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Main : Thayne Total:107

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Photo No. 1-30 (out of 107 photos hit)
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Night Crawler part 2

Night Crawler part 2Popular
SubmitterThayneMore Photos from Thayne   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2013/1/5 1:01
Hits2607  Comments6    
Another one that seemed to need darker pencils. Also contemplating inks on this one.

Venom part 2

Venom part 2Popular
SubmitterThayneMore Photos from Thayne   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2012/12/30 0:13
Hits2754  Comments4    
Went over it with an HB and a 4B. Contemplating ink

Chicks with Swords

Chicks with SwordsPopular
SubmitterThayneMore Photos from Thayne   CategoryOther Comics    Last Update2012/12/22 6:33
Hits2727  Comments3    
So the reaction I got from my friend for doing that XenaJasmyn drawing was something I was high off of for a couple days. And earlier this week I got it in my head to draw Zealot. So in my hunt for reference photos I googled "Chicks with Swords" The reference photo was of a redhead that stopped me in my tracks.

Oracle in ReddEra cosplay

Oracle in ReddEra cosplayPopular
SubmitterThayneMore Photos from Thayne   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2012/12/10 6:32
Hits3082  Comments4    
So lil miss Redd and I snatched pics off each other with the intention of doing something with them later on. Incidentally, this isn't the one I snatched. It just spoke to me today.


SubmitterThayneMore Photos from Thayne   CategoryTV and Movies    Last Update2012/12/8 1:20
Hits2921  Comments6    
So today is her birthday. She's hot, she asked me to draw her something. I asked her the requisite questions and she said she liked Xena. So BAM bitchez....

For Family

For FamilyPopular
SubmitterThayneMore Photos from Thayne   CategoryTV and Movies    Last Update2012/12/5 17:14
Hits2273  Comments3    
i have a brother in law who geeks out on Scooby Doo. Oh and he's also into Star Wars a lil.

Captain Ameriwolf

Captain AmeriwolfPopular
SubmitterThayneMore Photos from Thayne   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2012/11/16 13:14
Hits2112  Comments2    
I think we started out with B suggesting this one. I did some digging, found some references. And bitched at B that Captain America's suit was never ripped as a wolf and they always darkened up his face. He made some comment that I thought meant change that fact, so I did. Also, it seemed to be the one most mentioned in the comments, so here ya go.


SubmitterThayneMore Photos from Thayne   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2012/11/15 4:38
Hits2035  Comments3    
B suggested him. I did some research and the pencil was on fire long before I had decided what to do.

Goblin Queen

Goblin QueenPopular
SubmitterThayneMore Photos from Thayne   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2012/11/13 3:33
Hits2395  Comments2    
Found a reference of Jaimie Bernhardt that floored me. And B listed Goblin Queen among other suggestions. Was rather proud of how this turned out. Was completely stunned at how good B made her look.

Didn't make the cut (ULTRON)

Didn't make the cut (ULTRON)Popular
SubmitterThayneMore Photos from Thayne   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2012/11/1 5:11
Hits2074  Comments3    
So while we were working on the Halloween project. I got thinking about HK47. Then I asked B if he could think of a homicidal robot in Marvel. He said Ultron.

Usagi Yojimbo

Usagi YojimboPopular
SubmitterThayneMore Photos from Thayne   CategoryOther Comics    Last Update2012/10/22 8:03
Hits2380  Comments3    
Always liked the samarai rabbit.


SubmitterThayneMore Photos from Thayne   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2012/10/22 5:11
Hits2414  Comments6    
Did a drawing of Havok a few days ago. Wasn't happy with it. Then I saw a pic of Cameron Diaz and got creative.


SubmitterThayneMore Photos from Thayne   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2012/10/17 6:41
Hits2628  Comments3    
This was at the beginning of the week. Something in between doing chores.


SubmitterThayneMore Photos from Thayne   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2012/10/17 5:28
Hits2142  Comments4    
Started out listening to music and reading a wiki on Meggan. Not sure what brought this out, but I'm not complaining.

