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Photo No. 1261-1290 (out of 1487 photos hit)
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GPE Month - Number Ten - Starforce

GPE Month - Number Ten - StarforcePopular
Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2014/3/2 6:51
Hits1408  Comments2    
Starforce is the first robot of the team. Both literally and figuratively as he was the first one that I created to be a part of the group and story wise he's also pretty much the first one to join the team, however his origins are very different from his mechanical brethren.

Angry Alligator

Angry AlligatorPopular
Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2016/12/28 5:52
Hits1406  Comments3    
Angry Alligator and Cranky Croc are look alike cousins of the Creatures gang who act as the organizations tough-guy enforcers. For their names I just thought about how alligators and crocodiles just have surly temperaments and came up with some alliterative names along those lines.


SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2017/5/20 12:22
Hits1406  Comments3    
And not long Ravyne began regretting volunteering for lifeguard service after the twentieth attack by sharks that, strangely were not only invisible but also lacked teeth....

Packing up

Packing upPopular
SubmitterObsidianMore Photos from Obsidian   Last Update2016/11/9 6:55
Hits1405  Comments1    
No, not just no but hell no! I don't need this, and when I say i don't need this it's only because I would rather walk through hell wearing a suit of ignited plasma than have one wife let alone four that that I didn't even ask to marry me.  To make matters worse I only know one of their names...this is not how you begin a relationship...then again this was really more of a business transaction wasn't it?  I despise primitive cultures...some of their practices are completely ridiculous no matter how much tradition and custom their steeped in. I have issues with a lot of aliens species that are like that too so I guess it's not exclusive to primitives. What am I going to do with 4 wives...and what about Aini? Dear gods I am so screwed. What's worse is I can't even spare the time to deal with it because of our current situation. We need to get out of here as soon as possible, actually it's not so much about getting out as getting home.  Landing in the shuttle bay I grab a nearby security officer and order him to "Escort" my new brides to my quarters, he looks at me like I'm some kind of deviant and before I can say anything to him about it who should walk in but Aini.  I take a deep breath and prepare for the backlash...that never comes. Instead what I get leaves more than just me wide eyed with surprise as Aini squeals with sheer delight.

"Oh when I got word that you had new wives I didn't think they'd be this pretty!  Or this exotic, oh my master you do have excellent taste."  

I'm practically speechless

"Huh say what now?"

"I am so happy you made this decision though I wish I could've been there for the wedding Master."

I'm very confused right now.


"yes master."

"Are you screwing with me?"

"No Master. You look puzzled."

No.  Not puzzled dear, downright confounded would be more precise."

"About what?"

"You're not angry? That I have wives, not a wife but four of them? You're not upset that you're not one of them?"

"Master, I was never meant to be a wife." to which she adds her cute little giggle.

'I am only meant to be a companion, the perfect companion yes but not a wife."

What kind of psychopathic, lecherous, sycophant, genetically engineers the perfect mate without the intent of marriage? You're telling me you're just made to be some over agreeable sex toy? That's INSANE!!!"

'To be fair master, my creators never meant for me to bond with mortals or those of the mortal realm.

"Ugh, this is making my head hurt."

"Don't worry master I'll take your wives to your quarters and help them settle in.  I can't wait to find out all about them."

'yeah..okay...that'll be...great."

Aini takes Ai by the arm and speaking fluent Elvish takes her and the others away.  Now don't get me wrong I have encountered worlds where concubines and polygamy are a way of life...they're just not my way and usually even where it's acceptable there's often friction between the ladies..and honestly I don't think it's fair for anyone's life to be a thing to barter's just...inhuman.  I don't have time to immerse myself in these moral quandaries right now though, I have to get us home.  Actually Sabrina has to get us home.  Hopefully the scavenging crews got some usable replacement parts and with the Kkryllian crew on board we have extra hands on board. Captain Drizna has been assigned to the wraith until we get home and while it's a small ship he is more than a little impressed with it's power and performance. The wraith can accommodate 30 or so of his crew  and the shuttles a few dozen more. We've cleared out our sickbay, and the cargo holds and made the best of things.  As I pass by crew quarters filled to capacity I ma relieved to see the integration going so smoothly. I make my way to Engineering to get a Sit-Rep from Sabrina who is hard at work with the retrofits. Despit the the caos she notices my entry even with her back to me.

