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Flight of The Valkyries.jpg

Flight of The Valkyries.jpgPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryTV and Movies    Last Update2014/9/5 13:23
Hits1543  Comments0    
Got a new model and wanted to show it off, The VF-1S is awesome and I can't wait to do some more images with these.

First Mate Shadow.jpg

First Mate Shadow.jpgPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2020/6/11 11:55
Hits1008  Comments1    
Shadow revamped once more now that I've managed to save the custom morph for his entire body. I'm very proud of that accomplishment and did not look forward to making a new version. Without further ado, I give you Shadow First mate of the ISS Phantasm.

First Marriage

First MarriagePopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2019/3/16 10:27
Hits1065  Comments1    
Danielle was a Solaran woman Obsidian met when he rescued her cruise ship from pirates.  As the captain she was exceedingly grateful and for them it was love at first sight.  They had two children together.  Danielle died only 120 short years later of natural causes.  Her death weighed on Obsidian making him feel cheated and angry. He took his anger out on any poor slob unfortunate enough to cross him.

Firebird Dossier

Firebird DossierPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2017/4/28 17:00
Hits1621  Comments4    
James Holden, is a gen ab. He was born in the northern America continent on the eastern bay of the city of New Detroit. His powers are as follows:

Energy manipulation Fire (reduce or intensify)
Energy emission fire and heat.
Invulnerability Fire
Limited Invulnerability Magical fire
Immolation fire
Create construct fire

Vulnerabilities: Firebird requires oxygen to create flames this means he cannot generate flames in a vacuum without the assistance of additional chemicals.

Firebird can focus his flames to to simulate jet thrusters or even a high heat welding torch. Firebird can also ignite any kind of flammable material. It is important to know that Firebird does not usually leave a flame trail but there is often residual effects from creating fires.

James statistics:
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 250 lbs
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Age 22:
Occupation: Journalist
Military training: Some basic self defense
Siblings: None
Known Relatives: None

Str: 17
Agl: 15
Int: 18
Psy: 13
End: 19
Pre: 15

Weapon skills: Small arms Basic proficiancy

Non-Weapon skills:
Journalism (Bachelor's Degree)
Creative writing
Investigative research
Computer sciences
Computer hacking
Cooking (professional quality)
Art (drawing/sketching)
Driving (domestic)
Pilot Ship (Frigate and smaller)
Navigation (Land, air sea, space)

Final assignment 3D Modeling Week 5

Final assignment 3D Modeling Week 5Popular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryFantasy    Last Update2015/7/5 3:45
Hits1558  Comments2    
Okay folks just finished weeks 5 and 6 of my 3d modeling class and already made huge improvements in my grades, I started this class with a 44% and while the final grades aren't in I'm hoping to boost that up to an 85% or better, currently I'm at 80% which is a C or B- I'm not sure but it's better that the D- I got in the first 3d modeling class right? Thanks for all your support guys I'll remember you all when I get to Hollywood. LOL
This isn't my best pic but I made this so it rocks. This reminds me of when I first started rendering with know the learning curve here is gonna be short LOL

Ferusi's Finest

Ferusi's FinestPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2013/11/11 13:11
Hits1588  Comments3    
In a novel I am still working on the antagonists are the people and leader of the planet Ferusi. This image is a simple glimpse at their least the heavy troops....and a hovertank.

Fastest Hunk of Junk in the Galaxy.jpg

Fastest Hunk of Junk in the Galaxy.jpgPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryTV and Movies    Last Update2015/11/30 5:56
Hits1577  Comments2    
I saw a piece of art that made me want to one up the artist (petty I know but I get that way sometimes.) I noticed while recreating this scene that in the movie the falcon has not 3 but 5 sets of landing gear...kinda took some of the fun out being so damned accurate with the image. Oh well it's as close as I'm gonna get. Enjoy fanboys/girls

Family Photo.

Family Photo.Popular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2021/5/27 10:48
Hits726  Comments0    
Obsidian doesn't have many photos with his spouses let alone two of them at the same time.  He really does have genuine feelings for them and is sad with the realization that Lote' will never return the feelings he  has for her and worried that Ai's draconic nature may become a serious problem later as she has already begun to show signs of possessiveness. Regardless he  is certain he'll do what is right or both of them.

Family Meeting.jpg

Family Meeting.jpgPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2015/6/29 9:59
Hits1617  Comments3    
After Moonshadow makes hamburger out of the two specialists (A sight that would give a mortal man nightmares) we finally meet with her father. Four foot three inches tall and deliberately unassuming this minuscule bastard could wipe out the entire galaxy on a whim if he felt the impulse to do so. I can't see his face behind that mask but I know he pissed at seeing me and with his eldest daughter yet. He's really pissed about that contract he doesn't like overlooking loopholes I'm guessing. Moonshadow wraps her arm around my waste and holds me tightly and if I could see the look on his face I'm certain it would be rage.  She looks coldly at him behind her lenses and her voice sounds like metal through her mask. Her words frustrate him and I find out that he truly is a man of his word, and he gave his word to his children. "I know you have had dealings with this Man father, but you gave your word that you would never harm or interfere with anything or anyone that is important to me and that you would support whatever union I chose."

"9000 years ago I made that promise and this one was to be one of us...and while it looks like you have accomplished with romance what I could not through deception. Fine I will remember my promise. Obsidian, if you hurt her...I will hurt you...I will really hurt you."


"Yes dear, I know you are more than capable of hurting him yourself. Is this something serious sweetheart?"

Sweetheart? I am seeing a Paternal side of the Black Mantis I didn't know existed.

"No Father but it may become something he is after all immortal."

"Obsidian, you have been through two marriages, I hope if you decide to do it again it will last substantially longer than the others."

I'm confused, I didn't bring up anything about relationships and I'm feeling a bit on the spot. My words are a jumble of stuttering and idiocy.

"Um yeah of course, I mean we're not serious like that yet but if it er happens I um yeah."
Real smooth dumbass.

"Very good then, Moonshaddow I will see you soon I hope? You rarely visit and your step mother misses you."

