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Main : ! 2D Art ! : Original Characters :  Total:1487

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Photo No. 541-570 (out of 1487 photos hit)
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PAGE 12Popular
SubmitterJustinBLong2003More Photos from JustinBLong2003   Last Update2005/2/10 13:03
Hits2925  Comments2    


PAGE 11Popular
SubmitterJustinBLong2003More Photos from JustinBLong2003   Last Update2005/2/8 15:35
Hits3082  Comments3    


PAGE 10Popular
SubmitterJustinBLong2003More Photos from JustinBLong2003   Last Update2005/2/11 10:37
Hits3073  Comments2    


PAGE 1Popular
SubmitterJustinBLong2003More Photos from JustinBLong2003   Last Update2005/2/14 0:09
Hits2995  Comments1    

Packing up

Packing upPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2016/11/9 6:55
Hits1392  Comments1    
No, not just no but hell no! I don't need this, and when I say i don't need this it's only because I would rather walk through hell wearing a suit of ignited plasma than have one wife let alone four that that I didn't even ask to marry me.  To make matters worse I only know one of their names...this is not how you begin a relationship...then again this was really more of a business transaction wasn't it?  I despise primitive cultures...some of their practices are completely ridiculous no matter how much tradition and custom their steeped in. I have issues with a lot of aliens species that are like that too so I guess it's not exclusive to primitives. What am I going to do with 4 wives...and what about Aini? Dear gods I am so screwed. What's worse is I can't even spare the time to deal with it because of our current situation. We need to get out of here as soon as possible, actually it's not so much about getting out as getting home.  Landing in the shuttle bay I grab a nearby security officer and order him to "Escort" my new brides to my quarters, he looks at me like I'm some kind of deviant and before I can say anything to him about it who should walk in but Aini.  I take a deep breath and prepare for the backlash...that never comes. Instead what I get leaves more than just me wide eyed with surprise as Aini squeals with sheer delight.

"Oh when I got word that you had new wives I didn't think they'd be this pretty!  Or this exotic, oh my master you do have excellent taste."  

I'm practically speechless

"Huh say what now?"

"I am so happy you made this decision though I wish I could've been there for the wedding Master."

I'm very confused right now.


"yes master."

"Are you screwing with me?"

"No Master. You look puzzled."

No.  Not puzzled dear, downright confounded would be more precise."

"About what?"

"You're not angry? That I have wives, not a wife but four of them? You're not upset that you're not one of them?"

"Master, I was never meant to be a wife." to which she adds her cute little giggle.

'I am only meant to be a companion, the perfect companion yes but not a wife."

What kind of psychopathic, lecherous, sycophant, genetically engineers the perfect mate without the intent of marriage? You're telling me you're just made to be some over agreeable sex toy? That's INSANE!!!"

'To be fair master, my creators never meant for me to bond with mortals or those of the mortal realm.

"Ugh, this is making my head hurt."

"Don't worry master I'll take your wives to your quarters and help them settle in.  I can't wait to find out all about them."

'yeah..okay...that'll be...great."

Aini takes Ai by the arm and speaking fluent Elvish takes her and the others away.  Now don't get me wrong I have encountered worlds where concubines and polygamy are a way of life...they're just not my way and usually even where it's acceptable there's often friction between the ladies..and honestly I don't think it's fair for anyone's life to be a thing to barter's just...inhuman.  I don't have time to immerse myself in these moral quandaries right now though, I have to get us home.  Actually Sabrina has to get us home.  Hopefully the scavenging crews got some usable replacement parts and with the Kkryllian crew on board we have extra hands on board. Captain Drizna has been assigned to the wraith until we get home and while it's a small ship he is more than a little impressed with it's power and performance. The wraith can accommodate 30 or so of his crew  and the shuttles a few dozen more. We've cleared out our sickbay, and the cargo holds and made the best of things.  As I pass by crew quarters filled to capacity I ma relieved to see the integration going so smoothly. I make my way to Engineering to get a Sit-Rep from Sabrina who is hard at work with the retrofits. Despit the the caos she notices my entry even with her back to me.

"Welcome Captain, to what to do I owe the pleasure?"

"I'm here to get a status report. Whats running and what's not?"

'Well Captain we have our Shields and Warp Drive, as well as our Slipstream engines.  Our replication systems are  up and running but I have restricted their use to manufacturing parts for the time being until we're one hundred percent in the green."

"Were you able to salvage anything from the Kryllian ship?"

Definitely and with her crew here we have had almost no problems getting things adapted properly minus some systems that are just too different. Which of course is why we're not up and running."

"So how long before we can head home?"

"Id say roughly six hours."

"Finally some good news, alright six hours. I'll be on the bridge waiting on pins and needles."

"Yessir. Oh and Captain..."

"Congratulations." she says with a snicker.

"yeah thanks...smartass"

Everyone's a comedian, I thought I was done with the joke with Harley and Ray...seems that's gonna just follow me. Ah well such is life.  Back on the bridge my helmsman is tapping keys frantically, searching and scanning and even without being able to see his face I tell something is wrong. I walk over to his station to see what's going on.