"Welcome Captain, to what to do I owe the pleasure?"

"I'm here to get a status report. Whats running and what's not?"

'Well Captain we have our Shields and Warp Drive, as well as our Slipstream engines.  Our replication systems are  up and running but I have restricted their use to manufacturing parts for the time being until we're one hundred percent in the green."

"Were you able to salvage anything from the Kryllian ship?"

Definitely and with her crew here we have had almost no problems getting things adapted properly minus some systems that are just too different. Which of course is why we're not up and running."

"So how long before we can head home?"

"Id say roughly six hours."

"Finally some good news, alright six hours. I'll be on the bridge waiting on pins and needles."

"Yessir. Oh and Captain..."

"Congratulations." she says with a snicker.

"yeah thanks...smartass"

Everyone's a comedian, I thought I was done with the joke with Harley and Ray...seems that's gonna just follow me. Ah well such is life.  Back on the bridge my helmsman is tapping keys frantically, searching and scanning and even without being able to see his face I tell something is wrong. I walk over to his station to see what's going on.

"What's up? Having difficulties?"

"You might say that sir."

"What's the problem?"

"It's the Vortex sir, we've been tracking it since we've arrived in this system."


"Well sir, it's not on my instruments."


"I've tried everything sir, the entire spectrum of scans and its put it simply...we're stuck here sir."


The Evil Mutant Pirates - Stone Age

The Evil Mutant Pirates - Stone AgePopular
Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2014/9/20 5:55
Hits1405  Comments4    
Stone Age was mentioned in the bio of my o.c. Pristine Ice of the GPE, as the two of them are of the same race and are ex-lovers, each having broken up and going their separate ways with him choosing a life of crime and her choosing a life of law and order.

Buddy Comic 'Name That Beaver' Part 6

Buddy Comic 'Name That Beaver' Part 6Popular
SubmitterMFMore Photos from MF   Last Update2015/5/26 18:20
Hits1405  Comments1    
The last Buddy comic in the 'Name That Beaver' storyline ending with the old "Here we go again!" tag.

Cancer the Crab

Cancer the CrabPopular
Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2015/6/27 7:10
Hits1405  Comments2    
My Zodiac-Bot, Cancer.

Bed Bug

Bed BugPopular
Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2014/11/17 6:00
Hits1404  Comments3    
Introducing Bed Bug, Mutanto's left-hand beetle-man!


SubmitterdaswookMore Photos from daswook   Last Update2014/4/22 11:20
Hits1401  Comments0    

GPE Month - Number Twenty - Jigsaw

GPE Month - Number Twenty - JigsawPopular
Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2014/3/12 5:20
Hits1400  Comments2    
Jigsaw is the result of a crazy idea that I had based off of the Transformers. Where Transformers had robots that could have more than two modes up to at least six, I had the idea that what if there was a robot or maybe even an entire race of robots that could transform into infinite modes? Thus, Jigsaw and his particular race of machines was born. However, I did put some limits on them as they can only change into multiple vehicle forms and not into objects such as guns, cameras, radios, etc. as some of the TFs can.

GPE Month - Number Twenty-Six - Kinetica

GPE Month - Number Twenty-Six - KineticaPopular
Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2014/3/18 6:38
Hits1400  Comments2    
Kinetica is one of the several members of the team that actually uses their real name rather than a fancy code name, as her name really is Kinetica. It just so happens to perfectly describe her abilities, and of course is all explained in the bio above.

