova. |
| Shania will kick your a$$. - no paint
JrMcDeath 2004/7/22 14:23
5786 5
This is a repost. Again, a manipulation stemmed from a lust for the hottest (OK maybe not THE hottest) Canadian around??????? and she can sing too! I wanted to experiment with a little bit more old school metal and leather. I needed the metal to look as if it had been in battle before, or at least worn. And the leather needed stains??????? so I practiced on these two items on this image. |
| Alpha Centauri
6.3 2006/12/4 12:09
5633 15
The space, the final border. |
| Space Pirate - With Glasses
JrMcDeath 2004/10/18 1:01
5539 3
This is a repost. I don't know, she needed more that what I had, so I added the pair of glasses. Maybe I dig chicks with glasses. |
| Shania will kick your a$$. - Painted
JrMcDeath 2004/7/22 14:28
5325 2
This is a repost. Again, this image lacked something when I considered it finished. So I figured maybe a little ???????Braveheart??????? face paint. Since the Cheetah is my favorite large cat, I decided to give her the stripes around and under a cheetah????????s eyes. Your call??????? I made them so I like them both. But I lean towards the Paint. |
| Tristis Loriene in trouble...
Billy 2004/7/14 19:43
5223 3
after being hunted till nearly exhausted by the SOCIETY's robotic goons...she uses a bit of her decreasing magik to summon her lover..who happens to be a feirce garou(werewolf)warrior to aide her...(this is a tribute to my girlfriend Autumnjoy37, tristis is her favorite rpg character...an elven ranger, and was originally part of my submition for the july challenge...but i missed the cut off date...oh well, as long as i know autumnjoy37 and am a member of heromorph...im already a winner...thanx and please enjoy! comments and post are welcome....) |
| Space Pirate- No Glasses or should I say Glass.
JrMcDeath 2004/7/22 14:15
5113 9
This is a repost. I was experimenting here with the combination of fitlers and hand painting on the textures. |
| Demonica
demongrrly 2008/1/16 1:12
4610 3
Another one of my Trek rp chars.
| An older star trek manip
demongrrly 2008/1/16 1:11
4445 4
This is one of my star trek rp characters
| GOTW:Princess Leia
movmad 2008/12/16 23:40
4388 3
A little smudgy but I'd put my x-wing in her death star |
| Trek oldie
demongrrly 2008/1/16 5:32
4322 3
bringing back a new twist on the old skirted uniform. Av for a friends character. |
| Star Trek Cadet
demongrrly 2008/1/16 0:57
4242 3
Um here is a manip I did for a friend's star trek character. This is my version of a 2373 Cadet uniform. Done in CS. |
| Foundation Characters (part one)
Android 2007/8/13 18:08
4186 12
Daneel Olivaw. An android (my cousin) who tried to protect humankind from itself and beyond...
Many thanks to Mr. Wasmith for providing his own face. The rest was made with Photoshop and Corel.
This is the first of four main characters from Foundation books. |
| Hello Boys!! Reloaded!!
MeterMan 2009/1/23 14:15
4122 6
I thought I should see how an old pic of mine would look now With more experience and understanding and better harware and software. I hope you enjoy the view!(or Vue!) the Meterman |
| Mr & Mrs Sith
L0B0 2005/6/11 20:50
4021 7
Just a quickie manip after seeing Episode III and Mr & Mrs Smith in the one week. |
| Foundation 02
Android 2007/12/17 18:24
3927 12
Giskard Reventlov. This android (or robot, as Asimov used to describe mechanical men) is not present in the Foundation books but its legacy was carried out by a comrade: Daneel Olivaw. Those who know Giskard will say that I didn't portrayed it accurately. I know that. Its face was taken from Mr. Jediadept and I thank him for that! |
| November Challenge - Obey Your Thirst
Wasmith 2004/11/1 14:48
3891 8
The similarity between Sprite bottles and the Doctor's arch enemy just jumped out at me. Add this to the slogan "Obey your Thirst" and this just makes sense... |
| The New SITH Order
Jedifan227 2005/10/9 21:59
3664 1
This is the second in my new series. The new Sith includes, Darth Brusque,Darth Vexx, and the new Sith Lord, Darth Malice (the Emporer). This new threat to the Jedi is more fierce, and in greater numbers. Darth Malice, a long hidden, 200 year old master, creates a new Sith council, to battle and annhilate the Jedi Council, before it even begins. Darth Brusque, his apprentice, is the master of Darth Vexx. Vexx is the twin sister of a Jedi, however she is lured to the Dark Side due to her sister's apparent favoritism from Luke Skywalker. Her jealousy fuels her rage to destroy her sister, and whatever else might get in her way. Bruskque trains Vexx, under direct supervision of the Master Darth Malice.
This is just a preview of many more pics from my series. This one is to introduce the characters so the battle shots make some sense. Enjoy!!!! |
| November Challenge - Tardis Express
Wasmith 2005/9/3 20:42
3574 4
Move over FedEx, UPS and DHL....... |
| Star Trek Wars
DAGhoul 2007/7/7 12:17
3495 2
Major Odin Nuell and Commander Tork of the United Federation of Planets take their differences oldschool... Jedi style. |
| Final stand
Masterchief 2009/1/22 20:09
3491 6
The Colonial Marine woke from his hibernation to find the ship deserted. As he moved about the ship looking for his fellow Marines and members of the crew, he found several spot that showed a brutal and bloddy death for most of the crew and his fellow Marines. In several parts of the ship he could swear that he was being watched. Donning his space armor and grabbing his weapon he moved towards the bridge to find a way to send out a distress call. On the way the bridge he stumbled into the creature that had killed the crew and was forced to retret to the bridge. Now the beast has foced the doors open and the final stand begins. |
| Jedi Chick Action Piece
joshuaoman 2009/8/3 2:39
3265 1
Again, in my hunt for more action oriented pieces, I came up with this one! Hope you like.
My own original creation...started as a super hero pic, but as soon as I tried it with a lightsaber...game over :)
| Pulp Fiction
ROCINATE 2010/12/9 8:12
3220 0
Here is a Flash Gorden-esque character I quickly whipped up.
Enjoy! |
| A Princess of Mars
ROCINATE 2011/4/17 7:21
3174 2
Been on a huge pulp kick recently. Reading a lot of Burroughs, Robert E. Howard, and Lovecraft. So I had to do something from the Mars series. This is also a bit timely since a lot of pulp movies are coming down the pipe. A new Conan movie, John Cater on Mars, At the Mountains of Madness, etc.
I don't know how Disney is going to pull this off but I took my own swing at it. More of a novel cover then a poster though.
| The Promise
JMonteiro 2012/8/15 15:24
3082 7
Hello, all. This is a poster for my upcoming story "The Promise". It was meant to be the second episode for a sci-fi novel I?ve been working for some time. I?ll upload episode 1 soon. |