"What's up? Having difficulties?"

"You might say that sir."

"What's the problem?"

"It's the Vortex sir, we've been tracking it since we've arrived in this system."


"Well sir, it's not on my instruments."


"I've tried everything sir, the entire spectrum of scans and its put it simply...we're stuck here sir."


Pack Rat

Pack RatPopular
Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2016/10/29 6:43
Hits1275  Comments2    
Pack Rat is the resident techie of the Anizonz ... oh, and she's also a were-rat!

Original Characters Cap?N Ned & Wino by darth_paul

Original Characters Cap?N Ned & Wino by darth_paulPopular
Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2007/5/22 20:27
Hits2093  Comments4    
These are a couple of crazy characters of mine that I recently featured in a story that I wrote at another website. This is also the first artwork that I've ever done where I colored the characters in Photoshop in addition to the logos, background and other type in Photoshop and Illustrator.


SubmitterHisstorymanMore Photos from Hisstoryman   Last Update2009/11/7 13:47
Hits2382  Comments1    
Preston Jones was a sick little boy
He looked at blades and thought them a toy
His father was first, a knife in his back
His mother soon followed, eyes full of tacks

His sister and brother were next on the list
Hacked to pieces, he swallowed the bits
Away he ran into the darkness of Queens
A bloody trail followed to show where he'd been.

The body count grew, the police were perplexed
With each corpse, the city grew vexed.
They found him, they found him, one bright sunny day
Asleep with a victim who he kept to play.

They beat him and shot him and yet he survived.
He animated his victim to the policeman's surprise.
He made his escape wounded and bleeding.
He's been trapped many times, stabbed and lynched

He has always escaped, with the dead following him.

Notes: I wanted to have this done for Halloween, but life got in the way.  Moral Decay was a character I used when I played City of Villains.  


SubmitterHisstorymanMore Photos from Hisstoryman   Last Update2010/5/17 20:03
Hits2530  Comments3    
The villain of my Killer Bee mini-series, now in 3D.  Once again, the always versatile V4 is the model.  Her accouterments are from various websites, whose names escape me right now  (Probably renderosity).  Anyways, I am another step to creating the KILLER BEE: BLOOD AND STEEL: The Street Legal Edition or at least one I can have published over at indy planet.  

Original Character: Feral

Original Character: FeralPopular
SubmitterHisstorymanMore Photos from Hisstoryman   Last Update2009/7/21 16:20
Hits3381  Comments2    
Continuing the long comic tradition of scantily clad Caucasian women lost in the jungle, I give you FERAL!

Kim Flanagan's parents were UN aid workers in Indonesia.  While on a sea ferry between islands they were blown off course and became stranded on an uncharted island.  The islands flora and fauna proved to be a bizarre mix of the prehistoric and the modern.

Most of the survivor's died within the first year, but some made it and built a small village in the rain forest.  Kim lives as the premier hunter and protector of this small band but does so from deep within the rain forest where she feels more at home.

Notes: I tried to do alot of work with shadows on this one.  The attempt was to blend the animal and human elements into the rain forest background.  I found that the Midtone setting, of the Burn tool, worked best to enhance skin tones.

Model: Collete Nelson  

original character flare

original character flarePopular
SubmittervoltronreturnsMore Photos from voltronreturns   Last Update2021/11/21 8:39
Hits928  Comments0    
hey guys still playing around with poser 11 and krita

Ophiuchus the Zodiac-Bot

Ophiuchus the Zodiac-BotPopular
Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2015/9/20 5:36
Hits1337  Comments3    
Last, but not least, a surprise entry to the Zodiac-Bots, the little-known 13th, Ophiuchus. (I also decided to name his snake partner after the alternate name for this sign, "Serpentarius.")

Operation: Misfits

Operation: MisfitsPopular
SubmittercontentKILLERMore Photos from contentKILLER   Last Update2006/3/8 22:57
Hits2390  Comments4    
This is a group of imperfect super heroes I created a few months ago, this is just a quick thing I did last night around 12 before going to bed. There's the skin head who has super human vision, hearing, and other senses. A blind black man who can turn invisible and walk through walls like a ghost, who has to work with the skin head to get around. A girl who got in an accident while being unable to control her flight power and broke her legs and now uses her flight to walk. And my favourite members, the suicidal goth girl who is invincible and the team leader who has strength equal to that of superman but even a paper cut can make him bleed.


SubmitterdeathroseMore Photos from deathrose   Last Update2006/7/8 13:48
Hits2287  Comments2    
My character Seraph, immediately following a clothing malfunction in the pool...oops.


SubmitterLordKuyohashiMore Photos from LordKuyohashi   Last Update2008/4/1 22:26
Hits2012  Comments2    
'Nother page.


SubmitterLordKuyohashiMore Photos from LordKuyohashi   Last Update2017/9/28 21:31
Hits19140  Comments4    

Oni Kataki

Oni KatakiPopular
SubmitterOCPMore Photos from OCP   Last Update2008/3/16 12:50
Hits2519  Comments6    
Happy Birthday, Dude!