"Yes father, and tell Raven I said I'll be by soon."

With that he actually raises his mask as does she and kisses her on the cheek. I'm glad nobody can see my mouth wide open because this is not the bloodthirsty Black Mantis I know.

Slowly I turn to Moonshadow, still stunned from what I just saw...I can only ask:

"Dafuq was that?"

Moonshadow just smiles (that million dollar smile that just makes me melt) and says

"Oh that? Well after you wigged out on me at my place I figured I'd ease your mind a bit with my father.  Long ago he made each of us a promise that he'd never hurt us and that meant never harming anything or anyone important to us. You're important to me, I haven't met too many elves like you...there's just something different about you, most elves are so conceited but not you, and it's obvious my father sees it too or he wouldn't be trying so hard to recruit you."

"So you're only interested because he is?"

"No darling, but it definitely makes things more interesting and now you don't have to worry about my father interfering with your life anymore although he might want to go fishing sometime hahahahaha"
Her laughter is like droplets of rain and tinkling bells, is their nothing about her that isn't magical? Okay I buy it for now and just looking at her figure and listening to her voice is every reason to, I know what you're thinking but like I said before Luminesti cannot be enthralled.

"Okay lady, so where do we go from here?"

"How about we find out why those guys wanted to kill us?"

Faerlan Stormbow

Faerlan StormbowPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2015/2/27 3:44
Hits1353  Comments1    
Faerlan Stormbow is a Rogue with a bit of Magic thrown in besides. A wood elf from the Eveningstar woods he is a bounty hunter of some repute. An expert in fencing his twin Rapiers have been the downfall of many a foe. He is altruistic and protective and just a bit naive but always loyal to friends, home, and kin. His keen mind and unearthly reflexes have thus far served him well and in the pursuit of all things good and just he has not once faltered from fear nor has he shed blood needlessly.

F--king Ice

F--king IcePopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2014/1/16 22:27
Hits1582  Comments2    
Okay on this one I learned something new, I learned how to make realistic looking ice cubes. Sounds trivial you say? Friggin try it. I had to scour my maps to find just the right transparency map to make convincing ice, then I had to set the gloss, the ambient and the refraction (don't get me started on the refraction). It took nearly every trick and skill in my repertoire just to make some really nice ice cubes.

As for the's how Obsidian Mask winds down after nearly being blown to bits on a regular basis (he might have problems later on.) As for me I'm a Vodka guy, I like mine with sweet lemonade (you get hammered really fast though cuz it's like candy).

F**k you Bats

F**k you BatsPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryDC Comics    Last Update2016/10/14 23:31
Hits1673  Comments2    
You nearly killed Bane when you shot him. I told you, that's not how we do things in Gotham.

Of course it isn't Bats, Let me see if I can figure out exactly how you do things in Gotham.
First you stop a guy who kills people, then you put him in a nuthouse where he's sure to be released in months rather then fried in the chair, but instead they escape time and again, and each time you go get em. It's like shampoo, lather rinse repeat. Tell me though, each time someone like the Joker gets out, how many folks does he kill? I bet you know exactly how many people he's killed. And every time he gets out he does it again.  As many times as you had the chance to stop him once and for all, the blood of those innocent and not so innocent people are  on your hands as much as his. Bane is no less dangerous, some of these guys are irredeemable like rabid dogs, and there's only one thing you do with a rabid dog, but I bet you're standing there thinking that you're better then me because you don't kill. Afraid that it gets easier every time...well it doesn't Bats, in fact it gets harder every time. You pray that the next guy you have to put a bulletin does give you a reason not to, but they never do. You though, you keep this never ending cycle going all so you can be the Bat. The end result is that the bystanders pay for your ego and arrogance, and on behalf of all those who could have lived if you were willing to cross the line when absolutely necessary...Fuck you Bats.

With that I leave and I will never come to this universe again.

Exit Fold

Exit FoldPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2017/12/9 12:25
Hits1166  Comments3    
A spacefold jump courtesy of the S.S. Lillun-B. This is but one of four modes of travel the Lillun which include:  Sub-Light drive, Warp Drive, Slipstream (Hyperspace) Drive, and as viewed here, Spacefold Drive.  The Lillun and the fighter "Wraith" are among very few ships in the five galaxies to use all 4 systems although the only safe combination to use simultaneously is Sub-Light with Spacefold...any other combinations will tear a hole in space-time and decimate any ship whose captain is foolish enough to try something that stupid. It is important to note that all ships have safety features built in to prevent that level of sheer stupidity.

Escaping Ferusi post.jpg

Escaping Ferusi post.jpgPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2016/8/20 11:06
Hits1417  Comments4    
At one point early in my novel the SS Runt makes a run for it after rescuing Panterra from the planet of Ferusi. With Ferusian battle cruisers in hot pursuit the Runt makes a desperate play opening a fold gate near the sun of Ferusian system. A gamble that nearly destroys the Runt along with several Ferusian ships.

Side note: The planet of Ferusi has it's own global shield system via a network of satellite emitters powered by solar energy. Half of the grid is always facing the sun granting a limitless supply of energy at all times. Ships colliding with the shield meet the same fate as if crashing into the planet itself. SWhip that manage to breach the shield are greeted by the full might of the Ferusian space fleet garrisoned there.  


SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2016/11/14 6:55
Hits1429  Comments1    
We make it back yo Kryllia Prime without incident, and I arrange to meet High Crona Hirzhak to collect our payment.  I get to tell him his son is alive and well and the families of the fallen get some much needed closure. Hirzhak  invites me to meet privately and considering he and I just made his goverment look bad for not even attempting what I just pulled off,  I'd say it's a good idea to conclude this transaction out of eyesight.  

"Obsidian," Hirzhak says with tears welling up in his eyes. "You have returned my son to me and I do not know how to repay you for that.  20 million credits doesn't seem like hardly enough to me.  You and your courageous crew risked your lives bring back my only son. If you are ever need anything just ask and if I can make it happen I will."

