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Main : Awards and Special : Smackdown :  Total:395

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Photo No. 151-180 (out of 395 photos hit)
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Smackdown 3 : Round 2

Smackdown 3 : Round 2Popular
SubmitterGhost Christmas PresentMore Photos from Ghost Christmas Present   Last Update2008/8/2 19:24
Hits3153  Comments4    
Round 2 begins now.
Have Fun.

Smackdown 3: the Begining of the end.

Smackdown 3: the Begining of the end.Popular
SubmitterBandwidthMore Photos from Bandwidth   Last Update2008/8/2 18:43
Hits2661  Comments5    
move along
nothing to see here.

SMACKDOWN 3 Round 1.5: "Spider-Hands. Spider-Hands..."

SMACKDOWN 3 Round 1.5: "Spider-Hands. Spider-Hands..."Popular
Submitterblubeetle3More Photos from blubeetle3   Last Update2008/7/30 19:20
Hits2961  Comments6    
After being recruited (or abducted) to join the SUPERHERO SMACKDOWN, contestants Ice and Spider-Man (who's totally drunk) find themselves transported to the "WHITEROOM"!

This is for skurge, who's having computer issues right now. He came up with the basic premise.

This one's for you, bud!

Smackdown 3 - Round 1.5 - Yoda's Intros. Part-2

Smackdown 3 - Round 1.5 - Yoda's Intros. Part-2Popular
Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2008/7/27 22:08
Hits2410  Comments9    
After getting to know the ladies, Yoda discovers someone in the competition smaller than he is. So, he decides to investigate this contestant closer. (Note: I just used some spare clip art for this one that was too good not to use for this   ).

SMACKDOWN ROUND 1.5: "The Facts of Life"

SMACKDOWN ROUND 1.5: "The Facts of Life"Popular
Submitterblubeetle3More Photos from blubeetle3   Last Update2008/7/27 14:34
Hits3093  Comments6    
Morphette Cat (MROAW!) explains the way things work in the Superhero Smackdown. She also still has a soft spot for Blue Beetle and, as a result, shows Ice a little compassion. (Plus, she might be angling to get into Ice's pants! )

SMACKDOWN 3 : Leading up into Smackdown

SMACKDOWN 3 : Leading up into SmackdownPopular
SubmitterOCPMore Photos from OCP   Last Update2008/7/27 3:25
Hits2383  Comments7    
After the heroes been summoned to the Smackdown, they woke up in a white place, where Dishman is welcomed by one of the others...
Nuff said, he was happy to be there.
Lady Heromorph consider HIM a super-hero.

Smackdown 3: Round 1.5 - Yoda's Intros. Part-1

Smackdown 3: Round 1.5 - Yoda's Intros. Part-1Popular
Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2008/7/26 22:57
Hits2312  Comments5    
Yoda has been abducted to join the Smackdown and arrives in a white room where he uses his charms (or is that Jedi mind tricks?  ) to first introduce himself to a couple of sexy green ladies.

SMACKDOWN ROUND 1.5: "It's Show(er)time!"

SMACKDOWN ROUND 1.5: "It's Show(er)time!"Popular
Submitterblubeetle3More Photos from blubeetle3   Last Update2008/7/26 22:46
Hits3116  Comments6    
Of all the ways to find out that you've been chosen to participate in the SUPERHERO SMACKDOWN, the worst possible for a shy heroine has to be being surprised when taking your morning shower!

Poor Ice!

It seems that surprising contestants in a state of undress is the modus operandi of the Morphettes this year.

Smackdown 3 Prequel part 1

Smackdown 3 Prequel part 1Popular
SubmitterskurgeMore Photos from skurge   Last Update2008/7/25 12:28
Hits2621  Comments5    
so I'm starting on the backstory.  Just wait til next strip, it gets funnier.  

Smackdown 3: She-Hulk

Smackdown 3: She-HulkPopular
SubmitterFreshmuttMore Photos from Freshmutt   Last Update2008/7/25 4:44
Hits6314  Comments9    
Lucy Pinder

Smackdown 3: Daruma

Smackdown 3: DarumaPopular
SubmitterWinterhawkMore Photos from Winterhawk   Last Update2008/7/21 19:53
Hits2972  Comments10    
Daruma he is a mod. and his powers are that he is completely indestructible. Nothing can harm him, at all nothing, ever.No exceptions. He is a god of Heromorph.