The F.O.R.T.H. Party - Fireburst

The F.O.R.T.H. Party - FireburstPopular
Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2014/6/14 7:51
Hits1400  Comments2    
Rather than wait for the Fourth of July for introducing the rest of this team, because I have something else in mind for them on that day, I decided to release the bios for them now because today is a lesser known patriotic American "holiday" known as "Flag Day." So, it seemed appropriate enough.

Draw-Off Archive: 2009 - 'Toonz' Theme - 'Whoah-Bot'

Draw-Off Archive: 2009 - 'Toonz' Theme - 'Whoah-Bot'Popular
SubmitterTemporalDaveMore Photos from TemporalDave   Last Update2016/1/7 18:52
Hits1400  Comments5    
As I recall we were given the challenge to conceive of an animated series/project, akin to a Saturday morning kids show... Or maybe that was just my interpretation (2009 is quite a few drinks ago, after all). Fortunately I kept their synopsis' on file, so I can still present them each intact with their concepts.
Anyways, here is the next of the five concepts I developed, this one an animated feature rather than a morning cartoon show...
A heartwarming animated feature about a boy and his robot - albeit the robot of an alien race out to control the Earth. After an alien operative loses control of his destructive robotic tank-droid, a young human boy befriends the adventurous cybernetic constuction - teaching it human values in the process. The boy struggles to return his new pal to its rightful owners in the hope that he isn't handing over the keys for domination as a result.


Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2016/8/15 14:37
Hits1398  Comments3    
Blackout is here to knockout his foes! He is one third of the "Claw Elite Assassins" along with Lioness and Warborg.

Leo the Lion

Leo the LionPopular
Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2015/6/27 7:11
Hits1398  Comments2    
My Zodiac-Bot, Leo.

Charlton Comic Group: All New Monster Hunters #1

Charlton Comic Group: All New Monster Hunters #1Popular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2017/10/8 21:42
Hits1398  Comments3    
For it being Heromorphoween and a time to celebrate & revel in it!

So that in saying I have being working for a month to create several
Monster Theme Comic Covers to celebrate it then post them all
though-out the month till & for "Heromorphoween" Enjoy!

Now that has been said, "Happy Heromorphoween Everyone!"


Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2016/2/29 7:19
Hits1392  Comments2    
"Angelheart" is the second half of the beautiful duo of space-exploration heroines known as the "Space Angels." (Their team name is a natural combination of their individual names.)

Stolen Sweets Tempting Tales #6

Stolen Sweets Tempting Tales #6Popular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2018/11/22 17:08
Hits1391  Comments2    
"Her Brain Exchanged with a Pet Parasite"

The Dimensional hopping Imp took a fancy to the Blonde he saw.
So he came back and decided to swap out her mind with his own pet Parasite.
So the Blonde would then like him come with him and do what he says.
While her mind would be suck in the Jar the Parasite lived in.
That way he would now have two pets to take back to his Dimension.
One that walks around and is Blonde and Beautiful and another one that lives in a Jar.

Buddy Comic "Date Bait II, Part 2"

Buddy Comic "Date Bait II, Part 2"Popular
SubmitterMFMore Photos from MF   Last Update2018/1/25 17:23
Hits1390  Comments4    
Part 2 of the 'Date Bait II' storyline where Buddy's worst enemy, Tawny, dates her ex, Danny.

Voodoo Queen

Voodoo QueenPopular
Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2017/12/31 7:38
Hits1389  Comments2    
The wife of the villainous Voodoo King, the Voodoo Queen, is also a thorn in the side of the Smiley Triplets, but only really by her association with her husband, because she couldn't care less for his feud with them, and sometimes if she's feeling bitchy enough she will actually help the Triplets with advice to spite him. She, still isn't a total ally though, and really shouldn't be trusted all that much. As with her husband, she has an overall native tribal warrior look to her complete with her mask-like yellow face with her scary green eyes and mouth and has every bit of magical voodoo power that he has.

Alien Worlds #23

Alien Worlds #23Popular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2018/3/16 1:09
Hits1389  Comments1    
I figured it was time for #23 of my
Alien Worlds covers and "First Contact"

They had always thought that Alien life was going to look like us.