"I was happy to do it, nobody ever wants to be given up on.  I am glad I could reunite you with your son"

"Many others were not as fortunate, and we will have to make sure that those families are compensated and their loved ones recognized properly."

"Good luck to you sir. I hope never have to meet again under these circumstances. If you should ever require my services again you know how to reach me."

With that I transport up  to the Sable and we head out for some much needed repairs. It looks like it's gonna be a quick trip to Space Station Nimbus and this time I hope I can get my hands on more Absorbium. I love being able to help others and getting paid for it is a real plus. However, I know that somewhere out there the self proclaimed "Multiverse's greatest assassin" has his eyes set on me, and it hangs over me like the sword of Damocles.

Epic Smackdown

Epic SmackdownPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryMarvel Comics    Last Update2014/5/10 20:07
Hits2806  Comments4    
I wasn't too sure who the smackdown was supposed to be on, so i played it by era and Victor is gonna get one...or the Avengers are. This multi-layered image was a challenge to put together but I like the finished product. I hope it wins.

Enterprise-F at ESD

Enterprise-F at ESDPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryVideo Game    Last Update2021/10/28 8:24
Hits1600  Comments0    

Enterprise-D Bridge

Enterprise-D BridgePopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryTV and Movies    Last Update2013/10/7 4:08
Hits1769  Comments0    
A famous bridge from Star Trek, the U.S.S. Enterprise-D had one of the most elegant designs I have ever seen in a starship.

Enterprise-D Beauty Shot

Enterprise-D Beauty ShotPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryTV and Movies    Last Update2013/10/7 4:10
Hits1936  Comments0    
My favorite design from Star Trek was the Galaxy class Enterprise-D.

Enter the spider

Enter the spiderPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2016/11/23 17:51
Hits1807  Comments3    
Her mistress has summoned her, and the goddess of war will need her champion during this tumultuous period.  There has been a theft, someone has stolen from her goddess a relic of great importance, and her mistress bids her to join the mercenary Obsidian mask in his quest to recover it.  As instructed Spydra makes her way through the city's skyline on the magical threads of silk woven from her fingertips. Diving between buildings and around the fast moving traffic high above the streets. In no time she reaches the Hall of heroes where the the Scions of Justice make their home. High above the towering building she can see Obsidian's fightercraft approach and she is exited at the opportunity to prove herself to her Goddess.
Spydra plummets from the sky and with a spring and a somersault she lands deftly at the entrance.

She takes the lift to the conference room to find obsidian waiting.

"Obsidian Mask."

"Spydra, what's up? Hey have you seen Panterra?"

""No I haven't but I was looking for you."


"My goddess has instructed that I should accompany you on your quest."

"Um two things first: One: Who exactly is your goddess? Two: What do you know of my quest?"

"I worship the goddess Spydraxis, and she has bid me to hep you find and retrieve the relic that was stolen from her realm."

"Yeah,  I was hoping the cat would join me but you're more than welcome.  I just wish "someone" would've mentioned it."

"Do you know of the goddess?"

"That's actually a long story, but let's just say I'm informed.  I didn't know you were one of her devout though.  You can load your stuff aboard the Wraith, and you should prepare for a lengthy stay, we'll be traveling off world to practically the other side of the galaxy."

"I have all I need. We can leave right away or at your earliest convenience."

"Let me just leave a message  for Panterra and I'll see you on the Wraith."

Spydra has seen many wonders in her life but nothing quite prepares anyone for a ship whose interior dimensions are vastly larger than it's exterior. She is understandably impressed. The technology to create such a vehicle is beyond anything in the known galaxy.

"Obsidian, your ship is...I don't have the words.  How did you come by such a thing?"

"Don't be too impressed Spydra, 4d technology is rare but it's available on the open market. It is however, awfully expensive."

"So, you're a billionaire like Panterra then?"

"No but my mercenary jobs aren't always paid in money. Sometimes I trade for services or items. This fighter was one such payment."

The small fighter darts through the atmosphere with grace and speed that would make any fighter pilot jealous, and in a burst if brilliant light it make a seamless jump to hyperspace, and screams towards the Sable's current location.  In no time the two ships are reunited and the Wraith slowly enters the shuttlebay of the small frigate. Once aboard Spydra is escorted to her temporary guest quarters, a room more ample and elegant than her own downtown apartment and for just a second she thinks that perhaps the mercenary work is a bit more lucrative than her own job.  They crew of this ship want for nothing and there's no constant struggle to balance bills. The ship is clearly built for war but luxurious at the same time, powerful but elegant. To live here, to be part of this crew must be a truly wonderful experience, but she goes where her mistress bids, and her faith will never waiver or such amenities.

"Enjoy your quarters Spydra I'll be in my office.  If you need anything just tap this panel here and someone will assist you okay?"

"Thank you, and it is my understanding that you are  now married?"

Yes, I have 4 wives, and  I'm certain that once they find out you are aboard they will want to meet you. How about we all have dinner tonight and we can get better acquainted. Say 9ish?  You'd like them, you all have a lot in common."

"That would be nice, I look forward to it."

With that, Spydra invokes the magic that alters her armor's appearance and returns to her alter ego Gloria Bannon, but somehow mild mannered archaeologist doesn't seem to fit in here, "For once," she thinks to herself, "I can just be me, with no pretense." a truly foreign concept.  Joining this quest is much more than just the adventure.  

"What a treat this will be." She says while peering at her her reflection, "Thank you, goddess."

Her heart almost stops when she hears a voice say "You are quite welcome chid, but remember...our lord has a purpose for this one."

Gloria bows on one knee and replies "Of course my lady."

Enter the Namaean Elf.jpg

Enter the Namaean Elf.jpgPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategorySci-fi    Last Update2015/7/12 21:08
Hits2563  Comments6    
After a brief recovery period and some training to get used to my new arm, I put my connections to work and in no time I have a lead on a small colony called New Atlantis an oceanic world with almost no landmasses. I am greeted by a very large human who calls himself Conan, I'm not here to dispute whether or not he's the real guy but he looks and acts the part. Standing next to him is of all things a Namean Elf (Namean elves are like Luminesti, they'll live forever but they have some serious quirks like all Namae." As I'm talking to the burly giant I can't help but feel like a pork chop as the elf stares me down like a hungry man does a meal.