Smackdown 3: Yoda

Smackdown 3: YodaPopular
Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2008/7/17 21:30
Hits2442  Comments6    
Entered the Smackdown Yoda has. If need info on him, click link you shall.

Smackdown3: "NICE is Just One Letter Away From ICE!"

Smackdown3: "NICE is Just One Letter Away From ICE!"Popular
Submitterblubeetle3More Photos from blubeetle3   Last Update2008/7/17 14:33
Hits3312  Comments10    
Since she's back from the dead (Thanks, Gail!), Tora Olafsdotter will be joining this year's Superhero Smackdown!...God, help her! Ladies (the one or two of you on this site!) and gentlemen (again, the one or two of you on this site), Norway's Sweetheart...ICE!

Gee, I wonder if sweet, innocent little Ice is really ready for the ribald debauchery that Smackdown devolves into every year.

That's right! I'm popping the cherry on this year's Superhero Smackdown! Setting the tone, so to speak.

EDIT: At Masterchief's "request" (i.e. ORDER is more like it! JEEZ! Make a guy a "Mod" and it goes straight to his head!), I've updated the Smackdown pinup with info regarding Ice.

Smackdown 3 : Dishman

Smackdown 3 : DishmanPopular
SubmitterOCPMore Photos from OCP   Last Update2008/7/17 6:19
Hits3732  Comments13    
Powers/Abilities: Able to teleport dirty crockery and cutlery to their proper storage cupboards with a wave of his hands, cleaning them en route.
History: Mutated by years of washing radioactive fiestaware dishes, long-time comics fan Paul Mahler decided he had to use his "great powers" with "great responsibility" and designed a crimefighting costume, becoming the crimefighting Dishman. Unfortunately, finding crime to fight proved more difficult than he realised, people tended to laugh at his ridiculous costume, his power to clean dishes at a distance proved less than effective as a crime-busting tool, and his fianc?e ditched him because she felt he had become a lunatic.

Oops, forget to mention: Dishman is a Canadian superhero created by John MacLeod.


SMACKDOWN3: PhoenixPopular
SubmitterthestarkillerMore Photos from thestarkiller   Last Update2008/7/15 18:49
Hits3152  Comments11    
This is gonna be great.

Smackdown 3: Ystina, Shining Knight

Smackdown 3: Ystina, Shining KnightPopular
SubmitterGnostic85More Photos from Gnostic85   Last Update2008/7/15 10:21
Hits2824  Comments5    
Born some 10,000 years ago, Ystina (or Justina) was a knight in a long-forgotten court who ended up in the 21st century after literally falling through time. After fighting off supervillains during the Crisis in Metropolis and trying to kill Gloriana Tenebrae during the Harrowing in Manhatten, Justina enrolled in a private school, intending to have some semblance of a normal life, but not long after was sighted among the many heroes who fought against Black Adam during "World War III".

Justina possesses no innate superhuman abilities, but is skilled in the use of swords and has demonstrated remarkable adaptability to unfamiliar situations. Also, she has a flying, talking horse, Vanguard.

With this image, I wanted to spice SK up a little, so I went with a sort of Goth latex slut motif. I'm not sure if this is the final color scheme I'm going to use, but I'm very pleased with how this image came out. I'll post a list of materials later in case someone's interested...

EDIT: Probably should have mentioned that Shining Knight Justina is not my own creation - she was created by Grant Morrison and Simone Bianchi.

SmackDown 3 Pinup: Powergirl

SmackDown 3 Pinup: PowergirlPopular
SubmitterpetercottonMore Photos from petercotton   Last Update2008/7/15 7:36
Hits6800  Comments14    
i was just gonna include the foreground image, but i thought it would look a bit boring, so i added in some test images from the 'Super' Life. Here, enjoy, and lemme know which of the background images you like best.

Powergirl is (C) to DC.

Smackdown 3 Pin-up: Domino

Smackdown 3 Pin-up: DominoPopular
SubmitterMasterchiefMore Photos from Masterchief   Last Update2008/7/15 1:03
Hits3093  Comments13    
Here is my character for the Smackdown.  This isn't your daddies Domino, this Domino is hell bent on causing as much chaos and destruction as possible.
Be afraid be very afraid!

Smackdown 3 - Spiderman *updated

Smackdown 3 - Spiderman *updatedPopular
SubmitterskurgeMore Photos from skurge   Last Update2008/7/14 9:08
Hits2635  Comments7    
Here's Spidey.  

and i changed it.