They were wrong!


Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2015/5/9 14:46
Hits1388  Comments2    
Autumn and Fall are the twin sisters of the Battle Ratz, villainous traitors to Earth working for the Xel Empire against the C.A.R.E.-Givers and their allies.

Bedtime Buddy

Bedtime BuddyPopular
SubmitterMFMore Photos from MF   Last Update2015/8/22 17:45
Hits1388  Comments1    
An early birthday present to myself, here's my OC Buddy getting ready for bed in quite possibly the sexiest and most provocative pic of her I've done to date. Isn't she   ?

GPE Month - Number Thirty-One - Pristine Ice

GPE Month - Number Thirty-One - Pristine IcePopular
Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2014/3/23 3:32
Hits1387  Comments2    
What do you get when you mix the concepts of a giant-growth character, an ice-manipulation character, and a mutant dinosaur/alien? You get my o.c. "Pristine Ice" here that's what! She brings a lot of muscle and versatility to the Enforcers.

Who is Melody Magnificence?

Who is Melody Magnificence?Popular
SubmitterdaswookMore Photos from daswook   Last Update2018/8/22 7:27
Hits1387  Comments1    
Upon the discovery that one of her deadliest foes is her brother, Ms. Magnificence begins to question her entire life so she goes on a quest to find out who she really is while being hunted by the world's deadliest assassin, The Darer!

2014 - Horror Cards: The Supervisor

2014 - Horror Cards: The SupervisorPopular
SubmitterTemporalDaveMore Photos from TemporalDave   Last Update2016/1/14 17:13
Hits1386  Comments4    
The Supervisor sees you!
Created for use in Issue #4 of our crew's comics publication.
A fellow artist from my team and I decided to create some mock monster cards. These are my efforts...


SubmitterlordcoyoteMore Photos from lordcoyote   Last Update2017/3/30 13:56
Hits1386  Comments2    
Says the very chesty gal wearing a mask....

Atomic Pulp Comics: One Shot : Creature from the Depths :Fishin'

Atomic Pulp Comics: One Shot : Creature from the Depths :Fishin'Popular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2017/10/20 16:23
Hits1386  Comments2    
For it being Heromorphoween and a time to celebrate & revel in it!

So that in saying I have being working for a month to create several
Monster Theme Comic Covers to celebrate it then post them all
though-out the month till & for "Heromorphoween" Enjoy!

Now that has been said, "Happy Heromorphoween Everyone!"


Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2018/9/29 11:53
Hits1383  Comments3    
Conjuro Moondark is a master mage and thief from the moon world of Night-Zox. He and his wife, Conjura, are the bitter rivals of Raku'n Black Mask and his twin sister, Ringa. His wife is just as much a master mage and thief as he is, and that is why she was chosen to be his bride, so they could lead their clan. She isn't related to him in any other way other than marriage though, as the family or clan name of "Moondark" is more of an honorary title in this case, and all of the members of the group share the name, but it's more of a kind of guild title. There may be some members who are blood relatives, but Conjura and Conjuro never were despite having such similar and unusual personal names as well. There is no backstory behind their names though, as I just thought they sounded cool, being derived from the word "conjuration" to reflect that they are magic users, and using the "o" and "a" respectively for the male and female characters.

Mechanist Comics: Jayne and Silent Barb #1

Mechanist Comics: Jayne and Silent Barb #1Popular
SubmitterDragondackMore Photos from Dragondack   Last Update2018/3/3 17:14
Hits1382  Comments1    
This is going to be fun Jay thought Silent Bob nods in acceptance!
Though Jay had found a Genie Bottle they both with benefit from the wish!
He makes his wish for what they wants most way to quick without thought?
The Jeannie put a twist on it,But It is what it is?
Always word it proper when making a wish from a Genie.

Can you guess what Jay wished for?

Photo No. 1261-1290 (out of 1487 photos hit)
« 1 ... 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 (43) 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 »