"My interest Conan is in a man who calls himself Nechronos, thus far he has made several attempts on my life."

"Obsidan Mask, you could be none other...your reputation as a hero precedes you as does your stature HA!. I  have heard of this man you seek a Wizard by all accounts, he was headed To the Hadean galaxy and I needn't tell you that anyone going there has only foul deeds in mind."

Yuck it up barbarian, short jokes...a guy pretending to be Conan just made a short joke at my expense...I'm pretty sure he has no clue that I could punch him through the nearest building but it's all good...enjoy the chuckle asshole.

"Thank you Conan, I'll head there immediately."

"Farewell and Crom guide you."

I turn to head for my ship when the elf interjects...

"Wait stranger, You will be in need of a guide. I know the Hadean systems like no one else.  I could be persuaded to come with you as a price"

I think I've just been upgraded to t-bone.  She talks like a thief...I don't need a thief. Still if she can cut my search time down and help me to avoid some run ins with those psychotic Hadeans...

"Mae govannen. Mani naa lle umien? Amin sinta lle? (Well met . What is your name? Do I know you?)

Luminesti Elvish is a common language among most elves though many have their own dialects they can usually understand our general meaning. Namaean elves are no different as her answer demonstrates.

"Saesa omentien lle.  Amin Zaeerah Alagos, ann amin naa lle nai amin sinta thaliolle e dagor lle naa belegohtar, Amin naa cam'wethrin  ( A pleasure to meet you. I am Zaeerah Stormwind, and I am yours to command.  I know your strength in battle you are a mighty warrior.  I am a skilled thief.)

"Okay thief, what we'll see how much you know of Hadeans and their galaxy soon enough."

"Manka lle merna Heru en amin." (As you wish my lord.)

That's tad formal, but what the hell at least she's respectful, though I still feel like a pork chop, er steak...whatever. Moonshadow's gonna love this...

"Ona ta a'amin nethig." (Follow me little sister.)

Side note: Up to this point I have not featured Obsidian speaking elvish but I thought this would be a good time to demonstrate that he could. Don't ask what I had to go through to find Tolkien's elven language.

Enter Nechronos

Enter NechronosPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2015/8/1 2:35
Hits1472  Comments1    
Across the universe and throughout time he has existed, what are his motives? None know it is said his ideals are beyond the understanding of mortals, But obsidian Mask is no mere mortal. Nechronos is a spellweaver, and Time Master one of the last of his kind. His people ascended long ago to become one with the cosmos, and infinite realities. Through their archives he has learned of the destroyer, and worse yet, that the destroyer is here in his reality, threatening it's very existence. But the diabolical madman has no intention of doing anything about it. No he intends to find this destroyer and glean whatever knowledge and resources he can from such a powerful being, but how? Yes how can he even dream of pulling the wool over the eyes of The Black Mantis! It matters not to him how, because he must first find the destroyer's weakness...Every creature has one right? But the tomes of the ancient archives give no clues, there are only rumors now, and is plans are being interfered with by that bothersome elf Obsidian Mask, no matter he at least can be disposed of. Razor will see to it in their last encounter Razor brought back his arm, he will bring his head eventually. The mad Time Master's thoughts wander and then suddenly, a tome mentions a prophecy, no, not a prophecy but a myth, a legend. The Time Masters mention a simulacrum, a clone, an artificial life brought forth from the blood of the enemy, one who is close to the destroyer but who could it mean?  Over and over a reference to the Dark hood and Dark Shadow, it couldn't be...could it...The bothersome Elf is close to the destroyer? Pah many beings wear black and call themselves the hooded one and so forth...but this is too much of a coincidence for Nechronos' comfort.  Razor kept the arm as a trophy, and now it may serve a better use...  
The mad Time Master summons Deathwing, his loyal dragon, and with an incantation as old as time they vanish in a violet mist.

Enter He-Man

Enter He-ManPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryTV and Movies    Last Update2018/12/28 18:00
Hits1848  Comments1    
I make my way out of Skeletor's spike pit back up to the throne room, a task simplified by the fact that NOBODY is at their post  Everyone is focused entirely on He-Man.  There's unconscious bodies everywhere He-Man is no slouch when it comes to kicking ass but overall their injuries are minor because apparently he's holding back.  I'm running at a full clip when out of nowhere a massive cyborg with blue skin leaps in front of a doorway to bar my passage.  I can't stop fast enough and so the two of us collide tumbling into the adjacent room.  Faster than the metal jawed cyborg can think I do a quick Kip Up and we're facing each other.  We face off sword in hand, and he's smiling wide because he has obvious physical advantages... or so he thinks. The sounds of fighting echo throughout Snake Mountain as He-Man makes his way onward while this metal headed goon and I stare each other down.  I activate my energy blade and the look on his face tells me everything I need to know.  He's not certain he can beat me.  He points his cybernetic appendage at me and with the equipped weapon fires a blast at my head.  Just for the look on his face I let it hit me.  Instantly I am rewarded with a dumbfounded expression.

"I sincerely hope for your sake Cyborg that that wasn't your best move, because of it was..."

My words are cut off as he fires at the ceiling above me in a vain attempt to bury me alive under the ensuing rubble.

"How's that chrome dome?"

I rise from beneath the ton of rubble as if it were a pile of Styrofoam, and again the look on his face is one of utter confusion.

"Chrome Dome?  Seriously?"

He leaps at me with a new appendage attached, one designed for close combat.  As he swings I remove is entire cybernetic arm with a single swing.

"Go ahead do something else stupid I dare you!"  

My words do not fall on deaf ears as he scrambles to his feet and practically breaks his own neck panicking to get away from me.

I deactivate my sword and head further up as fast as I can.  As I near the throne room of the fortress I decide to slow things down and take to the shadows.