One more time

One more timePopular
SubmitterdeathroseMore Photos from deathrose   Last Update2007/10/3 9:37
Hits2349  Comments7    
Well, I've tried to submit this a few times, and apparently it was too big -_- So I resized and resized, and let's hope this time I got within the limits! whoops!

My character Seraph.

On Wings of Lead

On Wings of LeadPopular
SubmitterdeathroseMore Photos from deathrose   Last Update2007/5/11 8:31
Hits2585  Comments4    
My character Seraph once again. It's been a while since I sketched her, so the other day I decided to do a new pinup to see if my skills of an artist (I love you Strongbad) have improved since my last attempt.  I'd like to think they have!  The original sketch wasn't quite this good, however.  An awesome friend of mine did the inking and was nice enough to adjust a few imperfections (like the hand, and the dagger, both of which I completely suck at).  She added a lot of extra detail to the lines for the wings, which I added even more to in the coloring.  It's a labour involving two different people so I couldn't even pretend to claim all the work.  The original, not so awesome lines were penciled by me, the inks done by my uber awesome cali girl, and the colors were done by me in PS7 over about two days.  I know the background isn't anything special but I lost inspiration for it after doing those wings. *L*  It suffices, however.  I didn't want anything to take away from the figure herself, anyhow.

as usual, this is Nia Demarchis, aka Seraph of the X-men, a character created by me for a Marvel rpg chat room on (yep, that's a shameless plug)

On a Night Like This

On a Night Like ThisPopular
SubmitterLordKuyohashiMore Photos from LordKuyohashi   Last Update2010/10/4 2:00
Hits2219  Comments1    

Old Sk00l

Old Sk00lPopular
SubmitterdeathroseMore Photos from deathrose   Last Update2007/10/22 11:25
Hits2616  Comments2    
This is my Seraph (I'm sure at least one or two of you has started recognizing her by now!) done in an old sk00l pin up pose.  I based it off a (omg!) pin up photo I found through google.

Pure digital painting, took me all day in PS 7 to get her done, and I messed up. I didn't do a larger version because sometimes I prefer to just work with the size it needs to be.  So for this I started small, because it was to be my new I.D. on deviantART.  Halfway through I realized it was turning out fairly nice...but I'd already spent so many hours on it already I didn't want to start over.

Anyway, I'm rather proud of it, regardless of how small she is. And I do not own a tablet! Everything I do with photoshop is done with a mouse.  So there. :P

I mention that because people seem to think I have a tablet. I wish I did!

She doesn't have the wings in this picture, though I did another version with a set of paintbrush wings that I threw on there for an avatar. But it's even smaller than this, so I'm not putting it on here.

Next time I'll make a really really huge digi-painting.

Ol' Scratch

Ol' ScratchPopular
SubmitterBiohaz_DaddyMore Photos from Biohaz_Daddy   Last Update2010/3/20 10:19
Hits3037  Comments4    

Oh yeah? You and what army?

Oh yeah? You and what army?Popular
SubmitterVagabondXMore Photos from VagabondX   Last Update2008/1/18 23:12
Hits2268  Comments3    
"This army."

Just an image that popped into my head when I thought of that old cliche.

And I think I'm physically incapable of taking my time on a drawing anymore. Which really sucks.


Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2016/8/10 14:16
Hits1336  Comments3    
I know that "octagon" is spelled with an "a" and not with an "o," as I have it here, but it's a play on words since he is part "octopus." I thought it was rather clever.

Oceana de la Noche

Oceana de la NochePopular
SubmitterMFMore Photos from MF   Last Update2016/12/31 16:30
Hits1416  Comments2    
My last pic of 2016 is this bio-sheet for Oceana de la Noche, the right hand woman and bodyguard to Usurper Damascus, the first major enemy for my original superheroines Red, White & Blue. The bio-sheet for Usurper Damascus will be up in a week or so since my artist needs info about these characters to complete the first issue of the RW&B comic book which will be out (hopefully) very soon.

OC Project #5

OC Project #5Popular
SubmitterLordKuyohashiMore Photos from LordKuyohashi   Last Update2013/6/25 6:31
Hits1633  Comments1    

OC Project #3

OC Project #3Popular
SubmitterLordKuyohashiMore Photos from LordKuyohashi   Last Update2013/4/13 19:19
Hits1572  Comments2    

OC Cover Project #4

OC Cover Project #4Popular
SubmitterLordKuyohashiMore Photos from LordKuyohashi   Last Update2013/4/24 14:14
Hits1607  Comments2    

OC Cover Project #2

OC Cover Project #2Popular
SubmitterLordKuyohashiMore Photos from LordKuyohashi   Last Update2013/3/11 3:35
Hits1626  Comments1    
Still having fun with this idea.
If I ever get this turned into an actual cartoon, I have the perfect role for Tim Curry now.

EDIT: Tweaked the text so it's clearer now.

OC Cover Project #1

OC Cover Project #1Popular
SubmitterLordKuyohashiMore Photos from LordKuyohashi   Last Update2013/3/2 20:39
Hits1878  Comments4    

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