| Dragonelle
Obsidian 2016/3/11 8:32
2081 2
A little beastie about the size of a mastiff, and doesn't breath fire but can bite through steel. |
| Lillun-A bridge.
Obsidian 2016/3/11 8:30
1927 1
| For Wolf: Doctor Wolf
daswook 2012/10/3 0:03
2648 5
Dedicated with much respect to Heromorph legend Wolf. |
| Bug Busters
Sydneykeys 2012/9/9 9:20
2734 6
My first bug busters image. |
| Repost: You Don't Know Sith
DarqueImages 2012/9/1 18:26
2924 4
My friend Angel loves Star Wars, I decided I'd make her an original character.
(repost, resized) |
| The Promise
JMonteiro 2012/8/15 15:24
3078 7
Hello, all. This is a poster for my upcoming story "The Promise". It was meant to be the second episode for a sci-fi novel I?ve been working for some time. I?ll upload episode 1 soon. |
| A funny thing happened on the way to Mars
Tartanninja 2012/7/29 12:55
2626 2
My son is awesome. He posed with his Bobba Fett helmet for this mixed media manip of the Opportunity Rover image. Mars needed a Sarlacc pit. |
| Rahm Kota
saur 2012/3/30 22:24
2445 0
| A Princess of Mars
ROCINATE 2011/4/17 7:21
3172 2
Been on a huge pulp kick recently. Reading a lot of Burroughs, Robert E. Howard, and Lovecraft. So I had to do something from the Mars series. This is also a bit timely since a lot of pulp movies are coming down the pipe. A new Conan movie, John Cater on Mars, At the Mountains of Madness, etc.
I don't know how Disney is going to pull this off but I took my own swing at it. More of a novel cover then a poster though.
| A simple slip of attention span...
Masterchief 2011/2/22 7:59
2765 1
Can cause a world of hurt! While transporting a High Profile Prisoner, one of the rookies in Omega squad made the mistake of turning away to watch a shapely ass move away from him. The prisoner took that time to launch a devistating attack and quickly worked his way through the whole squad leaving none of them alive. I was given the opportunity to Beta test this Rapier armor soon to be released at DAZ. It is an amazing set. It will be coming out soon. |
| Ms. Strong & Shaply of the Kliingon Empire.
ronin.47 2011/1/30 17:06
3039 1
Decided to make this klingon muscle chick to honor her house of Ka'tingha. Named after the Ka'Tingha class battlecruiser. Translanted from Klingon at the top, to Starfleet language as: "Ms. Strong & Shapely of the Klingon Empire." |
| Princess and the machine
ser 2011/1/26 10:37
2811 1
Manip, 2D, 3D and several things. |
| Are you going to come quietly?
Masterchief 2011/1/23 10:01
3058 2
Dispatch: TK008 Answer distress beacon on TK916 and advise status. TK008: Roger that Dispatch. Dispatch: TK008, be advised distress beacon on TK916 has flat lined. Proceed with caution. TK008: Dispatch, be advised I have arrived location TK916. Be advised large unknown hostile present. Dispatch: TK008, standby, floater cam on scene. TK008: Dispatch, Send backup, send lots of backup! Dispatch: TK008, be advised, scene has been assessed. Be advised, your next of kin are being notified. TK008: Dispatch... TK008: Dispatch... TK008: Dispatch...Is anyone there?
Hey all, thought I would post a new image that hasn't been posted anywhere else yet. Yes for all of those Star Wars fans those are Stormtrooper call signs, I figured that if we used modern armor and weapons they might look a lot like this. I tried to inject a little humor into this, just because I can.
| Pulp Fiction
ROCINATE 2010/12/9 8:12
3217 0
Here is a Flash Gorden-esque character I quickly whipped up.
Enjoy! |
| Jedi Chick Action Piece
joshuaoman 2009/8/3 2:39
3264 1
Again, in my hunt for more action oriented pieces, I came up with this one! Hope you like.
My own original creation...started as a super hero pic, but as soon as I tried it with a lightsaber...game over :)
| Hello Boys!! Reloaded!!