Upon entering the room I am greeted by the sight of He-Man and Orko face to face with Skeletor. In the distance I hear what sounds like a Lion's roar and I'm not sure I wanna be here anymore.
Turning my attention back to the magic Sword wielding barbarian and this sawed-off mage I am impressed by the sight.  The people of this world are positively massively muscled.  In He-Man's case I'm certain it's an aspect of his magical nature like the magically empowered heroes from my reality, but Skeletor and his goons?  I'm not even sure how he eats let alone works out.  I digress, as I ponder these idiosyncrasies, the two big men square off.

"Enough He-Man, drop your sword and surrender or else."

"I don't think so Bonehead, Castle Grayskull will never be yours, not so long as I draw a breath."

"Is that so you musclebound clod? Then behold Faker! Destroy He-Man!!!"

What happens next is a mind blower, what appears to be a clone of the intrepid hero steps out from the shadows, identical in every way except his blue-tinted skin.

"What the?" He-Man's words echo my thoughts.  "Nice try Skeletor but not quite."

As the two musclebound men engage in battle I'm unsure how Skeletor has enough power to match He-Man yet somehow fails to conquer Grayskull, let alone the world.  It doesn't matter really the fact that this is all going on isn't my primary concern and as Skeletor attempts to make his getaway I leap into action.  I pounce from above and using my infinitium blade I cut his miserable staff cleanly in two.

"You're next you skull faced piece of.."

"I surrender!"


"I said I surrender, to you hero.  Take me away."

"Oh is that what you think is going on here?  You think I'm a hero?"  I raise my sword level with his head inches away from his bony face. "You're barking up the wrong tree motherfucker.  You left the hero behind you.  Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Obsidian mask assassin and mercenary for hire.  I am so much worse than that guy you're trying to kill back there and you know what? That reminds me, you tried to fucking KILL ME!"

"What-what're you talking about?"  He says terrified as he realizes I will probably kill him for real. Then his tone changes his bluff was called and it makes him show his true intent. "In that case, Die interloper!!!"

A flash of magical energy flies form his hand, magic that is absorbed harmlessly by my armor.

"No this cannot be? How is this even possible?"

"I'd tell you Skeletor, but then I'd have to...Oh yeah I'm gonna do that anyway, now where's She-Ra?" My shouts are interrupted by another magical blast from Evil-Lynn and I have finally had enough. Instantly my gun appears in my left hand and I put a round right between her pretty little eyes. In an instant the the fighting stops and everyone stands frozen in place horrified by this sudden act of brutal finality.


Skeletor's words echo off the walls and the utter silence is unnerving, eerie. I break it without remorse.

"I did, and you're next. Now answer me!"

In a flash He-Man's shield screams across the room slamming hard into my gun knocking it out of my hand and across the room. In the blink of an eye he's made the distance between him and me vanish and he grabs me by my helmet pinning me to a nearby wall.

"What have you done!?!?"  His voice is full of rage.  I'm not entirely sure why he's so pissed off until I see Skeletor holding Evil-Lynn's limp body tightly while sobbing uncontrollably.

"Are you guys serious?  Let go of me before this becomes a thing."

"You killed her!" HE-Man says in disbelief yet again.

"Like she just tried to do to me? Like he tried to do to me...TWICE!  Yeah, you're damned right I did.  I never killed anyone who didn't try to kill me first though."

"We DO NOT KILL OUR FOES ON ETERNIA!!!"   He shouts it like it's some sort of motto I'm suppose to know... Okay time to bring everyone up to speed.

"Okay you Whack-Jobs listen up.  I have no clue why your gods brought me here but I am absolutely gonna tell you this: You get two warnings then blood flows it is that simple. Now I am here to find the Princess of Power or her whereabouts and as of now I think I'm gonna make a shining example out of anyone who makes that job more difficult than it has to be...Including you hero boy!!!"

Just then Orko in a fit of rage does something stupid, he attempts to cast a spell. The magic is again absorbed harmlessly by my armor and now it's my rage that's up.

"Little legless wonder, have you lost your Gods damned mind?  Don't you know I can kill you?"

He man jumps to the rescue again pinning me to a wall.  My computer has rated his strength as on Par with Infinity-Man so there's no way I can survive a physical confrontation with him, but he doesn't know what flashing is so I summon my pistol and put two heavy concussion rounds into his chest.  They don't do any damage but they knock the big man across the room and onto his ass.  I reach into my belt and pull out an Anti-Matter grenade and start making threats like a common terrorist.

"That is the last time I let you put your hands on me and live, you got it? Next time I kill you dead and Eternia mourns it's greatest hero. Now before you get any ideas, you see this thing in my hand?  This is an anti-matter grenade. Antimatter annihilates Matter, you and everything in this entire universe is made of matter. So when this goes off the only thing left in this area and for miles in every direction...will be me. I am done fucking around with your rules and your planet.  All I want is for Skull Face to answer my question once and for all.  Now for the last time...Where is She-Ra?"

"Why are you searching for She-Ra?" He-Man asks as if he was oblivious to my previous inquiries.

"Finding her Numbnuts, and returning her safely to Castle Grayskull is my current contract."

"Who hired you?"

"Your sorceress if you must know."

"The sorceress hired YOU?" He asks in disbelief.

"I come highly recommended. If anyone can find her it's me, and I will find her no matter how many corpses I have to leave in my wake."

"Is killing your answer to everything?"  

"Get off your soap box Hero, I don't kill indiscriminately. Only when necessary."

"So killing Evil-Lynn was necessary?"

"First of all the first part of her name is FUCKING EVIL you blonde headed bimbo!!! Secondly do you see how the situation changed? people are paying attention and taking me seriously now. NECESSARY!!!"

Just then Skeletor looks up with a tear covered face (He can cry? How do you do that without eyes) and says.  Etheria, she's on Etheria, Hordak is holding her prisoner in his fortress.  Go find her, and I hope he kills you ...Mercenary!  In a puff of smoke he vanishes along with the corpse of Evil-Lynn. He-Man's doppelganger, an android of impressive power but not enough to defeat the hero, is the only villain remaining. I Summon Onyx and head for the window.  Just then He-Man places his hand on my shoulder. I look down and his hand and he quickly removes it.

