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Main : Awards and Special : Smackdown :  Total:395

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Photo No. 91-120 (out of 395 photos hit)
« 1 2 3 (4) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 »

Smackdown 3 round 2 - the darman wake-upith

Smackdown 3 round 2 - the darman wake-upithPopular
SubmitterWinterhawkMore Photos from Winterhawk   Last Update2008/8/24 12:41
Hits2428  Comments6    
Dar finally wakes up and has no clue.

Story continued by BB3 here

Smackdown round 3...S.U.A.F.F.G. victory!

Smackdown round 3...S.U.A.F.F.G. victory!Popular
SubmitterVagabondXMore Photos from VagabondX   Last Update2007/9/4 22:13
Hits2435  Comments9    
Once again, S.U.A.F.F.G. reinforces the fact that he has NO idea what is going on.

Superhero Smackdown 2

Superhero Smackdown 2Popular
SubmitterVagabondXMore Photos from VagabondX   Last Update2007/7/1 22:48
Hits2437  Comments5    
Super Ultra Amazing Fight Fight Guy! I didn't know anything about this guy at all so I just went for a totally silly name that kinda sounded like one of those Japanese tv shows.

After The Sharks: Part 4

After The Sharks: Part 4Popular
Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2007/8/24 22:18
Hits2438  Comments3    
Mindwave confronts Myke about how he obtained the clue...

Smackdown 3 - Round 1.5 - Yoda's Intros. Part-2

Smackdown 3 - Round 1.5 - Yoda's Intros. Part-2Popular
Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2008/7/27 22:08
Hits2440  Comments9    
After getting to know the ladies, Yoda discovers someone in the competition smaller than he is. So, he decides to investigate this contestant closer. (Note: I just used some spare clip art for this one that was too good not to use for this   ).

Smack 3 round 2 Spiderman

Smack 3 round 2 SpidermanPopular
SubmitterskurgeMore Photos from skurge   Last Update2008/8/8 6:46
Hits2440  Comments6    
spiderman, still drunk, after talking with Winterhawk stumbles on Daruma.  

SMACKDOWN ROUND 2: "Daydreaming"

SMACKDOWN ROUND 2: "Daydreaming"Popular
Submitterblubeetle3More Photos from blubeetle3   Last Update2008/8/27 18:43
Hits2445  Comments7    

Is "The Valley" starting to have some effect on Ice? How long can Ice hold out? Why does she keep humming the DeVinyl's greatest (and only) hit, "I Touch Myself"?

Smackdown round 3 part 2

Smackdown round 3 part 2Popular
SubmitterMasterchiefMore Photos from Masterchief   Last Update2007/12/1 14:32
Hits2453  Comments5    
Here is part 2 of the 3rd part of Smackdown

correcting file format to jpg

MeterMan Meets WinterHawk

MeterMan Meets WinterHawkPopular
SubmitterMeterManMore Photos from MeterMan   Last Update2007/3/22 8:24
Hits2453  Comments8    
Ha Ha I had to do it!! Just because I could!!! This one is dedicated to Winterhawk for bringing me here. If any has any request and I get alittle free time I'll try to oblige... until then thanks for viewing.  

After The Sharks: Part 6

After The Sharks: Part 6Popular
Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2007/8/26 22:10
Hits2459  Comments7    
Looks like Beetle's gonna get some more hot Blurry lovin'!  

Mindwave vs the sharks part 3

Mindwave vs the sharks part 3Popular
Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2007/8/14 7:13
Hits2461  Comments7    
Oops now she's done it!  

Smackdown: Oh no, not me, we never lost control...

Smackdown: Oh no, not me, we never lost control...Popular
SubmitterGnostic85More Photos from Gnostic85   Last Update2007/8/21 12:54
Hits2467  Comments2    
While on her way back to her hotel room, Ruse runs into a surprise...

"Ahh... Ruse, I presume?"

"Who are you, and why are you dressed like me?!"

"I'm the woman who's going to have you extradited back to China for the murder of Supergirl! Now out of my way - I have to leave before they discover you were framed! Ahahahahaha!"

"... Why does this shit always happen to me?"

Smackdown - Phantom Girls Begins: Scene 3

Smackdown - Phantom Girls Begins: Scene 3Popular
SubmitterShump1More Photos from Shump1   Last Update2009/7/22 11:38
Hits2471  Comments1    

SD3 round 2.1

SD3 round 2.1Popular
SubmitterskurgeMore Photos from skurge   Last Update2008/8/8 17:53
Hits2473  Comments6    
more fun with drunken spidey

Superhero Smackdown 2 - Mindwave

Superhero Smackdown 2 - MindwavePopular
Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2007/7/20 11:32
Hits2486  Comments2    
Real Name: Tiffany Cheltenham Age: 18 Height: 5'4" Weight: 125 lbs. Hair: Brown Eyes: Green Powers & Abilities: Transatmospheric Flight, Telekinesis, Mental Telepathy and Psionic Blasts, E.S.P. Bio: The daughter of an extraterrestrial criminal father from the alien world known as Eno and a human mother from Earth, Tiffany was born with her amazing psychic powers and grew-up to follow in her father's path as the intergalactic criminal super-villainess known as Mindwave.