Odd Thought

Odd ThoughtPopular
SubmitterThayneMore Photos from Thayne   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2012/10/8 23:35
Hits2339  Comments2    
Was googling Ivy cosplay and found a Harley/Ivy pic that was very much the naughty lil kittykat action. This popped in my head and I've been wanting to draw a gun for awhile anyways.


SubmitterThayneMore Photos from Thayne   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2012/10/8 7:13
Hits2318  Comments6    
Told ya I'd get around to it.


SubmitterThayneMore Photos from Thayne   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2012/10/8 5:51
Hits2326  Comments1    
Austrailain friend of mine posted a video on facebook. It was Rammstein's "Mein Land". While watching it I got to thinking the lead singer could make a good Joker.


SubmitterThayneMore Photos from Thayne   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2012/10/5 18:06
Hits2184  Comments3    
So I have a couple new sketchbooks. This one has a rougher tooth than what I'm used to. Not to mention, my scanner laughs at me because the paper is much larger than it will work with.


SubmitterThayneMore Photos from Thayne   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2012/10/4 4:59
Hits2506  Comments6    
I don't know how I went from to the Huntress. But who's complaining?

Brother Hogan

Brother HoganPopular
SubmitterThayneMore Photos from Thayne   CategoryTV and Movies    Last Update2012/9/26 18:25
Hits2146  Comments3    
Just taking a break from projects.


SubmitterThayneMore Photos from Thayne   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2012/9/17 16:25
Hits2276  Comments3    
I used to be addicted to New Mutants. Did some research and found an incarnation which caught my interest. Will probly do a more classical Ilyana later on.


SubmitterThayneMore Photos from Thayne   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2012/9/12 16:36
Hits2353  Comments6    
So a coworker refuses to see the last Batman movie because as he says it....... (gay voice)Nightwing's in it (/gay voice)

So I did a google run because I wanted to know what those sticks are called. And found a reference that had interesting shadows.

Mr Sinister

Mr SinisterPopular
SubmitterThayneMore Photos from Thayne   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2012/9/10 22:29
Hits1960  Comments3    
Done while watching Perception.


SubmitterThayneMore Photos from Thayne   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2012/9/5 17:11
Hits2384  Comments7    
Always thought of this guy like a cooler Superman.

She Hulk

She HulkPopular
SubmitterThayneMore Photos from Thayne   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2012/9/3 4:41
Hits2452  Comments6    
Every day at work I pass this fitness magazine. And every day I think Wonder Woman????  So I dug it up on google today and got to drawing it and thought "Nope, I just drew She Hulk, dammit."

Donna Troy

Donna TroyPopular
SubmitterThayneMore Photos from Thayne   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2012/8/27 16:08
Hits2464  Comments7    
After seeing my Scarlet Witch, a coworker suggested I look up Sofia Vergara. In the process of googling I stumbled upon Arianny Celeste. Which was the reference for this.

Scarlet Witch

Scarlet WitchPopular
SubmitterThayneMore Photos from Thayne   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2012/8/20 17:15
Hits2551  Comments9    
Was browsing random images and saw a manip done by JMPerkins. The model was Gaby Ramirez. So I went on a google hunt and found a pic that screamed draw me. I think I stunned myself on this one.

Storm Inks

Storm InksPopular
SubmitterThayneMore Photos from Thayne   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2012/8/15 15:58
Hits2271  Comments5    
DarqueImages asked if I ever thought about inking my work. I have, though it's been a few years since I tried my hand at it. So I found one that while some think is great on it's own. I saw things in it that might look good in ink. So here's a trial run after 4 years or so away from the pen.

If you'd like. Compare the two and tell me what you think.

Safe Zones

Safe ZonesPopular
SubmitterThayneMore Photos from Thayne   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2012/8/8 17:49
Hits2266  Comments7    
Found a pic of Audrina Patridge in a magazine. Got drawing and thought "well crap, I drew another Rogue"

So you all can suffer right along with me. :D


SubmitterThayneMore Photos from Thayne   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2012/8/2 5:52
Hits2319  Comments3    
Saw an ad for the new Total Recall. One of the women had a black top on that made my mind wander in this direction.

Photo No. 1-30 (out of 107 photos hit)
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