"Look, if you searching for my sis- Er She-Ra she's a good friend of mine and I'd like to come with you if you don't mind?"

"Fine Hero, but we're playing by my rules.  Don't worry I don't harm innocents or kill indiscriminately. But if it becomes necessary I am very good at it though honestly I'd prefer stealth whenever possible."

"Okay your rules, but I don't kill...EVER."  

"Of course you don't...Hero"

Enlisting Aid

Enlisting AidPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2017/7/30 18:23
Hits1820  Comments4    
Maylen has decided to ask Obsidian to help in searching for She-Ra who has been missing for some time now...hopefully he can do something with his newfound powers.


SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryFantasy    Last Update2014/10/8 20:28
Hits1737  Comments5    
The Enfield like their Fox cousins make excellent pets, they share the same habitats and diet. Their ability as hunters is exceptionally precise combining excellent telescopic vision as well enhanced hearing make them formidable indeed. They are distant relatives of the Owlursus and are barely a tenth of the size. Taming them is exceptionally easy but they are excellent hiders and are rarely seen.

End of the line

End of the linePopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2017/4/16 6:36
Hits1238  Comments1    
I'm adrift in an endless ocean, barely aware of the muffles voices. I know I am submerged and I fight for the strength to swim to the surface, but I have none. The voices are barely audible and I try to scream out for help. My eyes open ever so slightly and I resist the urge to sleep...I have been asleep for far too long.  A single voice guides me calling my name.  Danielle?  I hadn't thought about my first wife in decades, I kept busy so that her memory would finally stop haunting me.  As the years went by I had all but forgotten my first love. How can I be hearing her voice? She's been gone for so long now.

I call out to her.

"Danielle? I hear you.  Does this I dead?"

"No my beloved.  There are those who need you still."

"I'm tired honey, I don't want to keep doing this."

"I know you are, but it is not time for you to rest just yet. We will see each other again but for now you must wake up."
I see her ghostly image before me for just a moment before it fades away to reveal Ai. Ai who is screaming in a panic.

"WAKE THE HELL UP!!! Dammit, I swear husband I did not want you to find out this secret this way.  I would've told you but it was never the right...I'm so very sorry."

He body twists an morphs and suddenly there is a large dragon standing before me.  Suddenly I am very alert.

"What the?"

The beast looks back at me again and with Ai's voice it says...

"I'm so sorry."

I become aware of the battle around me as Ai's dragonfire lays waste to the foes before her.  Their screams and the heat from her breath snap me out of my stupor.  I look around quickly and take note of the situation. There's a liquid suspension tank with the glass shattered. nearby are consoles and other scanning devices, a lab...I'm in a lab.  Someone has been performing experiments on me...Okay Now I'm pissed.

In an instant my armor and weapons are with me...I do love Flash magic.

I leap to my feet and the first bastard close enough to me gets his bead removed. My enchanted blade heals me every wound and forces our any foreign objects save for a select few. Guns in hand I begin making short work of the troops that pour into the small room. There's just too many and while I'm not overly worried about me getting hurt I am keenly aware that Ai...and what appears to be Aini, could be gravely injured at the rate things are going. A simple forcewall blocks  the doorway and it will take some time before anyone brings it down. They don't have a powerful enough  mage to dispel it. This will give us some time.

"Um ladies you wanna tell what's going on?"

Before the last word escapes my lips I am hugged nearly to the point of smothering and the two (ladies?) begin talking at the same time so fast my ears can't keep up.  What I get though is that I have apparently been used as a pawn in some twisted game wherein some guy name Abominous not only kidnapped me but also cloned me via a similar process used by the Black Mantis. This is a rescue mission that has gone horribly wrong.  Suddenly there is the sound if displaced air...a gentle poof. I turn on my heels to see a stereotypical class a grand vizier type flunkie...very cliche' however, as he raises his hands and begins chanting I am certain he is unaware that he just signed his own death warrant. With skill speed an accuracy born of centuries of combat I put two rounds straight through his head...and all that chanting stops, along with all other bodily processes.

"Okay ladies, what was the escape plan?"

"We were going to use our teleporter to get out but..."

"But when the alarms went off they raised their shields and blocked our way out."

"Uh huh."

Neither of these women are stupid, but I'm thinking emotion had something to do with their rash planning. Still we make a break for it shooting up the place as we go. We'll talk about the dragon thing, and Aini's blue skin later. As we make our way to the shield generators we are set upon time and again byt soldiers determined to die for their cause...whatever that may be.

One wrong turn later and we find ourselves looking out onto a wide view of lava as far as the eye can see. It's a mining world...they're remote and usually manned by machines...or elementals depending on the owners.

A voice booms behind us and I turn to see a massive 14 foot behemoth of a man, well a humanoid anyway. He's got a condescending attitude and smug look on his face. The kind that makes me wanna wipe it right off.  He simply stands there with his hand cupped behind his back. It's almost as if he's unconcerned with me or what I can do. Well..sword in one hand and rifle in the other I turn to confront him. Aini lunges for him and with a wave of his hand he simply bats her away as one would an insect.

I begin scanning him.

"You are?"

"I am lord Abominous, and this is my research facility. You are my captive and now so are they."

[stength: 100]

"Really? You think you have what it takes to keep me here?"

"Your armor and abilities are insignificant compared to my own, you cannot win this fight."

[Agility: 15] [Psyche: 100] [intelligence: 128]
[Endurance: 223]

"Yeah I think you're underestimating me, and that it might cost you.

"You elf have no magic to defend yourself, and your allies are unable to come to your rescue as they're occupied with my forces. You cannot escape, and resistance is futile. You can surrender or die"

(come on, come on, stupid computer give me what I need)...
[Powers: Expulsion energy: Ion beam Class 1,] [Power: Regeneration]
[Power: Immortality]
[Various tehnological devices]

I give a little twist of my lead foot to improve my traction and...