Smackdown 3: Yoda

Smackdown 3: YodaPopular
Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2008/7/17 21:30
Hits2487  Comments6    
Entered the Smackdown Yoda has. If need info on him, click link you shall.

Smackdown round 3: BlurryClops Page 1

Smackdown round 3: BlurryClops Page 1Popular
SubmitterWinterhawkMore Photos from Winterhawk   Last Update2007/9/15 12:28
Hits2488  Comments6    
During the scavenger Hunt Blurry and Myke discuss things.

Smackdown round 2- part 1 Rogue has a plan

Smackdown round 2- part 1 Rogue has a planPopular
SubmitterExadorMore Photos from Exador   Last Update2006/8/6 15:05
Hits2489  Comments4    
Rogue comes up with a plan for revenge

Kiss & Tell

Kiss & TellPopular
SubmitterGnostic85More Photos from Gnostic85   Last Update2007/8/16 19:20
Hits2490  Comments1    
"So you spent all of last night having sex with Blue Veil, huh?"

"... How did you know...?"

"She smokes like a chimney and you smell like an ashtray. Plus, I detect a faint whiff of cynochlor, or whatever it's called..."

"You've met her then?"

"Teamed up with her and the Isralien-1 a few years ago in order to stop a super-powered psychopath who intended to bring peace to Israel by indiscriminately killing everyone."


"The IDF's answer to Supergirl. Can't say much more - they want to keep her as a secret weapon in case Black Adam ever goes nuts again..."

Smackdown round 4 part 2

Smackdown round 4 part 2Popular
SubmitterMasterchiefMore Photos from Masterchief   Last Update2007/12/2 9:37
Hits2498  Comments3    
Nightmother figures that if Lady heromorph can inlist the help of heros, so can she.

updating file format to jpg.

Smackdown Round 4 - Mindwave vs. the X-Men Psychics Part 2

Smackdown Round 4 - Mindwave vs. the X-Men Psychics Part 2Popular
Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2007/11/5 21:03
Hits2500  Comments6    
The Battle Continues...

(Hope that I can finish it before the final due date or this is going to be really anti-climactic   )

Smackdown 3 part 2a

Smackdown 3 part 2aPopular
SubmitterMasterchiefMore Photos from Masterchief   Last Update2008/9/21 11:39
Hits2503  Comments5    
Continuing Domino's adventures in the Smackdown.

Smackdown Round 4 - Mindwave Vs. The X-Men Psychics!

Smackdown Round 4 - Mindwave Vs. The X-Men Psychics!Popular
Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2007/11/1 22:08
Hits2512  Comments5    
Starting her journey back to Heromorph Island, Mindwave is challenged by a group of the X-Men's top psychics.

nothing to do with the Smackdown numero 2: The second horrible agonizing death of Stickboy.

nothing to do with the Smackdown numero 2: The second horrible agonizing death of Stickboy.Popular
SubmitterDarkBladeMore Photos from DarkBlade   Last Update2007/10/1 10:22
Hits2513  Comments5    

Smackdown round 2

Smackdown round 2Popular
SubmitterVagabondXMore Photos from VagabondX   Last Update2007/8/10 12:36
Hits2517  Comments9    
SUAFFG encounters another of his fellow contestants.

P.S. Myke is sitting down in this sequence. He isn't a little person. Sorry Bio.

SMACKDOWN ROUND 2: "Oh, How Wrong You Are!"

SMACKDOWN ROUND 2: "Oh, How Wrong You Are!"Popular
Submitterblubeetle3More Photos from blubeetle3   Last Update2008/8/17 18:36
Hits2522  Comments5    
Poor Ice just can't catch a break!

First, it was getting surprised in the shower. Then, getting groped by a drunk. Then, having an egg think he was on the New York subway!

This little muppet-looking dude should be safe. Right?

Smackdown - The Early Bird Round.

Smackdown - The Early Bird Round.Popular
SubmitterVagabondXMore Photos from VagabondX   Last Update2007/7/15 23:49
Hits2523  Comments5    
Lady Heromorph attempting to inform SUAFFG of his entry into the Smackdown. And realizing that he may not be all there.

Smackdown 3 Part 2a

Smackdown 3 Part 2aPopular
SubmitterMasterchiefMore Photos from Masterchief   Last Update2008/8/31 0:08
Hits2532  Comments6    
Things seem to have gone from bad to worse for Domino.  Lets see how she gets out of this mess.  Lets hope round 3 if better for her.

Smackdown round 2

Smackdown round 2Popular
SubmitterVagabondXMore Photos from VagabondX   Last Update2007/8/28 21:47
Hits2533  Comments8    
SUAFFG, in his own twisted way, thinks he's helping.

smackdown round 2:Mindwave vs. The Sharks Part 1

smackdown round 2:Mindwave vs. The Sharks Part 1Popular
Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2007/8/13 22:12
Hits2536  Comments4    
Mindwave begins the obstacle course against a school of sharks with frickin' lasers attached to their heads!

Photo No. 91-120 (out of 395 photos hit)
« 1 2 3 (4) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 »