MeterMan 2009/1/23 14:15
4118 6
I thought I should see how an old pic of mine would look now With more experience and understanding and better harware and software. I hope you enjoy the view!(or Vue!) the Meterman |
| Final stand
Masterchief 2009/1/22 20:09
3490 6
The Colonial Marine woke from his hibernation to find the ship deserted. As he moved about the ship looking for his fellow Marines and members of the crew, he found several spot that showed a brutal and bloddy death for most of the crew and his fellow Marines. In several parts of the ship he could swear that he was being watched. Donning his space armor and grabbing his weapon he moved towards the bridge to find a way to send out a distress call. On the way the bridge he stumbled into the creature that had killed the crew and was forced to retret to the bridge. Now the beast has foced the doors open and the final stand begins. |
| GOTW:Princess Leia
movmad 2008/12/16 23:40
4386 3
A little smudgy but I'd put my x-wing in her death star |
| Trek oldie
demongrrly 2008/1/16 5:32
4320 3
bringing back a new twist on the old skirted uniform. Av for a friends character. |
| Trek: Half Caitian chick
demongrrly 2008/1/16 5:30
6223 4
| Demonica
demongrrly 2008/1/16 1:12
4608 3
Another one of my Trek rp chars.
| An older star trek manip
demongrrly 2008/1/16 1:11
4441 4
This is one of my star trek rp characters
| Star Trek Cadet
demongrrly 2008/1/16 0:57
4238 3
Um here is a manip I did for a friend's star trek character. This is my version of a 2373 Cadet uniform. Done in CS. |
| Foundation 02
Android 2007/12/17 18:24
3922 12
Giskard Reventlov. This android (or robot, as Asimov used to describe mechanical men) is not present in the Foundation books but its legacy was carried out by a comrade: Daneel Olivaw. Those who know Giskard will say that I didn't portrayed it accurately. I know that. Its face was taken from Mr. Jediadept and I thank him for that! |
| Foundation Characters (part one)
Android 2007/8/13 18:08
4183 12
Daneel Olivaw. An android (my cousin) who tried to protect humankind from itself and beyond...
Many thanks to Mr. Wasmith for providing his own face. The rest was made with Photoshop and Corel.
This is the first of four main characters from Foundation books. |
| Star Trek Wars
DAGhoul 2007/7/7 12:17
3493 2
Major Odin Nuell and Commander Tork of the United Federation of Planets take their differences oldschool... Jedi style. |
| Zoo
6.3 2007/5/3 21:31
7673 12
| Alpha Centauri
6.3 2006/12/4 12:09
5630 15
The space, the final border. |
| Sci-Fi Homage
Android 2006/11/13 14:52
5858 13
From left to right: Jedi Master Khalel as Starchild from "2001: A Space Odyssey". Dathbakpao as a member of the United Federation of Planets (actually he's an amalgam of all Star Trek series). Biohaz Daddy as Hari Seldon's hologram from "Foundation" novels. Jedi Pas Jo Dacle as Dr. Kelvin from "Solaris" book. Trekkie as Paul Moadib from "Dune" novels. (Heh! No Star Trek to you because I'm bad!) Weapon-X as Flash Gordon from the homonym series. Bill Turner as Perry Rhodan from the homonym novels. Almost forgot: that guy in the background is me. Heh!
Description: A sci-fi fellowship coordinates three vessels which makes a journey to understand the cause of the (heh!) premature explosion of our sun as a nova. |
| Bubbacita Fett-Version 2
JrMcDeath 2005/11/28 12:03
10479 25
Only one more image to go for my update...
----Original Description------
I know that you have all seen my original Bobbacita Fett image. BUT, I was going thru old Cds and found the original image. It was still in it's "Super Size"? and I thought I would re-visit it and do a few changes and then repost it. In my original image I did not want to put goggles on Natasha... but I just couldn't get here eyes the way I wanted them...so I "hid" them behind goggles. Also, I did not like her hair so I redid the hair as well. It is much cleaner and you can see more of the detail. Other than that and the backgoround nothing has changed. So here it is.