"Let's put that theory to the test shall we?"

He's stronger but I'm faster, an advantage whose effects are not completely lost on the lumbering ox as I easy dodge his massive fists and draw first blood...Literally.

Enraged he scareams "You dare to strike me, Nay to draw my blood?  You shall suffer for that elf."

The energy beams from his eyes are a very violent and powerful weapon.I narrowly dodge the first one bu the second blast hit's me square in the back as I realize thy nearly have a will of their own and can track their target down...nice. The blast hurls me straight to his waiting arms and he starts pummeling my face and head. The shuddering inside my helmet rattles my brain but I'm not hurt in the slightest. I point my rifle at his torso and pull the trigger. it knocks him off me but if I want to kill him I'll need a better round so...I click a button and move up to Non-Conventional ammo. Another blast from his eyes and I charge straight for him. As they hit my energy sinks reach capacity and I transfer all of it to my kinetic gauntlets hitting him with all the power he's used on me thus far...the blow shatters the windows of the room and the heat from the lava can be felt inside. Abominous leaps for me and I easily dodge a fist that buckles the floor plates. As I land on my feet I spin around to see him grab Aini and leg and dangle her from the window. Her wing, crippled from the blow he landed earlier will not hold her aloft.

"Enough!  Surrender or your beloved here dies a fiery death in the lava below!!!"

Aini bites his hand and instantly he slams his fist into her sending her hurtling to the lava floor below. Without hesitation Ai dives out after her and it's just me and him.

"You know they're dead. They'll never survive the heat or the gaseous fumes of this planet. Even if you win you have already lost them."

"You know what, I'm really sick of you.  You know so much do you? What do you think they are. Heroes? Ab-Gens? You're so much dumber than you look. The reason The blue one looks like a demon is because she IS a demon...what fire does the mortal world have that can harm her? And the other, that's a great golden dragon, also immune to fire. You're not nearly as smart as you look."

Enraged at my pointing out his shortsightedness, he lunges for me again and I meet him with full fury. He's slow easy to maneuver around, not once does he land a blow. My sensei once spoke of enraging my enemies and how it makes them sloppy now I see what he meant. Abominous is slowly demolishing the room, a room which I realize, via a hole in the floor, is built on the outside of the main structure. We do the dance for a few seconds more as make strategic cuts in the foundations....until finally...

"This has been a really nice game Apostrophe, but I can't play anymore...I hope you can swim."

With that the entire room begins to fall towards the molten lava below and a quick cling spells has me sticking to the wall like a bug. Abominous...not so much. He screams with rage the whole way down until his outstretched hand disappears beneath the glowing orange liquid.

As I being to make my way up the building in the same fashion as Spydra, I hear the flapping of gigantic wings behind me.  I turn around to see my wife and mistress hovering there, smiling at me. Aini's nude form is really sexy when she's blue, apparently her clothing couldn't survive the lava. The two grab hold of me and I hold tight  as they carry us to safety. In no time we are back aboard our ship with some time...time I soon discover, to mourn, and reflect. This whole ordeal has been a bloody nightmare and  yet there is still a clone to contend with...I'm not even sure how to process that...the first time was a pain...but this time...this time is different.

End Game.jpg

End Game.jpgPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2015/8/3 7:15
Hits1390  Comments3    
Finally, I track that sonofabitch down, and after another foot chase he tries to give me the slip by hopping in his ship again but I'm one step ahead of him this time and as I leap from the flight deck a thousand feet above the planet's surface, I summon the Wraith. In an instant it appears beneath me as if by magic. A split second later and I'm on his ass. For the first time since this began I have the upper hand and Razor knows it. He points his nose to the ground no doubt he figures his smaller ship can outmaneuver mine. He's wrong, the Wraith is a flying death machine of grace and beauty and she moves with agility unheard of for a craft of her size. We skim the surface just a few feet off the ground and around obstacles weaving in and out at blinding speeds. I never look at the controls keeping my eyes on the tiny craft as Razor desperately tries to escape. I know he wants to hyper-jump but he can't while I'm on him. He dips down into a canyon but it won't help him, the Wraith easily navigates the twisting terrain. Suddenly he pulls straight up and takes off like a shot. He's making a break for it but that won't help him either. I arm my cannons and fire randomly, I don't want to kill him just make him panic. As we clear the planet's atmosphere we scream towards a nearby asteroid field. Suddenly I hear Razor's voice over my comms.
"You know you can't catch me right? Not in that bulky thing. Sure you've got speed and you can maneuver in atmosphere but my ship was built for space. You won't win."
There's too much rage inside me and all I can muster is the phrase.
"You're a dead man."
He heads for a nearby asteroid field and we bob and weave though rocks the size of mountains and as soon as he's clear he makes the jump...just like I planned. I get his coordinates and punch them into the nav computer and make the jump to hyperspace. I come out just in time to see his tiny little craft slow down, he thinks he's lost me and that's when I let loose with a torpedo, it detonates taking out his shields and it's a simple matter for my guns to take him down. he treats off towards a nearby planet, at full burn, another base presumably. As we breach the atmosphere a dozen Hadean fighters join the fray, their funeral. I launch several F.A.F. (fire and forget) drones and continue after Razor. The drones will make short work of any pilots that were stupid enough to attack me. Their small size makes them hard to target and they pack considerable firepower. Razor's ship continues to fall apart and I watch as one of his engines explodes bursting into flames, an engine panel whizzes by my canopy but I never flinch. My scanners pick up a base nearby and I lock onto it with a heavy torpedo. The torpedo detonates a split second later leaving a gaping hole and destroying any possibility of rescue for Razor. His crippled ship makes a bee line for one of the few remaining hangars and I'm right on his tail. His landing isn't graceful in the slightest and he tears up the runway . As soon as the wraith is close enough I leap from the cockpit and onto the flight deck. Razor stumbles out of the wreckage with the grace of newborn foal. In an instant I'm on him, but I discover all too quickly that his clumsy staggering was a ruse. His blade narrowly misses my head as I slide under the stroke. I grip the ground fwith my gauntleted fingers for traction to slow my speed, and turn to face him in a three point stance. My blade instantly teleports into my hand and we square off. His armor is an even match for my own so just like our last encounter this fight is gonna come down to skill. Our swords clash, and I'm certain my 2 dimensional infinitium sword will easily lop his bullshit mythril blade in half, but no. One deadly slash after another and the sparks fly. Again and again, we test each other's skills and it looks like a stand off until I do something unexpected...
"Razor, you know you did something stupid right?"
"Oh, and what pray tell, is that?" We are evenly matched, there's no way you can take me."
"you're right." I say with a smile, "But you took too long to finish me and let this fight last long enough for my sword to charge. So you'll be fighting it instead of me."
Oh how I wish I could seen the look on his face as I release the handle and the enchanted sword flies of it's own free will. It is a sight to behold, and there's no way Razor can't keep both me and my blade in his sights, and I take full advantage. I tackle him to the floor with an impact hard enough to send his blade flying. Sitting on top of him I begin slamming my fist into his head repeatedly. Razor tries to use his clawed fingers to slice my mask while grabbing my wrist in his other hand. I edge my fist closer and closer to his face and just inches away I release the hidden mythril blade from my cybernetic arm I can feel the sudden panic as he doubles his effort to claw my face off.
"You, can't beat me like this Obsidian, our armors are too evenly matched. NNgh What do you argh, hope to accomplish?"
"We were evenly matched, until you cut my arm off."
I don't switch off the mic, as I tell my onboard computer:
"Computer, transfer additional power to cybernetics!"
Slowly my Arm-blade creeps toward the underside of his jaw millimeter by precious millimeter as he feels the point he tilts his head away but to no avail, the tip moves steadily closer. As the blade cuts through his armor he makes a sickening gurgle and I feel his grip tighten, as the tip sinks through the roof of his his mouth and into his brain he he squeezes tightly, his right hand opens and closes as if trying to grasp some unseen object and then suddenly with a final spasm and a shudder he ceases to be. His body relaxes and the blade plunges to it's full length until I can see an inch of the it poking out of the top of his helmet. I give a final twist for good measure and his body convulses violently and then goes limp. At last I have my revenge, the clan has it's debt, and I have his I walk back to my hovering ship I never look back, tossing an anti-matter grenade over my should as I leap into the cockpit. A moment later as my craft screams through the atmosphere the base explodes with 10 megatons of explosive power. I head back for the Lillun, with a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. Killing is never easy for me and killing slowly is even less so. I think I'm gonna go get drunk.


SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2014/11/14 5:30
Hits1269  Comments1    
EMT or Energy Matter Transmission is technology that converts matter into energy which is then transmitted along a beam to be coalesced at the target point. If any obstacle is at the target point already like say s wall, the results can be catastrophic and often fatal. When in doubt one simply has 2 options: Go into the target area via regular routes, or Transmit to the nearest suitable location, folks usually choose the latter.

In this scene Obsidian and Cobalt (we haven't really seen a lot of Harley) are EMT'd into a starship while travelling through a nebula. Landing on the launch deck they're probably gonna get caught...a damned shame for whoever happens to be catching them...Especially since Harley is sporting his new Cobalt power armor...a damned shame.  

Edit: Effects improved glow rings added to EMT beams at surface contact point, EMT Beam Improved less opaque recolored, fog removed, windows on ships changed to black, glowing effects added to interior lights.

Emperor Analaeus Sathari

Emperor Analaeus SathariPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2014/12/10 18:47
Hits2339  Comments1    
In the aftermath of the Sathari Empire/Rebellion wars Anihilus the Traitor assumes his rightful place on the throne of the empire. Now as Emperor he can bring peace to the Sathari Galaxy, after 1,000 years of oppression under his father's reign. His first official proclamation: Obsidian Mask is made his High Justiciar as his reward for his pivotal role in overthrowing his father and for his unyielding loyalty, and for his sacrifice at the hands of Emperor Zakan himself.

For those making comparisons yes there is a lot of similarities between Star Wars'empire and the Sathari Empire. This is intentional though there are many differences. The analogue for Anakin remains essentially the same only he becomes Emperor, his wife does not die and in fact tries to save him from his dark side. Analaeus and Malice are the emperor's twin children and only Malice remains loyal to the empire after Analaeus' powers reach their full potential and open his eyes to the evil of his father and the empire's tyranny. The two worlds are similar but I mixed it up a little bit.

Emperor Analaeus Sathari

Emperor Analaeus SathariPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   CategoryOriginal Characters    Last Update2018/5/18 4:19
Hits1590  Comments4    
Some of my Die Hard fans may remember "Anihilus the Traitor" also known as Prince Analaeus Sathari...after the events in "Rise of the Anti-Scion" (sorry it's just a novel no really cool pages some pics though) he became emperor and I played hell deciding what he looked like under his Darth Vader-ish armor...well this is the final rendition of him, white colors and all.  For those who do NOT know Analaeus is a Psi-Mage which is essentially a Jedi that can can throw fireballs...Their powers are derived from both Magic and Psionics.  Their ONLY weapon is the Psi-Blade which is as unique as each mage's tastes.  Psi- Mages can manipulate others, use destruction magic, and to a lesser extent heal.  The more powerful a Psi-Mage the more powerful their Psi-Blade in some rare cases they can cut through armored vehicles and spacecraft....such Mages can utterly decimate normal folk.  Analaeus is one such Mage, his spells run the gamut from simple technomancy to hell-spawned fire and brimstone destruction.  His heart however, is that of gold, he is a selfless ruler and true friend of the people.  He is still a cyborg however, his metal cybernetics have long since been replaced with synthetic versions granting him the full range of his abilities. He rules the empire with a firm but gentle hand and tolerates no evil.  Think of him as a combination of King Arthur and Merlin   He is also one of Obsidian's best friends.  Obsidian still remains close to Analaeus though they don't travel in the same circles, and Obsidian is still bound to the Empire through him.

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