Smackdown 3: Katma Tui

Smackdown 3: Katma Tui Popular
SubmitterDarkBladeMore Photos from DarkBlade   Last Update2008/7/13 18:33
Hits5892  Comments17    
Let the Smackdownth begin.. ith

Yes this is mine random person on reddit. I did in fact post under many usernames in the past.

Venom for Smackdown #3

Venom for Smackdown #3Popular
SubmitterBiohaz_DaddyMore Photos from Biohaz_Daddy   Last Update2008/7/13 18:33
Hits2940  Comments11    
Kick it!

Smackdown round 4 race to the finish

Smackdown round 4 race to the finishPopular
SubmitterMasterchiefMore Photos from Masterchief   Last Update2007/12/2 9:42
Hits2751  Comments4    
I want to appologize to all of those that were expecting more pics this round from me, work got overwellming and I had to keep pushing back what I could do and couldn't do that is why this is right on the edge of the deadline.  I have enjoyed this Smackdown very much and it has tought me a lot about what I can and can't get done in a time crunch, I look forward to doing this again if there is one, and to all the other contestants I wish you all the best and I look forward to seeing whoever is the winner.  No matter who wins they have earned it this is a true test of what you are able to do, with your work feeding off others to make things flow, it has been an honor.  And to Desslar and the others who wish to see more of Zatanna and Nightmother have no fear a small comic is in the works featuring those two in an adventure fit only for the members gallery!!!
And finally a big thanks to Nightmother herself without her insperation for the character and the prodding to get things done I would have dropped out in the second round  Thanks Babe!!!!!

updating file format to jpg.

Smackdown round 4 part 2

Smackdown round 4 part 2Popular
SubmitterMasterchiefMore Photos from Masterchief   Last Update2007/12/2 9:37
Hits2451  Comments3    
Nightmother figures that if Lady heromorph can inlist the help of heros, so can she.

updating file format to jpg.

Smackdown round 4 part 1

Smackdown round 4 part 1Popular
SubmitterMasterchiefMore Photos from Masterchief   Last Update2007/12/2 9:36
Hits2735  Comments8    
I don't if this qualifies as round 4 or not, if it doesn't please feel free to move it to side story status

updating correcting file format to jpg

Smackdown round 3 part 1

Smackdown round 3 part 1Popular
SubmitterMasterchiefMore Photos from Masterchief   Last Update2007/12/1 14:33
Hits2254  Comments6    
Nightmother heads home to England for round 3

correcting file format to jpg

Smackdown round 3 part 2

Smackdown round 3 part 2Popular
SubmitterMasterchiefMore Photos from Masterchief   Last Update2007/12/1 14:32
Hits2417  Comments5    
Here is part 2 of the 3rd part of Smackdown

correcting file format to jpg

Smackdown: A new wench for Nightmother?

Smackdown: A new wench for Nightmother?Popular
SubmitterGnostic85More Photos from Gnostic85   Last Update2007/11/9 21:57
Hits2534  Comments1    
As she rests in a hotel in Tokyo, Nightmother gets an unexpected visitor...

"You! What do you want?"

"At the end of this contest, I am headed back to a very tiny cell in Drapchi prison. I'd rather not go there. Please help me..."

"... No."

"I mean... I want to serve you with all my heart and body..."

"Better, but I already have a wench. Why should I take you in?"

"Because I'm really, really cute and fuckable?"


"Well, with me, you could have an extra tongue and mouth wherever you need it, allowing Zatanna to focus on sucking your toes..."


Smackdown Round 4 - Mindwave vs. the X-Men Psychics Part 3

Smackdown Round 4 - Mindwave vs. the X-Men Psychics Part 3Popular
Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2007/11/7 22:58
Hits2300  Comments4    
The Mindblowing Conclusion.      

Smackdown Round 4 - Mindwave vs. the X-Men Psychics Part 2

Smackdown Round 4 - Mindwave vs. the X-Men Psychics Part 2Popular
Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2007/11/5 21:03
Hits2462  Comments6    
The Battle Continues...

(Hope that I can finish it before the final due date or this is going to be really anti-climactic   )

Smackdown Round 4 - Mindwave Vs. The X-Men Psychics!

Smackdown Round 4 - Mindwave Vs. The X-Men Psychics!Popular
Submitterdarth_paulMore Photos from darth_paul   Last Update2007/11/1 22:08
Hits2475  Comments5    
Starting her journey back to Heromorph Island, Mindwave is challenged by a group of the X-Men's top psychics.

Photo No. 151-180 (out of 395 photos hit)
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