| green
Fygomatic 2007/3/22 19:17
8373 20
Peeps! Got a invitation to post here, so here's my latest work. I notice Adriana Lima seems to be popular on this site, this morph by me is loosely based on her. |
| Ahsoka's Revenge
Chup@Cabra 2009/11/4 10:03
7393 4
| Sultry Bastila Shan
Chup@Cabra 2010/5/17 11:06
6317 2
| Sexy Jedi
thestarkiller 2008/5/31 13:17
5998 3
I hadn't done a Jedi image for a while, so here goes.
Val Suranian Priest is the outfit
Millenium Falcon interior over at www.foundation3d.com for Lightwave.
Exar Kun's Lightsaber I can't remember where I got it.
May the Schwartz be with you |
| River Tam from FIREFLY and SERENITY
blubeetle3 2006/7/24 18:24
5598 5
Ahhhhhh... You all thought I was a "one trick pony". I can hear it now: "Sure BB3 can do second-string heroes, but, can he do characters from a sci-fi show with a small cult following?"
I present to you my version of River Tam, Reaver-killer extraordinaire. Or, as I like to call it, "Digital River". |
| Poser is nice
Guest 2005/5/3 1:17
5308 9
It's what it looks like it is.
Not still sure I like the blue effects on her skin. |
| Sexy Space Elf in Peril!
JunFan 2005/12/11 13:42
4577 8
Tried to upload this one last week, but it was too big. Just playing around w/ new poser toys, hope it's not too racy for this gallery. -Leif. |
| Jedi Master Shibumi A'ke
JunFan 2006/12/10 18:00
4465 11
Been thinking of doing some Jedi pics for some time now... |
| city girl
Fygomatic 2007/4/23 10:20
4461 13
Peeps! Here's my Jessica Alba inspired Dark Angel character. |
| dark angel
Fygomatic 2007/5/2 13:19
4456 12
Peeps! Another render of my jessica alba/dark angel character. |
| The Wait...
MeterMan 2008/9/20 13:02
4261 10
This image is inspired by one of my favorite fantasy picture called "The Seranade" by Dorian Cleavenger. If you've never seen his work I suggest you check it out. Thanks.
As she sits there after struggling to get free for hours this pristine lord of the skies looks around her and see's whats left of those that dared to venture into the unmapped dark regions skulls and bones litter the pools beneath her she feels something slowly crawling up her side tighting a dark grip around her see can only hope she enjoyed all her extreme antics and adventures as she's left with nothing else but to Wait.....
| Darth Vexis
Yunners 2008/3/10 17:20
4222 11
A sequel of sorts to The Sith Holocron pic I churned out a couple of months ago.
Edit: I re-rendered with different shaders, changed the hair and I improved the postwork somewhat. I am a lot happier with this version. |
| Darth Malefice
thestarkiller 2009/11/25 5:17
4176 2
An original Sith character I came up with a while back, redesigned for V4. |
| Darth Malefice
thestarkiller 2008/5/5 10:39
4106 4
My first render done in Lightwave.
Star Destroyer Bridge set can be found in all its Lightwave glory over at www.foundation3d.com |
| Princess of Darkness
Chup@Cabra 2008/4/14 9:18
4088 6
An 'Alternate Universe' version of Leia |
| Jedi Remnant: The Lost Holocrons
Hisstoryman 2011/1/24 9:37
3931 3
| Lightsaber
Yunners 2008/7/25 9:36
3849 5
I was at my wits end with this image. Daz crashed more times then I care to count. I had to get rid of my elaborate two dozen light setup and make do with a few point lights and a few spotlights.
I hate visual c++ errors.
Roll on version 2.3
Higher rez version available over at my DA gallery http://yunners.deviantart.com/art/Lightsaber-92607611
| "Black was a bad idea"
Yunners 2009/1/7 17:29
3737 6
A common mistake for first timers to Mos Eisley trying to make a name for themselves.
Again made with the Modern Pinup Queens pack available here at Heromorph
Edit: Updated based on feedback with higher rez backdrop and ground. I threw in a dusty coat for good measure. And swapped out the heavy leather for shiny pvc. And swapped the dress out for a singlet and skirt. But that's all. >_> |
| Sci-Fi Pinup
Winterhawk 2008/12/1 23:13
3732 8
Just playing around with the New Modern Day Pinup Queens set and some items I have.
| Pink Outlaw
Halfbakedone 2009/1/6 12:01
3670 3
Zeltrons are fun, in many ways. I made this one for a roleplaying campaign I am running. Cute, aint she? |
| Behind You!
sturkwurk 2005/7/15 23:07
3647 6
Playing with different styles in 3d. |
| Weakling of Mars!
Gnostic85 2009/2/21 17:12
3590 5
This is from a spoof of Edgar Rice Burroughs' Mars stories that I've been writing. The Mars stories almost always have the brave, infallible hero rescuing the princess, who is somewhere in the running for "Most Beautiful Martian Woman". Of course, my story, set in a Barsoom that has become hideously commercialized, has as its hero Rathis, a lowly office drone and sad sack whose most heroic deed was fixing the TV in the breakroom. He has a stroke of luck when Asmara, the daughter of his boss, takes a liking to him, but then she gets kidnapped, and he is forced to rescue her (or at the very least find a willing quest-subcontractor), facing off against the green savages, white apes, and Republicans (who arrived in Barsoom after Obama attempted to banish them to Mars.) It'll probably end up being a rip-off of Discworld if I ever actually make any progress in it, but maybe not.
I'm pretty pleased with how this one turned out. The real coup I think is Rathis' horrified expression, contrasted with the look of resignation on Asmara's face. |
| Twi'lek Jedi
comicfan 2006/5/1 5:49
3590 10
I have been working on my renders trying to get them to come out all right. Here is another result. I don't have any good backgrounds yet so i thought standing in a dark room with a saber would be cool. |
| Darth Sinestra
Khastagir 2009/12/7 15:24
3559 6
Comments Welcom. Story background welcome. not sure if she would be Siddious' master or Maul's predecessor. What do you think |
| Future Magazine?
robert952 2008/11/16 16:25
3536 5
Playing around with a sci fi model I got to thinking...a dangerous thing at best. What would a 'car magazine' look like for an 'air car' type vehicle. What articles would be in the 'zine? And of course, what would the eye-catching, magazine selling, front cover look like? (Well, ok, could have seen more of the car... but why?)
Critiques and comments welcome.
Robert |
| Krylia-HT - By Cyanure and Webgeek
WebGeek 2005/9/3 15:20
3516 2
Another one of CY's Great Poser Works... I felt she needed a sci-fi kinda background.... Hope you enjoy! |
| Intruder Level 6 - By Cyanure & Webgeek
WebGeek 2005/5/17 9:34
3495 5
Model provided by Poser master Cyanure (Thanks!) The idea here is you are looking at a security monitor.... |
| The Emperor's Hand
Yunners 2007/4/23 20:09
3476 4
Mara Jade, personal aide to the Emperor and the future Mrs Luke Skywalker. |
| Empire Weekly
Raddar 2006/12/6 10:15
3463 8
I saw several female storm toppers posted around and it gave me the idea for Women of the Empire series. I guess one image can't really be called a series but the intention is there. |
| Hunted Or Hunter
Guest 2005/7/12 5:26
3447 5
Two foes stealthily approach each other. |